Chapter Thirteen

Enoch, Giants and Sumerians


The one biblical book that comes from material which was supposedly divulged to Man before the time of the Flood was the Books of Enoch, also known as 1 Enoch. This material was intended to deceive and as much other material of deception, it eventually became so ridiculous, the Church could no longer support it and had it dropped from the canon.

While the material was dropped from the Canon of the Christians a few hundred years ago its teaching is still felt within the Church. After all, it did explain all about what the christian God had in store for Man. It was the only material which described the heavens. After the material was discarded, the Church has been left with an enormous vacuum within its doctrine.

One of the things which the book of Enoch clarifies and puts in a different perspective is the Sons of God and their offspring, the giants which corrupted Man.

Gen 6:1-4 tells us some of what happened when the sons of Gods came onto the daughters of Man, and this was about the same as what happened in Sumer. The only difference in Sumer was that it was not the Sons of God called watchers in 1 Enoch, who married females, and had children with them to beget the ancient men of renown. In Sumer, it was Gods who had sex with the humans. This does not contradict the tales in Genesis. Watchers are also referred to by the same epithet as the God of the Hebrews in the Old Testament. It is a pretty safe bet that in the time of the first kingdom of Israel and earlier, all these Angels were called Gods.


Angels were also called the sons of God, and these were the ones who had intercourse with the daughters of men and begot the giants of old in both Israelite and Sumerian mythology.

The mighty heroes, the Giants, or "sons of God" went in to the daughters of man, and they gave birth to them. These were the Gibborim from remote times, the men of a famous name. (Gen. 6:1-4)

Like all of the Biblical material, 1 Enoch was borrowed material. Gen 6:3 gives Man 120 years to live on Earth, Atra-hasis, the Babylonian rendition written down millenniums before genesis gives Man 1,200 years. Atra-hasis is a great example of literature, and tradition borrowing from the ancient Near East. Atra-hasis was where the Hebrews got their creation stories from without any doubt, and then again the Atra-hasis was borrowed traditions and beliefs from the Sumerians. Atra-hasis has 1,200 years and all the biblical patriarchs after Gen.6:3 live to be far more than 120 years so it easy to see that someone just dropped the zero in later editions of the writings. Gen. 6:1-4 is very closely paralleled to the Babylonian Atra-hasis as is 1 Enoch. Small differences such as the watchers in 1 Enoch being called Apkallu in Atra-hasis make no difference. It is their functions we need to look at.

Of interest is also the more original biblical documents from the Dead Sea which state God told Noah this when Noah was 480 years and when Noah was 600, the Flood ensued.

The Apkallu are depicted as the sons of heaven, and were the guardians of cosmic order much the same way as the watchers of Enoch which had not fallen were. These watchers or Apkallu were the Guardians also of the temple of Marduk, and frequent visitations by them are mentioned in ancient literature. Both the Apkallu and the Watchers taught men of Earth about wisdom and skills such as the workings of metal and art.

Enoch was taught the secrets of Heaven and Earth as it was supposed to be according to the deity he believed in. Most religious experts date the first part of Enoch to about 350-450 BC which is about the same time most of the OT was written. I date both to the end of the golden age of Man, not because they were written at that time, but because that is the time in history which they reflect.

Moses was never given any material from the Deity of the Israelites, not even the ten commandments. The person who received divine information among the biblical figures was Enoch.

We are the Son of Man. The demon, or evil beings are the son of God. We are the Son of Light in much literature, and the son of God is there often referred to as the son or power of darkness, or sons of Earth. Outrageous statement, but let us take a look at prevailing literature in order to clarify. Rest assured, it is not empty speculations gathered out of empty air.


Gen.6:1,2 states: "And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them. That the sons of God saw that the daughters of men that they were fair and they took to wives of all which they choose (the result is described in Gen.6:4). There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came onto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which are of old men of renown."

1 Enoch lets us know more about the sons of gods, but not as much about the Giants as we would like. In the third century C.E., the illustrious Christian Penmen discarded the book of Giants and replaced it with a composition of their own. These Christian compositions are Chapters 37-71 of 1 Enoch.

