
Cunningham, Scott. Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. Llewellyn Publications. St.PaulMinnesota.1988.

Excellent source for someone drawn to Wicca with no access to covens and wants to learn basics.

Adler, Margot. Drawing Down the Moon. Beacon Press. Boston. 1979,1986.

Detailed history and comprehensive report on neo-paganism. Dispels myths about pagans and Wiccans

Grimassi, Raven. The Wiccan Mysteries: Ancient Origins & Teachings. LLewellyn Publications.St.PaulMinnesota. 1997.

Explores the development of various Mystery Traditions that are the basis of comtemporary Wicca

Starhawk. The Spiral Dance. HarperCollins.New York. 1979,1989.

Overview of growth of Wicca as a Goddess worshipping religion.

Valiente, Doreen. The Rebirth of Witchcraft. Phoenix Publishing Inc.Custer, Washington.1989.

Traces history of contemporary Wicca

RavenWolf, Silver. To Ride a Silver BroomStick. Llewellyn Publications. St.Paul, Minnesota. 1995.

Step-by-step lessons, exercises, and journal writing assignment. Complete Wicca 101


Cunningham, Scott. Living Wicca: A Further Guide for the Solitary Practioner. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul Minnesota.1993.

Sequel to Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner. Delves deeper into Wicca for solitaries.

Conway, D.J. Moon Magick. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota.1995.

Explains how each of the 13 lunar months is connected to a different energy flow, and how to use that energy

Conway, D.J. Maiden, Mother, Crone: The Myth and Reality of the Triple Goddess. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul Minnesota. 1995.

Goddess myths, the three aspects of the Goddess, indepth explanations of the goddess archetypes

RavenWolf, Silver.To Stir a Magic Cauldron. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota.1995.

Sequel to To Ride a Silver Broomstick. Advanced magickal techniques, in-depth explanations of Craft customs, intermediate lessons

Advanced Reading

Farrar, Janet and Stuart. The Witches' Goddess.Phoenix Publishing Co. Custer, Washington.1987.

Indepth discussion of the worlds goddesses and their myths. Ritual invocations and alphabetical listing of more than 1000 goddesses

Farrar, Janet and Stuart. The Witches' God. Phoenix Publishing Co. Custer, Washington.1989.

Companion book to above. In depth discussion of the worlds gods. Ritual invocations and alphabetical listing of more than 1000 gods

Stone, Merlin. When God was a Woman.Barnes and Nobel with arrangements through Doubleday.New York.1976

The story of Goddess religions

Mostly for Covens or Womens Groups

Walker, Barbara G. Women's Rituals: A Sourcebook. HarperCollins. New York.1990

Women's spirituality. Mostly group work, but there is some work for solitaries. Info on holidays, chantmaking, making mandalas, crystal work

Fitch, Ed. A Grimoire of Shadows. Llewellyn Publications. St. Paul, Minnesota.1996.

The sourcebook from which a large number of Wiccan traditions have developed. Aura, astral projection, invocation and evocation techniques, guide to starting your own coven

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Painting by Dante Gabriel Rossetti 1828-1882
"The Daydream" 1880
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