Chapter Fourteen

The Real Genesis


Jeremiah 11:13 states: "For according to thy cities were thy Gods." A better phrase to describe the worship practices of the Sumerians could not have been found. After the deluge of ignorance, it is extremely possible there were Archons over each and every Sumerian city. These "Gods" or guardians would have been necessary to monitor the state of affairs after the deluge of ignorance. It would have been necessary to supervise the obedience of the people to the indoctrinated behavior and false knowledge. It would have been necessary to monitor this closely because the implantation of the Souls was not such an easy task. To implant was easy, then one had to make sure the people dramatized the implantation and this was the difficult part.

So as not to re-stimulate too much of this implantation, it is not in anyone's interest that everything be divulged. I feel I can let you know that it is in the form of a dichotomy. During pain and duress, correct concepts are given to Man along with its opposite. When the Soul later inhabits a body, the Soul will dramatize some correct philosophies and some erroneous ones. One of these concepts would be: "To live is to die" and one would get, "To die is to live." The effect of such a concept would vary from individual to individual and from lifetime to lifetime. Myriad's of such concepts are given and, should you have thought of a good one, it is possible it could be one which you are currently dramatizing.

This material is implanted on the level of the genetic entity and the Soul identifying itself with the genetic entity thus becomes a slave to the physical universe. We must now rise above the mere physical or this chain of dramatization will never cease. It is not difficult to be above what is physical, the difficulty is getting there. The Gods monitoring the Sumerian cities were there to insure that all the people dramatized the implanted messages. If they found one which was not, it would be easy to get him back and have him implanted again. The minions of the physical universe can not afford to have Man rise above the physical. Once there, they can not be controlled. It is impossible for them to kill the Soul so they do the next best thingthey immobilize the spiritual entity and make it a prisoner through false concepts and ignorance.

Not so cute are the times when we see some poor Soul dramatizing one or another of these implanted concepts and forsake even the reality of the three dimensional world. These are found at mental institutions and for the most part get referred to as "schizophrenic."

The Hebrews were not the Sumerians. The Sumerian tales became the central themes which were adopted by nearly all ancient religions. Josh.24:2 states: "And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other Gods." Instead of the other side of the flood, the Norwegian Lutheran Bible states they lived on the other side of Euphrates, otherwise the tales are the same. It may be worth noting in passing that the deity states they served other Gods.

Had the early Israelites not believed there were other Gods, this statement could not have been made. Ezek.16:3-8 states: "And say, thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother was a Hittite." Since both Hittites and Amorites are considered Canaanites the Hebrews were Canaanites as it is stated by their God. Since the religious basis of both the Canaanites and the Babylonians go back to the Sumerians, we have to look at the Sumerians. Not only do these religious principles go back to the Sumerians, so does also the religious foundations of a great many other thoughts.

Sumer is the home also of Gilgamesh, the famous part Man part God hero who in the Bible is referred to as Nimrod. Nimrod was the grandson of Ham which would possibly be a valid enough claim. Gen.10:8,9 state that he was a mighty hunter in front of the lord and that he established the city Uruk which is the same city called Erech in Sumerian which Gilgamesh built.

The later recorders attempted to fit everything into a neat picture of conformity with this same YHWH having been the only Deity ruling and the one who was the creator. It was desired that this God was the one who had been worshipped from the creation of Heaven and Earth as is stated in the Bible. Archeological discoveries, especially over the last century, disprove this claim resoundingly. To teach so in any Church is treason toward Mankind, treason of the spiritualthe only crime which is severe.

En-Ki was one of the most important Sumerian Gods. However, En-Ki was jealous of his older brother En-Lil, suffering from an inferiority complex much like another God still worshipped today. Jealousy is an inferiority complex and not a divine attribute. Our religious leaders have now for centuries been busy explaining how a perfect God could be jealous. What they accomplish is discovering excuses for the God. The God is valueless, there are no excuses for his evil. There are no excuses for his jealousies.

Since the excuses for the God does not measure up, the religious leaders are stating we are so far inferior to this God that we can not understand him. They state he would have had motives which are beyond our comprehension. As proof, they state we can not create a planet with all these trees and the ecological system which work in such a unison. A most famous example is the human eye and the allegation this God created the eye. First of all, there are nothing but allegations to prove the God is superior to Man. The mental abilities of the God in the OT is not those of a genius, they are the mental abilities of an insane dictator.

Church leaders believe this God created all things we see around us. There are no reason why this should be so. A far more plausible explanation for how all of the living organisms came about, the beauty and the eye which perceives it is evolution as seen by the evolutionist. Evolution, as seen by the evolutionist, modified by the spiritual element which is Man created it all. Along comes an evil being laying claim to it all and we are too good to dispute this claim.

En-Ki, the lord of the earth, was renamed Ea by the Accadians who succeeded the Sumerians. He was identified with water and with wisdom. Ancient Sumerian cylinder seals depict him with two streams of water and swimming fish. Fish was the symbol of En-Ki and the religious symbolism of fish has followed us down through the ages. Many a cult employed both fish and snakes as a symbolism for fertility, Some of today's Christians are still employing the fish as a symbol. The possibility the fish which symbolized En-Ki has gone down through history, and are the fish in the Christian worship practices may be real. But this is not interesting enough for me to pursue. What the exact content of all these ancient theologies stated has no bearing on our study.

En-Ki was revered as the father who imparted knowledge to his son. Through En-Ki telling his son these important facts this, knowledge was written down on clay tablets. What use this knowledge he imparted was to Man is a question. By his teaching to his son, Man received that same knowledge. His son was the famous Marduk. Accadian was the language spoken by the early Hebrews. It was also spoken by the Assyrians and the Babylonians. This language was in use from about 2,500 B.C.E. and remained in vogue for over two thousand years. Before this, the people of the area spoke Sumerian. That many people carried their sacred religious material forward in Sumerian is a distinct possibility. John M. Allegro in his book, "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" illustrated early beliefs of the Hebrews from documents found at Qumran and correlated these with biblical material. Allegro discovered a fertility cult within the manuscripts of the Bible and Qumran writings which employed hallucinatory mushrooms.

In his translations, he discovered a secret form of writing which carried forward a drug cult dedicated to fertility. The fertility aspects of the biblical lore is unmistakable. How extensive this drug cult was may be open to question, but I do not believe all these ancients were members of this cult. I am not interested in just one cult, I am interested in a picture of the entirety. The material of this drug cult is undeniable, yet the material written down is from after the Persian occupation of Israel as is all biblical material. The language of the cult goes back another two thousand years and would thus indicate the presence of this cult went back that far also. This may or may not have been the case, it would be enough to ascertain the fact that a drug cult dedicated to fertility most assuredly did exist. This cult most likely went back to the Sumerians, but how extensive it was is unknown.

