Chapter Fifteen

The Emerging Religion


For a few hundred years the archaeologists have been digging up material of the ancient Sumerian civilizations. Sumer was the land in the end of the Persian Gulf where the two rivers Tigris and Euphrates flow into the Gulf. Along both sides of these rivers, as well as between them, the ancient peoples found great agricultural plains where the first known fields on earth were cultivated.

There could be other places awaiting discoveries, yet they may not be found for some time yet. The Sumerians did not originate in the land of the two rivers, but they formed history, mythology and religion as we understand it from there. The reason so much material was found at Sumer is because they wrote down their legends on clay which does not decay. They could also have employed other writing material, but if they did this will not be found. For example, wood does not survive the passage of time. Other societies may also have existed where recording of events was important but because of the deterioration of the most suitable writing material, these may be lost for good.

Joshua 24:14 states: "... and put away the Gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt..." Here again the Hebrew God does not claim to be the only God, he just claims to be that God who has suppression rights over the Israelites. More than a thousand years before Abraham, the Sumerians were writing down the legends of their Gods on clay tablets and clay cylinders. One of their main Gods was En-Ki. Nudimmud was his name when he acted as a creator God. He became the Babylonian God Ea. En-Ki, the Sumerian creator God who created Man, did so for a reason a little different than we are used to envision. The Sumerian Gods were overworked. They complained about their arduous tasks and wanted relief.

They spelled relief H.U.M.A.N. (pun intended). En-Ki was assigned the task of creating Man and when he did so, he became drunk. He was accompanied by the goddess Nin-Mah.They had some sort of a contest where Nin-Mah created a few creatures which En-Ki was able to find a use for. En-Ki then created a creature which could not move which he asked Nin-Mah to proclaim a fate for. She could not. This creature could not care for itself in any fashion for it was the newly born child.

Then En-Ki was to pronounce a fate for this helpless creature. He said the creature would build his temple. This is quite possibly the explanation or instigation if you will of procreation. The helpless creature fits the newborn babe. It is not unlikely that this was how the Sumerians viewed their beginnings. That this also fits in well with the original human as seen in Gnostic material is more than a coincident.

The body grew up to be self sufficient and the Gods no longer had to create the bodies. The bodies created each other. That the Gods were drunk when they created Man in the Sumerian creation stories was the explanation to the Sumerians why the bodies had all their shortcomings.

We would also ask if these shortcomings were not intentional. After the Persian invasion, the Hebrews would, to a large extent, have forgotten all about the Sumerians and their beliefs. The helpless creature created by En-Ki does not parallel the Man created by the Hebrew Deity. The helpless creature En-Ki created match perfectly the creation by the Archons of the humanoid body in which they desired to trap the Luma of the infinite universe. The Archons in the Apochryphon of John had 365 lesser deities creating the various parts of the physical body and it took a long time for them to get done. Could it have been the DNA which took so long? That the Sumerians did not have the same amount of people creating the body would not have been significant. Other religions also culled the feats of several Gods into the feats of one God. The chief God over the material soul was Anaio. Anaio could well have been Enki. The material Soul = DNA and we have the correct picture.

Other parallels abound. The Sumerian Paradise was called Dilmun and according to the records, it was located in about the same geographical area as the Paradise of the Hebrews and other Near Eastern peoples. The Sumerian Paradise was pure, clean and bright. It knew not sickness or death. In Dilmun, the Lion did not kill and the lamb coexisted peacefully. Many of the ancients viewed the warriors as lions, especially mercenaries. The citizens as a whole were known as lambs.

However, the Sumerian Dilmun was not created for Man, it was created for the Gods. Mans task was simply to till the soil for the Gods while the Gods relaxed in their Paradise.

The only thing lacking from Dilmun was water for the growth of vegetation. The sun god Utu, who was also in charge of keeping law and order, brought up a mist from the earth to water the gardens of Dilmun. Gen. 2:6 states: "But there went up a mist from the earth and watered the whole ground."

The Sumerian epic continues with the mother goddess, Ninhursag. By an intricate process known only to her, she made eight special plants grow in Dilmun. These took a great deal of time to grow and produce. The two-faced God, Isimud, who was also En-Ki's servant, tricked his master into eating these plants. He did not eat just the one, he ate all eight. Upon learning the misfortune of her special plants, Ninhursag became furious and pronounced the curse of death upon En-Ki.

Like the biblical story of Eve, it is not the perpetrator of the crime, Isimud who has to pay for the prank, but the God En-Ki who falls for the trick.

En-Ki's health begins to fail. Eight of his organs begin to die, one for each plant. The other Gods get worried and carried on concentrated efforts to locate Ninhursag. They know she is the only one who could cure En-Ki. In the meantime, Ninhursag had disappeared
from amongst the Gods so she would not be tempted to cure him. She was eventually found by a fox and convinced to return. Ninhursag was then persuaded to help the dying God and proceeds to heal his eight ailing organs. To heal them Ninhursag had to create eight healing deities. These deities eventually brought En-Ki back to health and vigor.

One of En-Ki's ailing organs was the rib and the deity that was created by Ninhursag to heal this organ was the goddess Nin-Til. In Sumerian, Nin-Til has two meanings, so this is actually a play on words. The first meaning is "the lady of the rib" and the second is "she who makes live." Eve means "she who makes live" to the Hebrews in their language. They do not have a word with booth meanings and could have made their first lady, `the lady of the rib,' in a totally different fashion.

This tale does not match the Gnostic rendition. What might well have happened is that a similar yet unrelated story was told in order to deceive. Son of Man would have had the memory of his creation. If he was made to believe a similar story existed, he would follow the similar tale because of the authority vested in it by the authorities. It makes however little difference since all stories need not match Gnostic material. It most assuredly does not. All people were not Gnostic. Some had very little pleroma available as spiritual energy by which to ascertain truth.

The borrowing of the stories of others would not have any harm involved if the original intent was carried forward. Here the naming of the deity was quite an honor as well as an appropriate pun by the Sumerians in their garden of Eden story.

The Sumerian ladies did not suffer the discrimination of yesterday and today's females, and it may have been the case that the coloring of this Sumerian tale by the Hebrews was the cause of it. Women in Sumer were about as liberated as today's female would like to be. They owned businesses, they could own slaves of either sex and possess property. These rights were for single as well as married women. The extent of freedom to the females in Sumer seems to have been better the further back one went.

The Sumerians called a foreign land Kur. They also called the nether world Kur. Could they have known the Earth was round? The nether world was where the sun shone during the night. This would seem to indicate that the ancient Sumerians knew the sun did not rest. How much they really knew is a matter we may never find out, yet there are more things between Spirit and matter than most have ever dreamt.

