Chapter Eleven

The Interception of the Archons


The Golden age of Man was short lived. We got new visitorsthe Archons. There is much literature by which we can interpret their action and the effect this had. The Archons are described in the earliest available materialthat of the Sumerians.

The Sumerians had been entirely forgotten for thousands of years, and partially forgotten even longer. The contribution by Sumerologists to the piecing together of the puzzle is invaluable. From clay tablets found in the region between the rivers Euphrates and Tigris in modern day Iraq, the entire cloak of darkness can be unwoven and replaced with a cloak of enlightenment.

We begin with the Sumerian Archons, referred to as Gods. The God responsible for it all, or the father of all other Gods was An. An means "sky" and as the father of all other Gods, he was the chief God. While An or Anu which the later Mesopotamian called him was worshipped, not many actions were assigned to him in the affairs of the Gods. He was depicted as the bull of the sky, but he supposedly relegated all affairs pretty well to his sons En-Lil and En-Ki. He was the head of the divine assembly granting authority to his offspring.

The reason the Father of all the Gods was not such an important force in the affairs of Man on this planet is simply because the original Yaldabaot was never here. He did not need to be, his minions were enough. The Chief of His sons who were here was En-Lil. A fact which supposedly brought about jealousy from his brother En-Ki. Even the depiction of the bull was taken over by En-Lil, the later El. The names of these Deities were quite possibly in existence in Sumer prior to the advent of these "Gods." They would have taken over existing names and the significance associated with the names would have changed as these Gods would have made their actions felt.

En-Ki was known as the spreader of knowledge, the master of the commanding eye. It was said that En-Lil alone was the god of heaven and earth, and En-Ki his younger brother was said to be the judge who was the first to walk on the Earth. It was En-Ki and not En-Lil who brought life to Mankind. En is Translated master or lord. En-Ki would be lord or master of Earth, lil was heaven so the name meant Lord of Heaven.

It is not known exactly how many Gods came here to get the cloak of darkness back over the mind of Man. Two hundred would be a good guess. The first thing these Gods did after arriving was to implant the population of spirits with false ideas and concepts. In order to do this they killed off people by large numbers. When these bodies were Dead they intercepted the Souls between lives in order to implant them with the realities they were supposed to have.

Purgatory is not our recollection of the former existence within a black hole. A vague memory of an existence within a collapsed black hole is possible, but any awareness of this would be minute. We would not have the dread available to us because it would be difficult to associate ourselves with the terror. The claustrophobic terror of the black hole is rekindled in us when we are implanted between lives by the minions of the physical universe. "Purgatory" is where we go between lives.

When the minister talks of Hell, the fire and brimstone of purgatory, he rekindles the memory of what was done to us between lives by the Archons.

When he tells us we are sinners that must repent, he is directly borrowing material out of our implantations. We all know we are sinners because we know from these experiences between lives that no matter how we have lived, the result is the same. We are always convinced we are sinners. The reason this is so readily done is that we are not convicted of anything we have done in the bodies which we recently left behind. We are convicted of transgressions which have been implanted within every artificial Soul which this Soul allegedly has done. The idea someone is sitting around with note pads recording our every deed and thought on this planet is a further denial that Man is an intelligent being.

That one God knows all we do and think is stupid. We can read about the Characteristics of this God in the OT and to suggest that he keeps a record is asinine. It is true that by asking a person about his sins, the mental images of his transgressions are created.

The God of the OT was not able to read these mental image concepts as is amply evident by the material in the OT. It is also true that one can get pardoned for all sins, and this pardon comes about in much the same fashion as the Church confessionals. I do not know how many of the ancient civilizations knew of the value of confessionals. The type of confessional practiced by the Catholic Church is most closely related to that of the ancient Hittites.

It is doubtful if everyone is re-implanted between every lifetime. Death and a subsequent rebirth is enough to rekindle an awareness of this terror and we would feel as if we had been implanted between every life.

The trapping of Souls without the bodies is not a great feat if the Soul is unsuspecting. Should it happen that you are trapped between bodies before becoming enough aware to leave the time/space dimension, remember all you need to do to get out of the implantation is to watch and see the Archons are implanting the artificial Soul. Understand that the pains, humiliation and degradation are all done to the artificial Soul and not to you. Once you can do this, it will free you from the artificial Soul to a great degree but you need more than that to be totally free. I just pictured someone having a heart attach right about now and being confused.

The catastrophe designed to immerse man again in ignorance was twofold. The first part was the catastrophe which is so well described all over the globe. The Chinese tell the tale of a devastating Flood as do the American Indians and all the Near Eastern peoples. The Flood of course could not have killed off everyone with the exception of a handful of people in an ark. Should this have been the case, there could not exist more than one tale of the flood from one area.