Allegro was resoundingly denounced by the Church because he discovered things the Church did not approve of. While he is deceased, he was for a long time silenced and was no longer a part of the people who are translating the Dead Sea Scrolls. He committed the crime of reporting what he found rather than what the Christians would have liked to find. He did not adjust the data to fit the mentality of current Christian thought and therefore had no place among the "elite"(?) who relayed the truth adjusted to fit the mentality of a subversive Church.

This material about Allegro was not necessary to our study, it just irks me what happened to this person who honestly reported what he discovered and the truth about it. Those who purportedly transmit the truths have to castigate an honest person because the truth is not what they would like it to be.

The truth is not as it is written between the pages of the Bible. Those who have to discredit any other interpretation of the material when this material does not agree with their interpretation are the real criminals. A crime of disguising a lie because of vested interest is bad. When that crime entails disguising spiritual truths and corrupting our spiritual essence, it becomes of a magnitude greater than the crime perpetrated by the most devious murderers.

But let us get back to the Sumerians. If you have serious thoughts about the above statement sort these out first. If your mind is stuck on one part, it should be sorted out before carrying on, otherwise the understanding of what follows will be impeded.

When the god En-Ki created Man, clay was also his building material. The body created by En-Ki was a physical body. The Sumerians did not believe life ceased at physical death, yet no material to my knowledge in Sumer or by the Hebrews tell us who created the spiritual entity which Man is. It seems awfully strange to me that not more thought was given to the creation of spiritual Man by the ancients.

The Sumerians held that the Gods created the bodies as implements to do the service of the Gods. After death, they went to the nether world. This was indeed a most dismal place ruled by the goddess Ereshkigal. She was the goddess who ensured her subjects were subjugated to her laws. Man in the nether world was but a shadow of his former self. But that is not any different than what he is on Earth today. The Soul who cares for a physical body is but a shadow of his real self. His abilities are diminished and his awareness is inhibited.

The guardians of the nether world have a lot in common with the Archons of the Gnostic beliefs. I believe there are more authentic Gnostic traditions which date back to the Sumerian originals than to the Hebrews.

The Sumerians thought of themselves as being here just to serve the Gods, to do the chores of the Gods and to make the lives of their Gods easier. They knew they were more than mere bodies and it would seem incredible they had no thought of how this all came about.

The Sumerians were aware that their Gods only created the physical body. The tablets found at Sumer are of Clay. They survive through the millenniums and therefore can be read today. This may not have been the only written record, and even if it was, could there not similarly have been a separate tradition?

One more point which must be made with regards to our understanding of this material. When great minds attempt to interpret this material, it is done without emphasizing today's religious beliefs. The material translated and interpreted in both Sumer and Egypt is however colored with our understanding of how we think those ancients understood the universe.

Modern scientists, whether they are aware of it or not, are under the influence of the negative propaganda the current Church has painted over all other religions. An entirely new study is called for where the possibility of the ancients being aware of a four dimensional existence is taken into consideration. With the amount of uncertainties in the translation of Egyptian and Sumerian material this may well be the link we are missing. That the understanding of these languages are limited is not any more significant than the thousands of uncertainties which still exist around the translation of the Bible.

According to the Bible, Gilgamesh/Nimrod's grandfather was Ham, the brother of Shem. We looked at the Paraphrase of Shem when it came to the creation of the physical universe. Could the Sumerians have had similar material available? The traditions told by the Sumerians all reflect the actions of their Gods and the children of Gods by humans. Tales such as Gilgamesh/Nimrod for example and innumerable tales of what the various Sumerian Gods did. These could have been but a part of the knowledge of the Sumerians.

It is unreasonable to speculate that they were more primitive mentally than we are, and the most important question would then have been as today, "What was the spiritual aspect of Man?" The body was mortal, what about the Soul? The material recorded on the clay tablets could very well have been the view of the Sumerians of what the Gods desired them to know and desired for them to relate. If the Sumerian netherworld was as dismal as the clay tablets reflect, the burials of kings would not have been mass burials of willing victims. That could only have happened if these people felt they were leaving a dismal existence and going on to something better.

Me's were the Sumerian tablets of divine knowledge and En-Ki planted his tree of divine Me's in his city Eridu. Eridu was in the southernmost part of ancient Sumer, just a few kilometers from the city Ur where Abraham's family came from. En-Ki computed the number of the stars. He was referred to as the shepherd of his people and he made sure the people followed their shepherd.

But did En-Ki do the computations of the ancient Sumerians? From the same type of clay tablets, the Sumerian legends are written on other things pertaining to life. There are mathematical computations which match the more difficult questions of today. There are administrative records indicating a very high level of civilization. A sincere look at these Sumerians reveals they were no different than today's people. Their mental abilities were just as advanced as the mental abilities of current society. Their beliefs were different, but different does not mean inferior. Today's belief that some son of a God was nailed to a piece of wood because of the sin of Man and this was to redeem Man must be considered to be about as primitive as a religious philosophy can get.

As stated by the evolutionists, if the mind evolved making a great leap from 35,000 years ago until today, there would have been some indication of an advance in mental abilities from the ancient Sumerian and Egyptian societies and forward to today. When looking at the records, it seems more plausible the reverse effect has been happening.

En-Ki says: "I am the lord. I am the one whose word endures, and I am eternal." En-Ki curses Elam in much the same fashion YHWH curses the Elamites and he also curses the Marhasi (who are the Marhasi?) Utu, the sun god is comparable to Uriel of the Hebrew religion. He is placed in charge of the universe by En-Ki. The Hebrews, after the occupation of Israel by the Persians adopted a monotheistic religion (no, it was not monotheistic before as will be made clear) and had to rewrite their doctrine to reflect the new belief. The earlier Sun God became an Angel in charge of the Sun. The God of the nether world became a fallen Angel and so on and so forth.

Human bodies with wings were common in Sumer. It is possible they were depictions of deities, but these were quite assuredly the forerunners to today's Angels. The breath of life to the Sumerians was what drove the rain clouds over the heavens. The breath of life was in other words the wind. Not only the Sumerians held this belief, but also the Babylonians, Hittites, Egyptians as well as others.

To surmise, it would only stand to reason that the Hebrews held the same belief . The Hebrews were not an isolated people. They had close ties with the other people of the region and the reason why all of the Old Testament writings can be correlated with other Near Eastern belief is because the Israelites, or Hebrews or Jews or whatever one desires to call them held the same beliefs as the people of the area.

It cannot possibly be otherwise. When the Bible tells the story of the child flowing down the river for example, they are telling their story. The fact that the story belonged to the great Sumero/Accadian king Sargon the great is not new. The people told their stories. When the Hebrew religion changed a few hundred years before Jesus they still wanted to tell these same stories and they did. They only changed the significance of the tale. If there is one thing Man has been great at during the ages it is changing the significance of tales. Most of us have at one time or another been guilty of exactly the same thing at least once. We hear what we perceive is a great story and when relaying it we make ourselves one of the leading actors in order to make our lives more interesting. No big crime in everyday life, just awfully embarrassing should it be discovered. However, when it comes to alterations regarding the Human Soul, the crime is of devastating proportions.

