Chapter Ten

The Interception of Man


From about four million years ago, we see the first bodies which can be classified with the bodies which we have today. Some signs of intelligence were present and this was to be expected, yet these were indeed meager. Until about five hundred thousand years ago, what we had was Homo Erectus.

His abilities were much the same as that of the Ape or Chimpanzee. The primitive Soul would have thought of itself as the body at this time. It would have been stuck in the brain because all nervous responses came together in the brain. The desire of the Soul is to be where there is action. Because it perceived the concepts within the brain, it would have thought of itself as a brain. Identifying itself with the brain it would have attempted to think via the brain and since the brain cannot think, it would have been trapped within its own excuses for being stuck within the physical universe.

From about 200,000 years ago until 15,000 years ago, an extremely slow evolution is apparent. Then boom! Man can suddenly think. This makes no sense to most, and understandably so. We need to look at the correct data before we can make sense of things and with all the data we have, it is a catacomb of utmost difficulty when it comes to sorting it out. The physical evidence available is that one day there was a primitive ape man in existence on the planet and the next instant there was a thinking intelligent human being. This does not compute and so the data bank verifies the idea of God.

Let us not discard the divine. It is a trap some fall into and a dangerous one. What happened was intervention. No, not from aliens in spaceships with a superior DNA which mutated primitive Man. Such an intervention is possible yet highly unlikely. The Soul does not travel in spaceships through time. Only bodies do, and if Souls are intelligent enough to so influence Life, they do not need spaceship. The Soul traveling through the physical universe does not fall under any of the physical universe laws such as space/time thus, space travel in a vessel is impractical.

The theories Man was interfered with by other intelligent beings in spaceships can also be factual, but the knowledge those would have brought is not likely to have been the spiritual knowledge we seek. It is far easier for a Soul to travel without a physical carrier, and then take over a body which already exist on an inhabited planet.

What happened cannot be exactly determined, here are a few options, pick the one you like.

Through our telescopes we see stars fifteen billion light years away. This means light from those stars which reach us today left these stars fifteen billion years ago. This light then left about eleven billion years before our sun and planet was created. If we were to speculate that planets around the Sun may have developed a life form ten billion years before our own, the Souls on the planet would have had more time. The star could have been long dead, yet the Souls would not be. Say for example the star died five billion years ago.

The Souls which were on the planet would not have died, they would have left, and found another star and planetary system where life forms were already developing, and they would have intercepted evolution on that planet by taking for themselves bodies there. (Light travels at 300,000 km/sec. A Soul has no restrictions when it comes to the speed at which it travels).

This would have proceeded on the new planetary system until it too fell because of the passage of time and the Souls would go on to the next planet. Eventually some would have arrived right here on our beloved planet. That would have been all the interception necessary to suddenly change so abruptly. This would have explained why we had an ape man one day, and a few days later, a highly civilized human being. The Souls which arrived would not have had to initially get a child and go through the entire life cycle. It is not very difficult for an aware Soul to kick out the dim Soul inhabiting a body and take her place.

A rapid evolution would then have come about. The more enlightened Souls would have had children with other bodies of the same type they had picked up. These children would also have been Souls which attempted to adjust themselves to their environment, and if the environment suddenly changed to one a few million years more advanced this would have been totally acceptable. The Souls which were on Earth would not have been as aware when the interception occurred, but the resilience of the Soul is such that under the right circumstances, there are no levels which are obtainable in the physical universe they cannot readily adapt themselves to. There is no level of awareness possible within the physical universe which is not inferior to levels of awareness we have earlier experienced.

However, before you cry foul, remember there is something foul yet, this was not it. We are all alien, just the impingement of the cloak of darkness is different from person to person.


Another likely possibility is that because we all are programmed to search for a heaven which de-stimulates the memory of our true original home, some Souls a little further ahead in time than those who got Life started on this planet came here and seeing Life forms entered into these Life forms feeling they were possibly the ones in the promised heaven and thus being a little ahead of the development here, they boosted the process. The only way it was possible for the Archons to keep us here in the physical universe was to program into the DNA a search for a blissful heaven. This was now a counterbalance to the inherent knowledge we had of our original home.

