
I have, what my friends call, an extremely ecclectic taste in music. From Classical, to Pop, to Alternative. Here's some links to my favourite groups:

Larry Gowans Un-Official Home Page

Lawrence Gowan has been a strong force in my life since I was thirteen. His songs have taken me on a rollarcoaster ride through humanity and left me to think. My favourite of his albums is Moonlight Desires, songs about the spiritual and emotional sides of life. Check it out if you can!

The Indigo Girls

The Indigo Girls music was introduced to me by an extremely good friend of mine (meow damnit!) and I've been hooked since. If anyone has heard their song Centre Stage then you know how powerful their music is.

Dead Can Dance

Dead Can Dance is one of my more favourite groups for cross-cultural and soul stimulating music. Check out their web site and then their music, you won't be sorry!


Now here's a group to meditate by! Enigma 1 is a ride through the soul and Enigma 2 is good for exploring life. I recently got Enigma 3 and it's great! Slightly different from the other two albums but it's powerful in it's own style.

Deep Forest

I got their album Boheme about six months ago and it's already worn out!

Eileen McGann

A teacher at my old High School, Thornlea S.S., turned folk musician. Eileen's music is a wonderful mixture of old traditional songs with new original songs written by Eileen. I have all her albums and have gone to a concert of hers (and planning to do so again!). My daughter just loves her music! So check out her home site or the site below and find a concert date nearest you! You won't be sorry you went!

The Eileen McGann Home Page


write her through e-mail!

Ashley MacIsaac

The musician from Cape Breton makes Bag Pipes do things that no one every thought about!! I first became aware of Ashley MacIsaac while walking through a record store. They started to play his album "Hi! How are you today?" and I fell in love.

Midi Music

As most of my netfriends know by now I'm a collector of midi music. Especially original ones that I've come across on the Web and IRC. Here's a list of some of my favourites so far. If you'd like a copy of some of these artists music just e-mail me or catch me on IRC and I'll send you a copy.

Here's some of my favourite web sites for midi's:

Midi File Central

Midi Files for Download

The Midifarm FTP directory

Reelmusic - the celtic music network

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