Chapter Twenty Five

(Continuation of the letter in Chapter Twenty Four)



Great Teachings and Prophesies in the Bible
Lesson I
Can we believe the Bible?

I also desired to see some of the things you said in regards to the New Testament, yet I had no desire to take the full course.

The first question in Lesson I was, "Who inspired man to write the Bible?" and by the context, you made it abundantly clear you expected God as the answer, so that was the one I gave.

As a reference to this and to substantiate your claim, you gave 2 Timothy 3:16. the Encyclopedia Btitannica states as a fact that these letters, while they were mentioned as early as 180 C.E., do not appear among the letters in P.46. It further states that Church offices are more developed in these letters than at the time of Paul. Also biographical notes about Paul's journeys contradict his own letters and the account in Acts. The Encyclopedia Britannica gives a date of composition of 200 C.E. This makes the letters known as the pastoral letters inadmissible as anything but evidence of forgery within the early Church. I personally believe the letters were written by none other than Irenaeus. To elaborate why I hold no reverence for these letters I might add that the greatest candidate I see for an Antichrist is Irenaeus.

His attacks on people who interpreted the message of Christians that believed different than him are so filled with falsehoods and outright lies that he cannot be described as anything but a liar.

In other words, this source as the inspiration of the writing of the Bible is invalid. The other source you give as reference to the authorship of the Bible is 2 Peter 1:21. The Encyclopedia Britannica tells us the letters of Peter are pseudonymous. 2 Peter is given a date of composition around 150 C.E. Neither of your examples are admissible as material which qualify as authentic or divine. The fact that you may like what it says about the authorship of the Bible does not alter this fact. That you prove the authorship of the Bible by letters which are themselves forgeries, raise some different questions.

Question 2, "How does the Bible show Gods superiority over all other beings?" and you indicate the answer you are looking for is prophesy. What comes to mind is that no other being now or ever has been capable of the evil which the God of the Old Testament demonstrated. I did not think you would have appreciated it and went with yours. You give Isaiah 46:9 as your reference, where the God says he will do all his pleasure, and indeed he will.

He had no thought for anyone but himself as evidenced by the material of the Bible. Furthermore, I cannot find a single prophesy which was fulfilled other than when he spoke of the evil which he would do. Man is good, and it is demonstrated by the fact that he is able to find anything good in the Deity. You yourselves would have to be extremely good to justify the God's actions.

Question 3, "What influence does the bible have on those who prayerfully study it?" What came to mind was that they get brainwashed, but as I felt you would frown on such an answer I gave an uplifting experience. Now that made me cringe. It is not uplifting to read about the things this lord did even to his prophets. See for example Ezek. 24:16-18. "Son of Man, behold, I take away the desire of thine eyes with a stroke: yet neither shalt thou mourn nor weep, neither shall thy tears run down ... So I spake unto the people in the morning: and at even my wife died; and I did in the mourning as I was commanded."

Your claim that the Bible brings cleanliness is invalid. At no time in history has Man lived in filthier surroundings than after Christianity was established in Europe. The filth of the people was given as the reason for the devastation of the plague.

Your claim that the Bible transfers debased sinners into saints is wishful thinking at best. Your faith teaches Man evil. This is an evil teaching and as a result, one is more likely to be cheated by a Christian than a non-Christian. Non-Christians have no excuse for unethical behavior like the Christians do.

Your claim that the Bible replaces ignorance with knowledge is the wrong way around. It replaces knowledge with ignorance. When people are supposed to believe something whether it is right or wrong in their own minds, they become ignorant. Your statement that barbarous practices cease in the wake of the Bible is the most erroneous of all. No religion other than Islam which is based on the same dragon has ever been guilty of practices more barbarous than the Christians. As an example, I can mention the burning of innocent infants as witches by a cruel and heartless Church.

Your past is a part of you like my past is a part of me. The excuse that you no longer practice witch burning is invalid. Your real qualities are best exemplified by your conduct when you were at the zenith of your power. People did not tolerate the outrageous crimes of the Church and forced a reformation. This again indicated the fact that Man in reality is saner and more ethical than the Church he is supposed to follow.

Question 4, "Does science contradict the word of God?" Yes, innumerable examples could be given, the fact that the earth is round is one. Your theology thought originally the theory that the sun at night illuminated the underworld. That you change your teachings to accommodate scientific knowledge is the greatest indication of all that science contradicts the word of God.

Question 5. Here you state that the words of God have been cast as silver from the furnace of the Earth, and they will be preserved forever. To illustrate your point, you quote Psalm 12:6-7. We learn from Ugarit that Psalm 12:6 comes from Yammu. Yammu's word shall not stand forever, and as I should have already amply illustrated the word in the Bible is about as divine as acne. The Bible itself teaches the tales from "before Abraham" came from the religions on the other side of the flood, so there is not the teachings of one God in it, and the God of Jesus is not at all the same God as in the OT.

Question 6, "How does history confirm that the Bible shall stand forever?" It does not. You continuously update the writings and interpretations of the Bible. Evil does not conquer truth thus when the truth is exposed, the Bible will no longer be relied on as anything divine. The problem has been that due to the destructions meted out by the early Church, the truth has not been available. Also, it should be mentioned that had we worshipped according to the original versions of the Old Testament, we would have worshipped the Canaanite Gods, the Babylonian Gods and the Sumerian Gods.

Question 7, "Why was the Bible written?" Obviously, it was written to confuse and destroy the Spirit of Man. It brought about a corrupt teaching which debased Man and made him comparable to the animals. It teaches Man he is a sinner which is a lie, thus making him subservient to base natural instincts. Man is more than a mere body. Bodies have lusts and desires which are beneath Man. When Man thinks he is a body, those base instincts become his and he is humiliated and controlled.

To illustrate your point, you use Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth his handiwork." The original here is, "Baal who rideth upon the clouds and watereth the earth" as indicated by the material from Ugarit.

To illustrate the point further, you quote Romans 1:20. For a proper knowledge of this particular verse, I suggest you see "Paul and the Dead sea Scrolls," edited by Murphy o'Connor and James H. Charlesworth. Further indications identify this with Gnostic philosophy.

To identify those things which are invisible by those which are visible is Gnostic philosophy whereby it is asserted that the visible universe is but a poor copy of the invisible and superior universe which is the home of the real essence of the Soul which Man is. John 1:9, "That was the true Man which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." is undeniably a Gnostic statement. That light I call the Luma in order to distinguish it from visible light.

It is that Life Force which is readily observed in the eyes of the alert. As you are aware, the Gnostic utterly rejected the Old Testament identifying the God of the Old Testament as an evil deity intent on trapping the Light spoken of in John 1:9. I am glad to see you use some Gnostic philosophy.

Next, you quote John 20:31. This verse has been altered. It should read, "But these things are written that ye might believe that Jesus is the son of Man; and that believing ye might have eternal life." This goes with what just preceded it, John 20:29, "Jesus said unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed." I should not have to state this philosophy also is Gnostic. Thomas has seen the real Jesus which is the invisible Jesus and not the physical apparition which is the mere garment of the real Spirit. Then you go on to quote another two known forgeries in the Bible, Timothy and 2 Peter. I do not regard these forgeries as anything special and will not discuss them.

Question 8. Here you discuss the proper attitude toward Biblical studies. I would have said "critically," but because of various reasons I said cover to cover, leaving out critically in front. Matthew 11:25, Luke 10:21 and others can be related to the Gnostic Gospel according to Thomas (No.4). It has been slightly altered but is unmistakably derived from this manuscript. The Christians do not admit that the Gospel of Thomas was the source as can well be imagined. They state instead that both the Gospel of Matthew and the synoptic gospels of Mark and Luke came from a separate yet common source of sayings referred to as Q. Q is short for Quelle, German for source.

Next you refer to Proverbs 2:3-6. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Proverbs are collected sayings which comes from Man's experience with Life, none of which can be dated as far back as Solomon. It should however be mentioned that many of the proverbs strikingly resemble proverbs of the Sumerians. The Proverbs cannot be used to demonstrate the accuracy of Christianity. They can be used to illustrate the fact that Man learns through his experiences within the physical universe, and that he can relate the learning to future generations.

Next, you quote James,1:5-7. James is not really a Christian epistle. It contains advice such as was common at the time of Jesus, and could just as easily have been written by a Greek having no knowledge of Jesus or a Gnostic thinker. The reference to Christ in verse one does not make it Christian as this could easily have been added later. To earnestly seek advice from the God could have been advice to any one of the innumerable denominations of the area, Christian and otherwise. I am glad you like the advice given here. That it does not validate your God is of no consequence.

Question 9, "Will you endeavor to study Gods word daily?" I answered yes, as it is not far from the truth. As I see it, the word of God is a mental image concept of real truth. God is a concept more akin to that of the Greek philosophers. Knowledge, as the Greeks stated, does free the Spirit, and freedom of the Spirit is a reward no belief in a physical resurrection can match.

The Christian Church believes that the Soul and the Spirit die along with the body. These are then as a unit resurrected in the last days. The Greek and Gnostic philosophers held that the death of the body freed the Soul and Spirit of Man from the physical trap. Today's innumerable near death experiences of Soul traveling and other spiritual manifestations all contradict the Biblical theories and validate the Greek and Gnostic beliefs.

Lesson II
Prophesy unveils the Future

Question 1, "How did God reveal the future to Nebuchadnezzar?" Here you refer to this as one of the most thrilling prophesies of the Bible. Daniel 2:29-35. According to your scriptures, Daniel lived at the time of Nebuchadnezzar. Earlier, I showed a little about what the E.B. stated about the dream which keeps being added on to. In fact, the dream did not originally go beyond the Greeks and you know it.

There is no longer any reason to dupe people with it. Daniel dates way back and he is known from as far back as the Ugarit documents. There, he is described as a just and righteous person. Daniel in Ugarit is an official interpreter of dreams and of history and we see him functioning in the same fashion in the many documents ascribed to him, such as 4QpsDan Ar from the caves at Qumran.

The just Daniel has also been likened to the just Job. While there are distinct differences, there are also similarities and Daniel could have been the extension of Job. Now it should be made clear Job came from Ur and his tradition also goes on to Haran, the two seats of the worship of the same moon God of Abraham's father, Terah. Job's mission was to further the knowledge of the cult of the Moon God and bring converts.

The Moon God of Terah would of course also have been known to Abraham and his son, and a legitimate question would be if this moon God was not also the God of Abraham. This cannot be answered either affirmative or negative. He worshipped Elohim. Elohim was the only name for God in the entire book of Genesis, and the meaning is "The Gods." He did worship the God most high according to the epithets of the scriptures but this could have been a later addition. I personally believe, and have reasons to believe Abraham could have worshipped En-Ki whose seat was not far from Ur. Other indications are that he worshipped Bel who was the same as En-Lil of the Sumerians and El, or the "God Most High" of the Canaanites. It cannot however be ruled out as a possibility that Abraham worshipped the Moon God Nanna/Sin, and if we were to find evidence that his reason for leaving Haran was because he was to have conducted missionary work for the moon God, this would then virtually be an assurance that Nanna/Sin was his God.

