Muddy Waters #8

A Tale of Neo-Fascism in America's Rural Population

Weird Thought No. 1
I've come to several conclusions.
Untitled No. 2
Untitled No. 3
Untitled No. 4
"Song of the Jellicles" by T.S. Elliot
Second Not-Anual Restaurant Review

Intro: As the cover suggests, this issue is totally dedicated to the recent surge in Neo-Fascism in the predominately rural areas of the United States of America. No it's not. I'm lying. It's only on the cover because I had a picture of a cow and a turkey and I had to do something funny with them. I'm sorry I've had to waste your time, but while you're here why don't you get around to the rest of the 'zine? I'm sure it'll do you some good....

Many of you reading now are wondering, "What is this?" Then I'll tell you that it's just an independent literary journal published whenever I get the chance. "Why do you do it?" many ask, usually those who do not write regularly. And I'll answer simply, "Because I want to." Many things I write are understandable only to me and a few others who think like me, and I am in search of these people. That's why I do it. I want to form a secret society where those who have always felt inferior to everyone else and have driven themselves to introspective studies can discuss and interact. As of now this "secret society" has a membership of one. We have meetings whenever we're depressed and angry at ourselves. Most of the time we deliberate over the fact that everything is awful and there is no hope for the world. But sometimes we go out to meet people just to reassure ourselves that nobody wants to be around us. Once we've been thoroughly ignored, it comes time to go back to our dank basement hideout and feel lonely. It is actually quite a fascinating experience.
And for those of you who already know what you're reading, sorry for the delay. I've been wrapped up in all sorts of things and just haven't had the time to write. But if I happened to get some contributions now and then it might help. Ok, on with the show...

Weird Thought No. 1:
What color is everything? Why are things the color that they are? If they were different colors we really wouldn't notice because that's the color they would have always been, right? And going further, Maybe I see red the same as you see green. If I were to look through your eyes, would everything be the same? Everything could have it's own universal frequency and we only perceive differently because of our body chemistry. Maybe everything is perceived uniquely by everyone. My feeling of pain could be your feeling of love. My love could be your indifference. And sound. What if everyone hears things differently. If I could listen through someone else's ears, I might have a whole new outlook on music. But if I had always listened that way there'd be no difference at all. It's all very wacky.

I've come to several conclusions. My philosophoric tendencies have been catching up with me these past few months. I have been pondering, as every other human has (or should), about everything that happens in a normal day. And what exactly would you call a normal day? But to bypass the explanation of the meaning of "normal" (which was somewhat discussed in the rare "M.W. #1"), I have been wondering exactly how important things come about. How do people decide they want to be presidents and college professors and Civil War generals and most of all what makes people decide to fall in love. I'm at a point in my life when love a foreign emotion. Of course I am loved by family and friends and the church and its meaning, but I feel a void. Somewhere in me there is a place for someone extraordinary. Someone who makes me forget about everything, someone who I can talk to whenever I don't feel like the world is going with me, someone who will tell me I'm wonderful and then go out with me and the guys and still have fun with all of us. There is a space for someone who will build a house with me and then go to all the thrift and antique stores within a reasonable radius to find stupid things to display in our new house. There's a space for someone who will tell me I'm stupid from time to time and laugh at me from time to time and help me find the perfect word. I never have been a poet. In Our Town, Wilder says that only saints and poets have the ability to grasp what living and eternity is all about. I don't think I'm a saint and I don't know of any that live around here. But when love helps two people find one another, I don't see how they can't be a poet together. But then this brings me back to my original question: How do such things begin? How are two people brought together? Maybe no one knows. Maybe no one wants to know. It's like music. I've always loved music, but it wasn't until recently that I understood that music, something so special and spiritual in my life, is nothing but a bunch of chords arranged in a certain way so as to produce an effect. I realized what music is and all the magic disappeared. But as I began working with all the chords and began arranging them in a certain way so as to produce an effect, I found how great a thing music can be. All the magic came back and then I knew what music is. And I've thought about love and all its magic. How you love once and find that your muse isn't so interested in the same things as you. All the magic in your life is gone. But then you have to first understand all the underlying chords before you really understand what music is. I only wish for one thing: to be truly loved by someone who I truly love. I want to show someone how happy it makes me to write a poem.

