Chapter Twenty Six

(Continuation of the letter in Chapter Twenty Five)



Prophecy seminar 
Introduction to the book of Daniel

Question 1, "Who is the author of Daniel?" You state that the book was written by Daniel. You state this is evident not only from the testimony of scripture, which these verses indicate, but also by the fact that only a person who was intimately acquainted with Nebuchadnezzar's Babylon could have written the details of history written by Daniel.

You are so right. I suppose that is the reason the Encyclopedia Britannica states: "The language of the book-part of which is Aramaic indicates a date of composition later than the Babylonian exile." The E.B. continues to state that the numerous inaccuracies including such as the date of the Exodus, the fact that Darius was the successor of Cyrus, not a predecessor, etc., confirms the judgment that Daniel could not have been a contemporary with Nebuchadnessar.

The E.B. continues to state that Daniel, the model figure, was probably borrowed from the Canaanite Ugarit society and the Phoenicians by the unknown author.

In the `Expanded Knowledge' section, the E.B. elaborates. It is stated that the book was written during similar persecution situations in Israel under Antiochus IV who reigned 175-164 B.C.E. Continuing, it states that the pagan conditions of the second century were written down as foreseen by their God and permitted by him which gave the Hebrews courage at this difficult time.

The E.B. states the possible connection between the Daniel figure in Hebrew literature and the righteous seer Danilu from the Canaanite religion at Ugarit in the 14th century B.C.E. is still uncertain. Ezek. 28:3 where Daniel's wisdom is compared with the king of Tyre virtually proves that Daniel of the Bible and Danilu of the Canaanite traditions at Ugarit is one and the same person. Nabonidus, Daniel and Job are all reflections of the cult to the Moon God from the Sumerian city Ur where Abraham came from.

Christianity's own theological researchers basically agree on the date. Helge S. Kvanvik's "Roots of Apocalyptic," Part two, "Son of Man" states that the oldest written source of the Son of Man figure is Daniel which was written about 170 B.C.E. Yet there is absolutely no Apocalyptic literature in Old Testament Jewish literature reflecting a Son of Man savior figure.

See "Qumran and Apocalyptic" by Florentino Garcia Martinez (4QpsDan). In 1956, Milik published parts of the Qumran literature relating to Daniel. As yet, the reminder is unpublished.

Dan. 2:31-45 indicate the different metals making up the four kingdoms. Likewise in Dan. 7:1-27, the four beasts coming out of the sea also represents the four consecutive kingdoms.

According to Martinez, D. Flusser in his article "The Four empires in the fourth Sibyl and in the book of Daniel," proves that these four kingdoms and their representation are of Persian origin. The four kingdoms are Assyria, Media, Persia, Macedonia. Daniel substituted Babylon for Assyria because both him and Nabonidus were situated in Babylon.

The Fifth kingdom, the one of the Romans, was added to the book after the Romans evolved as a power, completing the prophesy of the past. Today, the Kingdoms are again being substituted to reflect present day situations. Daniel devotes chapters 10 to 12 to the Fourth Kingdom (Greek). Because of the verbal form of the material of Daniel from Qumran, it is indicated that the visions were not originally dream visions, but were a survey of the course of history written down in ancient documents, and read by Daniel to the King and his Nobles. The author of Daniel has sheltered under the name Daniel, a famous old name probably of Canaanite origin.

This material is not unknown to you!! How can you justify teaching as you do knowing the truth is not what you teach? Is it because you are imitating the sincerity of your Deity? Honest people do not lie, not even to protect their cult.

Question 2, "Did Jesus recognize Daniel as the author of this Book?" Matt. 24:15. Yes, here Jesus recognizes the book of Daniel. This leaves us with two choices. Either Jesus was also a fraud like Daniel or Matt. 24:15 is just one of the many added sayings to the New Testament by such people as Irenaeus.