Since the manuscripts at Qumran make it abundantly clear that Daniel worshipped Nanna/Sin this is another indication the God of Abraham was the same as his father, the moon God.

in Josh. 24:2, Joshua is told by his God that the forefathers, among them Terah the father of Abraham, lived on the other side of Euphrates and worshipped other Gods. This is not proof that Abraham also did not worship the same God as his father. The God of Joshua was clearly not the God of Abraham or any other patriarchs of Genesis. Even though Israel got his name supposedly by this God, we see Jacob being referred to as Jacob and not Israel in later years when he comes to Egypt. The Part where Jacob gets his new name does look like an addition (Gen. 32:28). However, one thing is certain and that is the fact that no matter who Abraham worshipped, he knew the Sumerian Job legend. Whether he used it to gain converts or incorporated it into his own beliefs would be hard to determine.

At any rate, the dream which Nabonidus has is originally of four metals comprising four kingdoms as does the four beasts coming out of the sea in Dan. 7:1-27. The origin of these is Persian. They represent Assyria, Media, Persia and Macedonia.

The Daniel written in 160-170 B.C.E. and brought forward to us substitutes Babylon for Assyria. For more information you might study the Danielic literature from Qumran.

As regards Daniel, if his predictions had come true, it would have been at the end of the Greek period. It had no Roman Kingdom and not only was the Roman Empire added, but you managed somehow to squeeze the divided kingdoms of Europe in there. It was asked how we know the prophesies of God are divine. It was asked how scientific and perfect the word of God was. The illustration of the additions to Daniel to extend the prophesies for an extended 2,000 plus years is a true indication of the divinity of your God. You add and subtract to fit your theological concepts into today's situations. Had there really been anything divine within the teachings, this would not have been necessary.

Question 2, "What did the King see in his dream?" The truth is the king saw the figure of a man. The later Church altered the metals with which the man was made up, and the kings which Daniel said these metals represented. This was done to prevent the prophesies of the God from being demonstrated to be wrong. If the prophesies were merely wrong, it would not have been so bad. The fact that the Church altered these prophesies in order to prevent the people from knowing they were wrong made it a crime.

Question 3, "Who alone can accurately predict the future?" Here you indicated the correct answer was God. True enough, a divine being is the only one who can accurately predict the future. Instead of pushing your theories to limits they cannot hold because in fact no prophetic predictions of your God has come about other than those written in retrospect, you could ask how such individuals as Nostradamus correctly predicted things of the future. You cannot say his inspiration came from your God who could not accurately predict anything. The reason is that Nostradamus was a Son of Man, a spiritual being, and his divine revelations were superior to those of your Deity.

Question 4, "What great empire did the head of gold represent?" You indicated you wanted Babylon as the answer. This is wrong. The head represented Assyria, and if you deny it, you willfully lie. That the Bible has been revised to reflect Babylon is not a justification to continue the blatant misrepresentation. An honest Church would be one that corrects the errors.

Question 5, "What part represented the breast?" The answer is Media.

Question 6, "Which was the third world empire?" The correct answer is Persia.

Question 7, "The legs of iron represented Rome, true or false?" False, the fourth empire represented the Macedonian empire.

Question 8, "Which world empire followed Rome?" Rome was not represented by this statue, yet you desired a divided Europe to be given as an answer by the pupils. In fact, if you are following the logic, the empire which followed the Macedonian empire could have been perceived as the Roman empire, and it would have been a fifth empire which is not allowed by the book of Daniel.

Question 9, "What is the condition of the world after the break up of Rome?" This should have been after the fall of the Macedonian empire. The time could have been described as that of divided kingdoms, including that of Rome which came after, yet it does not really fit the prophesy.

Question 10, "According to Daniel, which great future event will take place." Here you wanted the answer that God would set up his Kingdom. The true answer is that this kingdom could be seen as being set up by the Christian Churches of today. The Kingdom is exactly as one would have expected if it was set up by the evil dragon of the Old Testament which the ancients desired to see us delivered from. There is no need to wait for a deliverance as stated by Jesus. The true Kingdom is within you. The second coming of Jesus was when he was resurrected after the crucifixion. He thus showed his followers they were more than mortal bodies. There is no need for Jesus to return a third time, there is only the need to remove the false concepts within the faith to understand what he really did say, and as the Bible says salvation is immediate.

Question 10 has the heading: "Who alone has the power to establish a lasting world Kingdom?" If I was to answer this question which I will, the only one who can establish a lasting kingdom on earth is Man. Man is far superior to the evil dragon of the Christians and can, if he discovers the truth, set up a kingdom of serenity where there is no death or demise of moral and ethical values. Without the intervention of Man, it would still have been a search for witches, burning of innocent children as a sacrifice and murder of any individual who like I, have the gall to look for the real truth.

Lesson III
Will Christ Come In Our Day?

Oh, so you said you were not going to enjoy the answer I give you? Hey, it is nothing but good!

Question 1, "What great promise did Jesus make regarding his return?" You use John 14:1-3 as your reference where Jesus states he will go and prepare a place for those to follow. "Let not your heart be troubled: I go to prepare a place for you and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." Now I deleted some superfluous additions to these verses because they were misleading.

There was no reason for Jesus to return after he was done here on Earth, and as I will illustrate, there still is no reason for Jesus to come back. Jesus completed his mission and received us all onto himself and that was the end. Furthermore, it should be added Jesus is here.

All you need to do is the same as Thomas had to do, recognize the Jesus which is not flesh and blood. One more prophesy has to come about before the biggest stumbling block to this realization comes about. It started in 1987 and will be completed by 2003. No wars are involved between the forces of good and evil as the Armageddon myths depict. It is just a war of awareness.

Next, to illustrate your point, you use Matt. 24:35. "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." Matt. 24:35, Mark 13:31 and Luke 21:33 all come from the Gnostic Gospel according to Thomas, No.11. The original goes, "This heaven shall pass away, and the heavens above it shall pass away. The dead will never live and the living will never die."

That the dead will never live and the living never die means as you suspected that the physical bodies which we are carrying around which never really were alive never will be. On the other hand, that which animates these bodies which is the real "I," that which thinks and feels, can never die.

Question 2, "Who alone knows the exact time of his return?" Here you desired God as the answer, and it is wrong. The God El was the only one who knew the exact time the God Baal would be resurrected from the dead. This is not what we are talking about here.

You use Matt. 24:36 to illustrate this point. The question is superfluous. There is no further return. He has always been here as revealed by other scriptures. The scriptures have always been there, so there is no need to wait for salvation. You too can be saved without having to wait. It is important that you not die first and then expect to be resurrected. We must be resurrected while we are still carrying around these dead bodies.

Question 3, "Although the day and the hour have been kept from us, how may we know when his coming is near?" Here, you use Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs..... You do not complete the verse so you do not say what the signs are. But it matters little. The signs for the return of the savior Baal were watched for without fail by the ancient Canaanites. We need not wait.

Question 4, "At what time in the world history did the prophet Daniel say there would be a great increase in Knowledge?" Here you made it clear you expected the second coming as the answer. You use Daniel 12:4 as the source of the answer and Daniel's prophesies ended with the Greeks which was the divided kingdoms. 12:4 does however prophesy an increase in knowledge, which here is Gnosis and this is quite accurate. This does not any more foresee an accurate prediction than if I was to say the Sun will greatly expand before it finally burns out. The increase in knowledge following the Greek philosophers is well attested by ancient documents.

Question 5, "What calamities did Jesus say would precede his coming?" You have earthquakes, pestilence, famines, fearful sights and great signs from heaven. You quote Luke 21:11. These are signs which have been around since time immemorial and will continue as long as we reside within physical bodies.

Question 6, "How did he describe the conditions of the nations?" Again you quote Luke 21:25,26. Here is not much new, the conditions described could be a reflection used any time.

Question 7, "In spite of peace movements, what are the nations doing, as the prophesy foretold?" This time you quote from Joel 3:9,10. The prophesies in Joel who is considered one of the minor Israelite prophets are strange. Nothing is really divulged so no real prophesies are made. Then you quote 1 Thessalonians 5:3, "For when they shall say peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." This is early Paul, and one can see he is heavily influenced here by the forces of good versus evil.

Here you omit the most important part of all. Paul continues in 5:4-5, "But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness." Now, it becomes more clearly understood. Here, Paul the Gnostic stands up and tells his listeners they are the Children of Light and the Children of the Day. This means they possessed Gnosis and regardless of what happened, they had already become saved.

Question 8, "What signs of spiritual and moral decline do we see all around us in these last days?" Actually things look far better than they have for a long time. People are questioning the validity of repressive teachings, they are concerned about ecological matters and see themselves as being responsible for their environment rather than to shirk this responsibility off on the shoulders of others such as impotent Gods.

You use 2 Timothy 3:1-5 to illustrate what you desire the people to see. We already know Timothy is a forgery and pay little heed to dastardly predictions from make-believe prophets.

Question 9, "What is the greatest and most definite sign of all?" Matt. 24:14, "And this gospel shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."

The Buddhist and Muslims are then still left. Then you say God speaks through Paul in Rom. 9:28 and tells us through Paul that the lord will make short work of the situation on the Earth. In fact, Paul is not speaking here. If you read the preceding verses, you will see that Paul is quoting some mysterious scripture which we today cannot find anywhere.

Question 10, "How must we live so as to be ready for the great day when Jesus comes." Here you refer to Matt. 24:44, "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the son of Man cometh." Then you suggest seeing Titus 2:12-13. Titus is a later addition by Christians attempting to prove whatever it was they themselves thought, yet these verses are quite applicable. And I John 3:3 which is also a forgery. Then you refer to John 3:3,7 and say it states, "Ye must be born again."

Do not quote out of context. Here you are looking at an extremely important clue, and it is John 3:3-8, "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except that a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter the second time into his mothers womb, and be born? Jesus answered Verily, verily, I say unto thee Except a man be born of water and of the spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. Marvel not that I said unto thee ye must be borne again. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and wither it goeth: so it is with every one that is born of the spirit."

The above quotation of Jesus is a statement to the fact Jesus was telling his disciples they had to be reborn of the Spirit. In verse 5, it says, "Except a man be born of water and of the spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of god." This is a slightly altered form and should be, "A man born of water and not of the spirit cannot enter the kingdom of God." Water signified the physical aspect of Man, and that which is physical cannot enter the kingdom of God.

