Muddy Waters #7

A Continuing Love Story

"One unversed in such matters can have no notion of the many
and tragic things that can happen to a chicken."
-Sherwood Anderson

I have a sad tale to tell.
I received a pack of 30 plastic, phosphorescent stars
He dragged himself out of everything.
A Joke
Brand-Spankin'-New Book Review Section:
by Amanda Abel
You're trapped on an island with nothing for entertainment except old Richard Simmons videos and a Barry White record.
-inadvertantly by Jennifer and Scott

by Sammy
As with chickens, we humans also stare into the ugly face of "change" every day, or at least we'd like to. But is change really all that ugly? Let's take your life apart and examine it before and after change.
You wake up in the morning to find that yet again you are expected to get up early to go to a job you hate so you can make money to pay off the bills so you won't be in debt so you can have good credit so you can pay for more stuff with the money that you earn from going to work. Oh no, that's not at all boring. . .
Let's assume by some weird occurrence that your life can change:

You wake up at 4:30 instead of 6:00 because the FBI is chasing those darned Colombians through your kitchen. When finally you do get to sleep, it's not the cat who wakes you up, but Elvis himself, straight from a Russian spy mission, comes barging into bed with you and demands Chex Mix� and orange Kool Aid� before he will reveal the secret codes. You politely tell him to get the #&%$ out of your house when the cat finally does come to wake you up. But it's one of those demon cats (like in "Pet Cemetery"). When the priest is paid and all the blood and rhinestones are cleaned up you can finally get some sleep -- but wait!! It's already 7:15!! You're late and the boss is really ticked off. He's so mad that he starts firing people who even remotely look like you. So this starts that whole "disgruntled" thing. Anyway by the time all the snipers are hauled away and you don't have to worry about that big presentation today at work, you realize that here's a good chance to go shopping. You think, "What do I need at the store? Hmmm...!! I'll make a list!" Upon placing the pen in writing position, it bleeds profusely all over your new jumpsuit, a gift from Elvis for all your help. You curse the pen with powers you never knew you had, but as a result of your face being badly mangled by the cat, you say, "I curse you profusely, Bleadink Bhean," instead of, "I curse you, profusely bleeding pen." Too bad. You've just hexed Bleadink Bhean, the German Minister of Agriculture. Bleadnik immediately falls ill with an acute inflammation of the liver. With the good Mr. Bhean out of the way, farm animals lead a revolt in Germany which quickly spreads to all neighboring European countries and finally to the good ol' U.S.A. But not only are farm animals influenced to attack their oppressors, but also pets take control of households all over the world. With yours as no exception, the demon cat returns to rule your neighborhood. Clad in a loincloth and quietly polishing his toenails, you murmur to yourself, "Hey, change isn't all that bad. I'll have to do this again tomorrow."
See just how much more exciting your life can be if there's just a little change every now and then? Of course I'm not saying that you should change everything just because it works for me and every other normal (and/or weird) person who has ever lived. Be yourself and let change come to you.

I have a sad tale to tell. In issue #5 I (and my faithful correspondent) gallantly reported on Kentucky Fried Chicken and their wonderful barbecue chicken sandwich. Unfortunately, one Sunday afternoon, not long ago, I pulled up to the KFC drive-thru and requested two barbecue chicken sandwiches. The distorted voice on the other end of the microphone/speaker thing replied, "We don't carry that anymore, can I get you anything else?" I was devastated. My eyes began to blur, my hands began to shake. Then I ordered a chicken pie that they make instead of the sandwiches and it wasn't all that bad and I felt better. I guess it wasn't a sad story after all.

I received a pack of 30 plastic, phosphorescent stars from a close friend. I was quite overjoyed since we share a mutual interest in the heavens and waited a while pondering what constellation(s) I should recreate on my ceiling. After a day of thought, I broke my neck to tape Orion and Leo above my bed; 22 for the hunter and 6 for Leo (with two left over). Why Orion? If anyone knows anything of Orion, they know he is a powerful man. Why Leo? Leo is a Lion. Lions are beautiful. They may have long manes or short manes, but they're always beautiful. The shape of their bodies is so streamlined yet still more powerful and agile than almost any other animal on land. I believe lions are the embodiment of perfection in the animal world. The female lion can be especially fierce. When threatened, her emotional and physical response can be compared to that of a school of sharks. She will stand her ground to the death, never releasing her position... unless influenced by a large male, and even then she will still act somewhat belligerent; but usually she has the say-so in the romantic relationship. She makes a friendship with the male that lasts a lifetime. She will follow him in whatever he does, and she will never question his judgement unless she is convinced she is right. She rarely ever leaves the harem, but if she should wander off or be left behind on some strange occasion, she will always love him at a distance.

He dragged himself out of everything. He anticipated, but nothing. He descended. Everyone was there among the trash and skyscrapers. No one was hurt or dying, although some were hurt and others were dying but aside from that, everyone was in perfect health. Upon emerging from his friends he saw an old friend of his waving from above. He climbed again to find him but no one was there. He glanced back and his friend waved from the middle. It seemed he had climbed too high; overcalculated. He tried to go back down but faltered on the way and the ground rushed him and he daintily relaxed on the eternal asphalt. He seemed like such a nice man. Not many mourned. And he noticed others looking around, anathematizing the unconquerable face, remembering what they had for lunch today, remembering why they can't spell tomorrow. He made a note: "They lament themselves."