Parts of the book of Enoch has been found among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Where chapters 37-71 exist in 1 Enoch, there is nothing similar in the book of Enoch from Qumran. The Qumran Scrolls instead has the book of Giants.

Enoch was composed about the same time as Genesis, 5th century B.C.E. The real source for the material is the same and just about all of it is inherited from Canaanite and Babylonian sources with a little bit of Egyptian mythology present. One book which was a great source of information for the Biblical authors was the Babylonian book I already mentioned; Atra-hasis. Prior to historical research, it was thought that Babylonian stories had their background in biblical stories. Now, it is well known by historians that it is the other way around.

According to 1 Enoch, the Flood came about because of the teachings to man by Angels against the wishes of God. Josephus Flavious, a famous Jewish historian, 36-100 +/- wrote great works on Jewish history, and he too notes that Man's downfall came about because the descendants of Seth were corrupted by Angels who had come down from heaven and taught Man the wisdom reserved for the knowledge of God and Angels. These fallen Angels were giants and they were also the Watchers.

The giants were called Nefilim and were the forefathers of Lamech. The fallen Angels are a main theme of the books of Enoch, were they are called Watchers. It is said that they are the ones who awakened Man, so it may just be that these watchers who broke with God to enlighten Man were primal history's version of the messiah, for the Archons were not all evil. The evil depicted in the Bible and attributed to the watchers was evil according to the evil deity.

Most likely this is a break between the minions of the God and his staff. Some of the Archons would have been enlightened by the teaching left by the earlier Gnostic teachers and realized that they too were in reality Son of Man. They could then have attempted to get Man to revert to the Gnostic teachings, and the possible explanation is that they had the teachings a little wrong and thus imparted another thought of teaching which held some truths, but missed some essential parts.

Enoch 1:9 states: "Behold! He will most assuredly come with ten thousand holy ones to execute judgment on all." Deut. 33:2 states: "... And he came with ten thousand of saints." This indicates parts of Deutoronomy were dependent upon 1 Enoch. The same exact statements are found in the material from Ugarit regarding the God coming with the ten thousand holy ones.

Since the material in both Deuteronomy and 1 Enoch was written a thousand years after the material in Ugarit, it is easy to see they both depended on the Canaanite material. Genesis is also heavily dependent upon the Canaanite material so we have a real connection. Isaiah and the rest of the prophets are also dependent for a lot of their material from Ugarit.

We have a thousand years from the writings of the Bible back to when the societies in Ugarit flourished. What can happen in a thousand years? The thousand years in question saw the change of rulers over and over in the area where the Israelites lived. We can look at other changes in the worship practices of other people.

The rule changed in places such as Mexico and all the ancient worship practices changed along with the new society. Those people who went along with the beliefs of the new religion were given a favorable status, they were allowed to live. Those who did not change their beliefs were killed. Most people agree that no political society in the history of Man other than just the ones who became the modern Christians and Muslims ever killed off the people who refused to believe their doctrines.

True, no other societies ever killed those who decided not to follow the religion of the conquerors, but this does not rule out the possibility that those who followed the religion were given a favorable status. How much did the Israelites have to change their religion to be permitted to rebuild their Jerusalem temple? It has been stated not much was changed other than the Israelites adopted some traits of the Zoroastrians, but this can no longer be considered to be true. The recent archeological finds of the Palestine area indicate extensive changes were done to the religion.

Their book of beliefs was rewritten. All the Israelites did not go along with this. Many of them refused to go back to Jerusalem and this too would indicate the reason was a change in religious practices. Those who did not return would have practiced a purer form of Israelite worship until such a time as they were swallowed up by Islam centuries later. But this purer form of Israelite worship practices was the same as that practiced by the Canaanites of the area. Since we now know the Bible in a similar fashion to the one which was written about the time of Darius, we seem to believe this was the religious practices of the Hebrews. The reason for this is that the Bible and our ministers states this is the only truth which exist. Since the Bible deals with material which predates the Persian invasion by thousands of years we believe those were the same religious practices employed back then.