En-Ki was known as the God who knows everything. The "word" of En-Ki could bring order to chaos or destruction to order. You are true with those who are true and you are not true with those who are not true was said of En-Ki. Here too seems to be a fatalistic attitude similar to the religion of the Jews. The God is only good to those who are true to the desires of the God. Right or wrong was not even a part of the picture. The Gods could wipe out our bodies, therefore they were right seems to have been the attitude. Now this brings up the question of the savior figure so commonly awaited in the various religions. Be it the Canaanites, the Babylonians, the Assyrians or the Hebrews and most other people, they were all anticipating this savior figure. What was the savior to save them from? The Gnostic stated it was from the evil Archons who were the Gods of the Earth and, when looking at ancient material and the character of these Gods, they were obviously right.

This is no big deal once one gets the picture of the physical and spiritual separated. The God can have the Physical Universe and the bodies. The only problem is that too many of my kin are suffering here. It would not be right not to do something about it.

En-Ki was known as the spreader of knowledge, but the quality of this knowledge was deception. En-Ki was the master of the commanding eye. It was said that En-Lil alone was the god of Heaven and Earth, and En-Ki was his younger brother. En-Ki was the oppressor who was the first to walk on the Earth. It was En-Ki and not En-Lil who brought life to Man's body. En is translated master or lord. En-Ki would be lord or master of Earth, Lil was Heaven, so En-Lil would be the lord of Heaven. These Gods only needed Man for their servants. They had no use for Man other than that he should alleviate them from some of the work. Now that makes a bit more sense. They were at least a little better informed than Man today. The notion that one God created Man, and all that exists, and then will send his son to save Man from what he created is stupid to say the least.

Am I the only person around who has ever thought it was ridiculous, nay, asinine that the God who created the entire universe including man and all which walks and breaths in it should want to save man? Absurd, ridiculous, moronic and a few other adjectives also fits the idea. What would the God be saving man from? Who would the God be saving us from? Is it not clear yet? If the God created everything, we are to be saved from what the God created. If we are created in the image of the God and we are evil then we are to be saved by the evil God from his evil! He was supposed to know everything so he would have known beforehand that man would commit the transgressions he supposedly made. Some God!

`We were supposed to have a choice' is the excuse employed by religious leaders. No, we had no choice in how we were created according to the Bible, for the God who supposedly created us messed up. If the God created us and we do not measure up to his expectations, we are not to be blamed. The God is. If I create something which is substandard, I am the one who is responsible.

If I make excuses for my failures, it is assured I will continue to make the same errors. How can a God be excused? The fact is he cannot. It is easy to explain it all away again in the opposite direction by saying we simply evolved out of a primeval soup and that we needed Gods to look up to and thus we invented all the Gods and everything spiritual. That is what we are supposed to do.

The fact of the matter is that the Archons indeed are very real. Like the Gnostics said, they desire total domination over us in order that the physical universe might survive. It is a foul trap which you need not worry about. If you are afraid that this is correct, you are already so far along you are superior to the Archons.

When the Sumerians suffered through their trials and tribulations, it was because they had sinned so, this was not something new to the Hebrew religion. It was because they had offended the Gods in one way or another, and it was sin to offend or neglect their Gods at the appropriate times.

Here we have the same philosophical attitude all suppressors have employed. It is a well known fact that if you desire to have total control and domination over people all you need to do is make them feel guilty. It does not matter if the guilt comes from real or imagined transgressions. Man is inherently moral. Was it not so no guilt would be felt because of trespasses? To dominate man is the easiest task imaginable. All anyone has to do is make him feel guilty and he is bound by an imagined or real offense.

In a Magical incantation which En-Ki/Ea is teaching to his son Marduk, the fluid from a leaf of a reed plant is referred to as the water of life. Now before we go looking for reed plants, it is more likely that the life giving fluid was the water of life. Sap in plants and blood in animals. We should refer to it as the water of living organisms. Living organisms are a symptom of Life and not Life itself.

There is no holy water. Water is a part of the physical universe and nothing physical is holy. Only what is spiritual is. Holy water basins were also used at Sumer indicating our Sunday traditions go back much further than thought. Here again, the significance of the tradition has changed. When the significance of a tradition is changed, it does not indicate a correct form of worship, it only signifies a worship practice with hidden meanings. When an accepted religious practice no longer is acceptable because of changing moral values, the changing of the significance it represents is to bury an error. If this error was in the foundation of a house, it would eventually topple. If the error is in the foundation of spiritual man, spiritual man will eventually topple.

When the demons were out to get a man, say he fell sick or was dying, a sheep was often offered up to the demons as a substitute for the ailing person. This was a practice which among others was employed by the Sumerians, the Babylonians, the Canaanites and many other peoples of the time and area. The Hebrews sacrifice of a goat in Lev. 16:8-10 is were all the sins of the Hebrews are born by the scapegoat Asael, written Azazel in Aramaic. The practice was common to the Near Eastern peoples of the time and area. It is not anything unique or special. Superstitious yes, special no, and the redemption value is nil.

Azael, the name of the goat is also the name of the Watcher who revealed the divine secrets to Mankind. It will be seen how he was not only the scapegoat for the Hebrews in the desert but also the scapegoat of the Hebrew Deity.

The connection between Azael and the figure of Jesus, who in later times, died for the sins of man may be very real. That Jesus is the same goat is not possible, but the symbolism is as far as Israelite mythology goes.

In later theological times, the Sumerian God Enki, now known as Ea, becomes synonymous with the old man with the beard whom the younger Gods seek for his Wisdom. Marduk (identified as Baal by some historians) takes over as the prime God who takes care of the affairs of Man. Marduk becomes the chief of the Gods by slaying the dragon Tiamat, and he in turn creates man from the blood of the dragon and clay. It is said that the spirit of this slain God will become manifest in the living Man, but how could it be necessary for Marduk to create Man if his father En-Ki already had done so? Here we have but another action where the followers of one people in an area adopt the traditions of the people whom they supplant and employ their stories.

When En-Ki is through reproaching his older brother En-Lil for destroying Man through the Flood, En-Lil parallels the Bible in promising never to destroy Mankind again. Now it may be interesting to speculate about these Sumerian Gods. Could they have been the fallen watchers of the formerly biblical book known as 1 Enoch? It is not at all impossible. But it is not a very lucrative process trying to correlate them. The fact of the matter is that the Watchers of 1 Enoch were not fallen, they were sent to deceive Man and to confuse his knowledge. They were Archons.

The Sumerian Gods were also Archons and thus could be identified by 1 Enoch. The only thing of importance here is the fact that the ancient Hebrews knew the Sumerian Gods as Gods.

Yahweh can be phonetically connected with Ea. YHWH in short would be IAO, which was the divine name of the Hebrew God from Qumran and Nag Hammadi. With all the other traits which match the two, there can be little doubt we are dealing with one and the same God. IAO would have it's root in Life or living, denoting a spring, or running water, and this is what represented the God En-Ki/Ea.