The book of the Bible which explained to the ancient Christians what the God had in store for Mankind after this life was over was the book of Enoch. The discovery that the Earth was round made the entire book useless as it demonstrated that it was based on ancient myths and primitive astronomy and, it was discarded and most copies were burned. The other part of the book of Enoch which the Christians did not like was that it explained the sons of God in unfavorable terms.

The book of Enoch gave us much more information on the race of giants which we have many tales of in Sumerian and Biblical tales. Gen 6:1-4 tells us some of what happened when the sons of Gods came onto the daughters of man, and this was about the same as what happened in Sumer. The only difference in Sumer was that it was not the Sons of God also called watchers who married females and had children with them to beget the ancient men of renown. In Sumer, it was Gods who had sex with the humans. This does not contradict the tales in Genesis.

Watchers are also referred to by the same epithet as the God of the Hebrews in the Old Testament. To look at some doctrine from the viewpoint of those that adhere to the doctrine only, without taking into consideration external evidence is very unscientific. If we had a line of bullies on a hill and the history of this hill was the tale the bullies told after a long line of succession, it would be about as inspirational, fulfilling and accurate as the rendition of the Bible as it is told today. We want the Gnosis of this, not the excuses and justification.

The destruction of the books of Enoch left a void in the biblical material, and necessitated another revision of other parts of the Bible. The number of times the Bible can be revised and still be followed by the adherents of the faith seems to be unlimited. As long as no one points out the inconsistencies, the Church seems to have no conscience. The reason the Lore needs revivification is because it is inconsistent. The inconsistencies can not all be removed because there would not be much Bible left. The revisions are but attempts at polishing these inconsistencies and make them more palatable. I use the King James version because it has less revisions than more modern translations but it still is not very close to what the original material stated. Anunna or Anunnaki were a group of Gods of the underworld.

The Anunna gods were under the God En-Ki. I feel here that the Anunna are the equivalent of the Angels. Anunna were those of the heavens and Anunnaki were those of the Earth. The other translation of Anunna(-Ki) also fits very well the watchers as described in the biblical book of Enoch. (I refer to 1 Enoch as a biblical book. That it was removed to prevent the embarrassment of the Church does not make it non biblical.)

In the course of old New Year festivals, the kings got a throne of their own to sit on in the netherworld.

Isa. 14:9 tells us how Hell beneath is moved to receive the coming King and raised up from their thrones all the Kings of the nations. This reflect the Gilgamesh epic of the Sumerians. And it is also reflected in the ritual texts of the Canaanites in Ugarit.

The deep sea was closely related to the nether world (Eze. 26:19, Jonah 2:6). Many great ancient texts recently discovered talk of heaven and the underworld. Today, Biblical scholars prefer to call this heaven and earth. Ea, the Sumerian En-Ki and God of wisdom, came out of the sea, and his symbol is the fish. His name means "Lord of Earth." His tales did not always depict a wise God according to today's translations and today's morals, yet the society was different and many hidden meanings are yet to be grasped from the texts.

The Biblical scholars who value their reputation as serious researchers no longer deny the Flood story in the Bible is taken from the Babylonian version which in turn was inspired by an even earlier Sumerian record.

The wise sages of the Babylonians, the Apkallu came from the fresh waters, and their symbol like the symbol of their father En-Ki was the fish. The Apsu was later synonymous with the underworld.

The Sumerian Gods loved justice and hated wrong or evil. The righteous city, and the holy temple all reflect parallelism, and these are but a few of the parallels. Some have the guts to call this "parallel histories," as if they developed independently among totally different peoples. It would be hard to swallow such a tale should such parallels be found between the Sumerians and the Mayas of America, and would have been proof without any doubt should it have been between say the Vikings of Norway and Australian Aborigines that their tales had a common background.

But when it comes to the Bible and the Hebrews, and two people who were like brothers (Abraham's family came from the Sumerian city Ur) it is not related. This is because of the turmoil such an admission would cause within the powerful religious community. An admission of direct relations can not be admitted by the Church without loosing all its credibility. The basic reason here could be that since the Sumerian tales arose at least two millennium before the Hebrew tales, the Sumerian version would have to be given prior authority. What is incredible here is that there is still such a parallel to the tales. The old feather/chicken is not at all at work here. This can only be because of the reverence the Hebrews had for their Sumerian ancestry and no matter how difficult it is to adjust the mind to the fact, it cannot possibly be otherwise.

Sumerians composed prayers and petitions depicting the unwavering Sumerians devotion to his God(s) and his longing to experience the divine presence only the nearness of a God would afford. Psalm 104 parallels En-Ki and Inanna. No editing needs be done to it, it could in its entirety have been translated directly from the Sumerian original.

Ninurta also struggles with the sea. Ninurta is the God of the South wind. He struggles with the sea, kills it's monster and erects a mountain to hold back it's waters just like YHWH did. We saw earlier that En-Ki was killing Ninurta. Ninurta was saved by his mother Ninhursag who saved En-Ki when he ate the eight plants of Dilmun. She reminded En-Ki of this in order to get En-Ki to let her son go. Ninurta apparently wanted to kill En-Ki and that was the reason En-Ki trapped him in the turtle's body. But why did En-Ki have to save him from the body before it died?

Justice and the judging of humankind pervades Sumerian as well as Hebrew hymns. Sumerian Gods love the good, the just and righteousness. They hate evil, injustice and oppression. Because of this, they were the judges on Earth. In Psalms, the importance of the temple, God's sacred abode on Earth is stressed. This is a far closer reflection of Sumerian thought than that of the nomadic Israelites whose God lived in a tent and was apparently quite happy doing so. Yet it could not really be stated that this directly indicates borrowing from the Sumerians. It could just as well have been taken from the Canaanites who in turn borrowed it from the Sumerians. But the Bible tells us the Israelites are Canaanites.

The Sumerian King, like the Egyptian Pharaoh was visualized as the perfect man, blessed from the womb and of divine birth. The divinity of a Sumerian king from birth was reflected in the tale we looked at of the moron Samson.

The Israelites wrote down Sumerian lamentations and the really remarkable fact is that other than the details of the names and number of Gods, they are nearly dentical.

1 Kings 11:5 goes back to the Sumerian Dumuzi/Tammuz-Inanna cult. En-Ki's Me's tree was revered by the Sumerians. Me's were the divine decrees, the laws of the Gods, and very possibly their tree of knowledge. It is reasonable to assume, it was also the origin of the Hebrews tree of knowledge. The Me's tree was planted in the south of Sumer at Eridu.

En-Ki like YHWH knows the heart of Man and Gods, sees their intentions and knows the future. Yet, it was well known by the Sumerians that at times their Gods erred. The Me's of Heaven and Earth called secrets of Heaven and Earth would also have been the Gnosis of Heaven and Earth.