Like lemmings, we have been steered. Recent archeological recoveries of biblical material from Ugarit indicate we have been had. That the older material from Ugarit all confirms a tie with biblical material cannot be questioned even by those who are the greatest experts at adjusting data to fit the mind. Since this material is different from the religion practiced by the Hebrews over a thousand years later does not indicate it was different material than the Biblical material. What it unquestionably indicates is exactly how the Israelite beliefs were changed after Darius to conform with the merger of Zoroastrianism and the Canaanite religion.

The time of Darius fits extremely well with the entire picture of Near Eastern society and the fact that the time saw a radical change in the religious philosophies of the Israelites. That the Hebrews rewrote their stories about this time is virtually a certainty. Many experts state the Bible was written over an extended period of time with a great amount of it written down about 450-550 B.C.E. What I propose is that the material was written down from the time of the Sumerians until now. At the time of Darius and the advent of Zoroastrianism some Israelites were given preferential treatment and allowed to employ the temple of the Zoroastrians in exchange for altering their stories to fit their worship practices.

To amass all the evidence, analyze it extensively and coherently put it down in one book can not be done. One man stuck in time can only do so much and all evidence should not be necessary for anyone. One more interesting point of evidence in regards to the allegation of the Biblical material having been rewritten at the time of Darius should be mentioned. The Israelite's Jubilee was every 49 years. This was seven weeks of one year each, seven times seven. A jubilee of weeks was even more revered. This was seventy weeks of seven years or 490 years and called an Apocalypse of weeks. This is what is found in Daniel when he predicts the messiah.

One jubilee of weeks is what we have from the writing of the new Israelite Bible of about 420 B.C.E. until Solomon who supposedly lived about 950 B.C.E. Today's Bibles give 480 years from Solomon to the Exodus. The original was 490 years. This is very close to the exodus of the Hyksos as we saw. Contrary to the biblical records, today's religious specialist date the Exodus during the reign of Rameses II which was about 250 years before Solomon. The 490 years are far closer.

Then there is another Jubilee of weeks from the time of the Exodus back to the father of the Israelite religion, Abraham. This is not mere coincidence, and it is not divine, it was produced at the time of Darius. From the time of the writing of the biblical traditions to the advent of the Israelite Messiah was to be another Jubilee of weeks. This does not coincide with the birth of Jesus, but with the sacking of the Temple in Jerusalem by the Romans about 70 C.E.

The evil teachings which did not receive the approval of the God in the OT was not necessarily evil. The teachings to Man by the forces of the pleroma was what really was considered evil by the God. These teachings made it impossible for the God to dominate and suppress Man in the way he desired. To counteract this, the watchers were sent to corrupt truth. The God supposedly punished these "fallen angels" for the teachings to Man of corrupt knowledge, but this was not so. This material was all intended to deceive and mislead.

When we look at all this material we cannot look at the material of the Sumerian's and say that belongs to such a bracket, or the Canaanites and say it belongs to that bracket. We cannot say that the Israelites belong to one bracket and the Christians to the next. All the material of the Old Testament is interwoven with all the rest of the material from the Near Eastern area. The material of the Bible did not develop independently of other Near Eastern religions as some theologians would have us believe today.

When we look at material such as the material from the Sumerians we can readily see how it was interpreted in later years by Biblical authors in the OT. We can see how it was interpreted in 1 Enoch. We can see a more original interpretation in places such as Ugarit. When this material all is tied together, it is because there is a link. It would be extremely naive to think otherwise.

The Apkallu are the sons of Ea/En-Ki. They are also depicted as the sons of Heaven, An, and they were the guardians of cosmic order much the same way as the watchers of Enoch which had not fallen were. These watchers, Apkallu were the Guardians also of the temple of Marduk, and frequent visitations by them are mentioned in ancient literature. Both the Apkallu, and the Watchers taught the population of Man on Earth about wisdom and skill. The offense of both Watchers and Apkallu by sexually commingling with humans are recorded in ancient literature. We should make clear that the Apkallu were the Babylonian equivalents of the Sumerian Anunna(-ki).