A Joke (reprinted in revised form from Antic Dispositions: Vol. 2, Issue 3):

A man walks into a bar with a Koala bear under his arm. The bartender asks, "What's the Koala bear for?" The man responds, "It's for company. It gets pretty lonely stumbling through life with no one by your side. I'm so lonely. I wish I were dead..."

Brand-Spankin'-New Book Review Section:

By Dorianne Laux
Now, I'm no scholar or anything, but I know what I like and I know what's real, and Awake by Dorianne Laux certainly meets this criteria. This is Dorianne's first book of poetry published by Boa Editions, Ltd. in 1990. Here I find a poet who has actually lived through life whereas most of us have only lived in life. And she writes of life all in terms of pain, compassion, and love. Unlike others of her ilk, Ms. Laux has accomplished the feat of telling dark, beautiful, and spiritual stories using words that anyone can understand. Be he dumb as a brick or intelligent enough not to think of the Lone Ranger when he hears the "William Tell Overture," he can understand the poems contained in this wonderful piece of literature. She writes of the world and all parts of it, good, bad and ugly. The first section of the book deals with Laux's childhood, family, and friends and her feelings toward them. In the first poem, "Ghosts," she writes:

A woman appears beneath his feet, borrows
paint, takes it onto her thin brush
like a tongue. Her sweater is the color
of tender lemons. This is the beginning
of their love, bare and simple
as that wet room.

Then she goes on about the first time she loved and how she felt about it, as any good poet would, but with such an honest innocence. Throughout the next two sections (for a total of three!), she delves into the trials, tribulations, and gratification of motherhood and lots more reality. I'm sure that Dorianne Laux has to be on of the better poets of my lifetime although she does use a lot of big words sometimes that really don't fit the overall emotion of the point she's trying to get across; but this is the only problem I have with her style. I really am looking forward to another book of her poetry if there's going to be one (or maybe there already is one.. who knows?), and I suggest that you go to the library and check out this one. But I do warn you that some subject matter is a bit graphic and may make you nauseous at times, but I like that. Reality is always nauseous.

by Kathleen

She imagined me
Morphine Green, chalky, powerless
worlds without lessons
there were ecclesiastical shrines
pronounced in the corners of a room full of glass
How many wax faces
whined down to little smudges of handles
she caressed without notice
and ate them away
A heathen, they tell me
walking in bare feet, examining flesh
but I felt a spirit in my room last night
whispering in a child-like breathlessnes
and blue light made me breathe
Foods in dark taverns barreling into the street
little men--they kept their distance
and she walked the street
humming the moment she found locked in a jar
the ashes that smudged her
marred the gray stone that held me still
but still
clung to her forehead like the eyes
made of glass
and her flowers whirled about her
as if they forgot.

by Amanda Abel
Sitting on a dock by the water's side I looked up and saw the moon. Its solid white glow so beautiful against the darkness. And then I glimpsed its reflection in the water. It looked like a pearl, with an undefined brilliance everchanging. And, as I looked up from the water, I decided that in a strange way, that's what love is. something beautiful that cannot be stilled long enough to understand. You have to just enjoy it, and bask in it while you have the chance. And when it's shattered, you can only marvel at it without real comprehension, unless by chance, you find it again someday.

You're trapped on an island with nothing for entertainment except old Richard Simmons videos and a Barry White record. Trapped with you are an old, overweight woman and a sarcastic man who likes to play golf. What do you do?

Commit suicide.

Okay. You aren't very imaginative here. I'm trying desperately to avoid coma-state, and you aren't helping

Who's Barry White? I would make the fat lady dance to the Richard Simmons videos and have the sarcastic man heckle her while I try and figure out who Barry White is.

Barry White is a large black version of Tom Jones and Marvin Gaye. Well, not a black version of M. Gaye--he is balck, but you get the idea. I would take the guy's golf stuff, including the groovy clothes, and practice the game. Naked and bored, the man will walk around the island searching for his stuff and find the fat lady exercising. One thing will lead to another (he is a good lookking sarcastic man, and they are listening to Barry White) and there will be some fat sarcastic children. I'll use my nine-iron and shoot them over the rillly large water hazard and onto land. They will cry and look generally repulsive until someone will figure it out and come and save me.

Too complicated Too much time invloved. Strap the man and woman together and float to shore on them.

Yeah but he might make fun of her and then she'd cry and fill my make-shift raft, and we'd drown.

No, because you'll choke the fat lady with the record, and tie the man to a tree with video tape.

Now you're just being silly. How do you choke someone with a record?

I'm being silly?!? We're both being silly becuase we're bored out of our minds. You said she was fat. The record is force fed. I guess whe would have to be really fat or something.

Okay, so am I floating across the ocean on two corpses now? It isn't very sanitary, and it would smell pretty bad.

They won't be dead! Only dazed a little.

Okay, the match is almost over now. Look! My blow-pop is haped like Elvis...

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