The Apsu, sea or abyss, was the home of En-Ki. Lions were important in Sumer as can be seen by the many statues and statuettes depicting lions. In the Bible, we can also see the Hebrews reverence for the lions. 1Ki.13:24-26 states: "And when he was gone, a Lion met him by the way and slew him ..." The man slain here was one man of God who prophesied against Jeroboam. An Israelite prophet lied to him in order to get this man of God to eat bread with him and as punishment, the Israelite God slew the man who was tricked into eating bread and not the liar. This is consistent with the warped justice of the Hebrew deity. Judah is referred to as the Lion's whelp in Gen. 49:9.

"You are the venom of a viper set against mankind," was also said of En-Ki. En-Ki held Man about as high as men were able to serve him. The Gods of the Near East were not about to relinquish their hold on Man. Their mercies were at best superfluous, and that includes the God(s) of the OT. They all seemed to desire admiration, food, offerings and sacrifices. Man's lot was to suffer. Not until the Gnostics was there any real hope of salvation for Man. What happened to the Gnostics was exactly what could have been expected if the bully on the hill ruled. They were first lied about, their documents were falsified and then they were outlawed and killed.

According to Gen. 10:10, Nimrod's kingdom was Erech. Erech, was the Sumerian Uruk and Greek Orchoe, one of the greatest ancient Sumerian cities. According to legend, the city was built by the hero Gilgamesh. Gilgamesh fells the great trees. See Isaiah 14:8, 37:24, 2 Kings 19:23 and Psalm 29 which all reflect the hero Gilgamesh. Psalm 29, while it reflects Gilgamesh, is also a reflection of Baal of the Ugarit documents and while this is no refutation of Gilgamesh, it indicates the Canaanites of later years ascribed to Baal heroic deeds which earlier reflected the Sumerian hero Gilgamesh.

We see also the Qumran documents employ the name Gilgamesh where the name Nimrod would have been employed in our current Bible. This indicates the name was altered in the Biblical material shortly after the time of Jesus at the earliest. This further indicates that such material as the Sumerian Gilgamesh legend was known at the time of Jesus. Had it not there, would not have been any reason to change the name. How much material existed at the time of Jesus can only be guessed at. The material destroyed by the later Christians would have been far more extensive than anyone ever thought possible. The material of the Greeks which they permitted to survive does not prove anything. Such great litterary pieces as The Republic, Crito, Phaedo and others are not available in the original Greek, and though they quite possibly state the original material, there is also a great deal of evidence indicating these too where tampered with by the Christians to validate Christian tenets and beliefs.

There were two principal deities worshipped in the city where Gilgamesh/Nimrod ruled. The God of Heaven, An and the goddess Inanna, wife of Tammuz which we also know from the Bible. According to the Sumerians, Gilgamesh/Nimrod was part human and part God which would qualify him as one of the giants in the book of watchers by Noah. Indeed we see in a manuscript from Qumran (4QEnGiants) that Gilgamesh is mentioned as one of the giants born to the sons of Gods. Since Gilgamesh goes back to the Sumerians so does the books of Enoch. How the later Hebrews interpreted the Sumerian material is inconsequential.

For more original reading than that offered anywhere in the Bible, I recommend reading "History begins in Sumer" by Professor S.N.Kramer. His book contain translations dating from several millenniums prior to the material we have today of any biblical material. The significance is changed in today's Bible, but the original is closer to the truth. What the religious specialists do not want to have published among the Qumran manuscripts is a matter left up to their conscience only. We can now get enough material to discern the truth. If they withhold information because they are afraid of discrediting their cult, they are committing a crime against spiritual Man regardless of their excuses. Another giant mentioned in the same manuscript is Ahiram, the son of Benjamin.

Now, as we know, the Benjaminites were in existence from far before Abraham as evidenced by the documents recovered at Mari. But not much more material can be left out of our hands before we would desire to draw the lot of experts on religious material to court. The charge would be treason to the spirit, the worst crime possible according to ancient laws. A crime against a body is of limited significance. The spirit recovers. The crime against the spirit can cause irreversible eternal damage.

There are also the Books of giants in a third century religious movement known as Manicheanism. This comes from Persia where the Hebrew religion we know today has its basic structure from, as well as the Christian. The Sumerian material coming down to the third century through Persian channels and the Sumerian Material coming down to the third century through Canaanite channels is merged with Zoroastrianism and Greek philosophies. This mishmash is today's religions of Christianity and Judaism and Islam. The materials origin is the same and the Archons presiding over these cults are the same. The Archons care less what they are called as long as the end result is the merging of the radiance of Man with matter. The offense of both Watchers and Apkallu by sexually commingling with humans are recorded in ancient literature.

Both were condemned to the nether world. Gen 6:1-4 correspond to the origin of giants on the Earth, and when read as it is written, Biblical scholars often calls this" literature which was added to the Biblical lore," yet should the lore which has been added to the Bible be removed, there would not be much reading material left.

The Accadian conqueror Sargon changed his God. He went from the God of the Eblaites called Dagan to the Sumerian En-Lil.

Sargon was apparently very much revered by the Hebrews. He was put in a reed basket exactly in the same fashion Moses was a thousand years after Sargon and he rose to be one of the mightiest kings of the ancient Near East. We saw how the Exodus was not in any way related to the Israelites leaving Egypt, but was the description of the fall of the Hyksos from the throne of Egypt. Various Near Eastern tales were included in the formulation of the Moses legend by the Israelites including the legend of Sargon.

Dilmun, where Ziusudra, the Sumerian Noah, was granted eternal life is where the Hebrew paradise was located. From the Gilgamesh epic, we learn that Ziusudra was not a very happy man. He did not seem content with his lot in life and this should be quite obvious. Eternal life in these bodies with NOW's stacked on top of each other ad infinitum is no paradise. The Man trapped within the physical body must have been miserable. It would not be at all surprising if that was the message which here was thought.

Now we better take a long awaited look at Enoch, the seventh personage mentioned in the Bible. The one God took to himself and who apparently did not die. He was granted access to Heaven in order to indoctrinate the people back on Earth in what they had in store in the afterlife. He was taught the secrets of Heaven, shown the gates by which the Sun entered and exited the Heavens and the Angels who ministered to the Sun and the Moon. He was also shown the gates of the Moon and the angels which pulled the Moon across the skies. He was shown the storehouses of water and snow. He was introduced to the Angels which tended the stars and the Zodiac plus other such grand mysteries.

No wonder the Christians removed this material from their holy book. Nevertheless, it is just as reliable as any other material of the Bible. Many of the aspects taught in today's modern churches are directly from Enoch. The Church employed Enoch until just a few hundred years ago and is no more laughable than anything else in the Bible. Some parts are but a little harder to defend.

