The highest rank mason in our days in Colombia, Mr. Isaac Schuster Smith, 33º, who is MOST WORSHIPFUL GRAND MASTER of the SERENISIMA GRAN LOGIA NACIONAL DE COLOMBIA, based at Cartagena, President of the COLOMBIAN MASONIC CONFEDERATION -C.M.C.-, and GRAN REPRESENTATIVE OF UNITED GRAND LODGE OF ENGLAND, is been investigated by fraud.

Isaac Schuster Smith, 33º, is member of the Cartagena Lodge Nº 52, at Cartagena City, under Serenisima Gran Logia Nacional de Colombia jurisdiction, in those city.

He was elected as Worshipful Grand Master at January 20th 1.995 to replace Bro\ MIGUEL MIRANDA VELILLA, former Worshipful Master who passed away on December 24th 1.994, and reelected in this position last July 20th 1.996, for Masonic period 96-98. At those Grand Lodge, Worshipful Grand Master is elected in July the 20th for two years period, and Lodges Masters are elected in June for one year period.

COLOMBIAN MASONIC CONFEDERATION -C.M.C.- joined by all Worshipful Grand Masters of Colombian "recognized and regular" Grand Lodges had his annual meeting at Cartagena last February, and elected as President Mr. Isaac Schuster Smith for one year period.

Freemasonry is the most ancient fraternal organization in the world, and its beginnings can not be established accurately.  Some historians say that Freemasons made most Europeans cathedrals and buildings during the medieval age.  To be a Freemason a person must be "free man and has good custom".  ¿What does Mr. Schuster understand for "good custom"?

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