Thus the claim of Yahweh in the Bible that he was the real slayer of the dragon Tiamat would be a valid claim as he was instrumental in enabling his son Marduk to slay the dragon. (Don't look so surprised, it all fits together!)

For more thought, we could postulate that the inherent sin of Man really comes from the guilty blood of the evil dragon which was a part of Man's creation. The blood is the DNA, but as we have seen, the physical attributes and this includes the DNA has nothing to do with our real makeup.

The real original sin was not within the physical universe, it was the blunder by Source and no one gets punished for it. The only way to make it right again is by Gnosis. We must all aspire to the knowledge which was perverted by the Archons.

In the Bible, Man gets punished for supposedly having eaten the apple. Here we have seen that if Man could not follow directions, it was because the God created a flawed product, and thus the God is punishing Man for a mistake the God did. The justifications about free choice and explanations to lessen the offense by the deity iareexcuses. The cloak of darkness is a composition of excuses. Every time an excuse is employed, the cloak of darkness is woven tighter about Man. Never employ excuses! Had a real God created a product which was substandard, the God would have taken the responsibility for it. Yes, according to the Gnostics, the Source of the Spiritual entity which formed the spiritual Soul took responsibility for creation and no Man gets punished.

This desire to punish the victim is found throughout the Bible. The desire to punish victims instead of the offender would seem to verify that the God had to employ excuses for various things which had happened. When one makes a mistake and subsequently creates an excuse for it, the problem is that in order to validate the excuse we need to continue making the same mistake of punishing the offended we all know is wrong, yet it is done over and over in the Bible. This would indicate that since the God punished the offended in Paradise instead of the offender, he has to continue doing so.

A good axiom to employ is: "Behind every excuse lies a failure. To justify a failure only compounds its magnitude."

The soul and the pleroma are from without the physical universe, and it would be far more fitting to state that we are the honored guests whom the minions of the physical universe failed to show proper respect towards.

Without the spiritual essence of Man, the physical universe would have been nothing. We are that which cause Life and should be proud of it.

The power of En-Ki/Ea's son Marduk, like his father is his word. As well in Hittite mythology, Ea is a God whose power is the word. He speaks, and the action comes about. This is also said about the Egyptian and the Hebrew Deity.

As we saw, the word is the mental image concept so this would be true. All of us who can experience the physical universe have agreed upon the mental image concept of the physical universe. That is why it is real yet, the physical universe is no more no less than a mental image concept. Once you can see the entirety of this concept, and you will, it will loose all significance. It may be an acceptable playground but that will be all.

The word became logos to the Greeks and the same word became a physical manifestation on Earth to the early Christian founding fathers. Irenaeus and others saw the word as Jesus. This was not because Jesus ever said it was so, it was because these Church fathers desired to make the new faith more appealing to the Greeks.

The evidence there was more to the Sumerian theologies than what is contained in the tablets found in Sumer is found between the pages of the Bible. The Psalms directly reflect Sumerian thought. The power of the word of God, frequently mentioned in the Psalms is of Sumerian origin. The other part to this would be the dispute that since the "word" had the same power in the Egyptian philosophies, it was of Egyptian origin. In many cases, the Psalms do reflect Egyptian thought, and there could well have been writings from both cultures. Yet the Sumerian culture preceded that of the Egyptians and all other early stories reflect Sumerian rather than Egyptian thought.

En-Lil is that God who makes the Heaven and Earth tremble by the issue of his word. His word is a raging storm, it splinters trees, etc. When the Biblical scholars tell us to read Isaiah in the Bible if we want to know what the Qumran documents tell us, they are not as close to the truth as if we were to say, read the Psalms to discover the philosophies of the Sumerians.

Justice, and the judging of humankind was a pervading theme in Sumerian mythology. The Sumerian god of justice was the sun god Utu (semitic, Shamash). He was the God who turned darkness into light. He was the defender of the orphan, the widow and the oppressed. To the Hebrews, he became the Angel Oriel. The myth is the same, he was only demoted from a God to an Angel. But then in the earliest biblical material available there is a real problem. Scholars are hard pressed to distinguish when the Hebrew God is mentioned and when Angels are mentioned because they are referred to by the same word.

We do not have that problem. We can call them Archons, and we will be correct. Psalm 51 for example is a mirror of Sumerian mythology. Here, a person is pleading with his God to show him mercy. The person goes on in Sumerian fashion telling about his good points and confessing his shortcomings. Such material show that we have for a long time had available for us Sumerian material. But we must be cautious, for the translators often inserted goodies of their own. Where in Psalm 51:17 it says, "The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit:" what follows is an insertion. "A broken spirit and a contrite heart, O God thou wilt not despise." Now this is not Sumerian. It must come from editing by those coming later. No place in any other religion which I know of does the ruling Deity demand a broken spirit as a proper sacrifice. This sacrifice is what the Gnostics said the deity demanded and is what they rebelled against. This broken and contrite heart, this broken spirit is what I rebel against. An inferior deity would be the only deity which could desire the Spirit of Man to be broken. This in order to bring Man down to his own level.

The God demands a broken spirit and a remorseful heart and today's religious leaders have the audacity to state that the God desired freedom of choice. This is but another denial that Man is an intelligent Life form.

The preference of the broken heart over sacrifices is the only significant philosophical theorem not paralleled between the Sumerian and Hebrew doctrines. This indicate the personality traits of the Hebrew Deity. When the Hebrew/Sumerian tales were adapted to suit a different God, the sayings were changed to fit the God.

The Psalms were supposedly sung By David, the great Hebrew (?) King. In reality, we have had the adoption of personalities in order to fit prevailing hymns and traditions into a different perspective. The different perspective in the Hebrew religion came about after the Persian occupation of Israel. The true form of worship by the early Israelites was virtually synonymous with that of the Canaanites. After the discoveries at Ugarit, predating the Bible by a thousand years, this can no longer be disputed. To back it up is Ebla dating from two thousand years before the Bible. Also, Mari of about fourteen hundred years before the Bible and current excavations in Israel.

The cult to Dumuzi and Inanna is marvelously paralleled in the biblical song of songs. These parallel both in style and in content. Dumuzi was the Sumerian Tammuz, God of vegetation who had to spend half of the year in the underworld. After all the underworld was not quite as barren as we are accustomed to thinking. For the ancients, when agriculture was not thriving, it was because Dumuzi was taking care of the crops in the underworld.

His wife Inanna was none other than the famous Babylonian Goddess Ishtar. Great songs were composed about this pair by the ancients. Thanks to the Bible we can read all about them in the Biblical Book called Song of Songs. When doing so, remember to change the names back to the original and you will know all about the Dumuzi-Inanna cult of the ancient Sumerians.