The Babylonian King from whom Enoch was received was Enmeduranki. Enmeduranki was appointed by the sun God which also corresponds with the Hebrew tale, but here as in numerous other Hebrew tales, the story was modified in later times to reflect current philosophies of the cult. The only Biblical material in which Heaven is described is in Enoch. Let us take a brief look at what the Hebrew Deity has in store for us.

The first Heaven was Enoch's first stopping place. (The idea of only one heaven is extremely recent. It was propounded only after the books of Enoch were no longer widely known.) In this first Heaven, he is shown a great sea. Here, he was introduced to the elders and the rulers of the orders of the stars which he enumerates as two hundred Angels. In this first Heaven, he is also shown the great storage places for the ice and snow. He tells of these as horrible places. He also got to see the treasuries of clouds and met the Angels who guard them and open and shut the gates for them to go about their business.

Enoch is then taken up into the second Heaven where he is shown the storage place for darkness. Here, he meets a group of suspended Angels that look even gloomier than the darkness. After asking about the cause of their gloom, Enoch is told that these heavenly hosts are awaiting final judgment. They are referred to as prisoners and are the sole residents of this second Heaven. Enoch was told that they were continually tortured since they were the Angels who did not obey the Lord but tried to follow their own minds.

After this encounter, Enoch is taken into the third Heaven. Here he relates how he is greeted by a beautiful sight. This is the place of the beautiful garden wherein is situated the Tree of Life. Now this does sound like an interesting place? Was it not the place where Adam was kicked out of just a few generations before Enoch? He is then introduced to the three hundred glorious Angels which are the gardeners of this paradise. This is the place according to his revelation that is reserved for the righteous, those who are able to repel every attach upon them or upon their lives. The context here specifically states that we have more than one life. If we persist in obedience to the lord during these unspecified number of lives, this is the place which has been set aside for us.

In the northern region of this third Heaven is a place full of all kinds of wicked tortures. There is a savage darkness, an impenetrable gloom, a horrible river and an eternal fire as well as eternal cold and ice. This is the place where one continually freezes and is subjected to the worst imaginable tortures. This part of the third heaven is guarded by the meanest of Angels. It is their task to torture all of the inhabitants unmercifully and without any rest.

It is now time for a little sidestep. This is the place where we go between lives to get our implantations. First we are extremely happy when shown the concept of this paradise, then as we are shown that we have come short of following the Lord, we are brought to this dismal place for implanting before we are sent into another body. Hot or Cold are not enough pain in themselves to be effective when it comes to pain. Only a combination will do. This place in the north of the fabled Heaven we will go to is Purgatory. There is never any intent that anyone will ever go to Paradise. Paradise is a broken promise never intended on being fulfilled. The only thing today's Man has to look forward to is the encounters with Purgatory and then new bodies ad infinitum.

After this, Enoch is brought into the fourth Heaven. Here he is shown the coming and going of the rays of the sun and the moon. The light from the sun is said to be seven times greater than that of the moon. Enoch is then really clued in. He is informed that what really exist is four great stars which each have a thousand subordinate stars.

Then Enoch is told how a thousand Angels go out and attend to the sun during the night and a myriad of Angels go out with the sun during the day to keep it warm and lit up. One would really have to be lit up to swallow such garbage today. This is more than plain b.s.-ing which a few of us may have been guilty of when pulling the leg of some gullible child. This is pure malice. No one pulled this garbage out of empty air. This is all part of the implantation we are supposed to be following. Imagine if you will poor Enoch, totally at his wit's end with fear and apprehension being fed all this erroneous data. Imagine all our poor innocent religious forefathers all believing in this garbage.

Enoch is also told the reason the Sun does not shine during the night is because the Lord keep it's crown during the night. This is done from the goodness of the heart of the God to let Man sleep during the night. He is also told about the chariot which the Sun employs while traveling across the skies and after being shown the gates of the Moon more garbage comes about.

Here the phoenixes get a command from the lord and begin to sing. To this accompaniment, Enoch is brought into the fifth Heaven. Here, Enoch meets the Grigory. They were referred to as hosts and are none other than the watchers and giants which we already met in early biblical literature. Enoch relates that these giants have the appearance of men and that their numbers are so great it would be impossible to count them.

Enoch relates how he felt sorry for these giants. He tells how their shape was withered and how they all remained silent. They received no service whatever in this melancholy Heaven. Enoch's guide explained to him that these Grigory were the ones who went to Earth and saw all of the good-looking women running about and took wives from them as they choose. In this manner he is told that these giants were what instigated wickedness among Man along with the arts and other non desirable features which run rampant among Man.

Enoch's next visit was to the sixth Heaven. In this place, he is shown the seven races of Angels whose faces shone brighter than the face of the sun. He was told that these Angels arranged the order of and studied the revolution of the Stars. They also supervised the good and evil on the planet Earth. If this was true, Man could place all the responsibility for his sins on these Angels. If that was the case, then Man should not have to suffer for any mischief he committed and it should have been set up that these angels were those who paid for Man's sins to the God.

To the ancients, these Angels who cause all the evil on Earth would have been the responsibility of the God. When the Church stated they did not want the written word of the Bible to become known among Man because it would spell the end of Christianity it was things like this they referred to. Instead of letting this become known, they deleted the entire books of Enoch from the Bible so as not to let Man know what vicious lies were being taught.

The last Heaven is the one with the most surprises for Enoch. He is shown tremendous powers in use, powers far beyond his imagination. He becomes terrified and trembles with fear. He sees the thrones of the Cherubim and Seraphim. Away off in the distance, he sees the Lord sitting on his lofty throne.

Here, he sees the Cherubim and Seraphim continually serving the Lord along with some other six winged creature. He becomes more terrified than ever. The question might occur to someone, "what type of omniscient omnipotent immortal being requires continual service?" and it is a good question. The answer of course is none! Even humans do not require continual servicing of any nature. Only sophisticated machines require constant maintenance.

Then Enoch met an Angel by the name of Gabriel who came along to reassure him and carried him off to the furthest reaches of Heaven. Enoch is told to prepare himself to meet the Lord. He divests himself of all his garments. Then he got anointed and was dressed in the same special uniforms that the rest of the inhabitants of Heaven are wearing. He discovers that he looks exactly like all of the other people in this place and this discovery serves to calm him down so he is no longer as frightened.

The anticipated moment arrives. Enoch is brought face to face with his God. It was an extremely important event for him as well as for the rest of Mankind. All of the secrets of heaven were to be divulged so that Man might know what to do. I can just picture this aging man standing there with the highlight of his life about to occur. It is to be understood how excited he was and how anxious he must have been to record everything exactly as it occurred. Thus he relates the face of God in some strange sounding terms.

He said the face was very beautiful and at the same time the most frightening thing imaginable. He relates that it was like iron burnt in the fire and it showered forth sparks while it was burning. Well, there you have it! Here we have the Deity YHWH Eloim, El, Yammu or whatever we are to call this God who created Heaven and Earth. The chief over millions of Angels. The supreme Deity, the one who gave us the Breath of Life. His appearance is thus? What a letdown?

