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Lightknight's Population Proof

Overpopulation: Modern Mythology

Many experts today claim the world is overpopulated and that people are running out of places to live. They then go on to quote statistics and astonomical numbers to make their case. A lot of people believe them--and why not--they're experts, right? Well, as the old saying goes, "There are lies; there are Darn lies, and then there are statistics." So I set out to do my own calculations to figure out just how big a problem we're dealing with here. I did calculations for the United States and for the world as a whole. And I found that my results (using population clocks that you can link to below) proved the "overpopulation problem" to be a part of modern mythology perpetrated by the prophets of doom of our generation. But don't just take my word for it; read on and form your own opinion based on all of today's available data.


Estimated World Population at time of calculations:=5,919,532,971

Round figure of World land area:=57,115,500sq.miles

formula- " Area / people = sq.Miles Of Land Per Person"
57,115,500sq.miles / 5,919,532,971 = 0.0096486497sq.miles per persons = 268988.896282sq feet of land per person = 6.17513536001 acres per person

So that means each person living on earth has a little more than 6 acres of land space.

BUT! Assuming each household has 4 people living in it and is given a comfortable 1.5 acre piece of land (which makes 1,479,883,243 families that occupies about 3,468,476.4sq.miles) We would be able to fit everybody in the world in a land mass

Smaller Than Europe.

There would be 53,647,023.6sq.miles of land left in the world.

(area of Europe = 3,850,000sq.miles)

USA All 50 States

Estimated population of United States at time of calculations:=267,918,650

Round figure of United States Land Area:=3,615,211sq.miles

formula-"area / people = sq.miles of land per person
3,615,211sq.miles / 267,918,650 = 0.01349368922 sq.miles per person = 376,182.465619sq.feet of land per person = 8.63596110237 acres per person

So that means each person living in the U.S. has about 8.6 acres of land space.

But! Assuming each household has 4 people and is given a comfortable 1.5 acre pice of land (which makes 66,979,663 families that occupies 156,983.6sq.miles) We would be able to fit everyone in the United States in a land mass

Smaller Than California

and it would leave 3,458,227.4sq.miles of land left in the U.S..

(area of California = 158,693sq.miles)

You could further reduce living space by using space-saving homes (such as high-rise apartments--not everyone wants 1.5 acres to care for anyway), which would reduce the above figures by more than half.

As you can plainly see, there would be *plenty* of room left for business, agriculture, etc. Which raises the question...Those who preach overpopulation--the stats don't add up--what is their agenda? It seems the panic created by the overpopulation myth gives a convenient salve for those consciences that would otherwise question abominal practices like abortion and euthanasia. Let's at least be honest enough to admit that the *real* reasons for abortion and euthanasia boil down to personal convenience. Our society has cultivated an attitude of "looking out for #1" that is detrimental to anyone too weak to pit their strength against the priveleged decision-makers. Such an attitude is also detrimental ultimately to the souls of those who adopt it.

I encourage you to go through my calculations and try to prove me wrong! I'd be happy to discuss any error you may see.

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Thank You Jodi!!

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