Science Leads the Way!

Our science, not your science

We were reading through the latest Highlights (for children) in our spacious media room the other day when we chanced upon something rather spurious. Ranger Rick (making a guest appearance, like when Wesley Willis kicked Batman's ass) was telling us about the great circle of life and the food chain. What a load! Man, we may not be of this world or part of your puny earth food chain, but we know that raccoon was full of it. So with a great robotic yawlp we shouted to that bandit-faced rodent "Shove it!" Here then is what the most learned scientists in the freaking universe (our scientists) have determined your food chain to look like, or read like as the case may be.

More about food

Our brainiacs have also tested out many of your human earth foodstuffs. We have come to some chilling conclusions.

The eggheads in the lab have determined -beyond a shadow of a doubt- that if you eat food you will die! Even the type of food devoured made no significant dent in the ultimate consequences. Robot Poindexters have studied the life process of the human and have noticed that among those who began eating in infancy and continued eating throughout childhood, adolescence, and consumerhood, there was a 100% mortality rate. Cyber-nerds reccomend to any human larvae thinking about eating, or someday taking up eating, that they should absolutely not do so! Not eating now, when you are still young, can prevent a lifetime of misery and failure punctuated by moments of extreme pain and discomfit. In the end, our geeks advise you to save yourself the trouble and just not eat.

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Let us know what you think you know!
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Man if you think this was rough on Highlights (for children) you should see what we did to George (for children)

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