Let that be enough said about the seventh Heaven the Christians look forward to. Let this be enough about the Deity worshipped by the Christians. This material was deleted from the Bible so it no longer applies right? Yes, it is as correct as if the Christians removed all Biblical material from before Abraham because it is Sumerian. And it is as correct as if they removed the Song of Songs which belong to the Dumuzi Inanna cult and if they removed the Psalms with their Sumerian and Eblaite tales. It is as correct as if they removed Isaiah and Ezekiel which are Canaanite and, in the New Testament, John which is Gnostic, Revelations which is Canaanite and the forgeries ascribed to Paul and others.

How could anyone for a moment think of punishing the Christians who are following these doctrines. A moment of silence might be in order for the Dead Christian Souls living in animated bodies. We may lament the Dead, let us not punish them. Hopefully, Gnosis will resurrect these unfortunates.

We have a lot more material from Enoch which could be related but let me just briefly go over a few more points of this Biblical book of the misguided Souls.

That this is Biblical material is undeniable. This is what the Church fathers taught their converts and if today we know better, fine, but this was the basis of the branch of Christian religion which believed in the resurrection of the body. This material is as sound as the resurrection of the body and the deception is not a laughing matter. We look at Enoch's journeys, chapters 17-36.

The first thing Enoch is shown is a certain place where the inhabitants are like blazing fires which, whenever they desire, take on the shape of men. (Remember Daniel?) He is shown the chambers of the stars and thunderbolts and the fiery bow with its quiver of fire arrows. He is shown the wintry regions of storm clouds and the outpouring from the abyss of all the waters (Gen. 7:11 & 8:2, Prov. 8:28).

Then he is shown the storehouses of the winds, and how by these winds the foundations of the Earth and all created things are set in order (Isa. 24:18, Jer. 31:37, Ps. 82:5, etc.). Then he is shown the cornerstone of the Earth and the four winds which support the Earth and the firmament of the Heaven. Enoch is also shown the winds which cause the sky to turn and the orb of the sun and all the stars to revolve. He was also shown where the Heavens come to an end beyond the ends of the Earth. Then he is shown the prison, beyond the heavens where the seven stars are kept which transgressed the commandments of the Lord.

These seven erring stars are of course the seven planets which circle the Earth that the ancients could not plot a course for. That no course could be plotted meant they transgressed the commandments of the Lord. And do not laugh at this! Recall, this is the type of knowledge Irenaeus and other earlier Christians used to get people away from Gnostic beliefs. This type of thing was the "Gnosis" of the mother Church Christians all over the world follow today! These seven erring stars (fallen angels) will be incarcerated for ten thousand years at which time they will have completed the punishment for their sins.

These seven stars (planets) are then identified with the watchers who had intercourse with women on Earth and thought these women all the dastardly sins the Hebrew Deity so despised.

In chapter 21, he is shown the terrible prison for these planets and also the terrible prison for the Angels where they will be imprisoned for an eternity. In the next, chapter he is shown where the great pits are in which the Souls of men are all to be gathered until the "day of reckoning." In one of these pits, Enoch sees the spirit of Abel make complaints about the injustice toward the Heaven as he awaited the fabled day. (Gen.4:10.)

There are four pits altogether. One is reserved for the spirits of men that were sinners, murderers etc. One is reserved for those who collaborated with such sinners. One is reserved for those who have complaints such as Abel against such sinners and the fourth where the righteous await the fabled resurrection.

After seeing these pits, Enoch is shown the great fire in the west which at the ends of the Earth never rests. Raguel tells Enoch this is the fire which tends all the stars of the heavens.

Then Enoch is shown seven great mountains and a throne upon which the Lord rests when he visits the Earth. There he is also shown the great Tree of Life which no Man shall be allowed to touch until the great judgment. After the great judgment, the age of those people who touch of it shall be like the age of those mentioned in the beginning of Genesis.

Skipping rapidly through this fable, we notice in chapter 34 where Enoch is shown the three gates out of which the north wind blows. One with hail and frost, one from which blows blessing and the third from which blows violence and affliction. Now remember, our ancestors believed this was the gospel truth as sacred as anything you or I read in today's Bible. While this is all a bit on the loony side, we must remember those poor ancestor and their yoke. This also indicates that the same Lord emits violence and affliction out of one of the gates which he created. Again it becomes obvious to thinking Man. The ancients did not follow the Lord because he was a good God. They followed him because of the evil he would do if they did not.

1 Enoch chapter 14 is an accurate description of the implant chambers employed by the Archons. Enoch goes into this place where the walls are built as with hailstones with tongues of fire surrounding them on all sides. Enoch gets terrified. He entered into the tongues of fire and got near to the large house of hailstones. Here the walls and floor were of snow. It's upper stories were fireballs of lightning, flaming fire was all around it's walls and the doors are ablaze with fire. When Enoch enters the house, he is hot as fire and cold as snow. Here are no delights, he informs the reader and horror overwhelmed him. Thereafter, Enoch has another vision of the terrible side of the Lord, and the fire and Ice accompanying him.

There you have the secrets of Heaven. It is an implant chamber complete with deceptions and lies which match the Israelite and many other Gods perfectly. Do not fear: You are all superior to this God and the evil minions of this God!

En-Ki was the patron God of the working of metals and precious stones. He could have been the Asael referred to in the material of Enoch. The teaching here was done by En-Ki who was definitely not Gnostic. What he would have thought would have been in order to deceive as stated by the Gnostics. He was a God and Yaldabaot had several Gods or Archons working for him. The Gnostic teachings Man had received happened during the golden age prior to the Flood. The God, or demiurge Yaldabaot, then desired to discredit these teachings and sent teachers of his own to confuse the language of the inhabitants of the planet.

The Sumerian Gods fit well the theory of these false teachers who confused the tongues of Man. Their deceptive actions would have put mistrust in Man and when all else failed, the Gods brought on the Flood.

The goat fish or Cod which we saw as the representation of En-Ki, was said to come out of the waters to teach knowledge to the race of Man. That this was the waters of Earth is quite unlikely. The vast "Waters" of the dimension of the Archons is far more likely. Knowledge he may have thought but the question is the quality of knowledge.

It may be difficult to subject one's mind to the harassment of another interpretation of material. No material is included here which has not been either discovered by archaeologists or taken from literature which is readily available. The threat of information is imaginary. Information expands the mind. Excuses shrink it. Should the mind alter to perceive data it is a plus. Should it close up to prevent one from seeing what is, it shrinks. Many things have not made sense in both the New and Old Testaments. Many have employed the notion that Man is not able to grasp the wisdom of the lord.