Many people hold it as true that people such as Irenaeus and others added material to the New Testament in order to support their own biased views. They feel that the reason none of the Gospels prior to the third millenium are really available is that these people destroyed the evidence. The few scant remains from the second century are not enough to put together a picture of the beliefs and in fact, the Nag Hammadi manuscripts are about the earliest and best preserved manuscripts from the Biblical area.

Since I do not feel the Jesus figure is a fraud, I have to go with the second option. The fact that you do not alter scriptures which you know are fraudulent makes you guilty of a crime of omission. The fact that you teach material which you know is fraudulent makes you frauds.

Question 3. When was the Book of Daniel written? You find a reason to date the book in the region between 606 and 538 B.C.E. Since your own experts and the Encyclopedia Britannica, which you quote when the material there is favorable, all state this could not have been the case, and since you obviously study this material, this makes you guilty of forgery!

Question 4, "Who had conquered Jerusalem and taken Daniel captive to Babylon?" See previous answers.

Question 5, "To what event does the book of Daniel point?" The book of Daniel reflects the early second century B.C.E.

Question 6, "What are the two parts to the book of Daniel?" The first part is the historical part where Daniel's author attempts to reconstruct the history of the Babylonian empire and relate events down to his own days. The second part is where Daniel attempts to put this history into a prophetic perspective and say the Hebrew God had predicted the events of the past up to the current situation in about 170 B.C.E.

Question 7, "Is the study of prophesy important?" Here you refer to 2 Peter 1:19. The Encyclopedia Britannica, our trusted friend of reliable reference, states about 2 Peter that it was written to explain the delay of parousia. It states that the Hellenistic ideas and views are such that they could not even be ascribed to the author of 1 Peter (which also is fake.) It further states that 2 Peter has difficulty hiding it's Gnostic connections and further that it could not have been written before about 150 C.E.

Since it contains Gnostic affinities, it is assumed it could not have been a composition of Irenaeus who so detested the Gnostics. He ruined his name by unjust and untrue attacks on the Christian Gnostics.

We could speculate that the forgery you use as an example, 1 Peter, was written to validate the other forgery you use to illustrate divine prophesy but this would not work. It could be stated that only forged material supports any of the so-called divine prophesies in the Bible.

Question 8, "Give the Biblical meaning of the following symbols: Beast (Dan. 7:23); Kingdom, Day (Ezek. 4:6); Year, Water (Rev. 17:15), "And he saith unto me, the waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues."

For the correct interpretation of Rev. 17:15, see Myth and ritual V and Baal I ii from Ugarit. The whore is the wife of Baal, Anatu, who when he is in the underworld, pursues any and all male relatives since she is a virgin (has no son.) The water is the water of life (blood) of the fallen dismembered people. As a habit, Anatu had to go out and slay myriad's of people when Baal went to the underworld after every growing season.

Question 9, "Is it your desire to know Jesus better through the study of the prophesies of the book of Daniel?" I did not answer this question. I could not lie to that extent. The study of the Son of Man through Daniel is a valid study but full of inaccuracies. All of Daniel is full of inaccuracies for that matter.

Lesson II
The Cosmic Warfare in Daniel

Question 1, "As the book of Daniel opens, who appears to be defeated?" Here you wanted Jehoiakim. First of all, you are talking of the evil Babylonians. What gives you the right to refer to the Babylonians as evil? The allegations of the Bible are certainly no place from which to ascertain who the evil people are. The Israelites display more evil than anyone of their contemporaries.

According to the E.B. Nebuchadnezzar was looked upon by the Israelites as God's instrument against the wrongdoers. This would mean that, at the time, the God of the Israelites was aligned with Marduk of the Babylonians. This should not surprise anyone as Marduk was the son of En-Ki.

Question 2, "What ultimately happens to God's people?" Here, you wanted the answer that they where delivered, but you did not specify which God. Was this the people of the God of Abraham? His ancestors? Was it the God of Moses? It seems you desired the God of Daniel.