The second part is the tower of Babel tale. Man's tongue was changed. He no longer spoke in harmony.

The Babylonian Flood story is the best known of the ancient tales, yet the one in the Bible is considered to be the most authentic. The Biblical tale is not the most authentic. The stories of the Flood written down over two thousand years before the Biblical record are closer to the original than the one we have been handed down in the Bible.

Let us sidestep just a little bit. All the Biblical stories prior to Abraham in the Bible comes from Sumer. The people peddling the biblical tales tell us that all their stories are true and if this is so the fact that the Sumerian tales are original is verified through biblical material.

Josh. 24:2 states: "And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel. `Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham and the father of Nachor; and they served other Gods.'" Certainly! Terah came from Ur where the Sumerian Moon God Nanna/Sin was the ruler and he moved from Ur to Harran, another site dedicated to the cult of the moon God. Anyone of old who worshipped the moon cult would have been well versed in Sumerian mythology, and since the Bible here states that the ancestors of Abraham came from Ur and they worshipped other Gods, this is Biblical material. When all Biblical material prior to Abraham has its counterpart in Sumerian mythology, there can be little doubt where this material came from. And there can be little doubt to any thinking Man which is the closest to the original rendition. (The ludicrous idea God gave Moses the correct rendition will be treated later.)

Jeremiah. 11:13 states: "For according to thy cities were thy Gods." Certainly, The Sumerian's had Different Gods which were over their various city states, just like the Bible states. In Jer. 11:10, the Israelite God is accusing the Israelites of going back to the forefathers Gods and calling this a misdeed, this is not because the forefathers Gods did not exist according to the God at that time. The basis for this is an entirely different passage from the Bible.

Deut. 32:8,9 states: "When the most high (The most high is El-Elyon, the Canaanite God El He was worshipped by the Hebrews as verified by the documents at Ugarit.) divided the nations their inheritance, When he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the children of Israel. For the Lord (YHWH's) portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance."

In plain English, this states the fact that the God of the Canaanites, El-Elyon, separated the people according to their lot. Different Gods were given different people to rule over, and the lot of YHWH fell on the Israelites, here defined as Jacob. The reason YHWH got so perturbed when the Israelites went back to the worship of their ancestor Gods was because El-Elyon had given him the Israelites to rule over.

Besides this being the factual case by this short demonstration of Biblical material, it is also verified through the documents found at Ugarit. The ancient Canaanite society of Ugarit existed a thousand years before the Bible was written. It can be verified from the records of Mari, another site discovered, and the records there were written down at least twelve hundred years before the Bible. Besides this, it can be verified by the records dug up at the sites in Israel and Palestine where all records prior to the infiltration of the Persians indicate the Hebrews worshipped a Canaanite religion. El-Elyon gave the Israelites to one of his seventy sons to rule over them. The God's name was Yawwu, later Yammu.

From the legend of Baal at Ugarit, we see that the most high God El tell his son that he shall no longer be called by the name Yawwu. Yammu is to be his new name.

Now we have sidestepped a bit, and gotten a bit ahead of the story. El-Elyon, the Hebrew God and this entire tale will be straightened out because this is all a major part of the cloak of darkness. We can not remove the cloak of darkness and not touch upon sensitive issues. These sensitive issues make up the woof and warp of the cloak of darkness.

The Gnostic statements make more sense than any of the religious dogmas present on Earth today. There are other beliefs which are close to the truth such as those of the Hindu. The Hindus correctly teach the fact that we are caught in a life-death cycle where our spirit goes from one body to the next in an endless cycle. They correctly teach that misery comes from the pursuit of physical pleasure. They correctly teach that Nirvana or the ultimate existence cannot truly be taught in mere words. It can only be grasped as a complete concept. The Hindus do not seem to be aware of the power and deviousness of the Archons. The path of the Hindus may very well lead to enlightenment. The power of the Archons is not such that it can measure with the power of the spirit who is enlightened. So it is possible they have been aware of them. In reality, the Archons have no more power than what the individual spirit grants them. If the spirit grants them no power, they will have no power. It is only a matter of whether the Hindus would grant the Archons power if they were to encounter them.

Buddhism is a relatively late religion compared with that of the Hebrew and Zoroastrian religions, coming about in the fifth century. In those days, there seems to have happened something on Earth. Man seemingly became more informed, how much is difficult to say today, and all changes were not those of enlightenment. A better grasp of spiritual Man ensued in many areas, some for just a short period until the old doctrines were just reworded or replaced by altered corrupt teachings.