An, or Anu, was the God of heaven and the father of all the Gods depicted as a raging bull. After the Sumerians, it seems the people forgot all about An in mythology. The Sumerians did not themselves seem to have very much reverence for him. Yet he was the father of the Gods. An means heaven and he seemingly was but a term for the heavens. One would not go to him and seek aid or solace. Literally, a God of another dimension. While the Gnostics called the Hebrew God Yaldabaot I would like to suggest An was Yaldabaot. As such, he may never have been anywhere near our planet or Galaxy or universe. He is everywhere because his evil is everywhere. To ensure this remains so, his minions the Archons go wherever the Son of Man might be found.

En-Lil was the Accadian Bel (not to be confused with Baal). En-lil's word, the wind, was the executive agent of the divine assembly, an assembly which seemingly had no more sympathy for Man than a farmer has for his cattle. En-Lil was absolutely not a kind God showing Man much of anything. He just ruled. His word was law and no Man could stand up against the wrath of En-Lil. The Sumerians were aware of the guile of the Gods and accepted it. The Gods convinced them they owed their very existence to them. The Gods convinced the Sumerians the reason for their misfortunes were their trespasses against the wishes of the Gods. There was not any question about right or wrong when it came to the Gods.

Not much has changed since then. It matters little if there is one God or many who are the dictators. A dictator is a dictator.

If the case was that people had made up these Gods, they could have been kinder. The fact of the matter is that they were.

Material from before the God El-Ohim/En/Ki/Ea/Yammu/YHWH confused the tongue of Man indicates the Gods were of an entirely different constitution. Medical texts from that far back had no mention of magic. The Gods were not the reason for illnesses or suffering. Man was master of his own faith and managed far better than after the confusion of the "Tongue."

En-Ki/Ea was the Hurrian Kumarbi, the Greek Kronus. The Gods went again. They were immortal in memories if nothing else. However, no God worth his weight in salt would be around for very long. Any Archon could act as a God for a people when the people were not in possession of Gnosis. He might get enjoyment out of it for a while but soon he would get bored. About the only thing the Archon would know what to do would be to get himself a physical body. He too could have been a physical body for a while in order to find out what it was like.

The fallen Angels known as watchers would have had to be bored. They were willing to sacrifice alleged immortality for a few moments of stolen pleasure with humanoid females or males depending on the type of physical body they would get. Once they came onto the daughters of men as the scriptures state, their offspring would then mix the spirit of the physical universe with the spirit of the pleroma. At a later date, when these had the cloak of darkness removed from them, all pleroma which escaped the spiritual universe would be retrieved. This was the plan of the Monad. The Son of Man who had descended to Hell, which we know as the physical universe was to become whole again. He was to have with him every lineage ever existing. The Archons sent the Watchers because they desired to deceive yet all along, it was a part of the divine plan from our native universe.

No need to wonder when or how much time will elapse. Time is only a consideration of the physical universe and we can easily manipulate time. As an example, let us change the commonly held concept of time. Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 km/sec or 186,000 miles/sec. Any object approaching the speed of light would expand to greater proportions.

Let us instead postulate that light does not travel at all. Let us state that light is stationary. We would then be at a negative speed of 186,000 miles/sec. Negative is not reverse. A negative speed would exist without movement as such. It would be stable unto itself. Rather, this would then mean that everything expanding greatly at the speed of light would return to its normal size. The really great part about this is that it does in no way violate any of the laws of physics. The perceptions of concepts of such nature are not concepts of the physical universe brain. It is a concept of the spiritual mind.

Israelites were fighters of El as the name Israel means. By profession, they were originally mercenaries hiring themselves out for service to whatever power paid them to go to war. Another name for such mercenaries was Lions. All soldiers of this ancient time were referred to as Lions, but it was particularly applicable to these mercenaries. Jacob was not an Israelite. He was a Canaanite. The later fighters of the Canaanite God El employed Jacob as their forefather long after the significance of the fighters of El was lost. The fighters of El are best described in an ancient Canaanite document which has survived in only a slightly altered fashion and is known as the Revelation of John, often called Revelation.

Dilmun, the Sumerian God's Paradise, was the land where the lion kills not and the wolf snatches not the lamb. In other words, the Paradise was a land where the farmer did not have to worry about the livestock being eaten up by hungry soldiers out of the forest. The wife (lamb) did not have to wait for her "Lion" to come home from the war to snuggle up in his beard. Peace and security was Heaven to the ancients and today's people would not find much to disagree with in that respect.

The sun god Utu brought the water up out of the Earth which En-Ki fills the Dilmun with. We have the biblical parallel which has the Hebrew deity separate the water from the Earth. When confronted with two tales, one being a few thousand years older than the other, it would not have been a question as to which story was the closer to the truth. Yet, with respect to these Near Eastern tales, the original is discarded as myth while the one a few thousand years later is adopted as fact. The sole reason is because current religious philosophies say this is the case.

Now we started out this material mentioning the creation according to the Gnostics. How can it be that when it makes an awfully lot more sense than the Sumerian, Hebrew and Christian tales, it is not accepted? The Bible makes absolutely no analytical sense. It is not that our minds cannot grasp the immeasurable mental abilities of the Hebrew God. It is that if we look at it, the doctrine makes no sense at all. The answer has therefore not been to even look at it and making excuses for the Deity like the spouse making excuses for the alcoholic mate. There is only one common denominator for all excuses and it is as applicable here as it is anywhere.

The God in the Bible depicted prior to Abraham, as the Bible states by the material we have already looked at, was not one God but the many Sumerian Gods rediscovered in the sands of Iraq. Of these Gods, it was En-Ki who fashioned all the Gods. But he was the third son of An. It was the bodies of the Gods which En-Ki fashioned. Nammu, the primeval mother gave birth to the gods after they had been created by En-Ki. Here too one Goddess is giving birth before she was created. The only feasible explanation is that the Gods are nor Physical. We already know we are not physical or we should know it by now.

En-Ki is described as the form fashioner. Now if he fashioned the forms of the Gods and the forms of Man, what was in existence before the forms? The answer is like the Gnostics would state without hesitation, the Spirit of Man. The spirit of Man is the basic constituent of the bodies of God and Man. The reason why we have to employ physical bodies in order to experience the physical universe is like the Gnostics explained: we are alien to the physical universe. In fact, we need the bodies in order to have a vehicle by which to sense the presence of the physical universe. That does not mean we are the bodies. It means we are using the bodies in much the same way we use a microscope to detect the most minuscule of particles.

The particles we see are just as real as all other parts of the physical universe, but we are no more right when we call ourselves physical bodies than the scientist is who looking through the telescope calls himself a telescope. We need the telescope to perceive some of the things of the physical universe but before that, we needed bodies to experience anything at all in the physical universe. This is a world of television sets, radios, boats and plains and we are all those things just as much as we are the bodies. Bodies are organic, but so what?

