Three Little Words...

Whispered on the breath of
promise they inspire to soar
a soul.

rebirth of hope from the
ashes of sorrow reborn on
the wings of a silent prayer.

Metamorphasis of despair
christened in the glory of
dulcet tranquility.

The ascension of a dream
buried in the antiquities of
precious memories.

A gift embraced for an elusive
moment in time. A blessed memory
to be forever cherished...

Like an illusion you are lost in
the shadows of a tormented heart.
I loved you from within
the very depths of my soul...

Now you have faded from
my life yet the flames of
rememberence still blaze within
my soul...

You will live in the eyes
of all of the lovers yet to come.
I will look into their soul it will
be you I see, you I feel, you
I touch, you I will always love...

I will soar the winds of Eternity,
desperately seeking ,searching
for the unforgettable inferno
of passion we shared...

To once again ascend the dream,
to bask in the beloved grace.
The Divine Inspiration, the power

of Three Little Words....

copyright � 1997

[Main Page] [Eternity's Song] [Longing] [Sacrifice] [The Reflection of a Soul] [The Touch of a Tear] [She Was But a Dream] [Forgotten] [Remembering] [Miracle] [In Dreams Of You] [Sanctuary] [Midnight Serenade] [Wings Of Love] [A Tear Falls In The Dark] [The Vigil] [Wishes] [A Heart Stolen By Love Is Never Lost] [Awakening] [Midnight Lover] [The Wind] [Interlude]

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