Casting the Circle, Calling the Quarters

Supplies for the Circle Casting

2 White Alter Candles Bowl of Salt
4 White Candles for the North, South, East, and West Chalice or Cup of Water
Bell Incense

Set the White candles at the East, South, West and North points along your proposed circle. Light the Alter candles. Light the incense. Ring the bell 3 times, Move clockwise around the circle starting at the East.

At the East Candle say:

"In lighting this Candle of the East, I bring freedom of Spirit, Powers of the East, Light and Air to this Circle I cast." Light the candle.

At the South:

"In lighting this Candle of the South, I bring Illumination and Inspiration, Powers of the South, to this Circle I cast." Light the candle.

At the West:

"In lighting this Candle of the West, I bring the cleansing of Water, and courage, Powers of the West, to this Circle I cast." Light the candle.

At the North:

"In lighting this Candle of the North, I bring Growth and the Powers of the North to this Circle I cast." Light the candle.

Visualize energy building in the Circle as a blue-white light. Feel and see the energy swirling around you. Feel and see it build. Feel it build over your head then enter your body. Visualize the energy move down and enter your arm to your dominate hand. As you walk the Circle again, focus the energy through and out of your forefinger.

As you walk say :

"I work to cast this Circle as a safe and sacred space for the work of my Craft."

End at the East and say: "So mote it be."

At the Alter

Take the bowl of salt, place the index finger in it and say:

"I purify this salt and drive out any impurities, that I may use it in my workings. So mote it be."

Dip 3 portions of salt into the water and say:

"Let this purifying salt drive out any impurities in this water, that I may use it for my workings. So mote it be."

With the water move East, clockwise, sprinkling it around the edge of the circle and say:

"With this purifying water I bless and consecrate this circle. So mote it be."

Move back to the Alter, light your incense, go the the East, moving clockwise and say :

"You are welcome Element of Air. Light and Air, the powers of the East, be welcome and join me in this circle."

At the South:

"You are welcome, Element of Fire. Illumination and Inspiration, the powers of the South be welcome and join me in this circle."

At the West:

"You are welcome, Element of Water. Cleansing Water and Courage, the powers of the West, be welcome and join me in this circle."

At the North:

"You are welcome, element of Earth. Growth and the powers of the North, be welcome and join me in this circle."

"Welcome to the Four Quarters and the powers they represent.

The circle is now cast.

So mote it be!"

Copyright © 1997-1998 AutumnCrystal GreyWing

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