The God of Daniel from Ugarit, his God from the time of Nebuchadnezzar and the God from when the time Daniel was written down are three different Gods.

You refer to Dan. 12:1. Here, the Guardian angel is most assuredly Baal and not Michael as the Bible states. Verse 2 is right from Danilu at Ugarit and verse 1 also reflect the Canaanite savior.

The war scroll of Daniel is not just a clear reflection of the Canaanite myth. The parallel literature from Qumran such as 1QM 17.7 indicates that the Canaanite dualism from the 15th century B.C.E. has been modified by the Persian dualism of the 5th.

As shown in this part of Daniel, you state that it reflects how Christ is to save his followers. To interpret Daniel, you cannot leave out the obvious dependence on 1 Enoch and the book of jubilees.

Question 3, "After Nebuchadnezzar cast Shadrac, Meshach and Abednego into the fiery furnace, how many people did he see in the fire?" You want four (Dan. 3:25) which is based on the previous Dan. 3:17, "If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of thine hand, O king."

This material is from Nabonidus and not Nebuchadnezzar. This material reflects the Moon God saving the people out of the furnace and not the Canaanite/Hebrew Deity.

Question 4, "Who is the fourth one who walks through the fire with Shadrac, Meshak and Abednego?" Here you desired the Son of God. Here you wrongly associate the Son of God and the Son of Man. The two are not interchangeable! 4Q 286 which is a prophesy regarding the Son of the Most High God. This has been proposed to reflect Alexander Balas, or Alexander the Great. The son of God is also identified as the Antichrist.

We see the messengers of Yammu from Ugarit depicted like fire, and tongues like sharpened swords. The people in the fire are an interesting mythological concept. It does not have anything at all to do with the advent of Jesus. It has to do with the dragon Yammu/YHWH and his messengers, but exactly what is difficult to ascertain.

Question 5, "Describe the one who brings encouragement to Daniel in a later vision." Dan. 10:5,6 is directly from Ugarit (Baal.1.iii 30). It reflects the Goddess Anatu, Baal's wife, loosing her composure at the sight of two Gods. Daniel 5 has it's background "Myth and Ritual" from Ugarit. The Babylonians represent the family of El, the Canaanite God Most High, and Daniel and the Angels represent Baal and his helpers, including the savior.

Question 6, "Describe the being who appeared to John the revelator in the Book of Revelation?" Rev. 1:13-16. This likewise is a revelation of the savior Baal's arrival to deliver the faithful.

Question 7, "Who is the one who appeared to Daniel and John?" Rev. 1:13, The Son of Man.

As has been seen, the Son of Man and will be further illustrated is the opponent of the Israelite Dragon Yammu/YHWH and cannot be used to illustrate the divinity of any prophesies other than those dealing with the downfall of the evil Israelite God. You again state Jesus was not born until more than 500 years after Daniel. Daniel was written 170 years before Jesus and the editing of Daniel is not completed yet.

Question 8, "The Bible predicted the birth of Christ in what place?" Micah 5:2. Micah is the most obvious place in the Bible advocating the worship of the God Yammu. Yammu was never to have a son born. He was never married, and he never intended to have any savior. It was the followers of Yammu who desired a savior to deliver them out of his cruel clutches.

Question 9, "How does the Bible describe the one born in Bethlehem?" The ruler from everlasting described in Micah 5:2 is the God Baal.

Question 10, "Was Christ involved in the creation?" Col. 1:14-16. Colossians was most assuredly written by Irenaeus and cannot be used as a reference. The Son of Man was involved in the effort to save the Spiritual manifestation in the physical universe since before it's creation.

Question 11, "Who was the rock that was with the children of Israel as they journeyed out of Egypt and into the promised land?" 1 Cor. 10:1-4. Here you desired Christ. This is definitely an attempt by later Christians to link the message of the Gnostics with the message out of the OT. If Jesus was with them in the desert, it would have been mentioned then and there.