One just has to look at what it really is one is looking at and perception becomes obvious. I did not create the errors in the Bible. They were always there. I did not create the faulty religious concepts, they were always there. If I did not point them out, other Gnostics would. You had better get used to it, the age of death is over. That which will rise to immortality is not the body which has been worshipped but the Soul which each and every one of us are. Let us clear away some more of the fog.

As for the Israelites, we hear their God explain their ancestry in Ezekiel 16:3-8 states: "And thus saith the Lord God unto Jerusalem; Thy birth and thy nativity is of the land of Canaan; Thy father was an Amorite, and thy mother an Hittite."

Amorites were the Sumerian Martu, an ancient Semitic speaking people dominating Mesopotamian history from about 2,000-1,600 B.C.E. They were troublesome nomads and believed to be the cause of the downfall of the third dynasty of Ur about 2,000 B.C.E. Almost all the old Babylonian Kings were Amorites, such as Hammurabi. The Hittites were a significant power about 1,000 B.C.E. and this would indicate the Israelites could not have come on the scene much before Abraham in about 1,900 B.C.E. The reason for them having Sumerian tales as the backbone of their religious beliefs are however not surprising because everyone else in the ancient Mesopotamia used these same myths.

Gen. 10:15-16 indicates that the Amorites were the descendants of Canaan and Gen. 10:17 indicates the same fact about the Hittites. In other words, the Israelites were Canaanites not only because of the ties so abundantly demonstrated by archeological discoveries found at Ugarit, and the translation of their writings, but the same also holds true by biblical records.

They were from "the Valley of the shadow of death" which is wrongly translated in Psalm 23:4 and elsewhere. The original Sumerian word means birth canal.

Jeremiah. 4:16 states: "Watchers come from a far country, and give out their voice against the cities of Judah." Here the Watchers are condemning Judah in much the same fashion Enoch condemned the watchers. The watchers were supposed to be Angels and some were fallen. You might speculate that the watchers were the stars which are in the sky, as they always keep an eye out. Thus the fallen watchers would be about as scientific as a fallen star.

Believe it or not, you would be right. The Angels were nothing more than the innumerable stars we see in the sky overhead at night. When a star fell, it was nothing more than a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere of Earth. To the ancients this indicated another Angel had fallen out of grace with the lord. When they saw a comet come near the earth this was a watcher bringing a message to Mankind and Prophets would be called to interpret the meaning. These omens are not very reliable yet they are exactly as reliable as the rest of the Biblical material.

There would not be any reason to make a big deal out of any of it if it was not for the fact that other material is also hidden which corrupts the Soul. A falling star is not a Soul. The Heaven we long for when the Minister at Church preaches to us is our native universe. We inherently know of its existence and feel we belong there.

Satan or the Devil was created by this same God who purportedly desires but the best for Man. The reason for his being is to seduce and tempt Man. Why? It is said that he was a fallen Angel. Give me a break! Are we really that stupid? The "God" must have judged our mental abilities according to his own. If a responsible Deity created an Angel which was not up to par, an Angel which as is said was "fallen" and he was a threat to the other creations of the God, the fallen Angel would have been removed from a position where he could threaten Man, and secondly, all responsibility for the actions of this Angel would fall on the shoulders of the God, including the responsibility for any and all transgressions of Man because of the actions of this fallen Angel.

The sons of the watchers, the Nephilim, were also referred to as the sons of Gods. They were the grandsons of God. Much more is contained about them both from the books of Enoch and the books of the giants from the Qumran documents of the Dead Sea area.

Jeremiah 4:16 is where the lord tells us that the watchers are come from a far country to witness against the cities of Judah. The Lord then goes on to complain about the wickedness of the people of Judah. Jer. 4:19 says that the Lord complains about problems with his bowels, he complains about the ache in his heart, and how his Soul pains. (Great God!!)

Jer. 5:5 states: "I will get me unto the great men, and I will speak unto them; for they have known the way of the lord, and the judgment of their God but these have altogether broken the yoke and burst the bonds." Jer. 5:9 goes on to say the Gods Soul needs vengeance because of such men. Here again we have the physical manifestation of a spiritual God. The first instinctive excuse would be to state that it is figuratively spoken. That would be the process of shrinking the mind talked about earlier. When expanding the mind you discover the material of this exact passage written down a thousand years earlier in Ugarit. It comes from the legend of Baal. The great men are the sons of Athiratu who rejoiced at the death of Baal at the hands of Mot, and now when Baal is alive again, he is going to punish them.

Another deceptive feature of today's Bible is the fact that so much of it has been taken from the earlier Canaanite cults. In fact, it is hard to find any major theme in the Bible which does not have counterparts in the Canaanite religions. The Sons of the God El rejoiced at the death of Baal at the hand of Mot and Baal was confined to the underworld for a seven year period (or one growing season). When this happened, the people would worship either El or Yammu who was now the head of the people in the absence of Baal. When Baal again arose, his first act was to punish the infidels. Since the Hebrews became monotheistic after the Persian occupation, they had to change the stories of the other sons of the Gods of the pantheon, and instead of them being sons of different Gods they became great men, and here these great men had broken the yoke of Baal by not showing him the proper respect when he was in the underworld by rejoicing his loss to Mot.

Jer 5:21 says the people are foolish and without understanding having ears but do not hear and, eyes but do not see. These are the people who have not realized Baal is Dead and gone for seven years. 5:29 is where the lord tells us more about his soul. That the lord has a soul should not come as a surprise. We who are Souls would not expect any knowledge and understanding from those that merely have a soul. Jer. 5:9 "Shall I not visit for these things? Saith the Lord: and shall not my soul be avenged on such a nation as this?" Someone ought to let this Lord know that the artificial Soul he has may seek revenge, but the Soul which he is, which is not evil, will not need revenge.

The giants of 1 Enoch are not based on the Canaanite sons of different Gods than the Hebrew's God. It is based on Sumerian tales which the Canaanites also had their rendition of. Again it must be remembered that the reason why the Israelites and Canaanites shared the same Sumerian thought and the same Canaanite interpretation of this thought was not because they got the stories from the same source and carried them forward along separate lines. The Israelites most assuredly were a Canaanite cult themselves, worshipping the Canaanite Gods.

The Church fathers which came after Jesus desired to keep the Hebrew traditions. They were the sons of God. They devised the breaking of the bread, the Eucharist in which they like the Raphaim before them, ate the flesh of the son of Man and drank his blood. Now, it is only symbolic and we should be extremely thankful for that.

Enoch recorded the crimes of the Watchers. Asael/Azazel taught Man the making of iron swords and breast plates of bronze. Now iron did not exist until about 1,000 years after the Flood, and Enoch lived prior to the Flood so this could not possibly be true. Yet before we throw out the child with the afterbirth, we have to recall the fact that all Biblical material was added on to after the original composition. The deceptions were taught and then added on to later on. Other crimes of Azael were the making of jewels and bracelets, showing women how to put on makeup and beautify themselves.

