The Principles of the Elements

Every Element has two "polarities" or two ways it may act. Active or positive mode, and negative or passive mode.

The Principle of Fire

Heat and expansion are the basic qualities associated with the Element of Fire. In its active mode it is constructive and creative. In its passive mode it is destructive.

South is the direction of fire. It is for inspiration, intuition, creativity, change, sexual energy, spirit, flame, sun.

Its season is Summer.

Its color is red.

Its astrological signs are Leo, Sagittarius, Aries.

Its altar symbols are burning candles, incense, fire.

The Principle of Water

Coldness and shrinkage are the basic qualities associated with the Element of Water. In its active mode it is life giving, nourishing and protective. In its passive mode it is dividing.

The direction of Water is West. It represents emotions, love, courage, sorrow, springs, wells, rivers, etc., and the womb.

Its season is fall.

Its color is blue.

Its astrological signs are Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer.

Its altar symbols are the Bowl or Chalice of water, sea shells.

The Principle of Air

The Element of Air is related to both Fire and Water. It is the balance between the active and the passive activities of fire and water. Air has the dryness of fire and the humidity of water.

The direction of Air is East. It represents intellect, clarity of thought, messages, wind, breath, knowledge.

Its season is spring.

Its color is yellow

Its astrological signs are Aquarius, Libra and Gemini.

Its altar symbols are feathers, an empty bowl, smoke.

The Principle of Earth

The Element of Earth is related to the above 3, as it involves all of them in a solid form. The properties of Element Earth are heaviness, solidity, and closeness.

The direction of Earth is North. It represents material abundance, fertility, work, money, the body growth, nature, birth, death, silence, caves, fields, rocks, standing stones, bones.

Its season is Winter.

Its color is green or black.

Its astrological signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Its altar symbols are herbs, earth, stones, crystals, flowers, money, and the pentacle

The Principle of Akasha

The Akasha, also known as "ether" or "life force", is the basic substance of the universe, and all the other Elements are derived from it. It pervades all, yet it is also "the Cause" of everything that exists.

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