It could have been one or several Souls which would have arrived here on primitive Earth after their bodies died on a planet many thousands of years ahead in development. They could have seen the ape forms which were here and thought of them as the bodies in their promised heaven. It would not be difficult for many of today's people, especially those from larger cities, to perceive life on a planet where everything is still natural as a heaven. Just imagine the primitive planet not yet spoiled by the tools of modern Man. No pollution and no crime. Just imagine a society without taxes and where no one desires to take away anything which belongs to you. A society where you are the highest intelligence as yet achieved. Yes, this is a possibility; or it could have been a combination of these two.


The other likely possibility is that Life forms here were interfered with and the entire process was at this time expedited by the Son of Man. Entering this planetary system, finding Souls which were trapped in the physical bodies, these could have been interfered with much the same way as was described in "The Paraphrase of Shem." It is not difficult to picture myriad's of other planets which exist where living conditions are similar to the conditions on Earth. I am fully convinced this planet was not the original planet written about as the home of the physical bodies we saw in the "Paraphrase of Shem." I am also fully convinced that this was not even the original universe. But there are no reasons why this should have been the source planet.

Those Souls which are to be found throughout the physical universe are no different than we are. Sure, they can have bodies which are entirely different. Should the atmosphere around a planet be just slightly different than the Earth, the bodies which developed would most likely have been some which appeared to be monsters to us. The only important aspect is that the bodies displaying intelligence, regardless where they are in the physical universe, are run by Soul's which are identical to us. Throughout the physical universe, Souls have the same problem we have, an existence in bodies which is beneath our dignity, in a world beneath our dignity.

What is likely to be happening on myriad's of planets is that the Souls trapped there are attempting to get out from under the cloak of darkness. They would all desire to escape the thraldom and return to their own native dimension. Many would be the societies which succeeded. The greater part would have left the physical universe never to return again. They would have enjoyed the peace which comes with complete knowledge and a true state of living. Many others would have been of the opinion that before they left, they should do something for the less fortunate Souls which are still trapped within the bounds of the three dimensional universe. Before these Souls depart, they would quite possibly have desired to stop by another planet or two to see what they could do.

Any and all Souls which regain full Gnosis are the son of Man. Many a situation would have existed in the past where such were freed and went to other planets before going home. One other thing which is equally as certain is that should this have come about, it would have been ridiculous for these Souls to stay around for indefinite periods of time to see how it all developed. This would have been far to boring for an enlightened spiritual entity. The only reasonable thing would have been for them to deliver their knowledge to the inhabitants of the planet, and then it would have been up to the inhabitants what they did with the knowledge. To come back again to save them at a later time would have been ridiculous. Should it be necessary, would this task have been up to someone else?

Should such a Soul have come to this planetary system, he would have found a great many Souls which were trapped beneath the cloak of darkness, caring for physical bodies. The divulged knowledge could very well have been what was found in, "The Apochryphon of John" together with "The Paraphrase of Shem." After this knowledge was divulged, Life would have altered on earth. Ignorance would have been removed. Man would have enjoyed a new way of life which he would have been partially responsible for creating. In other words, this would now have been much like the legendary paradise for other Souls which remained behind to take responsibility for those Souls which still needed to be born into the physical bodies. Many Souls would still have existed here which were so far down that they had not as yet gotten themselves humanoid bodies in which they could be saved through communication.

The first written records we have are those of the Sumerian's. These records, all written on clay, speak of a golden age of Man. Many people see in this Tradition the era of Paradise mentioned in the Hebrew religion. This golden age of Man is also referred to in other literature. In fact, the golden age of Man is mentioned throughout the world. When things are thus mentioned, chances are slim there is no truth behind them. We are only left with the task of knowing which truth is applicable. To relegate it to what is stated in the opening pages of the Bible would again be further proof that Man is not an intelligent entity.


