Kid and Caboodle: Musings of a "Split-Shift" Mom
By Peggy B. Hu
October 2006

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The past few weeks I have been asking my son what he wants to be for Halloween this year. So far he hasn't expressed an opinion, except to say that he doesn't WANT to wear a costume -- especially not one with any kind of hood or hat. I've tried to get some costume ideas by asking the question in different ways, but his answers have not been very helpful:

Me: What do you want to be when you grow up -- a doctor, a musician, a baseball player, an astronaut?
A.J.: When I grow up, I will be big like Daddy.

Me: What is your favorite animal?
A.J.: Dog, cat, octopus, giraffe, panda, zebra, camel, turtle, frog, elephant, bear....

I suppose I should count myself fortunate that my son has not set his heart on being anything in particular for Halloween, since my sewing abilities don't go any farther than repairing hems and securing buttons. I don't want him to miss out on this American tradition, though.

Perhaps the problem is that A.J. simply doesn't care about Halloween. My husband and I have told him that on Halloween he gets to dress up, visit the neighbors, and get candy. I don't think he is particularly interested in the first two, though, and the only types of candy he seems to appreciate are lollipops and chocolate --Lindt truffles and Hershey's dark chocolate (NOT milk chocolate) kisses, in particular. Perhaps I should try to dress him up as a candy jar? Or perhaps I should dress him up as a chocolate bar, and put pieces of real chocolate on the inside of the costume for him to nibble as we move from house to house?

How does your family deal with Halloween?

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