Annuna, or annunaki were a group of Gods of the underworld. Now the Sumerians employed word blocks. An was the God of heaven, a job which En-Lil took over. En also means Heaven and Ki means Earth. Ki was also often employed by the Sumerians for the underworld. In other words, the Annunaki were the Heaven and Earth "nuna." Nun is a Hebrew letter denoting fish, and in Sumerian it was much likely the same. A fish or a snake possibly associated with some fertility cult. But it is appropriate. En-Ki, the lord over the fish of the earth and the sea. In the Paraphrase of Shem Dardakeas rested in the gravity at the center of the black hole when he perceived the symbol of the fish. Evolutionists today hold that Man emerged from the sea. En-Ki came out of the sea, the Gnostic Man rested at the sign of the fish. Could the Sumerians already have been aware that the body evolved from a sea creature?

We all used to think of the ancients as lesser mental beings than those we have today. We have the Stone age, Bronze age, Iron age and thinking men evolved with the philosophical age of Greece.

Or did he? Man thinks no better today than he did five or six thousand years ago. He thinks differently but no better. We saw the creation of the physical universe as explained by the Paraphrase of Shem. We saw the creation or origination of the characters of Man in the Apochryphon of John. Could a fish or a snake have been the symbol of the DNA chain? It could and we will admit it one of these days.

The Egyptians were apparently fascinated by the snakes. They had vipers for everything, but are there also meanings in Egyptian material of which we are presently unaware of? It would seem ridiculous for anyone to think that these people knew all about organizing a society so well they could undertake such feats as the building of the pyramids without knowing anything about true religious and philosophical values. The creator snake is mentioned way back in the earliest Egyptian literature. Here, we have a dual pair of snakes (DNA). It is stated in early Egyptian literature that at the end of time, Atum will be the only one surviving. It states that he then will return to the shape of the snake which men do not know and Gods cannot see. Could this be the genetic code? Most assuredly it could. Do not discredit the knowledge of the ancients. Others have done it, and we will look at it later. It is now easy to prove the fact those Christians calling the ancient sciences heretical were themselves the fools.

There was a Flood to wipe out the knowledge of Man. After the Flood, the Son of Man was to dig up steles containing the knowledge of the ancients in the sands of Sumer.

A flood is an inundation. Usually thought of as an inundation of water, but not necessarily so. The inundation was the cloak of darkness by which the ancient Archons buried our knowledge. The flood is as yet not over. We had some respite from the inundation a few thousand years ago when the Gnostics emerged. That they were around from the time of "Noah/Ziusudra is not any less likely than the lineage of the Israelites. But the steles written down prior to the Flood to teach the Son of Man after the Flood should still be there.

Floods of water have been attested to all over the world, but if there was one all encompassing flood which wiped out all of Mankind at any one time there would not have been people in all parts of the globe today who could tell us about it. Yet we have the related tale of En-Ki reprimanding his brother En-Lil because he wiped out all of Mankind because of his noise which seemingly contradicts this. The other thing contradicting this would be the tale which we have from Sumer about the earlier confusing of the tongues of Man. Here it was En-Ki and not En-Lil who did the dastardly deed. If we had the complete picture of Sumerian and other ancient beliefs, I would not come with the above proposal, but we do not. When we have the entire picture it will not be necessary for me to come with the proposal.

The Annuna gods were under the God En-Ki. En-Ki was the God of Earth. The God of the Earth was the God of the physical. Was he the entity responsible for the DNA? The Annuna or Annunaki Gods, were they the Gods in charge of the DNA structure and of implanting false ideas and memories into them? What would a useful false Soul be? I see, you already got it, you are right of course, it would be a mental image concept of the DNA chain. The bodies are physical. The DNA chain is physical. A mental image concept of the DNA chain would be a spiritual concept of the physical universe building block of living organisms. If Son of Man thinks of himself as a part of the physical universe, if he thinks of himself as the DNA chain, he will attempt to recreate himself in this and, or any other universe in which he finds himself.

This concept could have been started in a totally different universe from the one in which we reside today. The implanted memory could have been carried along for eons. Where would this lead? To the survival of the physical universe and the demise of the spiritual entity. No judge looking at evidence disregards evidence because the findings are not the ones he desires. When it comes to our spiritual selves, we are all individual judges. When it comes to our spiritual selves the trial is far more important than any trial ever held regarding the physical universe and Man's actions within it. To disregard such evidence because it does not suit our previously held concepts is irresponsibility of such a magnitude that it can never be matched.

The following of the God who is their shepherd is also an expression which comes from Sumer. And we are to be the sheep, blindly following the leader. More like lemmings than sheep would I say, it is a road to total oblivion. The sheep the Lion's mane is waiting for the Lion to get hungry.

The two faced roman god Janus, after whom January got it's name, has a duplicate brother in the two-faced assistant God to En-Ki called Isimud. The two faced teaching of the Archons is what we have to look forward to in all religious doctrines. This does not mean the Archons have to be anywhere around for their implanted teachings to be thought.

Any Son of Man who is extremely heavily influenced by the implanted doctrines would make a good teacher. The overzealous religious fanatic can be seen as nothing more than the individual Man so heavily influenced by this doctrine that sanity and reason has totally disappeared. Let us never think of punishing such unfortunates.

Such suffering is more punishment than anyone needs or deserves. The bright part about this is the Gnostics were stating that in some lives, one will exhibit more pleroma than others. No one is lost. Some may have to go trough many a lifetime before they get de-stimulated from the implantations, but none are lost. The foreknowledge of the Hebrew Deity was limited in the garden of Eden where he called out to Adam and Eve.

The omniscience of the God in the Bible is lacking in other places also. Gen.18:21 states: "I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know."

To know everything and have true forethought is to perceive the mental image concepts of others. No Deity worth talking about need to ask many questions or seek the truth. If a person was to ask you for example, "What is your relations with your wife/husband?" Before you could answer, the mental image concepts of all your decisions, your relationship, the good and the bad would be formed in your mind. Those are the mental image concepts. And before you could ever clearly see the mental image concepts of others, you would have to confess all those things regarding everything in your life you would not want others to know about you. The "God" with secrets would not be able to see those concepts of Man and neither could Man of the Gods.

We create excuses for not ridding ourselves of the garbage of our minds. Thus our lives and our actions become corrupted by our transgressions and deviant behavior. No one could see the mental image concepts of others if he has ulterior motives behind it such as sexual gratification or thoughts of manipulation. The Archons/Gods desired to manipulate Man and were thus not capable of perceiving Man.

The naming of the various types of animals referred to in the Bible is also often referred to by the Sumerians. The Old Testament before Abraham is all material of the Sumerians. It has been slightly altered to reflect the emerging post-occupational Jewish religion which came about in the fifth and the fourth century B.C.E. Everything before has been fitted to their beliefs which emerged after their encounter with the Persians.


What were those fire-breathing dragons all the ancient Gods slew? There are far too many references to these dragons in ancient literature to ignore them. The Sumerian Gods slew dragons. The Chinese Gods slew their dragons. The Hebrew God slew his dragon. Europeans did not need Gods to slay dragons, they had knights rescuing beautiful maidens from these fire breathing monsters. Could they have been real? Were they flesh and blood, or the spaceships of an alien horde? Could they have been the Gods themselves?

