Angela Rehrl's Poetry

Angela Rehrl's Poetry

Hello all! I want to thank you for coming here. First, a little history:
Angela is a very special friend of mine. We met about 500 years ago or so (okay, so I don't really remember when we met), and we have been friends ever since. When we first met she read me a poem that she had written, and I thought it was very good. Little did I know she actually had talent! She has written many poems, stories, satires, and general stuff like that. She is an intelligent woman who is a pretty darned good writer too. (Especially for a blonde!) So I have decided to post her stuff here for the world to read, because she is MUCH too shy to actually post it herself. So, here they are. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have!

Men Are Scary: This is a very funny satire about the relationship between men and women. If you are a women's libber, you will love this. If you are a guy, you might want to make sure that your sense of humor is on high before you read here. It is very cute.

Dawn Of Love: A wonderful (yet sad) poem about a woman who's heart belongs to a man, yet he falls in love with another.

Calling Darkness: A sad poem about a mom.....

Untitled: This poem isn't titled, but it is still really good.

Serial Killers: A poem about the TRUE Serial Killers.

Haikus: Haikus are non-rhyming poems with 3 lines and 17 syllables.

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