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The Sleep Bends

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One thing I hate more than anything else is being awakened by an alarm. It is one thing to be awakened by a kiss or a gentle shake; such awakenings are gradual. But when I am awakened by an alarm, the abrupt change from a sound sleep to a semi-conscious state inevitably produces a phenomenon I call "sleep bends." Not only am I completely disoriented, but often I am physically miserable as well. Even after taking a shower, eating breakfast, and getting dressed for the day, I still feel the effects of being so rudely jerked back to my surface existence; I am irritable, disoriented, and sluggish. This phenomenon is even worse when I am awakened in the middle of a dream.

For this reason, I usually try to time my bedtime so that I am at a natural break in my sleep cycle just before the alarm goes off. I may not be fully rested in the morning, but to me being able to "surface" at my own pace is worth losing a little sleep.

Copyright © Peggy Ben-Fay Hu

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