Tubalcain was the son of Lamech in the "J" rendition of the Old Testament. He was said to be a worker of iron and bronze. Lamech in the "P" rendition was also the father of Noah. Teaching of working iron in the Old Testament is also said to have happened before the Flood, and this was not so, but Azael would have had to have existed prior to Lamech in this case because he thought the smith his trade. "J" is the line of Cain. And "P" is the line of Seth. The two lines are the same. The names are the same and the generations are the same. Cain was to deceive as the Gnostics knew. Cain was the son of the chief Archon and not the son of Adam. Azael means God has made or made by God. What God made was deception. The watchers were to be bound for seventy generations for their crime.

Through the entire Biblical lore and the corresponding Near Eastern thought every one knew it was impossible to kill anyone. Only the flesh died and the motivating force was bound and it was shipped off to the nether world or some other place. The same is true about virtually all peoples on the planet. Be it Buddhists, Vikings, American Indians, Australian Aborigines or Afrikaans. Everyone knew there was some form of reincarnation or rebirth after death. The end of the physical body was not the end of existence. There existed different theories about what it would be like in the hereafter but there was a hereafter. They were of course right. You could not possibly have so many people agreeing on the one basic premise if there was not any truth behind it. Not until modern day evolutionists did a cult come forth who believed life ended with the body. They blame it all on the Big Bang we saw in the Paraphrase of Shem, and believe life could have started from it without the modifying efforts from the world of Luma. These are falling right into the hands of the Archons but the belief will not survive long enough to do much damage.

1 Enoch is not a dilemma. The book like all other books of the Bible is fraught with false precepts and translations of material into a cult developed in the fifth and fourth century BC That an entire religious philosophy was developed from this was the worst thing which has ever happened to Mankind. Fundamentally it is unsound. No scientific basis exist for the teachings. Morally, it is a debased primitive source of material which is food without substance.

The minions of the physical universe were here, that there is no doubt about, though you may wonder if they still are here, and it doesn't matter.

Every one on this planet who is governed by the cloak of darkness qualifies as a minion of the physical universe and is either an Archon or works for their cause.

All others are Son of Man. Consciously, none of us work for the Archons. When indoctrinated or implanted, we learn false concepts for what is right and what is wrong and we all strive to lessen evil and enhance the good as we perceive it. That is because we are all inherently good. What the end result of our efforts may be is outside our control, we think.

Not so. We can do much more than we realize. All we have to do is shed the cloak of darkness and the limits to our abilities are not within the physical universe.

From the Apochryphon of John we learn Yaldabaot had many faces. He could put on a different face for each of his subjects. A different face for each meant he had to deceive them all, and though his subjects were referred to as Seraphs, they were in reality ancient Gods. YHWH was one of these Gods while Yaldabaot seem similar to YHWH they were not identical. YHWH was called Yao in the Nag Hammadi manuscripts and in the Qumran Scrolls, and while he like his creator claimed to be the jealous God who was in charge of the whole lot, it was not so.

The Cain and Abel story was one of deception. Cain was the one who survived. His lineage is given in Gen. 4:17-25, and this was the lineage of giants. These were the Sons of God in Gen. 6:1-4 who created offspring by human females. While Cain at first was but a luminous being he received a body later in order to battle the pleroma and while this body was similar to that of Man, it was not identical. The later Cainites discussed by Irenaeus demonstrates how encompassing the Flood was.

In the Bible, giants are being explained away by minimizing them due to obscure reasons. It is said by some religious leaders that the giants were not that big, they were just large men and seen as giants, and their tale was added by scribes in the fifth century B.C. to add spice to the Biblical stories. They cannot explain it away when the same giants are found in the Sumerian manuscripts written 2,000 years before the Bible, or in Ugarit and other places of Biblical borrowing.

Gen. 5:1-5 indicates Seth was Adam's firstborn. The manner by which Seth is introduced is the same as the manner of all the other firstborns, and the saying that Seth was a replacement for Abel is not tenable, for if he was, he would have had a name which reflected this. His name, meaning appointed, was not appointed to replace. It indicated he was appointed to carry forward the race of Man. The Cain-Abel motif does not belong where it is in the Bible and while Cain and Abel might well have been mothered by Eve, they were not fathered by Adam. Cain was one of the Rephaims. He was the son of a Watcher, if not the supreme watcher, Seth was of normal size, a son of Man.

The Apocalypse of Adam from Nag Hammadi is where Adam tells his son Seth about what is. This document is also dated at about the same time as the writing of the synoptic gospels. The original of this document may also date from way before the advent of Jesus. Adam starts off by telling Seth that in the beginning, he lived with Eve in a glory far surpassing the glory of the Gods who created their mortal bodies. Eve had taught Adam the Gnosis of the great Pleroma and this she had received from the World of Light. They were of the image of the eternal Angels, far greater than the Archon and his powers which still were unknown to them.

After this, the Archons came in wrath to destroy the glory in the hearts of Man along with the knowledge they possessed.

The knowledge left them and they recognized the Archons who had created their mortal bodies and, they served them in fear and slavery in the darkness of their heart.

Adam and Eve saw three men approach them whom they did not recognize. These men told them to arise and awaken from the sleep of death and learn about the seed which had descended from the Pleroma. A great sigh of relief went up from them at this, but no sooner had this happened, the creator Archon stood before them again. Immediately, darkness fell upon their eyes again.

Then Adam tells Seth how the chief Archon created a son for himself with Eve. Then, a sweet desire for Eve was felt by Adam and he knew he was under the authority of death. This is the revelation of what those three men revealed to Adam and Eve prior to the God creating a son with Eve.

Rains from the chief Archon will be spilled on the ground because of the knowledge which Abraham taught Seth. The Archon will try annihilating all Life on earth in order to obtain what he wanted from the World of Light, for he thought he could get this by destroying the flesh. The Archon does not want the Gnosis of Light to be taught by Men, for that renders the Archons powerless.

The power of the pleroma will come to help the Souls of those enlightened by then to escape. Then the Archon will rest from his wrath. After the waters reside he will tell Deucalion (Noah) that he will make a covenant with him, and like a king, Yaldabaot will reign over them, and all seed which they produce will belong to this, the same Archon. Then again the power of Gnosis will descend and Noah will be accused of betraying the lord, which he will deny.

Then Noah will advise his sons to follow the lord in fear and slavery all the days of their lives. It is stated that the seed (offspring) of Ham and Japed will leave the side of this deity and that they will become strong and gain eternal knowledge. They will be the Men who are not defiled by any desire. Then the powers will be diminished and Man will no longer be able to set eyes upon them. After this, the powers of the Pleroma will again descend to enlighten Man. Those who listen will be saved here, as they did not receive their spirit only from this world's spirit. For the third time, an Illuminator will come to plant the seed of Gnosis in order to make possible the escape of the Son of Man from the physical universe.