Marduk, the Babylonian God who was the Son of En-Ki, slew the dragon Tiamat and created Mankind from his blood. In ancient literature such as the Atra-hasis, Man was created from the clay of the Earth and the blood of a slain God. The Sumerian Gods, including En-Ki, are often referred to as dragons.

2 Sam 22:7-11 depicts the God of the Hebrews as a dragon. 2 Sam. 22:9 states: "There went up a smoke from out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured; coals were kindled by it." Psalm 18:8 sates: "There went up a smoke from out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth..." Psalm 97:3 states: "A fire goeth before him and burneth his enemies round about." Isaiah 6:1 states: "The lords train filled the temple as he is sitting therein..." 6:3-4, "The lord speaks and the temple is filled with smoke."

Not only is he a dragon here but an enormous one at that. As a matter of fact, the Hebrew Deity here depicted is the Canaanite dragon God, the evil son of El who was the sea dragon Yammu. Ex.14:21 states: "And the Lord (Dragon) went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and by night." Ex.33:20 states: "And he said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me and live." I just wonder if he was more like the dragon depicted by the Chinese, or the ones the British knights slew when they were so busy rescuing princesses.

With all the other things going for him it would not surprise me if God was slain by a European prince while he did rescue some poor innocent princess. Lev 10:2 states: "And there went out fire from the lord, and devoured them, and they died before the dragon." Numbers 11:1 states: "And the people complained, and it displeased the lord and his anger was kindled; and the fire of the Dragon (Lord) burnt among them and consumed them that were in the outermost parts." Num.16:35 states: "And there came out fire from the Lord and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense." The struggle between a God and a serpent-like dragon is a very popular motif in the ancient religions with a great many parallels in the Bible. As an example, see Rev.12:13.

The wars between various Gods are also heavily portrayed. Was this a battle between Gods? Some would like to think of the Gods as ancient visitors from outer space, could it be that spacecraft from different places of the Galaxy waged war in our skies? The question of alien visitations to Earth is totally irrelevant to our project. Man, Son of Man, is the same regardless of which galaxy he comes from, regardless of the beliefs he holds and regardless of the type of physical body he inhabits.

The Heavens move away from Earth in ancient literature. Here again, we see the possibility of more knowledge than could be ascribed to simple farmers and nomads. Virtually all celestial bodies are moving away from each other. This is the expansion of space resulting from the Big Bang. Or as Dardakeas would say, "It came about after the womb exploded, expelling the spirit and all her seed." I mentioned spacecraft so some may now wonder if this is not just information from other alien intelligences. Again I emphasize, it does not matter. Gnosis is Gnosis and where it came from is irrelevant. Some would desire to deem the source of knowledge proper before accepting the knowledge. It is their loss.

Knowledge which I like to refer to as Gnosis does not have sources which do not qualify. Truth can be heard from the simplest of minds. The mind speaking an opinion at times will have the opinion slanted, but when looked at, it can be identified as having as its basis a real truth. The knowledge can be contained in an ancient myth or the philosophic sprouting of a moron. The disguise is irrelevant.

For ancient Gnosis contained in tales, we have many examples. Here is our friend En-Ki again in his battle with the God Ninurta. En-Ki dug a pit and into the pit he threw the god Ninurta. En-Ki created a turtle and he had it dig a pit. Here can be seen an indication that the Gods of old were not functioning in flesh. Only on special occasions, such as the seducing of a humanoid did they wear flesh. The story is to be interpreted by En-Ki creating a turtle which digs a hole due to the desire of En-Ki. Then En-Ki trapped Ninurta into the body of the turtle and kicked it into the hole. Ninurta would have been unable to escape the body of the turtle, and the turtle, presumably on its back, would have been unable to escape the hole.

The Archons desired to trap the radiance of the Son of Man. He created a humanoid body. He jailed the son of Man within it and implanted him with false information preventing Man from escaping.

En-Ki planned and created Mankind as a work force to alleviate the gods of their chores and to the Sumerians, the humans were never much more than a servant of the Gods. En-Ki created the bodies but what ran the bodies is not mentioned. Son of Man was who ran the body. The Sumerians knew his existence was not over after the body died. So did all primitive peoples all over the globe which I have read about with the exception of modern day evolutionists. En-Ki created the body and trapped Man into the prison of the body. The confusing of the tongue was the indoctrination by the Archon into believing false precepts regarding who he was. Thus the end of the golden age of Mankind. Thus the creation of the servants of the Gods.

But what were the humans to the Hebrew God if we look at the Biblical record alone. He did not feed the God, he did not do anything but burn offerings to him. Did the God need the burnt offerings? What did the Hebrew God need his people for. The people are often described as the unfaithful bride, yet it was not for sexual reasons. What were the reasons? The Hebrew or Israelite race was nothing but trouble it would seem for the God, so what was the reason the God continuously followed the people and hounded them about the "law" and about the worshipping?

If you state that men cannot understand the ways of the lord, you may be correct. Not because the lord is mentally superior to Man. The Bible indicates this is not so. It could however quite readily be that we cannot understand this God because we cannot see how some actions are consistent with the pictures we have in our minds of a good God. That does not make the God superior.

If we are created in his image and then can not picture ourselves doing the things this God does, it would only indicate we are not an image of this God. Why did the Israelite God create Man? It seems the only mission was one of suppression and negation. His pleasures seemed to be in tormenting, killing and defiling his mores. It is not the image we would like to have of a God. Merciless and callused are his traits. Those are not the traits of Man. Man and this God are not the image of each other. The God would like to be of the image of the Son of Man. His jealousy is because he is not.

The Sumerian Gods were not totally merciless as they often showed Man mercy and absolved his sins. Man's sin whether it be Man following the Hebrew, Babylonian or Sumerian Deity was always not to have anticipated and followed the wishes of the God(s). In some religious societies, the sin could have been the neglecting of offering up the firstborn to the God in a fire. In others it could be the offering up of the child to the God in fire. Right or wrong was not important. The only thing which was important was the fulfilling of the wishes of the God. This would indicate there was at times interference in the affairs of Man. The burning of your firstborn child on a pyre in a sacrifice to your God would have been unthinkable. The burning of ones children to the respective Gods were no less abhorrent a few thousand years ago and could never have been done had there not been interference in the affairs of Man.

No one today would consider such a God, and thankfully the God worshipped today does not deem such sacrifices necessary. Those who have read the Bible know these sacrifices were an abomination in the eyes of the lord. Lev.18:21 states: "Thou shall not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech..." We will take another look at Molech later.

Word and action are often depicted as being synonymous when it comes to the Gods in Sumer and this indicates over again the truth of the mental image concept bringing about manifestations in the physical universe. Nindinugga is described as the Sumerian God who revives the Dead, a task which is also done by En-ki's son Asarluhi/Marduk.