If he was that angel of the lord who had to lead the Israelites because the lord got so angry with the Israelites he would have slain them all, it would have said so. If a savior had existed at the time of Exodus, why would he have waited another 1,500 years to make an appearance?

Question 12, "What did Christ do for us?" Here you desired the response: He died for our sins (1 Cor.15:3). No one ever died for our sins no matter how guilty we feel or how guilty that idea makes us feel.

Question 13, "Is Christ fully God?" John 1:1-3,14. No. A God is a physical manifestation of the Spiritual ability to think and reason. Man is the Spiritual manifestation of that which thinks and reasons. A God does not represent the spiritual manifestations Jesus did after his resurrection, so Jesus must be said to have been right when he stated he was the Son of Man.

Question 14, "Was Christ also Man?" Heb. 2:14-18. Hebrews is not a valid book of the New Testament about anything but deception. Christ did not become human as your reference seems to imply. He resided for a few years in the confines of the physical body. This was the state which was known as death. When he was released from the confines of the physical body, he was no longer dead.

Question 15, "Does Christ understand Humanity?" Heb. 4:15-16. Christ understands the confines of the trap of the humanoid body known as death.

Question 16, "How many members are in the Godhead?" You have Father, Son and Holy spirit. The answer is Source, the perfect Man and the Son of Man. Matt. 28:19 is an addition. The Holy spirit could be seen to be the pleroma.

Question 17. What are the names that scriptures gives to the one who opposes Christ? Isaiah 14:12, "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" For comparison, Rev. 22:16, "I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and the morning star."

No kidding! Here, Jesus identifies himself with the Lucifer depicted in Isaiah. It must be stated that the opponent of the dragon of the Old Testament would certainly have been depicted as a devil by the evil dragon.

Question 18, "Under the symbolism of the king of Tyre, God describes the creation of Lucifer. What kind of being was Lucifer when he was created?" Ezek. 28:12-15. You state Lucifer became evil by choice and was not thus created by God. Absolutely nothing in the entire Bible indicates the God desired for his followers to have any choice whatever. This is an implied allegation which has been created by later religious leaders. It is not substantiated anywhere. The opposite is substantiated in all the pages of the Bible. This is a further indication the people who profess the teachings of the Bible are far better than the God they worship.

Question 19, "What did Lucifer attempt to do in heaven?" Isaiah 14:13. Here the throne can be identified positively with the throne of Baal from the legend of Baal from Ugarit. This part of Isaiah illustrates without a doubt the Ugarit legend where the evil God Yammu/YHWH desired to ascend to the throne of Baal on the divine mountain Sapanu. While the Israelites are now worshipping Yammu/YHWH, this was not always the case, and at least this part of Isaiah depicts the struggle between these two Gods, and it is Baal who is the hero here.

Question 20, "As a result of Lucifer's rebellion what happened to him?" Rev. 12:7-9. You say Satan was cast out into the Earth, and in fact, the battle where Baal evicted the dragon Yammu/YHWH is the one which is depicted.

Question 21, "Since Lucifer was cast out of heaven, whom does he seek to deceive?" Rev. 12:12. You desired the inhabitants of Earth which is correct. The dragon Yammu/YHWH has been deceiving the inhabitants of Earth ever since, doing a pretty good job of it too. the entire Western World has worshipped him as their God and so has the Islam religion.

Question 22, "How does Satan deceive people?" 2 Cor. 11:13-15. Here, you show that this evil Deity you refer to as Satan appears as an angel of light, and his ministers (Irenaeus) appear as ministers of righteousness. Very true.

Question 23, "Can Satan really work miracles?" Rev. 16:13,14. Oh yes, but these are evil, intended to deceive and trap. The devious deceptions of the minions of Yammu/YHWH are seen in the New Testament. Jesus held the body in low esteem deeming it an unworthy abode. Minions such as Irenaeus added miraculous cures of the minions of Yammu/YHWH to the lore of Jesus to deceive and corrupt.

