Khalsaa Akaalpurakh Kee Fauj||
Pargateo Khalsaa Parmatam Kee Mauj||
Khalsa is the Force of the Almighty||
Khalsa has come forth through the Glory and Will of God||
Words of the Tenth Master, Guru Gobind Singh jee

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa! Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!!


This Internet site is dedicated to the Seekers on the Path of Spirituality who desire and aspire to realize the Pure One and become the Khalsa. Most importantly it is dedicated to Guru Gobind Singh jee, my beloved Father, who gave the elixir of immortality (Amrit) to the Panj Pyaare and then himself knelt before them and asked them to give him Amrit! Hence, the disciple became the Guru and the Guru became the disciple. This is the Khalsa Way!!!

The Khalsa Universe is a tribute to the Khalsa (persian = pure) whose creation was started by the First Sikh Guru, Guru Naanak Dev jee in 1469 and completed by the tenth master, Guru Gobind Singh jee on April 13, 1699. April 13, 1999 was the 300th anniversary of the creation of the Khalsa and was celebrated by Sikhs all over the world in unique ways.

According to the holy words of Guru Gobind Singh ji, the one in whom the Divine Light is illumined, becomes the Khalsa, the Pure. "Pooran Jot Jagai Ghat Mai, Tab Khaalas Taahe Nakhaalas Jaanai||" How can one aspire to become the Khalsa? The first step is to become a disciple, Sikh, of the Guru and take Amrit (Sikh Baptism) as administered by the Panj Pyaare (Five Beloved One) and live by the Sikh code of conduct and follow the Divine teachings as inscribed in the Holy Scripture, Guru Granth Saheb jee. Then the True Guru leads the sincere aspirer to become Khalsa and merge with the Almighty Being.

The unique thing about the Khalsa is that he/she is not only a saint but a warrior as well. The Khalsa is one who has fought all evil within and become pure. The Khalsa is an active force that helps/protects the weak and the oppressed. It is the Khalsa's joyous duty to bring about positive change and peace in the world through Love. Only when all means to bring peace have been exhausted it is considered righteous to raise the sword.


Gatkaa -  The Sikh Martial Art

Keertan Connection


Khalsa on Horseback

Gurbani-Daily Hukam

Baisakhee 1999

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