Through the wall I hear you laughing
You're so special I don't like you
You will always be my only friend
No end
-Curt Kirkwood

Untitled No. 2:
The whipping end: so attractive, so comfortable. Three together: one to be ambivalent, one to secure his thought, and one to admire the forbidden places. To what extent will I be ignored? It would be so natural. There. Both the same height, weight, preference. Pink water. Toe colored like a day of summer rain and a few ribbons find their way to the sky. A flood navigates it's way through stinging rivets of body and soul. To purge the lover is to condone his obsolete form. And accept the security.
And when? Old men don't wait to be discovered. They have and didn't win, it can't be upon them: no misdeed. It has to be here. Ich m�chte dich lieben. Ich soll dich lieben. Jezt. Es kann nicht sein. A burnt connection and a flexive reflection of selves upon shelves: these are the golden things. Gott tr�gt mich. Aber, uns... Still steel conclusions lead to realization. No one can tell the lover. No mannerisms, only the imagined goal. Only death to be constable. Friendship is small to those with an empty possibility. Three together: one to be torture, one to be ruined, one to be left behind.

Untitled No. 3:
A greasy beautiful voice pours out into the street. My head is guided to her, and I see angels. I'm surrounded by a multitude of voice and her and angels. She is music, love, and a prostitute of my affections. She enters me and drives its being into another dimension. She is music, love, angelic, and the band plays on while I'm surrounded by all I've ever wanted. I sit at the closest table and feel willingly violated. She is violet. She is lavender. She is black. She is greasy music, and the band plays on. Faintingly I hear the angels and can't distinguish between them and the seductress. The stage is at my knee; her foot is on the stage. I reach and touch an angel.

Untitled No. 4:
And his voice strayed a bit to admonish. And his hand never lost its thought for a second. A pump went dry and all he could do was watch. A flood full of cranberries in a flood full of cranberries in me. The fruit flies high above the tree and burns his wings and falls to the sea.

"The Song of the Jellicles"
by my good friend, T.S. Elliot

Jellicle Cats come out to-night
Jellicle Cats come one come all;
The Jellicle Moon is shining bright-
Jellicles come to the Jellicle Ball.

Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats are rather small;
Jellicle Cats are merry and bright,
And pleasant to hear when they caterwaul.
Jellicle Cats have cheerful faces,
Jellicle Cats have bright black eyes;
They like to practise their airs and graces
And wait for the Jellicle Moon to rise.

Jellicle Cats develop slowly,
Jellicle Cats are not too big;
Jellicle Cats are roly-poly,
They know how to dance a gavotte and a jig.
Until the Jellicle Moon appears
They make their toilette and take their repose:
Jellicles wash behind their ears,
Jellicles dry between their toes.

Jellicle Cats are white and black,
Jellicle Cats are of moderate size;
Jellicles jump like a jumping-jack,
Jellicle Cats have moonlit eyes.
They're quiet enough in the morning hours,
They're quiet enough in the afternoon,
Reserving their terpsichorean powers
To dance by the light of the Jellicle Moon.

Jellicle Cats are black and white,
Jellicle Cats (as I said) are small;
If it happens to be a stormy night
They will practise a caper of two in the hall.
If it happens the sun is shinning bright
You would say they had nothing to do at all:
they are resting and saving themselves to be right
For the Jellicle Moon and the Jellicle Ball.