Here, Jesus was saying that Man has to be reborn in Spirit only, separating himself entirely from that which is physical. The statement is purely Gnostic and has absolutely no reference to a second coming, for the Gnostics stated that when Man was reborn in the Spirit, he had become as Jesus. He was in Jesus and Jesus was in him. There was no more waiting: salvation had occurred. At such a time, he could leave the physical universe and enter the spiritual realm. He was reborn and knew death was not reality but a fictitious state proving matter had no hold on him and death was a lie.

Then you again refer to the forgery 2 Timothy 4:8 which is there to confuse and Revelation 22:20. Revelation is a Ugarit manuscript of the Canaanites. The savior in Ugarit is in reality the same Melchizedek who in opposition to Melkiresha shall save Mankind. To better understand the opposition between Melchizedek and Melkiresha, read the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Now that you have read the Dead Sea Scrolls, if you still have not quite figured it out, let me unravel it a bit. It is the same Melchizedek which we saw in Gen. 14:18. Here, he is depicted as the priest of Salem which is Jerusalem, and he blesses Abraham of the most high God.

Priests of the most high God El of the Canaanites have been changed from a God of the most high God. Melchizedek is here really a God. Also, we see him in Psalm 110:4, "Thou art a priest for ever after the order of Melchizedek." Here is where the Lord (El) is predicting the advent of a savior of the same caliber as the savior Melchizedek. In Heb. 7:1-3, "For this Melchizedek, King of Salem, priest of the most high God (El) who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him ... Without father, without mother without descent, having neither beginning of days nor end of life; but made like unto the son of God (Man) abideth a priest (God) forever."

At the end of time, Melchizedek was to fight the armies of Belial in the final battle. In Psalm 82:1, "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty and judgeth among the gods." Correctly, this should be Melchizedek who stands in the middle of the Gods and judgeth among the Gods. This Melchizedek who has for so long puzzled theologians is none other than the God Baal. Baal was the Canaanite savior, but he was only able to save Mankind for about a half year, and this was not good enough for the Canaanites. They wanted relief from evil Gods and demons such as Yammu every day of the year, Therefore we have the coming savior described as of the magnitude of Melchizedek. He was to be as powerful as Baal, but he would be saving Man from the Belial's and Yammu's, etc. every day of the year. The Israelites could quite possibly have been waiting for a son of Baal. El just never blessed Baal with a son, and a son of Baal would have fit the ticket.

Now if we look a little closer at this, we see that a savior who saved Man from evil every day of the year would become bored to death. In fact, any God who did nothing but watch over Mankind on a planet such as Earth would soon become bored to death. Who could relish a job of keeping track of a bunch of misfits? Only a misfit of a more base nature than the misfits he is keeping track of is the obvious answer.

The Canaanites as well as all other races of people around this entire globe have known that Man really was a spiritual entity. We are on this planet anywhere from a few days to about a hundred years. This amount of time is like the blinking of an eye in the grand scheme of things. Not even the blinking of an eye really, so the time spent in a humanoid body is extremely insignificant. What Man was to be saved from was the trap of the physical universe which is the physical bodies. We are not physical bodies, can never be physical bodies and when the truth is known, these physical bodies are extremely undesirable as the abode of any spiritual entity. All they do is confine us. They locate us in time/space which is an imitation of real life.

Jesus did not come here to save the physical bodies. They are totally useless to anyone but evolutionists. While the evolutionists might see the evolution of all things including the body, this state of being is not by any means desirable and to save us and provide us with physical bodies which would last for an eternity would be the worst trap imaginable. A body might be OK for from 50 to about 70 years or so, and then once or twice.

If we had the same body for Eternity, we would have a life sentence who's cruelty was unimaginable. If we went from body to body in life after life, the cruelty of this type of jail would be only slightly less severe because of memory loss, but it would nevertheless be cruel, and this was what Jesus came to save Mankind from.

What Jesus taught while he was in the body was minuscule. The wisdom was mostly all known from before the time of Jesus and not new. It was what he thought after he came back which was important. When he came back after the body was crucified this was his second coming. What he then taught was important. Most everything he then taught has been omitted from the Bible, and what survived is mostly found in the gospel of John.

The synoptic gospels as well as John were all written after the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple which occurred a generation after Jesus was finished, and the reference to his coming again came from those who had not grasped what he said when he was here. The entire New Testament has been extensively rewritten. No one knows what Jesus really said is stated by the Encyclopedia Britannica. To know the truth of it all is nearly impossible unless one picks his way through the maze with care. The stumbling blocks are very real. They are real to Christians and Jews alike. What they are is revealed but not always readily apparent.

Lesson IV
Man's greatest question

1. "What supremely important question did the keeper of the prison ask?" The question here referred to was what one had to do to have Eternal Life. My own answer which I did not give was that we have Eternal Life whether we like it or not. Eternal Life is not really what most of us have. What we have while in these bodies is an eternal existence.

True life and a mere existence are two entirely different aspects of the same thing. Existence and a minute awareness is life on a very low scale. Total awareness with or without a body is the desirable state. Total awareness is difficult while in the body because the animal body is not conducive to real awareness. The body has an artificial awareness which impinges on us and confuses our real selves. Here, you just state the question and show where it is asked.

2. "What is our condition without Christ?" Christ is Greek and means savior and it means anointed. Christ is not a personification, it is a state of awareness. When you are Christ you are anointed, and when you are anointed, you are saved. Anointed on the other hand is not the state of being smeared with ointment, it is really the state of being totally aware. When you become totally aware, you become Christ.

The answer you wanted to your question is that we were sinners. And that is the correct answer. Sin in the New Testament as explained by Elaine Pagels in her book "The Gnostic Gospels" comes from "Hamartia." Hamartia means to miss the target. In archery, when shooting at the bulls eye, if you missed the entire target you committed Hamartia or sin. So to rephrase the answer, without Christ (awareness), we are sinners (missing the entire target).

Among your references here is Rom. 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death..." This is entirely correct. If you do not become aware, you will at first live under the fear of death. Down the road, unless you remove this cloak of darkness and do become aware, you will eventually become totally dead as a spiritual entity.

3. "Through whom only can we be freed from the penalty and power of sin?" Here you get into scriptural references about the sacrifice made by God and his only son being sacrificed in order to save Man. This is the most outrageous statement the Church makes. Jesus did not sacrifice his body. He did not die. If he had died, he would not have ascended to heaven afterwards. The sacrifice made by Jesus was the sacrifice of having a body and submitting himself to its physical desires, compulsions, repressions and fears.

No sacrifice of Life was made, and the Church even today prays to Jesus. If as you say Jesus died, then you are worshipping a dead man. In fact, you are worshipping a dead man, for you worship the body which was Jesus and not the spiritual manifestation which was Jesus. You pray for the resurrection of the physical self which is the resurrection of death.

Those who came after Jesus and formed the Church were themselves from many walks of life, with many opinions of their own. Those who prevailed were the ones who aligned the teachings of Jesus with the Old Testament. Those were the Jews which completely missed the boat. The Church which evolved is the boat called Hamartia.

4. "To what degree can God save us?" Here, you desire to show how God can save us and you refer to Hebrews 7:25. Hebrews is that letter of Paul which for the longest time has been known to have been a forgery. The pupil of Irenaeus, Tertullean, shortly after 200 C.E., suggested it had been written by Barnabas because Paul himself never used the word consolation in anything but a negative sense and in Hebrews, it is used very often and positively. Since Barnabas means "Son of consolation," Tertullean suggested the connection which of course is ludicrous. Hebrews is not authentic. It was used to state the opinion of an unknown person writing in the name of a credited authority in order to deceive and is itself a letter of deception. The author was Jewish and desired to maintain the heritage of the Old Testament.

The answer is that God cannot save Man. The Hebrew God was none other than the Canaanite dragon Yammu. He was an evil demon though not Satan as this might indicate to some. The fact of the matter is that you have to save yourselves. Salvation cannot come like a bolt of lightning. Salvation is very much akin to the alcoholic attempting to get sober. First he may go to Alcoholic Anonymous where he has to be willing to listen and learn. Then he has to apply a number of steps to his own life. Then he has to realize truths in regards to what alcohol did to him and how his dependency was destroying his life. Then he has to remove all his guilt by confessions and he has to go out and help others.

Like the alcoholic, those who desire to get sober from the effects of the physical universe have to take the first step themselves and see that they themselves have to do something about it. The alcoholic waiting for a magical cure dies an alcoholic in the same fashion as a spirit who awaits a magical savior dies in misery. The savior was here, he is done, the rest is up to you.

5. "What must we do about our sins so that God can forgive them?" No God keeps a record of your sins. That is preposterous! A God who had nothing better to do than tally the sins of a bunch of misfits is not any God. The question is what must you do about your sins in order to rise beyond the dung of the physical universe. You must confess all your sins in the same fashion as the Hittites of the second millenium B.C.E. did. Everything which you ever did which you do not feel good about you have to get off your chest so to speak. This includes things which you are not sure if you only dreamt or really did, or might have come from a past life. You are your own jailer. You are trapped by all things which you do not feel good about. The reason for this is because you are inherently the most ethical being in the entire universe.

Others may be as ethical but none surpass you. The reason why you feel that the things you have done are so horrible, that such a statement could not possibly be true is because the statement is indeed true. Only the evil feels no remorse over evil deeds or thoughts. The good believes himself evil because of the evil and the physical universe bodies are composed in such a fashion that within them all is a brain which degrade us with the pictures this brain creates. When we identify ourselves with these pictures we identify ourselves with the evil. When we act on the evil of these pictures, we become the evil of the pictures. We must rise above the physical and resist the acting out of the physical desires and realize the difference between the physical and spiritual. This can hardly be done without first subjecting ourselves to a confessional.

6. "Natural life begins with natural birth. How does spiritual life begin?" Here you desire baptism. First of all, baptism by water does nothing. Baptism of knowledge is a start. You also get going on this idea that Jesus was the son of God. Jesus never claimed to be the son of God, and he had no desire to be called son of God. He referred to himself only as the Son of Man. There is a world of difference between the Son of Man and the son of God. Early theologians saw the one as from the world of darkness and the other as from the world of Light.

Rather than discussing your references, let me just answer the question. Spiritual life does not start! Spiritual life does not end! Spiritual life is an existence totally separate from time/space. Spiritual life is an existence in "now." "Now" does not exist within the physical universe. From now, we perceive the future and reflect upon the past through the physical bodies. We are not the bodies. We are not the future which we see and we are not the past we reflect upon. We are that awareness which exist in the "Now" and to fully comprehend this is to be completely separated from the physical universe. Separate from that physical universe that Jesus attempted to save us from. No one can do this for you. You have to come unstuck from time/space and see "now."

7. "What lifelong experience follows the new birth?" Jesus did say we all had to be reborn and this is true. We all had to be reborn spiritually, leaving the physical where it was.