The Hebrew Deity rises the Dead and current Christian philosophies also have the Dead return. If death existed as we think of it, this could not be done. If Man in truth is a Soul who can again rise in the flesh, then it can be done just like it states in the scriptures.

Being the case, this brings forth the most important of all considerations. If we are Souls which can rise again in the flesh, flesh is not what we are! We are Souls and that makes flesh alien to us. If flesh is alien to us, why should we desire to rise in flesh? If the caring for a physical body in the physical universe is such great joy that it brings real meaning to Life, fine. If it does not, what reason would there be to carry on Life in bodies?

The sending of demons into animal bodies such as sheep and pigs are not only attested to among the ancient Israelites, it is attested to among the Sumerians. The stories of Jesus sending demons into different animal bodies were not new. They had traditions dating back thousands of years. It is very doubtful Jesus ever sent any demon into any animal body. If he had, he would have validated such ancient cults as that of the Canaanites. It would have been later editors who desired to qualify Jesus as the savior figure that inserted such material. Baal was the Deity associated with the sending of demons into animal bodies, hardly a role for a Christian savior.

In the tale of Adapa it is said that at the gate of An, the Gods Dumuzi and Gishzida will be standing. Anus face is described as kind and gracious. When Asarluhi ascends to heaven he is given oil for anointing. Here, An offers the bread and water of life to Asarluhi, which would if consumed by Asarluhi, have given Mankind eternal life. But here due to the advise of En-Ki, Asarluhi turns it down. Adapa was the first antediluvian king according to the Babylonian king list and would correspond with the Biblical Adam and he forfeits eternal life due to an action of the Gods, but here it is the Sumerian God who misleads Asarluhi, and the biblical story is not very different. The names of the gods have been changed somewhat, but the names of the gods were often changed.

According to the Bible, Adam and Eve were like children before they ate of the fateful tree and learned to tell the difference between right and wrong. Some of us have children of our own and we have at times done exactly the same thing as this God did. We called it reverse psychology. We would tell the child not to eat some food to get the child to eat his supper. Should you as a parent proceed, after getting your child to eat in this fashion, to punish your child for his disobedience by eating his dinner? What would be punishment befitting the crime in this case? Kick him out of the house coupled with eternal damnation? Some seem to believe so.

Deut. 24:16 states: "The father shall not be put to death for the children neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." This Canaanite law was not known by the Deity who condemned all Mankind to death because of the sin of Adam.

En-Ki was the patron God of the working of metals and precious stones. In 1 Enoch, he could thus have been the God Azael, called a watcher by the later editors. In the Bible, he was Asahel, and what he did in the army of David (1 Chr.27:7) might at first seem confusing. But En-Ki did not go down the line in the Bible as Asahel. Asahel could have been a name given En-Ki when he thought man at a later date so the Israelites could condemn him. In David's army he would have indicated to the ancient Israelites that the God was with them.

The goat fish or Cod, as we call him today, is often depicted as the representation of En-Ki. Since the fish also is a symbol of the Christ, some might wonder about the connection. Rightfully so, the symbol is nothing new. By the first millenium Assyria the half fish, half man figure is a representation of En-Ki. And the symbol went on through history. Those who thought this was important connected it with Jesus. Some might by this time wonder if there really is anything new in the New Testament and there is: The first word depicting the place where it belongs in the Bible. The later editors such as Clement of Alexandria and Origen, but especially I feel Polykarp and Irenaeus, strove to acquaint the miracles of Jesus with those of ancient accepted Gods and they proceeded to denounce the material from which they got this lore in order to validate their view of the Messiah. The only place where there is anything new in the lore of Jesus is in the Gnostic scriptures.

The Babylonian Enuma-Elish, which also has striking parallels to the ancient Hebrew lore, predates the Bible by at least a few hundred years. The Enuma-Elish was in fact a great source of material for the authors of the Bible. But there is not only one source for the biblical material. It stretches from Sumer to Greece, from Egypt to Ebla, and so did a lot of other religious material of the ancient near east. To claim knowledge of Religion by studying only the religious material contained in the Bible would be tantamount to claiming knowledge of a dollar bill by studying only one side. To disclaim all other material as being heretical because it does not compute with ones interpretation of the Bible is tantamount to stating the other side of the dollar bill indicates it is a forgery.

Tiamat, the biblical Tehom means "Subterranean deep" and the Sumerian original depicts a womb. Tiamat was the Babylonian Dragon Leviathan also well known by the Hebrews and other Canaanites who called him Leviathan. This parallels Psalm 74:13-14 which states: " Thou didst divide the sea by thy strength; thou brakest the heads of the dragon in the waters. Thou brakest the heads of Leviathan." And Psalm104:26 states: "There go the ships: there is that Leviathan whom thou hast made to play therein." This must be the resurrected Leviathan talked about in Job 41:1 and especially Isa.27:1. The best place to learn more about Leviathan the dragon also referred to as Tiamat and Tehom in both Hebrew and Canaanite doctrines, is in the tablets found at Ugarit. Here are the originals depicting Baals struggle with this monster. Here we learn that the monster might be identified with the son of the God El, called Yammu. When the Israelites worshipped Baal, they condemned Yammu/Tiamat. Do you know who these Israelites worshipped when Baal was defeated by the God of death Mot and spent seven years (or one season) in the underworld? Right, Y.H.W.H. Who was the Canaanite God who ruled on Earth when Baal was in the Underworld for seven years? Right again, Yammu. What is another name for Yammu? Right again.

Ea's name parallels hyy, "to live" which also parallels YHWH and Iao which is Yave of the Nag Hammadi and Qumran documents.

At this point, many a reader might feel the pressure of the cloak of darkness. This is indeed restricted information, not available to mortal Man. The reason? When you have it sorted out you no longer are mere mortal Man. You are then immortal Man.

Sumerian and the Bible both are parallel when it comes to the creation and to the power of the word of the God(s). Both are parallel when it comes to the creation of heaven and earth, to the paradise myth and in the Cain-Abel myth. Both are parallel in the tower of Babel motif. Both are parallel when it comes to Earth and its organization and when it comes to the personal God. Both are parallel when it comes to divine retribution and to natural catastrophes. Both are parallel when it comes to the Job motif and to the nether world. Both are parallel when it comes to law ethics and morality. Lamentations reflect the destruction of the Sumerian Ur and the holy city Nippur. The Hallow Bible has always been the hollow Bible. No, don't ever think of burning your Bible. Fear not the actions or words of others. Your own are the measure by which you are held responsible.

The lamentation genre was extremely common in Hebrew and Sumerian literature. The Hebrew book of the Psalms parallels the Sumerian literature like two bell clangs. The devout piety and fervent faith. The singing of God's infinite power and glory. The fatherly concern for Mankind and the Universe. Remember the good father permits his children to grow up and become individuals. A father whose children are not permitted to grow up is not a father, he is a tyrant.

 Chapter 15

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