Enoch 6:11 identifies the Gibborim as the children between a union of a god and a human female, or rather a fallen angel and a woman. Nefilim is another word whose connotations are "The fallen ones," which denotes the Sons of God. And in the Old Testament, Nefilim is also called Refaim or Raphaim.

The Enochic book of Giants, which the Christians were so nice to delete from my copy of the book of Enoch, has as mentioned been found among the the Dead Sea Scrolls. Here, among others, Humbaba is mentioned as one of the Giants. Humbaba was one of the so called fallen angels according to the book of Enoch. The Sumerian hero Gilgamesh with the aid of his friend Enkidu in the "Gilgamesh Epic" killed Humbaba. Gilgamesh was one third God, the same personality as the Biblical Nimrod.

Gen.10:8,9 states: "And Cush begot Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth."(the correct reading would her be: "He began to be a mighty Gibborim.") He was a mighty hunter before the Lord: wherefore it is said, even as Nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord." Nimrod and Gilgamesh is the same person.

Apkallus guard the cosmic order and are servants of Ea's temple. Watchers guard the cosmic order and are servants of Gods temple. Both visited the Earth and both of these taught Man wisdom and skill. Both mixed with human females and both practiced the magic arts. There are many similarities. The stories are not totally identical. The one was written about 500 B.C.E. the other at least two millennium earlier. Were there still earlier versions? Regardless, the one written about 2,500 B.C.E. was closest to the original in time, and with all the revisions of Biblical material which we are still seeing today, it would also have to be closer when it comes to the correct text. If the original text was ridiculous, it was ridiculous. If we change the text at a later date to reflect more popular views, we are adding a lie and making things worse. If we have to lie to adhere to the current religious precepts, the religion is not the truth and should be abolished.

Jubilees 10:13-14 tells how Noah hands over a medical tablet to Shem. Now this was no medical tablet but a tablet for the survival of Man. For more detail read "the Paraphrase of Shem." In the book of Jubilees, the descent of the Watchers was regarded as positive for Man. They had come to instruct Man and advise him on moral and ethical values. The change in their status came only after they commingled sexually with the females of Earth. This Hebraic book does not distinguish the two events as being totally separate in time.


In Gen. 10:8-12, Nimrod is a "mighty one on earth."

Translated from Gibbor which was the designation of a part Man and part God who became renown. Gibbor can be related to numerous tales of these Giants on Earth. We can see some of their attributes in places like Samson and Delilah, where he indeed was a giant of enormous strength and also incredibly stupid.

Delilah tries on numerous occasions to have Samson killed but does not succeed because he will not tell her where his strength lies. Finally her earnest pleading is successful, Samson tells her the secret and she succeeds in having him put to death. Perhaps this is the ability of the thinking which was earlier referred to when the Sons of Man was so superior to the Archons when it came to mental abilities. The reasoning abilities of Samson reflects that of a moron.

The Sumerian Gilgamesh does not exhibit quite such inferior mental abilities. Nimrod/Gilgamesh also has strength as the main attribute and feats of mental heroism is lacking, but there is not the indication of the imbecile thinking of Samson. For Gibborim, see Numbers 16:2. The Gibbor has been translated to mean "men of renown" and these ancient giants rise against Moses. Deut.14:1,2 "Ye are the Nefilim (the Bible has children of God, but the correct version is Nefilim.) Of the Lord, your God: ye shall not cut yourselves, nor make any baldness between your eyes for the Dead. For you art an holy people unto the Lord thy God, and the Lord hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto himself, above all the nations that are upon the earth." This has been thought to mean the Hebrews. The God here is supposedly talking to the Israelites but in reality, it is to the Nefilim.

Deut 17:3 states: "Kill the worshippers of the sun, the moon or any host of heaven." What a command. Especially since the Israelites themselves of old were worshippers of the moon. We know that the Abraham's father worshipped the Sumerian moon God. The God here depicted wants to eradicate all those who practice the older forms of worship. He is instigating a new religious order.

1 Enoch Chapter 6:1 states: "And it came to pass, when the children of men had multiplied, in those days there were born to them surprisingly beautiful daughters. And the sons of God saw them, and desired them, and lusted after them; and they said to one another; `Come, let us choose for ourselves wives from the daughters of earth, and let us beget children.'"