Your reference here is 1 Thess. 5:23. For Paul's letters to the Thessa-lonians, read "Paul and the Dead sea Scrolls." While no connection with this Jewish cult can be demonstrated between Jesus and the Qumran community the opposite is true about Paul. You also quote 1 John 4:16 a New Testament epistle written by an unknown author in the second century using the name of John to authenticate his beliefs. 1 John 4:16 states that, "God is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God and God in him."

This is a garbled Gnostic statement which states that God is Love and he who is filled with Pleroma becomes God and God becomes him. Pleroma is the spiritual energy which becomes manifested in the physical universe as Love. To be filled with Pleroma was to be complete and then the person was the ultimate manifestation of God.

8. In what book do we find the truth that sanctifies? Here you referred to the Bible, and it is correct that much truth can be siphoned out of the Bible, but for the most part it is deception and lies. You quote John 17:17 and there is some of the truth we seek. I suggest reading it together with verse 16. "They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth."

Here, Jesus tells us that neither us or him are of this world and requests that we be sanctified through the word. The word is in fact a mental image concept. When spiritual entities not overcome by the cloak of darkness communicate they communicate, by the use of mental image concepts and not the spoken word. This concept is our thought, readily transmitted back and forth with all feelings and emotions. There are those who claim to be able to read the minds of others and that is a manifestation of this ability.

The only thing which keeps us from communicating in this fashion which leaves out the possibility of misunderstanding are the mental image concepts of the things which we would rather not have done. Thus the importance of ridding ourselves of the guilt. When we no longer care who knows all our deep seated secrets, we can communicate in this fashion. You do not hide any acts from the aware by not revealing those deeds. When an aware spiritual entity attempts to communicate with you, all he can see are these concepts you do not desire anyone to know about because you are continually creating them.

9. "When will our salvation be complete?" Here you want the second coming which is correct. You are not however aware of the fact that it happened nearly 2,000 years ago. Now, the ball is in your court. What you do with it depends on you. The worst thing to do is sit around and wait. To illustrate your point, you use the phony Pauline letter Hebrews and refer to 9:28. Here you are advised to wait for another appearance of Jesus, and it is true that he who waits is lost. As I stated, the second coming of Jesus was when he was resurrected. The rest is up to you.

10. How many can be saved if they come to Jesus? Here again you go on with this idea of Jesus having died on the cross. If he died, you would have to come to a dead man. Jesus never died. That was the message of the cross.

The thinking sensing unit which we are does not die and those who come to that realization are those who are saved. The important part is ethical behavior. You cannot realize your true state of being while lying or cheating or in any way bringing harm upon others. This also means that it is unethical to say nothing when you know the truth. It is unethical not to aid when you can, etc. Do not get the idea that death of your body without first having full awareness is beneficial. The body is only one part of the trap of the physical universe.

Everyone can be saved. Everyone who thinks is a part of the spiritual universe and can return to full awareness. Here you quote Matt. 11:28, "Come onto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." This comes from the Gospel of Thomas and is Gnostic. The burden of the physical universe is indeed a heavy one. No one needs to bear it and when one becomes aware of the fact that he is a spiritual entity, the burden leaves. One is at that time, "Christ."

Lesson V
Creation and Fall of Man

Question 1, "How did the earth come into existence?" Here your choices are through evolution or created by God. You refer to Gen.1:1. The seven day periods are Canaanite. They do not reflect the originals which are Sumerian but reflect the Babylonian creation stories. Gen 1:1 refers to the creation of the physical universe, and the physical universe came into being by the impingement of the spiritual on a physical manifestation. The evolution within the physical universe is real. Some of it is monitored and regulated by the spiritual, other aspects are but matter and chaos.

The physical universe has nothing to do with the spiritual and is a potential disastrous trap of the spiritual, yet it is also a playground for spiritual entities. The God of the Hebrews and the Gods of the Sumerians had nothing to do with the creation of the physical universe. They only played a minor role in the development of living organisms on this planet. Beyond this, they served as minions of the physical universe in devising means to trap the spiritual manifestation of Man within the physical universe.

As we saw, the Hebrew Deity himself admitted the ancestors of Abraham worshipped other Gods before he took over the Israelites. He did not deny the existence of these other Gods or even claim to be the originator of the physical universe. We saw that he claimed to have been given the Hebrews to rule over by the God most high who is the Canaanite God El. The insistence that the God which the Hebrews worshipped was the God who had created Heaven and Earth did not come about until recent times and was not ever even claimed to be so by the Hebrew God until long after the Persian invasion. The seven day period in Genesis reflecting Creation is not of Hebrew origin. It was most assuredly used with as persistent frequency among the Canaanites.

Question 2, "What evidence is there of God's existence?" To illustrate your point, you here use Isaiah 40:26. "Lift up thine eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host (stars) by number: he called them all by the names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth."

Now this would be ridiculous. If I could put names on the stars of the universe, using only two syllables for each, the memory of this computer is not nearly large enough to name all the stars. Being God would have to be extremely boring if one was to bother finding names for all the stars in the universe. Instead of calling it greatness, for anyone to name all these stars, I would feel it was the filling of a vacuum with significance.

Then it states none of them faileth. This we know is not true. Today we know none of the stars are permanent and therefore, they will all fail. The fact of the matter is that Isaiah 40:26 comes from the Canaanites. The Hosts of heaven are the stars in both Canaanite and Jewish religion. The reason the God named them all was because these stars were all the children of the God El, and like a dutiful father, he named them all.

You refer to Hebrews 11:3 which is not a valid source of reference and Psalm 19:1, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handiwork." This too is, as we now know, an exhortation to the handiwork of the God El, and not surprisingly did it find it's way into the Bible. Prior to the Persian invasion, the Hebrews worshipped El along with Yammu.

Question 3, "What does design in nature indicate?" Here you give Romans 1:20 as the reference, "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made." This supports the notion that Paul in reality was a Gnostic teacher. The invisible universe was the true spiritual universe where death and decay did not exist. It was the pure realm of the spiritual essence. The reflection which is seen all around in the physical universe is an imitation created by the evil God Yaldabaot.

Question 4, "What part in creation was taken by Christ?" Here you refer first to Ephesians 3:9. Ephesians was written in the second century and I feel, for various reasons, it was a forgery by none other than Irenaeus. You also refer to Colossians 1:13-17 which also was quite likely written by Irenaeus. Then to Hebrews which is another forgery. So you leave no source for information. According to the Gnostic material on the subject, Dardakea came to the physical universe three times, and the last time was the one we read about in the Bible. His mission was to liberate the spiritual manifestations which had become trapped in the physical universe. To understand the role played by Jesus in the creation of the physical universe, read "The Paraphrase of Shem" and substitute Dardakea and Jesus. The Christian Gnostics did.

Question 5, "Man was originally made to be like?" And you give two choices, God or animal. Gen. 1:26, "And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness." If this was true, Man was supposed to be like the Gods. The Sumerians said Man was created simply to do all the work for the Gods. The Gnostics stated the God created Man after the image of the spirit which had become apparent to the physical universe Gods from the spiritual universe in order that they might trap the Spiritual essence of Man within the physical universe body.

Some will say that our God would not have needed Man in order to do the work for him, but this is not so. If we look at some of the older written material in the Bible we see that the God himself is doing the manual labor. Gen. 2:8, "And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." What the "word" of the Sumerian and Israelite God(s) was able to accomplish was limited. It was not until their encounter with the Greeks where the word, which to the Greeks was known as "logos," became so powerful that it could do any and all creation on it's own.

Man is not a body. The created body was not itself Man, it was a reflection of the real Man. Nowhere in the Old Testament is any claim made by the Hebrew God that he created the Soul or Spiritual essence of Man. There are claims made by the Deity that the Souls are to belong to him but there is not given any just reason why this should be so.

The God of the Hebrews often refers to the pain in his Soul because of the actions of Man. This indicates the God is also a Soul and not the creator of Souls, merely the physical manifestation of Man. Gen.2:7 indicates the God blew into the nostril of Man and made him a living Soul. It does not give a name to the type of Soul Man was before the breath of life.

There does not exist anywhere in the Bible any reason to believe the God created anything other than bodies whether this God was the Canaanite El, the Sumerian En-Ki, the Babylonian Marduk or any other God. There is not anywhere any God who claimed to have created our Essence and thus the Gnostic claim that Man is superior to all physical universe Gods and the Gods attempted to create a trap for this Essence has to be regarded as the most tenable of all.

The trapping of Souls is also recorded Ezek. 13:18. "And say, thus saith the Lord God; Woe to the Women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save alive that come unto you?"

Now, if the Christian idea that the Soul dies along with the body to be resurrected at a later date was correct, there would not be these Souls for these women to trap. According to the Gnostic scriptures, the God himself knew all about the trapping of Souls.

Question 6, "What responsibility was given to man?" Here you give Gen. 1:27-28 as your reference where God claims to have created Man in his image and told men to be fruitful, multiply and replenish the earth and have dominion over all life on earth. This most closely parallels the Sumerian renditions which is only fair because this part of Man's history was borrowed from Sumer. It also validates the Gnostic claims, yet not those of the Hebrews. In Genesis, we do not encounter anywhere the jealous vindictive God of the later Hebrews.

Question 7, "What ended mans perfect relationship with God?" This is an absurd question. The Bible does not indicated there ever was a perfect relationship with God.

As soon as Man made a decision of his own he was rewarded with eternal punishment. No harmony could be found. When Man acted like a harmless obedient vegetable, all was fine, but as soon as he did something, it was wrong. Free choice has been mentioned as having been an essential character of Man which was God given. All of the Old Testament indicates the fact that freedom of choice was the one characteristic the God detested most in Man, and it was what the God desired to remove from Man.

Here, you give the garden of Eden story about the poor helpless creatures which ate the one thing the God decided he should not eat, the fruit of the Tree of Knowing right from wrong. In order to have free choice, we have to know right from wrong, so the argument saying Man was to have freedom of choice falls apart before it even gets off the ground.

Another point is that if Man did not know right from wrong, he would not have known not to eat of the fateful fruit. Man supposedly was like a little child innocently playing in the garden of Eden until the ominous meal. Many parents have told their children not to eat a certain food because the child, desiring to know the reason why, would do just that. Any parent that would condemn their child to eternal damnation along with all the child's offsprings, because the child ate the food, would then have been created in the image of this God.

Here again, the Gnostic theory that the garden of Eden and the apple was a trap to deceive Man would by far have to be the one which most closely reflected what happened. Here, the serpent was the devil who tricked Man into eating the apple. This places the blame squarely on the shoulders of the God, for according to the Bible, the devil or Satan was also created by the same God.

Question 8, "What was the result of this broken relationship?" Rom. 6:23, "The wages of sin (Ignorance) is death." The result of the deceit by this God was that he was able to make Man feel guilty. Because he could now make Man feel guilt, he could control him. Because he could control Man, the Spiritual Essence which Man is would make the physical universe an enduring place where simulated life could exist. All this was possible because Man is basically good. Had he been evil like the dragon, he could not have felt any guilt, and thus he could not have been controlled.