I propose there was a combination. Both possibilities mentioned above came about. This enlightened Man at a certain stage from 15,000 years ago until about 9 or 10,000 years ago when true intervention came in the form of the Son of Man. Whether he came from outside the dimension of space/time and never existed in the physical universe or came from a planet which had been enlightened and desired to do some good before retiring from the three dimensional universe is irrelevant.

When this happened, spiritual growth came about. We progressed by leaps and bounds. We did not really learn anything new, we just recovered from the cloak of darkness and more free pleroma became manifested in us all.

I speak of all of us as if we all were present at this time yet it is irrelevant whether we were because the ancestry of our bodies was here. The manifestation of our true selves, the pleroma and the Son of Man were here. Thus seen in that light, we were all here. Quantity is a physical universe consideration.

About all the physical evidence available from this golden age of Man are some medical tablets from Sumer. These are the oldest available medical records prescribing cures and describing illnesses. These records make absolutely no mention of any Gods. They do not mention evil spirits as the cause, and do not invoke the aid of Gods for the curing of the ills. They are matter of fact considerations without superstitions and without magic. In fact we may assume there was less superstition evident in those days than there is today.

Today, we often hear the suggestion that a patient offer a prayer to the God he holds to be his own in an effort to advance a cure for his ailment. This would indicate a real age of enlightenment, a "Golden age of Man" was once factual.

It is a fact that primitive societies revolve around magic and superstition. They live in a world very much like the famous men in the cave described by Plato in "The Republic." They dream up God(`s) and cures of all sorts, and everything seemingly had a magical explanation. Today's so called Western "civilization" revolve around the teaching of some God which, for the last 1400+ years, has made itself manifest in many ways. We have gone to wars and killed for this God. We have burned women and children at the stake as a sacrifice to this God. We have sent females to convents where they have dedicated their entire lives to the service of this Deity. I personally would like to hear who calls whom a primitive society when, in the end, it may be discovered that this God is nothing but the glorification of an evil Canaanite dragon called Yawwu.

The misfortune is that so little material is available from this period and hopefully more will be found. When a society in fact existed up until about six thousand years ago which did not need God(s) to cure their ills, we are looking at something which is really remarkable.

Here is where we should look for information and we can rest assured more will be found than we ever could expect to find. How can it possibly be that people are so afraid of discovering truths from societies which were possibly far more civilized ten thousand years ago than Man is today? To be willing to search for truth and accept it only as long as it aligns with preconceived notions is not a search for truth but an exercise in deception. That the people back then knew of the Archons is virtually a certainty. That they were not prepared for the encounter with the Archons is another certainty. The most difficult phenomenon to understand may be how it is possible that one may get out from under the cloak of darkness to then find one has become trapped and is again under the curse of the physical.

How much material will be retrieved from ancient societies is anyone's guess. Today, we see fervent digging into old civilizations. This is motivated by our inherent desire to know, modified by the desire of a great many experts to verify existing religious concepts. The fact that the more they discover, the more absurd becomes current religious philosophies only increase the desire for more knowledge. The archeologist can dig up the entire planet in their dream of verifying current theological concepts. The material is not there which will sustain it.

Religious concepts will not be verified as we know Christianity today and this leaves open an even greater danger. The discarding of the child with the afterbirth.

The fact that today's religious philosophies are not tenable does not mean spirituality is untenable. To discard the spiritual is to return to the one celled entity which the Soul at one time thought it was. This possibility becomes greater and greater the more the ancient cloak of darkness becomes exposed as being one without substance. You see, the cloak of darkness is the implanted erroneous concepts we have about our origin, about God(s) and Life. When this cloak has no substance, it does not mean the spiritual is not factual. The spiritual is Son of Man. The spiritual is you and I and we must never forget that. We may state that this cloak of darkness has many different colors. The basic content is the same, but the interpretations and deceptions vary slightly. The intent and result is always the same. It is able to suppress Man and promotes the worship of God(s). It is an implanted reality performed on Souls that are not inhabiting a physical body. It is indoctrination regarding a false origin and, false goals and realities. When the cloak of darkness has no substance, it is not the same as the spiritual having no substance. The spiritual is the Son of Man. The spiritual is You and I, and this we must never again forget.