It was not because of Man's efforts that the teachings again became corrupt. It was not because of Man that they reverted to old teachings again and replaced the cloak of darkness. The cloak of darkness becomes re-implanted in Man between lifetimes by the Archons and when a period of enlightenment comes around, the teaching is perverted between lives. Until Man perceives what is really happening, there is very little he can do to evade this cycle.

Other old concepts held by such peoples as the Vikings, Africans, Aborigines, Indians and other so called primitive people all over the globe exactly reflect this corruption of enlightenment. I am thinking in particular about the one where after our lives are over we will go somewhere, to a Valhalla or a Heaven or a Paradise. Here we will get new bodies, and in these bodies, Life will become better. Better or not, a certain part is true. We get new bodies. The only problem is they are the same type of bodies we now carry around and we go around in those bodies looking forward to the new bodies we will get. This is the way it has been on this planet for milleniums. We do arise in the flesh, it is new flesh and it is corrupt flesh.


The furthest back we can go today is the Sumerian religions. We just have no records of any societies prior to the Sumerian available because written records do not exist from other societies that far back. We can also look at the Sumerian religions because it is an extremely good example of how the cloak of darkness works. The Sumerians were not alone about being subjected to it, they just recorded it better than it is found anywhere else. Other than that the Sumerian record is the record of the entire Genesis prior to Abraham and much material after Abraham is also Sumerian material carried forward.

The first person whom the Hebrews count their lineage from is Abraham and not Adam. Prior to Abraham, the Hebrews did not exist, and they know it. They are a mixture of two different Canaanite races of people as is recorded in the Bible, and it was this race which their God received as his lot. Before Abraham, we are looking at Sumerian traditions and no one who looks at the material can deny this.

Gen.6:3 States: "My spirit shall not always remain with man." Remain comes from Yadon, and it is possibly Accadian, but definitely does not mean remain or anything like it. The meaning could be "strong, or "violent, and a statement that the gods spirit shall not always be violent toward man would be a nice change. Further on it goes because he is flesh, and that is even more absurd.

Flesh comes from the Accadian sagam, and sagam means to howl or shout or cry out or any other loud noise. Here we have a Tradition which reflects the Sumerian God En-Lil, and his attitude about the noisy man. This could quite well have been what he said after the Flood, when En-Ki had convinced him that what he had done by bringing about the Flood and killing off Mankind was wrong. According to En-Ki it was wrong to kill off all Mankind because of the noise of a few. But this is deceptive. We have the good guy and the bad. They were booth equally as responsible.

"My wrath shall not always burn toward man because of his noise," or else, "My spirit shall not be forever powerful in Man because of the noise," would be more correct when it comes to the translation of Gen.6:3. And this is also the attitude found in the Sumerian documents about En-Lil which were buried in Sumer where the Israelite traditions before Abraham are borrowed from.

Here is no dispute, here is only clarification. Another clarification might be called for and that is that these Sumerian traditions were not really the borrowing of the Israelites. They were the borrowing of the Canaanites to whom the early Israelites belonged and were only changed to reflect the Israelite community and form of worship more than two thousand years after they were buried in the sands of Iraq. It should also be mentioned that the same Sumerian traditions were borrowed in Iran where the later Persians brought along their version down trough history. These two variations merged in Israel via Zoroastrianism after 539 BC and the result was the Jewish and Christian and also Islamic traditions we have today albeit with further changes and alterations over the last 2,400 years.

The fact of the matter is that this Flood or killing off of great numbers of people did come about. In the original documents, the God En-Lil was made the villain and En-Ki was made the good guy. En-Ki was no better than En-Lil, his role to play was just different. En-Lil got the Souls ready for the implantation and En-Ki implanted them as revealed in other literature.

There was the golden age talked about in Sumerian religion, in Babylonian religion, in Accadian and Hittite religion before the Great Flood. This was the same golden age the Hebrews also talked about, now what really did happen? Man knew who he was, what he was, and the order of the universe. Down came a God, and confused his tongue, and peace and harmony were no more. In the Sumerian Babel story, it was En-Ki who confused the tongue of Man.

The Babel story is another story which is undeniably Sumerian. But in the confusion of tongues, it was not the spoken word which was confused, it was the tongue of harmony spoken by men of knowledge. This indicated the veil of darkness the god Yaldabaot draped over Man so as to have him ignorant of where he came from and what he was had been replaced by the actions of the Gods En-Lil and En-Ki. The spoken language was not a problem. An intelligent person easily picks up another language. It was the tongue of harmony among Man which was confused: Gnosis was perverted.

 Chapter 12

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