Karin's Sewing Gallery
[Karin and Kids as wizards]

All photos copyright Karin Wikoff -- Do not download without permission

[Karin and 
Garret in cavalier costumes; Michael as skeleton]

The adult cavalier costume was designed and sewn by hand (as in, with a needle and thread), as I didn't have a sewing machine when I made it. The little cavalier costume I made for Michael as a toddler, but Garret is wearing it here. I made the hat from scratch too. I also designed and made Michael's skeleton costume, with glow in the dark bones.

[Karin as Sally, 
Michael as Lock, and Garret as Barrel, from The Nightmare Before 

We all loved the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas, so I could not resist making the costumes. I only regret we didn't have a little girl to be Shock. And if Jack would have been Jack Skellington, that would really have rounded things out nicely -- but we were in the middle of moving, and I count it a miracle I got any costumes made at all. I also tried my hand at making a yarn wig from scratch, and it came out pretty well, as did the paper mache masks. Too bad you can't really see my Sally shoes -- they were wobbly and made me walk just like her.

[Michael as Errol Flynn in The 
Adventures of Robin Hood, Halloween 1997] [Garret as Tyrone Power in 
The Mark of Zorro, Halloween 1997] Here we have Garret as (a blond) Tyrone Power in The Mark of Zorro and Michael as Errol Flynn in The Adventures of Robin Hood. I watched both movies over and over to get the detail right. There are more views of these two costumes

[Brightly colored baby 

I made this whole set of baby things for Jack's niece, Jami. The little prints are barns, cows and other rural scenes. I photographed them because I was hoping to make a sideline of making custom made baby clothes, but people get the idea they ought to pay LESS for hand-sewn clothes! And I wasn't about to do custom work on picky little things for less than $10 an hour.

[Karin in a green stretch 
velour dress]

I did make this green dress, though I now wish I had used black lace for the hem binding. It was for a holiday party at Wells.

More recently, I have been designing and sewing my own regular clothes. This elegant black dress was squeezed out of scraps left over from pants I made for my mother. The photo was taken in front of the white marble fireplace in Glen Park's Red Parlor on the Wells College campus.

[Karin in a black cocktail dress in 
front of the white marble fireplace in Glen Park's Red Parlor, 
July 1999]

The fantastic hat on the left was made for Halloween 1998. It is a copy of one worn in the animated titles by Edward Gorey for the PBS Mystery! series. It is constructed from paper mache, wire, coat hangers, tape, paint, ribbon and other odds and ends. The dress is the same one worn in the photo of Mom and her two little wizards at the top of this page. [Bat Hat from Edward Gorey's titles for the 
PBS Mystery! series]

It's true -- I designed and made my own wedding gown. Then I lost weight. I was too nervous to take it in myself, so I took it to a tailor. Then I lost more weight. (I was running several miles daily). Alas, there wasn't time to have it taken in again, so I just had to wear it loose -- which was unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. [Karin and Jack's 
wedding picture, September 28, 1999]

I also designed and made the cute little brown floral dress on the right. This photo was taken in the Blue Parlor of Glen Park in July 1999. The fedora was a gift from the management of the Glimmerglass Opera, where Jack and I worked, met, and fell in love in the summer of 1984. [Karin in a short brown floral dress in the Blue 
Parlor of Glen Park Residence Hall] There are more shots from Glen Park on my Glamour page.

David Sammons has me making costumes (for pay -- cool!) for photoshoots he does with models from an agency mostly. Some of them are pretty bizarre. But when the costumes fit me, I try to get a shot or two for myself. I did two tops and a skirt for an elf costume; they aren't too weird. Here's one of them below. Check out my Elf Costume page to see them both.

[Karin in elf costume]

Well, that makes a fair sampling of my work. Though I am sure I have nicer pieces I just haven't got pictures of them! I do sew with patterns, and McCall's and Simplicity are my favorite companies.

For my current work-in-progress, I am making this Costume for Halloween -- or it might not be ready, in which case it will be for next year's Halloween!

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Last modified: September 21, 1999

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