"The wages of sin is death." This is so. Sin comes from the word "Hamartia" which relates to archery, and when target practicing, an archer who missed the entire target committed "Hamartia." This statement by Paul again indicates he was Gnostic. Any person who did not become endowed with Gnosis would miss the boat so to speak, and his wages would be death.

Question 9. "Who can save us from death?" Here you desired Jesus which is basically correct. This is because when one becomes aware of the fact one is a spiritual entity who like Jesus does not die because of the death of the physical body, one no longer is trapped by the physical.

Question 10, "Will there always be suffering and death?" The answer is twofold. While in the physical universe there will always be suffering and death. The physical universe just cannot support anything else. Death and suffering will cease as soon as the ignorance of our real identity becomes a cognizant part of us. The eternal hope of someone coming somewhere in the future to restore us is nothing more than another part of the trap. The future never comes, and as long as we wait, we can be ruled by evil.

You again refer to Gen. 3:15 and state there is the great promise made by God for the restoration of Man, "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise His heel."

You here state that the seed of Eve is the Christ which shall do battle with Satan the snake. It takes a lot of imagination to see any salvation from this statement. The promise is of animosity, whether this animosity is between the snakes and females or between Satan and Mankind, there is no victor proclaimed and thus no salvation promised.

Lesson VI
Sin - Its Origin and Destiny

Question 1. How did God describe his finished work of creation? You wanted, "It was all good." You quote Gen. 1:31,"God saw every thing he had made, and behold, it was very good."

You state when all of God's creation today is properly understood, it is a demonstration of unending Love. The Love which is abundant all around us is that which is brought into the physical universe by the spiritual entities. There is not anywhere in the entire Bible any evidence of the God himself having created anything which was good.

There are assertions made by people who are good. These good things have been used to illustrate the notion that the God is good. This does not however prove that the God is good. It proves that the people making such assertions are good because only the good can see good. The evil will always see evil in everything thus, it was impossible for the early Israelites to please Yammu.

Question 2, "What is the cause of suffering and death?" Here, you desired sin and as far as that goes, Hamartia is the cause of suffering and death. You quote James 1:15, "Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."

This may as well be used to state James was not a Christian. This statement could have been Greek, it could have been Roman or Gnostic or the statement of any number of religions in the same area. This was a commonly held opinion at the time of Jesus as well as after.

There is nothing Christian in it. Then you use Gen. 3:16-19. This is the same tree of the Canaanites which by them were referred to as the tree of death which this tree of Gnosis became. Regardless of how you use this tree it became the tree of death. It indicated the God did not desire Man to know the difference between right and wrong. Thus he could not have desired for Man to have had any freedom of choice. A God who punishes Man for something as trivial as this, was not at all a just God. Then when you consider the Man had no knowledge of right or wrong before the fateful incident it can plainly be seen that this tree story was an evil plot by the God to control Man.

Question 3, "Who instigated Sin?" Here you desired the devil. The devil was created by the God. All underworld devils and demons had their origination with the God. If this devil tricking Man into eating of the fateful tree was what caused Man to sin, it was an earlier creation by this Deity which caused Man to sin thus the punishment of man was even more ludicrous. God instigated Sin!

By the way, when did the God have time to create the Devil? He spent six days creating Heaven and Earth, then Man and all of a sudden this devil comes along. Why does the Bible neglect informing us about any other creations? The book 1 Enoch which you so conveniently deleted from the Bible because of the primitive teachings, tells us the answer to these questions and more. Just because the theology of Enoch is ludicrous is no reason to omit it. Everything else is also.

You use a second century forgery to illustrate your point. 1 John.3:8. Then you go on to quote another Gnostic statement in John out of context. You omit the first part of the verse. John 8:44, "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. (Here, Jesus talks about the father of the physical body. You start your statement here.) He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him." Then you do not finish the verse. There is little question. If you or I should have created a world with the powers allegedly available to this Deity it would have been something else again. You know what? It is still not to late for us to do it.

Question 4, "In what place did sin begin?" Heaven is your answer. Here you quote Rev. 12:7-9. You may as well have quoted the source of this scripture, "Incantation" from the documents at Ugarit. The heavenly battles depicted are those of Baal. In Revelations, he is given the name Michael which can be cross related both to Melchizedek and Baal.

The battle between Baal and the evil dragon Yammu are far more pertinent to the Bible than anyone knew before the Ugarit documents. How much of the Bible do you think will be tenable in ten years after more such manuscripts are discovered and translated? Or fifty years? Or a hundred? If you correct your errors now, you will not loose everything. If you adamantly refuse to become honest and keep corrupting scientific discoveries and hide the truth from your lambs, you will loose everything far sooner than you think.

Question 5. Satan was not created evil but chose to do evil is what you have here. If he was not created evil, how could he possibly elect to do evil? Evil does not come from good. You state that he was created perfect; that is ridiculous. If Satan was perfect and opposed the God who created him, the God who created him could not have been perfect.

You look at Ezekiel 28:12-15. This is Canaanite material you use. See Keret III, I and the legend of Aqhat. You go on to state that Satan was originally one of the two Cherubim. How interesting? Satan was one of two Sphinxes. Cherubim was the name in the Bible for the Egyptian Sphinx. According to legend, the Sphinxes were omniscient beings with the body of a lion and the head of a man. The earliest Sphinx is thought to have been a gigantic Sphinx from Giza dating from the fourth dynasty or about 2,550 B.C.E. Later Canaanite and Israelite Sphinxes (Cherubims) were endowed with wings.

Next you quote another passage from Isaiah 14:12-14 "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer son of the Morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations..." Much the same statement is also found in Ezekiel 28:13-15, "Son of the Morning is the son of the star Venus." In the Norwegian Lutheran Bible, Satan is not identified as the son of the Morning Star, but the Morning Star.

What other connections do we have in the Bible with the Morning Star? Rev. 22:16, "I Jesu have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the Churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and the morning star."

Here is indeed a revelation. Jesus connects himself with Satan as depicted in Isaiah. All the implication of this would make an entire book. Satan, or the being who opposed the God in the Old Testament, is identified as the father of Jesus.

Other scriptures identify this as the crescent moon. Then it would be Nanna/Sin which is depicted as Satan, and Jesus would have been the son of the Sumerian Moon God. Any way you look at it indicates the fact that Jesus was in opposition to the God of the OT. To the God of the OT, any opposition would have been deemed evil, but as the OT so vividly demonstrates, the God himself was truly evil and the savior we should look for would of course have been in opposition to him.

Question 6, "Why did God not destroy Satan immediately after he sinned?" This is not really the question. No Gods exist more evil than those of the physical universe. So why do they not destroy each other and leave us in peace? The reason is immortality. Nothing can be permanently destroyed except that which is of only the physical universe.

The biblical Satan did not get killed because he was the weapon of the Deity. Satan does not come from the Israelites, he is a scare tactic. Nothing is more evil than Yammu's nature. You use 2 Peter which is a forgery to show why God did not kill Satan. Your reason is as real as your source.

Question 7, "Name three ways in which the devil work?" Here you desired deception, accusation and persecution. The fact is that no devil exist going around recruiting Souls other than your own God. The reason Yammu was so hated among the ancient Canaanites was because his minions were combing the Earth looking for human victims.

There is no Devil, the only devil is the sins we commit. We are trapped by our sins. The desires of the flesh are those which make us feel unworthy. After we separate ourselves from the flesh, we are freed.

Question 8, "Will Satan live forever?" No is what you want and is correct. Flesh is the physical universe. The physical universe may last an awfully long time, but it will not last forever. You use Ezekiel 28:17-19 to show how Satan shall be destroyed along with Rev. 20:10. You have this obsession with the end of time where the forces of good will do battle with the forces of evil. There is no battle as warfare coming. The battle is between the spiritual and the physical.

In the battle between the spiritual and physical, there is no war. The physical will simply die when the spiritual qualities of our nature are recognized. Then the spiritual gains strength and the physical withers like a rotting apple.

Question 9, "How can we escape the power and penalty of sin?" Here you desired through Christ. Christ was already here so we are salvaged from sin. 1 Cor. 15:22, "For as in adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive." Here, we have the Gnostics tell us that through the flesh we all die, and through the spirit, we live.

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life." This idea that there was a sacrifice has got to go. If there was such a sacrifice, you worship a dead man and if there was not, you practice betrayal. Answer me what the sacrifice really was. According to your own tenets, Jesus came to Earth to save Man. His body was sacrificed on a cross after which he arose to ascend to a superior existence in your Heaven. What was the sacrifice? You say he sacrificed his body. I agree with the Greeks and Gnostics: his only sacrifice was having existed in a humanoid body within the physical universe.

Question 10, "Name two things we must do to avoid sin?" Here you were talking of Christ and God again. These two are incompatible. Isaiah 14:12-14 beside Rev.22:16 indicate Jesus as not compatible with the Deity of the Old Testament. You use Jos. 24:15 to illustrate you point. "Choose you this day whom ye shall serve." Here you are asked to choose between the various Gods in the Old Testament. It has never been the case that any man willfully served an evil being. To choose Gods was done back then in much the same fashion as one chooses a football team to root for today.

Lesson VII
Why does God permit suffering?

God does not only permit suffering, he is the cause of all suffering, and he does this in order to bring Man under his control.

Question 1, "What characteristic is seen in all Gods dealings with men?" Here you desired love, yet nothing could be further from the truth. You use 2 Peter to illustrate this. 2 Peter is a forgery, and in 3:9, you are apparently seeing some garbled Gnostic statement about how the Lord wills that we shall repent. Love and repentance are not the same. Repentance is subjugation, love is freedom.

This and the ridiculous implication about the only son being sacrificed are the only examples you give. Like all so-called love from this Deity in the Bible, it is not honest. It is alleged by people who feel love which does not indicate the God feels anything of the kind.

Question 2, "What great law operates through all nature?" Here you desired to show the relationship between suffering and sin. You use Galatians 6:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that he shall also reap." The completion of the concept is in the next verse, 6:8, "For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth of the spirit shall of the spirit reap life everlasting."

This verse indicates that rather than worshiping a deity, it is an admonition by Paul to take proper care of oneself as a spiritual entity. A truly Gnostic statement. Your use of Gnostic material to stress a point is not out of place. The indications from Nag Hammadi are that Jesus was Gnostic and not the Christian you are showing today.

Question 3, "What is the primary cause for suffering?" Here, you desired the answer that Man fell from holiness because of sin, and continual sin makes suffering ever present. You use the forged material of James to stress your point and then Isaiah 24:5-6. This stresses the idea that sin comes about because we fail to follow the law of the Hebrew Deity. It is the other way around. If we follow the law of the Hebrew Deity, we will sin.

