In Colombia there are six “Regular” Grand Lodges:

This Grand Loges join the Colombian Masonic Confederation –C.M.C.-, and it is governed by one of the Grand Lodges’ Grand Master that join it.

A few years ago, Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia, based at Cartagena, was excluded from this confederation.  In those moment, Grand Masters arguments were Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia’s Grand Master,  W\ Bro\ Miguel Miranda Velilla, did not punish to Bro\ Oscar Sierra Sabalza, member from Union Lodge Nº 9, under constitution of Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia, and Sovereign Grand Commander of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite in Colombia.

After W\ Bro\ Miguel Miranda Velilla’s death and Mr Isaac Schuster-Smith election as Grand Master of Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia, Bro\ Oscar Sierra Sabalza was expelled of the Craft.  A few months later, Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia joined again as a member the Colombian Masonic Confederation –C.M.C.-.

In February 1998, in Cartagena city, the Confederacion Masonica Colombiana hold its annual meeting, and elected as president Mr. Isaac Schuster-Smith, 33º, Grand Master of Serenisima Gran Logia nacional de Colombia.

Every body knows Mr. Isaac Schuster-Smith, 33º, is investigated by FRAUD since June 1997.   We do not understand why the others Grand Masters of Colombia, elected him as Colombian Masonic Confederation –C.M.C.- president, highest Masonic rank in this country, and the others Colombian Grand Masters hold him.  We have a question:  ¿Are this right conduct and are this true Masonic principles?

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