It goes on to describe how these sons of God debated among themselves who was going to be blamed for this dastardly deed and who was going to pay the penalty. They finally swore an oath to each other. You might wonder why it was that these Watchers were willing to sacrifice the sanctity of the heavens for but a few moments of connubial bliss with the females of Earth. The fact is, it was no sacrifice. We do not have a description of a real heaven when it comes to that ancient literature, only the description of an imitation of the divine realm created by the imitation of a divine being; Yaldabaot.

But should the religion as depicted have an ounce of truth in it, one would indeed have to wonder how it was that Angels would sacrifice immortality for a brief sexual liaison.

1 Enoch Chapter:1 states: "These leaders and the rest of the two hundred watchers took for themselves wives from all that they choose; and they began to cohabit with them ...7:2 And they became pregnant by them and bore giants of three thousand cubits; and there were not born upon earth off-spring which grew to their strength. 7:3 These devoured the entire fruits of men's labor, and men were unable to sustain them. 7:4 Then the giants treated them violently, and began to slay mankind. 7:5 They began to do violence to and to attach all the birds and the beasts of the earth and reptiles upon the earth and the fish of the sea; and they began to devour their flesh, and they were drinking their blood."

Chapter 8 starts off by describing how these watchers taught men various arts and crafts, the fashioning of gold, the art of make-up such as dying of the females eyes. We pick up the story again 8:4, "Then the giants began to devour the flesh of men, and mankind began to become few upon the earth; and as men perished from the earth, their voice went up to heaven: `Bring our cause before the most high, and our destruction before the glory of the great one.'"

Here too we have the indication of the Hebrews worshipping the Canaanite deity. Since the Hebrews of the fifth century had not worshipped the Canaanite Gods for about two hundred years when this was supposed to have been written, here is but another indication of the existence of a totally independent tradition regarding Enoch from Canaanite sources.

We have the Canaanite material from Ugarit which indicates beyond a doubt the tie between all of the books in the OT with the ancient Canaanite religion. Ugarit was not the only place by any stretch of the imagination where the Canaanite religion was practiced, and other Canaanite sites will yield the origins behind the Biblical books of Enoch.

The giants of Gnosis may have existed thousands of years prior to the Flood. The people of Earth learned Gnosis and themselves became giants of knowledge. When the Archons arrived at Earth and found what the state of affairs was, they designed their own Giants. They devised their own messengers and saviors. The "fallen angels" which came to Earth and taught Man the wisdom of the Archons and referred to as fallen angels were the deception devised by the Archons. They never taught Man anything. They only perverted Man in order to discredit the teaching of Gnosis. This was to be completed by intercepting the Souls between lives in the flesh.

Gen.14:5 states: "And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer, and the Kings that were with him, and they smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emims in Shaveh Kiriatthaim." Now, the Raphaims, the Emims and the Zuzims were races of Giants. This supposedly takes place about the time of Abraham, but the dates of events in the Bible have been altered to points beyond recognition in many cases. Not so much because the intent was to deceive, rather because the copyists of the old material just got it in the wrong sequence. The Raphaims that were killed, whether they were called Emims or Zuzims, were Gnostic people. They were killed off to be implanted so they could serve the minions of the physical universe.

Gen 15:20 mentions the Rephaims in the same breath by the lord as the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites and Kenites. It may seem strange at first because in the Bible, the Hebrews were identified as Canaanites. Now if the Raphaims were the Gnostics, it no longer is quite as strange. It may be a safe bet there were Gnostics among the Canaanites, Hebrews, etc. The Gnostics came through the line of Seth. It continued through the line of Noah and Shem. The knowledge was abhorred by the God and his minions for the reasons mentioned above. Any God who is attempting to hide the truth from his followers is a God of deception. The only reason to deceive is to receive power which otherwise would have been absent. All deceptions is a lie and any God who deceives is lying.