The physical universe will never amount to anything at all by itself. To get the proper perspective of what the physical universe can amount to without the interference of the spiritual aspects which Man is, we need to visit to the moon. Or we can go to Jupiter or the sun. Such places never become anything without interference. There is nothing there of interest. Nothing there cares for the well being of anything else. There is nothing in places such as that to derive pleasure, and there is nothing there which can perceive anything of aesthetic qualities or any forms of beauty. Socrates was absolutely correct when he stated 2,400 years ago that Nature, of itself, had absolutely no beauty.

Here on earth the situation is something entirely different. We have beauty all around us, what is the difference? All around us we see what we call life. We see trees, we see animals, we see birds, we see insects and many types and shapes of them all. These are all symptoms of life. In themselves these are but modifications of the elements of the physical universe, yet pleroma is within all organisms.

No God created these shapes and made all this pleroma come about other than the God referred to in John. 10:34 "Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are Gods?"

And Ye all created this. No need to be bashful, it is correct just like the Bible states. Every time Ye appreciate any part of beauty in Nature, more pleroma is available, yet the counterpart to this is that for every hateful action, every time Ye despise anything of beauty in Nature, some pleroma is removed. The only thing Ye can detest are those things created by the Archons and the only thing which the Archons have created is ignorance. Detest ignorance and the Light will be yours.


There may be those who believe my statement that it is doubtful we really could have progressed as much as we have without interception over the last few thousand years. They may feel this is an indication it was the brain which developed. This is not so, they forget our lifetimes were too short. The reason our lifetimes are so short is in order that we learn as little as possible between bodies. Between bodies, we have to forget because of new implants and it is most unusual when someone is able to retrieve some knowledge from the past.

For the most part our earlier memories before current lifetimes are not of earlier lives in physical bodies, but they are of earlier implantations. This is the reason why in our mental institutions we always have several characters who believe they are Jesus or other such implanted personalities. A person who was Jesus undoubtedly existed. Then what happened is altered and along with other garbage gets implanted in what our psychiatrists refer to as our sub-conscious. This unconscious mentality is nothing but the storage place for all our misery, pain, and psychosomatic ills. This really does effect us in our daily lives. If you can, like Socrates recommended, separate yourself from the physical body, the effects of this will be less. But we do not have the desire to look at all this misery. Since we do not look at it and see it for what it really is, it also has the ability to affect us in more negative ways than it otherwise would.

About 400 years before Christ, when Socrates proved that the living were resurrected from the dead, he was on the right track. He stated that the ancients knew more than they were given credit for. He stated that like these ancients declared the Soul of the departed did go to the house of Hades after the body died, and after this it again came back to Earth, and the prison of another body.

How long ago these ancient philosophers lived which he talked about is anyone's guess. When Socrates talked about Homer who lived a half millennium or so earlier, it was as if he talked about the recent past. These ancients he credited with knowledge could have been thousands of years old. Socrates was also correct when he stated that after the death of the body, the Soul went to the house of Hades to then return to the prison of a new body. The house of hades where the Soul went after the death of the body is nothing but the implant station earlier mentioned, and that numerous ancient societies were aware of the fact that we came back again to new bodies after death. This is so strongly attested to around the globe that it would be futile to attempt to deny it.

The bodies which the Souls came back to were not really the exact same bodies; they were similar. The Savior's mission really was to free mankind from this evil cycle of imitation life and death. What we have achieved in today's churches is a great step forward. We now worship this evil cycle the Savior was to free us from.

Other than relatively short life spans, we have had the problem of survival with which to cope. Just the simple effort of providing food and caring for a family was not always very simple. This took a lot of our energy and concentration. Survival has not always been as assured as it is within today's socialized societies. The last 1,400 years have seen the worst times which have ever existed on this planet when it comes to philosophical and just plain knowledgeable endeavors. This has been so because of an extremely dictatorial philosophy which has prevailed in Western societies which permitted no philosophical ideas to survive other than their own repressive theories. This is the reason why these years are the emptiest years in the history of Man when it comes to philosophical and theological advances.