Seth will have the power of the pleroma and it will come along his line to enlighten Man and spread among Man to fill the entire Earth with Pleroma. All Man will have the pleroma as their essence, and, all that needs to be done, will be the awakening of Gnosis and the Pleroma will sprout forth like a waterfall and simple Man will awaken into Son of Man.

Then the lineage which receives Gnosis will be awakened and shine forth like a beam to aid others out of the darkness until a time when the Archon will again be able to pervert the teachings of Gnosis. Then the darkness of the cloak of the Archons will be upon Man for a long time (1,460 years) and many will be put to death unjustly. They will teach the perverted knowledge of the Archons and lead Man astray with false precepts and much suffering will come about until such a time as the dormant Pleroma within Man gains such strength that on it's own it will surface and shed the cloak of darkness and destruction.

The prognosis is not very good. We are the sick spirits covered by a cloak of darkness which is to be our doom. We are to wait a long time for relief. It is not important if the third teacher was Jesus or not. As Jesus himself was but one of the teachers of Gnosis. It is up to each and every individual to shed his cloak of darkness.

In "The concept of our great power," the time of 1,460 years was given as the time which man will be submerged by the darkness of unknowing. We will determine when this 1,460 years are to be measured from. However, do not look for any great lights in the skies which you yourself can not produce. To sober up an alcoholic, he has to want it and do it. To get out from under the cloak of darkness, you have to want it and do it. No magical solution or being can do it for you other than the magical and immortal being which you are!

Do not look for a "baptism" which in one fell swoop will remove the cloak of darkness. Baptism as practiced is a deception. Water is not of the immortal realm, you are! So why pollute yourself? All bodies here are created mainly of water, and water can do great things for the building of physical bodies, be they animate or inanimate. Water does nothing for the spirit but pollute.

Beware of the inspiration you get from the counterfeit spirit! It is the road of darkness and fear. It is usually easy to distinguish. It is that road immediately coming to mind as the logical escape as soon as your viewpoints are threatened. When thinking it over or getting through it, one can see how foolish that thought is.

Years ago, when I was first attempting to sort this all out, I came up against an immovable wall. It felt as though if I pursued this any further my mind might explode. I wanted nothing more than to give up but I saw no logical explanation for giving up, so I persisted. I do not know if anyone else might feel the presence of a wall or obstacle to seeing what is really written here, but if you do, it might well be the same wall I had to go through. This wall I believe is the foundation of the cloak of darkness.

The Paraphrase of Shem is far less corrupt than the teaching of Adam. It is indicated that human beings came into being in the place of darkness (ignorance) and fire (corruption) and the power of the mind and the light. So we were brought about through the powers of darkness and light. The easy road out is to do what is right: abstain from violence and unethical behavior, to discourage lies and promote truth regardless of how many times we have to adjust our minds to facts. Every time we learn something new, it entails adjustment of our minds and at first, this might seem painful. This is while we are still in the grasp of the Archons. It gets easier and easier until we remove ourselves from the clutches of the Archons and the powers of darkness. Soon afterwards, the altering of our minds brings forth more Light and it becomes pleasurable.

At first, the Light was not within every body which came into being. The Archons created bodies other than the ones of Adam and Eve. These were animal bodies wherein thinking was not developed and they had no mind, only a brain. The brain helps the animal body in surviving, but until the Light of the mind enters into the artificial Soul there is nothing there which is aware of being aware, and until such a Soul is within the body, there is no loss. But at first, human bodies existed without the power of the Pleroma and that was a despicable state. Still, bodies are created which do not know right from wrong, whose thinking is not far above the thinking of animals and this may always be the case.

Do not condemn these bodies. Let the light of the pleroma descend on them, help them see the Light.

Seth is told to go to Sodom with his teachingsfor that is where his race is and the power of the darkness will leave the city. Then he is to quickly teach the Sodomites of the Light while the demon, by the will of the Light, has departed from that city. Then the Sodomites will rest in the purity of the unbegotten spirit.

However, the rest will not last long, for the spirit of darkness will return with false accusations and unjustly burn the entire city of Sodom. Evil is not about to cease in order that anyone might reveal the true justice of that place.

Now this is a different statement of this "wicked city" than what you have been accustomed to hearing. Recently, evidence of the existence of Sodom and Gomorra has been found at the ancient city of Ebla. Nothing has to my knowledge been found to indicate exactly what these Sodomites were like, but I would love to see the expression of the people who eventually will dig up these cities. Nothing there will be found to justify the opinion stated in the Bible of the evil of the cities or the perverted sexual practices. These were made up as the excuse to destroy people more righteous than the Deity.

Shem continues to state that those who have a free conscience will be able to remove themselves from the babbling of Nature. They will strip off the burden of darkness and don the Word of the Light and they will no longer be kept back at the insignificant place. They will put on the Light of the mind and rest in the Spirit and, there will be no more suffering for them. The teacher of Shem states that as soon as he ceases to be upon the Earth, a great many evils will come forth. Then the deceptive world will be thrown into confusion. Eventually the stars will cease from the sky, the mouth of the error will be opened and the evil darkness may become silence. In the last day the forms of nature will be destroyed with the winds (destroyed by gravity). They will become a dark lump like they were from the beginning. All matter will cease and all spirits will vanish into the lump. Go therefor in the Light O'Shem that the Spirit of the Light, the Pleroma, the Son of Man may be released from the clutches of darkness before they too are swallowed up by the dark lump.

The Paraphrase of Shem as you can see is an enormous wealth of information. The physical and spiritual universe is explained there better than most physicists can explain it today. I do not take anything away from the great physicists by this statement, for they have just not been aware that the motivating force which creates a new galaxy and a new universe, new stars and planets after the explosion of a black hole has been those poor unfortunate souls which have been trapped within the dark lump talked about in the Paraphrase of Shem.

You too can be the divine power which starts the formation of a new universe. All you need to do is stay around draped with the cloak of darkness until such a time as the matter around you becomes swallowed up by the black hole. Then you might wait around in the black hole a few trillion years until it explodes, and then after a few more million years, you can start the building of your own galaxy.

Did you think Yaldabaot needed you around so he could be adored and worshipped? You are the seed of the next Universe. Without seed ,the chances of a black hole explosion resulting in a habitable universe is negligible and then there would not be any glory. Glory is the Archon's food, not the kind of glory he gets from a bedside at night.

How long till the next lump (besides the one in your throat)? Well you can expect it about the same time as a planet has about as many Souls on it as bodies that can be sustained. But here is a catch 22. It must not survive long enough for man to become Man.

 Chapter 16

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