Deut 2:11 tells us the Raphaim are called giants or An-a-Kim's and the Moabite's called them Emims. 2 Sam. 21:16-22 tells us more about the Raphaim and here, they are fighting alongside the Philippines. 2 Sam. 23:13 mentions the valley of the Raphaim.

These giants are mentioned many places in the Bible, and to enumerate them is pointless. There were two types, one of them was blessed by God.

Judge.13:5 states: "For lo, thou shall conceive, and bear a son; and no razor shall come upon his head: for the child shall be a Nazarene unto God (Nazarite means one especially consecrated to God.) from the womb: and he shall begin to deliver Israel out of the hands of the philistines." 13:25 states: "And the spirit of the Lord began to move him." This is the giant Samson, the moron we looked at earlier. These were the giants or Sons of God.

The other giant was the Son of Man. Stature was not his forte. Because he had Gnosis, his mental abilities were. His mental abilities were not superior because he was superior. He was equal to the abilities of all other people. The difference was the cloak of darkness which restricted mental activity of those under the influence of the Archons. To restrict their activities, the Archons attempted to have them killed. They were never killed. As described by the Nag Hammadi documents, their activities were to be overcome by the evil teachings of the Archons which grew and grew in force in the first few centuries C.E. This evil teaching was to have a reign of 1,460 years.

Son of man is mentioned in Ugarit in favorable terms. The Raphaim were called saviors by the Canaanites and they were also judges. Here the Raphaim were favorable, they were not the same Rephaims which the Archon had sent to deceive. The Canaanites were aware of the existence of Gnosis but may have lacked its content. Most Canaanites were heavily under the influence of the Archons.

It did not matter to the Archons which form of worship the people had. They could believe in one God or a multitude. The only thing that mattered was that the religious beliefs were degrading. As long as Son of Man practiced degrading religious ceremonies he could be punished. He could be shown how he had erred and the Archons could control him. The only Man the Archons can control is a Man with a bad conscience.

From Canaan, Rp'um were deities and supposedly taller than men. The Rp'um were the Israelite Rephaims. At the time the Israelite had basically the same religion as the Canaanites, the Rephaims of 1 Enoch were known, but there was great confusion among the ancients about the role of the various teachers, and a bastardized form of worship was a result of this confusion.

The Ugarit manuscripts call Baal the savior. Was he a Raphaim? In Rev.11:15, the kingdom of the lord and his Christ is referred to. This is the kingdom of the lord El and Baal as depicted in the Ugarit documents. Rev. 20:4-6 also reflect the worship of Baal sitting on his throne at the time of the resurrection. And 22:5 reflects the eternal realm of the God Baal which is to come.

No, Baal would not have been the Christ of the Gnostic. He was the Christ of the Archons, and what they saved were Souls for the future expansion of the universe in the next big bang. The confusion in the teachings of ancient Gnosis was made by introducing new teachers showing magic or special abilities which deceived the population. This was then followed by introducing a slight variation to corrupt the Gnostic teachings.

In Israelite literature, not included in the Bible, the Rephaims are also referred to as favorable, it was only after they began cohabiting with the females that it turned into an undesirable experience. Now we know that the Raphaim who taught Men and the Raphaim who came and seduced Men were two completely different types of intervention in the affairs of Man. The ones who came first were from the world of Light while the ones who came after were from the force of oblivion.

Other than this, it should be mentioned that the legends of giants are universal. They are mentioned from China to the American continent to this very day. It is not here the object to verify or deny the existence of giants. My only concern is to lift the cloak of ignorance which the Archons and the chief deity Yaldabaot may have created over Man's thinking. A cloak of ignorance is held in place by erroneous mental images. That is in fact the only manner by which ignorance can be held in place.

The Son of Man was the offspring of Adamas, the perfect Man. Offspring is a far better term than Son, because Son indicates to our way of thinking masculine, and there is in our mind a separation of masculine and feminine bodies. What is being thought by the Gnostics is that Man is the Soul which contain all twelve manifestations, the four powers, etc., and such a Soul is not male or female.

Offspring must not be confused with the physical manifestation. It is a spiritual manifestation without physical traits. It is but the mental offspring with the attributes and manifestations of Adamas.

 Chapter 14

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