Mental masters were burned at the stake for thinking thoughts which were to be the concern only of their God. Society was such that no one received a proper education. The only education available was for those who desired to be priests of the cult, and their education was limited to the perceptions of the cult.

Never at any other time in the history of Man has he been suppressed to the extent he then was. Never before dis such a destructive philosophy prevail. From the Sumerian societies all along the path of civilization, knowledge and education has been valuable.

This came to an abrupt halt when the Christian Church in the grim year 643 was able to finally shut down the last of the Greek institutes of learning. They proceeded to burn and destroy the material of knowledge because it did not follow their own thoughts.

Today, one of the reasons Man thinks the brain is what thinks is because they can see that Man now is able to achieve feats of mental prowess which would have been unheard of a few hundred years ago. What this proves is something entirely different. The ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Sumerians as well as Mayas and others were capable of mental feats just as significant as today's most prominent scientists. What this proves is that the doctrine as thought by the Church is so repressive that it is capable of making us all into morons.

It was only after the evil teaching lost much of it's strangle hold on Mankind in the last few years that knowledge has again become a desirable commodity. As long as the thoughts do not deviate too greatly from what the evil teaching stresses, much has been permitted, but since we can not go ahead in knowledge much further in the presence of this evil teaching will it not be very much longer before it disappears?

There is another problem to the attainment of true knowledge and that is physical pain. Physical pains are a great deterrent as they constantly remind us of what is physical. To rise above the physical has never been easy, yet today it may be far easier than it has ever been before. This being the case does not indicate the advent of a savior. If we are important enough, it would herald an impending disaster.

It is of no use to wait for the return of these teachers. You are the teacher as fully as anyone. The knowledge you lost can be retrieved. Baptism is the retrieval of lost knowledge. The only thing which keeps knowledge lost is the actions of the Archons and their subversion of you is only as effective as you permit it to be.

The teaching of the Christian cults is a teaching which will bring it's adherents back into a black hole. You are yourself the Son of Man, and you are as qualified as anyone to teach. The knowledge you have lost is not all that difficult to retrieve. True baptism is what the retrieval of this knowledge is called, and it has nothing to do with anything of the physical universe. The only barriers to knowledge are the Archons. The only reason we have not achieved true Gnosis long ago is because of the action of these Archons.

But the destruction you experience to your own spirituality and knowledge because of these Archons is only as devastating as you are permitting it to be. When you stand up and see, you will realize you are your own master. You have no reason to use these Archons as the excuse why you do not cope properly. At one time, the Archons provided the cloak of darkness but they cannot keep it there. That is an action only you are responsible for. You can not even be implanted by the Archons unless you agree to be. The real power they have over you is exactly nil!

Do not feel that because of the implanting between lives has not always been present that we may get lucky. There is ample evidence which suggests the implantation have happened in waves of uncertain duration among all Mankind through the ages and we are now into a brand new phase of slightly different implantation between lives. Much would indicate that they are back preparing for an implantations which would see you through another black hole so you will be able to ensure the survival of the third dimension in a yet to come universe. There is nothing to fear however but fear itself. Before they are effective, they have to get your cooperation. They will first make you believe they can save you and you are then brainwashed again.

The only important thing is that the knowledge is also here. After all, time is totally irrelevant when it comes to reality. True, such a reality may be difficult to grasp within the physical universe, but if Gnosis was here once, it is still here. As yet, we do not have quite all the material, but if we were able to retrieve it once, we can retrieve it again. Knowledge is a spiritual commodity and thus it can not diminish or fade. Even the old Christians stated Gnosis was a philosophy which would never disappear. Now the time is ripe to let them know the fact Gnosis is still here. It is also time to demonstrate which teaching is the real heresy. The golden age of Man is about to return.

 Chapter 11

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