Question 4, "Name one cause of suffering other than individual sin?" Here, you desired the sinning of Mankind collectively as the excuse for why the innocent must suffer. You know how I feel about excuse so I wont go into that. You use Luke 13:4-5 where Jesus tells the apostles the eighteen people who were killed when a tower fell upon them were not sinners and that we all shall likewise die if we do not repent. Repent should here be traded out with Gnosis. If we do not come to Gnosis, we will all die as surely as the bodies of all our forefathers.

Sin comes from the failures of the Hebrew/Christian Deity. It is now and has for ages been used to justify all the injustice. It is not Man's failures which cause the pain and suffering in the physical universe but the God's. The excuse for the God has been Man's shortcomings and this is not tenable. Yes, Man is not perfect because he exist within an imperfect universe, but Man did not create the imperfect universe the Gods did.

Question 5, "Why does God in certain circumstances permit suffering?" Here, you desired an answer indicating it was because God desired to show Man the road to a holy union with God. First of all, there can never be a holy union with this God. The only union would be one where Man was totally subservient without any thought or emotions. To illustrate you use Hebrews 12:6-10. This phony letter we can leave out as it is not authentic. Then you use 1 Cor. 11:32. This states we are chastened in order that we not be condemned with the world. In other words, Paul like his Gnostic colleagues is saying the world has already been condemned. This is something he would not have said had he spoken of a world created by the God he worshipped.

You state the God's one longing is to have us made holy again. This is not the God you preach either. Or do you not preach the God of the Old Testament anymore? The God of the OT by the innumerable injustices and debased actions he made the Hebrews perform, demonstrates without a doubt the fact that holiness can never be bestowed upon such a Deity.

Question 6, "What human being in the Bible is a great example of suffering?" Here, the answer is Job of course. Job is however no more a Hebrew or Israelite personality than Hammurabi. Job is Sumerian. Not the way he was related in the Bible, but the way he was originally depicted. The Book, as it stands, has been influenced by both Babylonian and Egyptian Wisdom literature.

The most striking source of Job are the Canaanites. No one could possibly read the Canaanite literature from Ugarit and fail to see the connection. The E.B. states the book of Job was written in the 5th or 6th century. Job 1:1, "There was a man in the land of Uz whose name was Job..." This man from "Uz" called Job was just the symbol of piety among a great many Near Eastern religious cults. The Israelite cult being a relative newcomer, borrowed from older tales a great many motifs including the Job figure from Canaan.

Question 7, "Name one example of affliction bringing repentance?" Here, you desired Jonah. Another example would be Nabonidus who, after he was corrected by Daniel of Bible fame, went back to the worship of the Moon God. You do give the conversion of Nebuchadnazzer back to "The God Most High" as one example and state David was the one who converted him. You know better. David did not convert Nebuchadnezzar back to the worship of El. The tale of David reflects the king Nabonidus whom David converted back to the worship of the moon cult and the God Nanna.

Question 8, "What was Paul's attitude when he knew that suffering was for his good?" He accepted it, yet this is totally ridiculous. The thorn in the side of Paul must have been the humanoid body. This would have been expected from a Gnostic teacher.

Question 9, "In the midst of trail and temptation, what assurance do we have from God?" None. There is not a single place where it has been recorded a just action by this God. We can rest assured however because we know when we subject ourselves to the will of this Deity and are properly humbled, we will all be happy glowing vegetables.

Question 10, "Will sin and suffering continue forever?" No, it will only continue as long as the Hebrew/Christian Deity is in charge and we care for these animal bodies.

Lesson VIII
Jesus of Nazareth

Question 1, "What was God's purpose in choosing Abraham?" First, you quote Gen. 12:1-3. Here, the God tells Abraham to get out of his country and away from his kindred. You state the reason for this is that the God may perpetuate a knowledge of himself. In other words we agree, no one before Abraham knew of this God (nor did he).

In Gen. 49:10 you say Shiloh (the savior) is predicted as coming from the tribe of Judah. The savior predicted in Genesis is Baal, except for the one time where one the likes of Baal shall be the savior, and it is the God of the later Jews he is to save them from.

You quote from Isaiah 11:1,2,4. See the literature from Qumran. There, it is obvious that the savior is the prince of the congregation. The savior predicted in Qumran is not the Jesus and the Isaiah here, is not either.

Question 2, "When did God reveal the birthplace of the savior?" Micah 5:2 is your answer. And you say this prophesy was made seven hundred years before Jesus. According to the E.B. however, the prophesies of Micha's fifth chapter was made several centuries later. Micah shows such parallel influenced by the Canaanites at Ugarit that it must be considered to have been written back then.

Question 3, "Jesus conception was?" And you give natural and supernatural as your answers. Many a great philosopher after the birth of Christ proclaimed the idea of a woman who was technically a virgin as fantasy, and rightfully so. You give Isaiah 7:14 as your reference. See Myth and ritual V from Ugarit where Isaiah 7:14 comes from. According to the Canaanite religion from which we got the Hebrew religion a woman was a virgin until she had given birth to a son. The savior myths of Ugarit are also so numerous and so close to the ones of the Hebrews that they are virtually the same. That it should be different at the time of Christ is doubtful. Whenever two opposite definitions of words are presented, we always use the one which makes sense. The Christian Church does not have any supernatural connections as have been abundantly demonstrated by their conduct over the past 1,500 years, and that conduct, if supernatural, is super evil.

Question 4, "Although finally rejecting him, how would Jerusalem receive her King?" You quote Zechariah 9:9. This is usually referred to as pseudo Zechariah as it was not written by Zechariah. It depicts Jesus riding on the ass, and while this is not written by Zechariah, it may have been written before the birth of Jesus. The New Testament was falsified by the early editors in order to show the divinity of Jesus, not so much so the OT.

The divinity of a person is shown by the results of what the person teaches and not by his mode of transportation. If the teachings only have a result as indicated by the Christian Church of today, it was a meager messiah indeed.

Question 5, "What prophesy spoke of the betrayal?" Here you are referring to pseudo Zechariah 11:12,13. and state this was prophesied 500 years before Jesus. It was not, but if it was, it would have been fine. I have no objections to the messages of Jesus which he delivered. You give the scourging which is depicted in Isaiah 50:6. This scourging is an exact copy of what Anatu is telling El in the Ugarit myth Baal I.v:20-25. You then give the departure of his friends as a prophesy. This also has a counterpart in Baal III.iv.15 where Baal is battling the dragon Yammu.

The predictions which you give in regards to the last days of Christ are totally untenable. You must acknowledge that they are not prophesies but just statements from mythological events of Ugarit and the battle of the Canaanite savior God Baal with the Hebrew Deity Yammu.

Question 6, "Name three predictions relating to his betrayal." You quote parts of Psalm 22. To comprehend this Psalm, read Sumerian and Babylonian literature and also the entire Psalms, not just parts of it. This Psalm does not reflect Jesus as the savior. It could have applied to a great number of ancients.

Question 7, "Name the two major events in the life of Christ mentioned in the prophesy of Dan. 9:25:27?" The seventy weeks scheme as demonstrated by the Qumran documents are from the book of Watchers. History was divided into seventy week sections. All events matched seventy weeks. When it comes to alteration of OT material which I state, seldom was Daniel made is the exception. These weeks are from Enoch, and 1 Enoch is where Daniel got his inspiration from as well as from the Canaanite religion.

Question 8, "What is the significance of the "rending of the temple veil?" Here, you are still going on about the prophesies of Daniel not worth the paper they are written on. The real Jesus was not as prophesied by Daniel. The real messiah was to lead the Hebrews in reclaiming the Hebrew sovereignty and this Jesus never did. Jesus was a Son of Man. He was the Baal who would save Mankind from the evil Yammu. The Canaanite stories reflect this and the Gnostic tales depict this. As the savior depicted in the Christian Churches, he has been a total failure and solely because of the falsification of the message by such prominent theologians as Irenaeus.

Question 9, "Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your savior?" No! I cannot answer this in the affirmative as Jesus was not the same in your description as the Jesus which has been depicted in Gnostic manuscripts or the Luma of Greek philosophies. To surrender oneself to the teachings of the Bible's New and Old Testaments as thought by today's Churches is an invitation to disaster.

Lesson IX
Does God answer Prayers?

Question 1, "Do you believe in prayer?" No, which is not entirely true, but I do not humble myself in front of Yammu. That God grants no favors. To earnestly desire to bring something about may make it come about but this has nothing to do with any God. Prayers are not a derivation of Christianity or Jewry, it has been practiced by virtually all primitive religions and they all have had about the same results.

Question 2, "What invitations are given to pray?" You give the "Ask and it shall be given." "Seek and ye shall find." "Knock and it shall be opened." These are older than the Hebrew religion. They have been invoked by about every heathen that ever lived. You give Matt. 7:7,8 which also comes from The Gospel According to Thomas.

Question 3, "How did Jesus show the importance of prayer?" Here, you attempt to show that prayer is the way to gain spiritual strength. It is possible prayers work, otherwise, why would all heathens have practiced it? The prayer itself does nothing. The postulate behind the prayer is the being's own weapon of gaining strength and making things come about which does not indicate the presence of any superior power besides the one uttering it.

Question 4, "In what way is God compared with an earthly father?" You show your interpretation of how God like a father listens to the requests of his children. This was the beliefs of every Near Eastern religion, not a Christian trait but pagan. Here, your references are invalid. I feel the power of prayer lies in a Man's postulate. It is an individual spiritual manifestation.

Question 5, "Give two conditions to answered prayer." The first one you give is "ask in his name." You quote John 14:6. While John was Gnostic, all material in John is not Gnostic. However, the practice of praying was carried on by the Gnostics also.

The second is, "ask according to his will." Now if my God only serves his own will he is of no use to me. I am not subservient to the God. As demonstrated by the Gnostics and the actions of the God in the Bible, I am his superior and thus to ask favors would be to receive punishment.

Question 6, "What is God's attitude toward our sins?" The tradition of the heathens where that God forgave the sins of those who confessed is one of the best things you carried forward into Christianity.

Question 7, "Why aren't all prayers answered?" A prayer is a postulate. It is a decision by the Soul something is going to come about or is not going to come about. The power of the individual spiritual entity is what determines what comes about modified by the nature of the request.

You give the garden of Gethshemane as a place where Jesus resigns himself to the will of God. This is clearly an addition. As the Church states, if Jesus came to Earth to fulfill a prophesy, there would not have been any turning back. No question or prayer would have been uttered. If as the Gnostics stated, he came to save Man from the evil Gods, he would have looked forward to the fulfillment of the chore. The Gnostic believed the body was a trap and the wearing of a body was a punishment.

Question 8, "Give a Biblical example of the above." You desired the thorn in the side of Paul. This proverbial thorn was the dragon Yammu. Why should a man be made weak to illustrate the power of the God? I thought it far more fitting to use the 42 little children in 2 Kings 2:23 as an illustration of prayers not being answered.