Second Not-Anual Restaurant Review

After virtually finishing this issue I noticed that it was kinda boring to read if you aren't me. So here it is, the Second (not annual) Muddy Waters Restaurant Review. In this section, I try to unbiasly judge the cuisine at various "budget" restaurants (while some+ are only found in Catawba County, NC, those of you not from the area can enjoy the humor at least). It seemed to me that all of us of lower to middle class backgrounds who earn only the minimum wage required by law (or less in some cases) need this sort of information when we plan nights of teenage destruction. So please do not take this wholesome information for granted (note: some opinions may have changed since last time. It's my digestive tract talking):

Callahan's Cafe
Located on the square in Newton

I've loved this place ever since it opened a few years ago. Everything is cheap and good. There's a wide assortment of traditional southern breakfasts and lunches to choose from, and nothing on the menu is more than five dollars. And the staff, although some may be aged and unaccustomed to the younger generation, is the most agreeable in the unifour. Although not open at night or on Sunday and only for breakfast on Saturday, it's a great place to eat for only a few bucks. For info call: (704) 465-0059

Located on the same road as the Carolina Theater in Hickory

Here's a nice place to sit. The food is too expensive for my budget, but the assorted coffees are only one dollar when you want it. The best time to go is when there isn't a band playing. It's not that they aren't good (some are), but it costs an extra two bucks and you can only stand it for a couple of hours. All in all, just go when nobody's there and play chess with your buddy. It costs nothing. Oh, and the toilets!! They have the most high- powered toilets in Hickory. Upon flushing, the water ripples for a few milliseconds while a grumbling rises steadily from the bowels of the beast. Then suddenly, the filth seemingly drops from its fixed position and is immediately replaced by fresh stuff. It's such an awfully graceful experience. If you go to Drips' for any reason, go for the toilets. They're a must-see.

The Mall
If you do for some reason insist on wandering aimlessly in "The Mall," and begin to feel a bit hungry, check out the cheap and efficient crew at Corn Dog 7. They have Corn Dogs for less, especially if you know someone who works there (nudge, nudge). But even if you don't, there is always a chance for some kinda discount. Just show 'em your legs.

Andy's house
Undisclosed location

Andy is one of my good friends, and friends are always welcome, right? If you just munch a bit on some chips or cheese nips or something it's free, and you have a chance to socialize with whoever might be there. And on certain weekends when seemingly nothing is going on, Andy's band, "SON," practices in the basement, allowing for free entertainment and food. And his parents are nice too. For more information about "SON" (a band who I've only heard play two cover songs; the rest are all original, and there are a whole bunch of 'em) call Andy at: 464-4968. They are available for gigs as long as it's somewhere in the Hickory area.

Golden Corral
Located on L-R Blvd.

Too much to pay for the nasty quality of the food. I've only been here a couple of times and once I had a free meal coupon and it still wasn't worth the gas to drive there. And with a name like Golden Corral, why would you want to go there in the first place? Stay away.

Mister Omelet/Waffle House
Various Locations throughout the US
Now here is one of the best values for us younger and/or lower class citizens. It may be nasty and your waitress might have facial hair and a muscular build, but the food isn't all that bad. Good for breakfast any time of the day, and the hashbrowns can be served seven different ways!! Open 24 hours a day, this is certainly the ideal place for a night meal when you and your friends are arguing over where to eat when you only have three dollars collectively. I have no idea why this was left out of the review last time, it must have slipped my mind. I apologize.

Taco Bell
Various Locations

I had previously reported that Taco Bell was the best value for your buck last time. Well this still may be true, but you still have to keep in mind that Mexican food, especially fast Mexican food, can cause mucho destruction in the digestive area. It seems every time I have, say, anything from Taco Bell, my bowels tell me I shouldn't have. And to repeat an already over-used pun, I do run for the border every other hour for a week. But it's still very cheap and quite filling if you can put up with the consequences.

Well that's it. I hope you've enjoyed my new review. If there's anything that I've left out or any other needed additions, just send comments to the regular address. Thanks.

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