Question 24, "How effective are Satan's deceptions?" Matt. 24:24. Very effective. The deceptions have left the entire planet in a total shambles where law and order is the exception rather than the rule. It has left civilization a loose concept which would be great if we could ever achieve it.

Question 25, "With whom does Satan wage war in the last days?" Rev. 12:17. There will not be any war, his minions will fall away when the deceptions become enumerated and his power will all be lost. Peace and harmony will be the rule rather than the exception.

Question 26, "With whom do God's people have to contend in the battles of life?" Eph. 6:12. The God Yammu/YHWH will have no people. He is subordinate to every thinking entity on this planet and people still contend with the cloak of darkness but, it is easily removed.

Question 27, "How can the Christian resist the adversary?" Eph. 6:11-13. They can don the armor of God which the Gnostics describe as the cloak of ignorance.

Question 28, "What is this Armor?" Eph. 6:14-17. The armor the Hebrew deity has prepared for the son of Man is the cloak of ignorance. The body of death. The notion it is only the God who knows the way of the God, and the excuse as his breastplate. He uses the mind of Man to find excuses for the inferior God.

Question 29, "Do you wish to align yourself with Jesus Christ and triumph with God's people when Christ ends the great controversy?" To align yourself with the Jesus Christ depicted in the New Testament of Irenaeus is certain death. It is total oblivion and despair. The only manner by which to prevent certain Spiritual oblivion is to obtain knowledge. Both spiritual and mental. To blindly trust in this God brings futile destruction.

Lesson III
The Controversy Begins

Question 1, "Name the specific instances in the book of Daniel where the issues of worship and obedience illustrate the great controversy theme?" Dan. 1:8. What Daniel would not do to defile himself is here related. This is a part of the Hebrew propaganda material showing how Daniel leads the king Nabonidus to the true faith.

In Daniel, the king is not Nebuchadnessar but Nabonidus toward whom the priesthood was hostile. This is illustrated beyond a doubt with the Qumran literature where 4Qprayer of Nabonidus is related. The king Nabonidus prays to all gods of silver and gold to no avail until an exiled Jew has him pray to the Most High God (in this case the Moon God Nanna).

The stele of Nabonidus indicates that after Nabonidus discovers the true God, he decides to rebuild the temple to the moon God Sin/Nannar. This stele indicates the Babylonians had forgotten all about their duties to the God Nanna and worshipped different Gods until the Israelite seer straightened out Nabonidus. He ruled from 556 to 539 B.C.E. which would indicate Daniel was falsified by later Christians in order to accommodate the prophesies of Daniel with their own Jesus.

I continued the course on the Biblical prophesies, but there were no prophesies. I could relate more of this here, but there is no use. Daniel is a forgery to begin with and has been further modified to align it with Christ. To sum up, it only illustrates the lengths to which the Christians went in order to justify their faith. Do not continue to deceive!

You cannot continue teaching in the fashion you are because you are destroying the spirit of Man. You are directly responsible for the low morals and disgusting ethical behavior of people on the planet, yet should you do anything it could not come from you.

I have as yet not received any reply from the Church in Norway where I sent the above. I received a brief reply from the principal in a school in England where I sent another copy which only indicated he had read but very few paragraphs of it all.

The response which I received from the Church was that they were not deceiving Mankind. They stated that since it said Moses received his message from God 1500 B.C.E., this could be more authentic than the tradition written down by earlier people of the same area.

This is exactly what I mean when I state they are deceiving. To protect himself, the person who called himself a principal obviously did not read the manuscript I sent since I identified Moses with the Egyptian pharaoh Ahmoses and showed how the Exodus was the flight of the Hyksos from Egypt. I also indicated the Bible was written about 420 B.C.E. and those people who wrote it counted one Apocalypse of weeks back to Solomon and another back to Moses and a third back to Abraham. An Apocalypse of weeks is 490 years.

 Chapter 27

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