Question 9, "What is Gods main purpose in answering our prayers?" God does not answer our prayers. A good illustration is the thorn in the side of Paul. What that thorn was is not known. Why would the God desire to make Paul's life miserable?

Question 10, `Is there something you would particularly like us to pray for on your behalf?" Here, I thought it would be a good idea if you prayed to deliver us all from Yammu. The evil Hebrew dragon has been around far too long and it is about time to give civilization a chance.

Lesson X
God's Amazing Love

Question 1, "In one word, how would you sum up the character of God?" I gave "Amazing" as the answer. Amazing is the fact the Deity depicted in the OT can be worshipped by anyone.

In the New Testament, an entirely different God is depicted, but as you are reflecting the God of the OT, his characteristics are what we have to judge. You give us good things from which to judge this God which are written in the New Testament. If we can judge the God by the good things in the New Testament, we are equally as capable of judging the bad things out of the OT.

You use 1 John 4:7,8 to emphasize the characteristics of the God. 1 John was written at the earliest in the second century by an impostor and makes allegations which the writer imagined God to be like. This in no way offers a real picture of a God any more than any other allegations made about any other God made by other authors throughout history.

Then you quote Exodus. 34:6-7. Here is an allegory self glorifying statement of greatness which is contrary to any and all acts depicted by the Deity in the Old Testament. Any and all criminals will have justifications for what he does. All offenders of any and all moral codes justify them by stating they are doing the right thing. The actions of the God are those by which he must be judged, not his own statement about himself and his greatness.

You illustrate by talking about the beauty of the sunshine, the rain and other manifestations of nature. There is absolutely no reason to believe this is a creation of this God. Such things are rather the creation of the same spiritual entity which our Souls originate from.

Our Soul is one thing the God in the Old Testament never claimed to have created. Beauty is the same essence as the Soul. Life is the same essence as the Soul, and the God never created this. He attempted to control and subjugate this, but this does not make it his.

Question 2, "The character of God is most clearly seen in ___." Here, I answered Ezek. 20:25-26. If you were to read this, I expect it would give a bit of turmoil. It states "Wherefore I gave them statutes that were not good, and judgments whereby they should not live: And I polluted them in their own gifts, in that they caused to pass through the fire all that opened the womb, that I might make them desolate, to the end that they might know I am the Lord.

Your God states here that he gave them statutes which were no good. Yes he did, just as I have been saying. It does not state all the bad statutes, it just gives as an example the statute that they were to pass their children through the fire. It was no good to make the people burn their firstborn. Other bad statutes were that they were to worship him as their maker and follow bad advice and poor guidance. To drag forth all of these bad statutes is not the task here. The idea that Man is evil is the worst proclamation made by this God.

You use the illustration from John 14:8-9. "Philip saith unto Him, Lord, show us the father, and it will suffice us. Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known Me, Philip? He that hath seen Me hath seen the father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?" This statement is indeed a Gnostic statement! It cannot be used to illustrate anything about the God depicted in the OT.

You proceed to draw material from 1 Tim. 3:16. A forged document cannot be used to illustrate the Gods greatness. You use Matt. 11:27, "Neither knoweth any man the Father save the son, and he to whosoever the Son will reveal him."

This was not written by the same Gnostic teacher we found in your just mentioned John 14:8-9. As a matter of fact, the two illustrations which you use here to illustrate the same question strongly disagree with each other. The one says that he who has seen the Son has seen the Father and the other says only the Son and those whom the son elects will see him.

You state that love, compassion and mercy was reflected in every act made by Jesus. This very fact illustrates the fact that the Gnostics were right in stating that Jesus had come to save Man from the evil God of the OT who never showed compassion, mercy or love.

Question 3, "Why did God provide salvation for man?" The answer I gave was to give eternal life. This would comply with Gnostic philosophies which stated the Evil Deity desired immortal Man to become trapped within the physical universe to give it eternal life.

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have eternal life." Thus you illustrate another folly of the New Testament. Was there a three day sacrifice of the life of Jesus? Absolutely not. If Jesus was dead for three days and then was resurrected, he would have been sacrificed for this period of time, and no longer.

The idea that the sacrifice of a body is a great loss is asinine. Bodies are a part of the physical universe. They are mortal. An immortal being is not at a loss and does not sacrifice anything by loosing his physical body. The mere fact you are stressing this as a fact makes this a cult of the fool. If a sacrifice is made, it is a loss. A loss is something which is not retrieved or retrievable. The New Testament reveals that the state of Jesus after the crucifixion was superior to his state before. This mere fact illustrate that this supposed sacrifice was in fact a gain. When you go from a mortal state to an immortal state, you gain. Look at John 3:16 again and compare it with verse 15.

John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16 is a repeat of verse 15 with a qualifier inserted before the statement to illustrate the philosophical and theological theories of those who came after. This insertion was made by those whose vested interest it was to portray God as having made some sort of sacrifice.

The Gnostic material in John could not be ignored by the later Christians in the second and third centuries after Christ, and this is but one of the innumerable illustrations of how they modified the material to suit their own needs.

You also use 1 John 3:1 to illustrate your point. 1 John is known as a forgery. Here it talks of the Son of God. The Son of God was not Jesus. Jesus was the Son of Man, and these two epithets are not at all interchangeable.

Question 4, "Jesus left His heavenly home to come to this earth: (a) because He had to (b) He wanted to save man X." Yes, he did desire to save Man. He left his heavenly home, and after his job was complete he returned to his heavenly home. Now tell me, Where is the sacrifice?

Question 5, "To what length did the love of Jesus cause him to go?" Inhabit a physical body was my answer. I felt this may have thrown someone off just a bit. You use Philippians in an attempt to show Christ suffered. Phil. 2:8, "He humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross."

While Philippians is not a letter by Paul, this is not bad. He humbled himself and became obedient unto death means he inhabited a physical body. The Gnostics knew that only those inhabiting physical bodies were subject to death and this was a humbling experience for the spiritual entity which Jesus and each and every one of us really is.

Question 6, "For whom did Christ die?" For Jews only? For Christians only? For all Mankind? And here I stated that Christ did not die, only his body did. If he was dead who are you really worshipping? You use Mark 2:17, "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Today you state we are all sinners. This was not what Jesus said. Again you harp on and on about the great love God showed in the sacrifice of his only begotten son. You talk of this immeasurable love. What you are teaching is an immeasurable deception. Jesus never died. To make man feel guilty because of this death is disgusting. There was only the sacrifice of existing within the time space dimension for a short period of time.

Question 7, "What is the effect of sin on mankind?" Eternal damnation was my answer. Eternal damnation is correct as if we are made to believe and follow in the manner which you preach, we will be eternally trapped within the dimension of space time. You state we are unclean. The bodies are unclean yes, those were what the Deity you worship allegedly created. The body is not the self, it is not the Soul. Saving the body would be futile. They are worthless manifestations within time space.

Question 8, "Why is Christ called a "Mediator"?" Here, I said he revealed the difference between the spiritual and the physical. You illustrate Jesus was the mediator between Man and God by the use of Timothy 2:5. This is another forged letter in the name of Paul by the later Christian cult. Then you use the ladder of angels in Gen. 28:12 where these descend and ascend. All of Gen. 28 from 11 to 17 reflects "The legend of Aqhat" from the documents at Ugarit. Here, this is clearly seen modified by Zoroastrianism.

Question 9, "In the parable of the prodigal Son: (a) Who does the son represent? (Mankind) (b) How was his relationship with his father restored? (By him returning home)." Here, you use the parable of the prodigal son to illustrate Luke 15:11-24. This parable is out of the Gnostic Gospel according to Thomas. There is nothing Christian in it, no repentance, no sin, just acceptance of the lost son as he is. While this is Gnostic, it could also have come from numerous other ancient legends and tales.

Question 10, "How do we find God's forgiveness?" Answer: Through knowledge and understanding separating spiritual from physical. There is no God who keeps a record of our acts, transgressions and good points. The mere idea is ridiculous. What a boring thing for a God to be doing. Forgiveness is found through knowledge.

From understanding who we are and what we are. You state that it comes from the Gospels. You state that the gospels are fact. This could not be further from the truth. The Gospels are a great mish mash of unrelated and related theories and philosophies. They are not a coherent whole as too many different theologies are mingled together.

The two main themes in the New Testament are the Gnostic Christian ideas and the Irenaeus Christian ideas. These are mingled with Greek wisdom literature, Zoroastrianism, Mithraism, etc. No whole comes from this mess, unless these parts are separated and looked at individually.

Lesson XI
Power to Be a Christian

Question 1, "Can people naturally be good?" Answer: emphatically Yes!! The biggest lie in all of Christendom is one which states Man is evil. The biggest fallacy is that Man is a sinner.

When the God of the Hebrews demanded child sacrifices, who changed this practice? Man did. To burn as an offering to the God one's firstborn was not acceptable and the Bible records the God's squirming to get out of the blame for making him commit this crime.

The God was emphatically not Good. Man changed unacceptable behavior. When the Christians of much later periods sacrificed witches at the stake, who changed this abominable practice? Man did. People such as Martin Luther, Hans Hus and others knew this practice was evil and forced a change in the Church. That the Church again reverted to such disgusting practices illustrates the futility of the theological concepts within the Church. It is hard to get good out of evil. Man is good, the teachings are evil. This does not mean the people within the Church are evil. They are not.

To state that Man is evil or a sinner gives Man absolutely nothing to live up to. It makes a justification for failures and evil. Had this not been a part of the religion, we would reduce crime and corruption throughout the world immeasurably. If it was stated that Man is good, ethical and honest there would not be such an excuse. It would give Man some self respect and there would not be any reason for me to write you this letter. Man is not evil, what you teach is the biggest lie of all and the source of the despicable state of the society today. The Dark Ages will not end until this idea is changed. Among all your lies, this is the one which is the greatest of them all.

Show me a person who does not feel good when he sees a happy child. Does this illustrate evil? Show me a person who does not feel bad when he perceives suffering and travail. Does this illustrate evil? The giving of aid to the needy is universal. Does this indicate evil?

Do not for a moment attempt to take the credit for giving to the needy. This was not an invention of the Christians and your stating it is demonstrates your lying about different cultures than your own. If Man was evil he would delight in seeing the suffering and travail of others. He would not attempt to lead better lives, and this Man has done since time immemorial in all religions and cultures.

For your own consciences' sake, you must get rid of this lie. It is the perpetuation of crime and corruption among Mankind.

Question 2, "Against what must we guard?" Physical compulsions. The compulsions of the physical is what creates the evil we see in Man. The spiritual is what we are.

You use Ephesians 6:10-12 to illustrate and it is good, especially, "For we wrestle not against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world." The letter to the Ephesians was written in the second century C.E. It is evidently extremely heavily influenced by the Essene society in Qumran and does not belong in a Christian Canon.

Question 3, `How can we get special help?" Through Jesus. The problem is that in order to get help through Jesus, one must first understand who Jesus really is. You use 2 Cor. 2:14. "Now thanks be unto God, which always causeth us to triumph in Christ." But you leave out the all important point of the verse and conclusion of the thought. "And maketh manifest the savor of his knowledge of us in every place."

The verse now ties this neatly into Gnostic thought, and the God here talked about is the original Source. A parallel to this verse is found in the Gnostic Gospel called the "Gospel of Truth" (see verse 34). The "Gospel of Truth" has been attributed by a great many scholars to the great Christian Gnostic leader Valentinus. Its composition would then have to be about the same time as the NT Gospels. In fact, no real authentic NT Gospels exist which were not written a long time after the Gnostic manuscripts were hidden in the caves at Nag Hammadi in Egypt.

Then you quote Psalm 50:15. "And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me." Psalm 50 is most assuredly a Sumerian ode to the Sun God modified by the Canaanites and adapted to the later Hebrew religion.

Verse 2 talks of the God who shineth. Verse 3 talks of the fire going before him and the tempest around him. As is known, the Sun God Utu was also he who judged the people as portrayed in Psalm 50. Psalm 51, which is definitely a Sumerian ode, comes right afterward and these two have many parallels. Verse 15 in Psalm 50 could have come from any one of numerous religious societies of the Near east.

Question 4, "How will the holy spirit help us?" Spiritual power. The Holy Spirit is the Spiritual power within each and every one of us. It is that power which the Gnostics alleged the evil Hebrew Deity desired to trap within the physical universe.

Question 5, "How do we know God understands our weakness?" He predicted it. Yes, indeed he did. He predicted he could control us because our being is inherently ethical and good. He could make us interpret ourselves as having sinned. After we believed in our weakness and sin, we could be made to make amends and by ensuring these never measured up, we could be controlled by the Deity.

Question 6, "What additional help did Jesus use?" Prayer. Prayers were not invented by the Christians or Jews but date back as far or further than the Sumerians. A prayer is a spiritual concept which does work. It is a postulate something will happen or something will not happen. A prayer is directed at the source of infinite spiritual power.

A prayer is not the "word" of God. The word is a concept which is at least as old as the Sumerians. The Babylonians and Canaanites brought this concept forward in time and the Hebrews changed it slightly after their encounter with the Persians.

Question 7, "Give two ways by which we can avoid temptation: (a) Pray (b) Study the `Word.'" The word in reality is a mental image concept. It is not something written down or talked aloud it is an entire concept. A prayer is a mental image concept depicting a desire. The two go together and are spiritual manifestations made present within the physical universe. You quote Matt. 26:41. "Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak."

This is a garbled rendition from the Gnostic Book of Thomas where a prayer, if offered which purpose, is to free the Soul from the useless flesh and permit him to function as a true spiritual entity.

Question 8, "Why does God allow trials to come to us?" To temper us. Why would we need to be tested? Why would we need to be tempered? Why would we need the trials? Why did the God who is perfect create some entity which then needed to be tested, tempered and tried?

The fact is he would not. There is no need for this and the statement that it is necessary is merely another way of excusing the Deity for his failures.

You quote Rev. 3:19, "As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent." Now why do we need to repent? Why do we constantly have to walk around feeling remorse? It makes absolutely no sense whatever. If this God is supposed to be our father, it makes even less sense. What type of father desires that his children constantly walk around feeling remorse? What type of a father would constantly rebuke and chasten his offspring?

We only need to look at modern society and what happens to our children if they are constantly being tried, rebuked and chastised. The child will reject such a father. He will rebel. This will justify the father in further punishing the child and thus an evil cycle develops.

The father will eventually be able to break the Spirit of the child. When the child grows up, he will treat his own children in the same manner. Is this what this God desires to happen to us? exactly. He desires to break the Spirit of Man and make him become a subservient slave with no opinions of own.

You find further justifications in Hebrews 12:5 and in 1 Peter 1:7. These are not the only places where justifications for the God's behavior have been found. The Bible is littered with excuses. Like Paul's letter to the Hebrews and 1 Peter, they were made afterwards by people who had to find a way to justify the Doctrine of the Hebrew God.

Question 9, "From where do I get the desire to do right?" The Spiritual plane. As a spiritual entity, I desire but to do what is right and help my fellow Man. All spiritual entities desire to help their fellow Man, this is the one natural quality which makes Man so unique.

A person who does evil does so because of excuses he has had to devise to justify his actions. No one can do an evil deed without first justifying it. In order to maintain this justification, they have to repeat the evil action.

The same thing happens to an organization, where it has done something evil. The crimes such as witch burning, child sacrifices, etc., are all examples of this. Here you mention sin again. Today's Christian Church is practicing a faith which could best be described as Hamartia.

Question 10, "What gives complete assurance of victory?" Spiritual awareness. Spiritual awareness was referred to as Gnosis by the ancient Gnostics. This does assure one of victory over death. With Gnosis, one is united with Christ.

You quote 1 Cor. 1:18, "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." (You have to include verse 19 for the entire picture). "But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world."

Here, you are quoting Gnostic material in order to show salvation. You sadly enough do not show the Gnostic manuscripts which go along with this teaching. You proceed to quote more Gnostic material from Philippians to illustrate salvation (4:13 and 3:13-14). The fact Philippians was written in the second century does not make it Christian. Much Gnostic material is to be found in this letter allegedly written by Paul.

Lesson XII
The Divinity Of Christ

Question 1, "What were fulfilled in the life of Jesus which proved He was the Messiah?" Nothing, Nabonidus was the Babylonian king converted to the moon god Nanna (4q prayer Nabonidus.)

How can you possibly take allegations for proof? If I say I am just kind and good that does not prove this is the case. Every criminal believes he is the only one who is correct. Every insane person believes he is the only person who is sane.

Question 2, "In what words did Jesus show that he claimed to be divine?" Jesus claimed he was divine as was the case with all Mankind(Luke 17:21 John 10:34).

Luke 17:21 "Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." In other words, do not look to heaven for any God, do not look toward saviours for your salvation. It is all right there within you.

John 10:34, "Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law. I said. Ye are Gods." We are Gods on equal footing with any other Gods, we have just been duped by the evil Gods as verified by the Gnostic Gospels.

Question 3, "Although Jesus lived on earth as a man, what did his great teachings prove him to be?" Gnostic!

Question 4, "What outstanding divine power did Jesus manifest?" He resurrected the dead (all men thinking the body was important were dead). You appropriately quote John 5:21-25 where Jesus tells his disciples that those dead who hears the words of Jesus shall live. This is correct and it is also Gnostic. The cloak of darkness which disabled Man and had been placed there by the evil God of the OT would be removed by the true teachings of Gnosis which the later Christians so religious destroyed. Life in a body was what Jesus referred to as death.

Question 5, "What expression did Jesus use that identified him with Jehovah?" NONE! He identified himself as the opponent of Jehovah. Compare Rev. 22:16 with Isaiah 14:12-14. Rev. 22:16 identifies Jesus as the son of Venus. Isaiah 14:12-14 is where God's opponent is identified with Venus.

Question 6, "Did Jesus profess to be the son of God from heaven?" No, the Son of Man. That Jesus said that to know him was to know the father meant that to know the teachings of Jesus was to know the Source.

Question 7, "Give a text showing that Jesus Christ existed before his birth at Bethlehem?" John 14:20 indicate Man as well as Jesus existed before physical birth. "At that day ye shall know I am in my father and ye in me and I in you." In other words we are all interrelated. If we are all a part of each other as this states, we all existed before anything physical as was stated by the Gnostic.

Question 8, "What part did Jesus have in the work of creation?" See the Apochryphon of John and the Paraphrase of Shem 19-20:20.

Question 9, "What experience of Christ showed that he had power over His own life and death?" John 20:17 indicates Man and Jesus have the same power. "Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my father, and your father."

Jesus did not set himself apart from his disciples. The only difference was knowledge (Gnosis). The resurrection of Christ was the proof Jesus was more than a mere body and thus since we, when we have the knowledge are identical to Christ, we too are more than mere physical manifestations.

Question 10, "What do you think of Jesus Christ?" Jesus was a Gnostic teacher whose message still shines through in spite of falsifications by Irenaeus, etc.

You refer to 2 Cor. 8:9 where you say Jesus gave up everything for you. How could you be so fooled? He gave up nothing. All he did was teach. He left this miserable Earth for the spiritual realm. What did he give up? A physical existence which is nothing more than a miserable existence. Some sacrifice!

Jesus never said he sacrificed anything. Why do you insist he did? Do you not ever get tired of misleading people?

Lesson XIII
Is there any sure rule of right?

Question 1, "Is the conscience alone a reliable guide?" Yes, when one is aware. Awareness is Gnosis. When one is fully aware, one's conscience is a far better guide than any of the religious concepts.

The ancient Canaanites knew the reason why it was so difficult to make this world a better place to live was because of the intervention of the Gods. When will you become that aware?

Question 2, "What great rule of right has God given us?" The ten commandments are primitive Babylonian law. A far better law is found among the ancient Sumerians. A far better law is passed every year by governments throughout the world. The ancient teachings in the Bible are as outmoded as the flat planet.

Question 3, "Give three outstanding characteristics of God's law?" I gave as reference Ezekiel 20:25-26. 1) Bad statutes; 2) Judgements not to live by; 3) Polluted Man.

Question 4, "Which word best describes the ten commandments?" I gave `temporal' as it was the closest out of the three choices I was given.

Question 5, "How is sin revealed to us?" Sin comes from the word "Hamartia" which means to miss the target, and you did.

Question 6, "Did Christ keep the law?" No, John 6:32, "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my father giveth you the true bread from heaven." The bread from heaven was not the manna. It was the true teaching which fed the Soul which we all are. Here, Jesus states that Moses did not reveal the true teaching of the true God.

Question 7. Why is it necessary to keep all ten commandments? It is not, the God is the Canaanite Yammu (see Baal II.iv:10 from Ugarit). I will never worship any evil dragon or follow his commandments.

Question 8, "In one word give the only motive for successful obedience?" Darkness. Blind obedience is oblivion. You state it is love. What folly from the mouths of those whose lives revolve around excuses and justifications.

Question 9, "Which description of the law shows its purpose was not restrictive?" Excuses. The "law" demands obedience and the Old Testament demands subjugation. There is absolutely no freedom in the "law." There are a few basic morals revealed which indicate the law came from ancient traditions among the Babylonians.

Question 10, "Name two distinguishing marks of Christians: (a) They ... God's law (b) They have ... in Jesus." Answers: (a) They are fooled by God's law (b) They have not understood Jesus.

 Chapter 26

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