Central Technical Blueprint Repository

A fledgling compendium of Legoverse instructions

To Fly, To Fight, To Build!

Full Instructions - Annotated Online Viewing
Daimön Low Level Attack/Fighter -Instructions
Ferox Air Superiority Fighter -Instructions
Scorpion Variable Wing Fighter -Instructions
Star Wars E-Wing Starfighter -Instructions
Autonomous Combat Mechs (ACM's)-Instructions
ACM Expendable Fighter - Instructions

Downloadable LDraw .DAT files (.zip archived - each less than 10k)
These files are fairly accurate representations of the actual models, but some part substitutions had to be made. The files are annotated where necessary to explain the substitutions. Unzipped files should be placed in your LDraw /models directory. The models using multiple files have filenames that will group them together in the directory to keep things orderly. I have also included a short .txt file with each one that (hopefully) explains the substitutions.
If you experience problems, or have any questions, feel free to e-mail me.

Daimön Fighter - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot
Scorpion Fighter - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot
ACM Expendable Fighter - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot
IP-84 Devastator (Hilt) Fighter - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot
NEW! Star Wars E-Wing Starfighter - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot
NEW! Buggy (little car) - LDraw .DAT file See a Screenshot

Note: All the .DAT files REQUIRE James Jessiman's LDraw program - see link below.

Previews of Online Instructions to come!
Microfig Scale STTNG Enterprise - Screenshot (working on steps)
(Enterprise model inspired by Rob Lions Star Wars Microfig
Scale Models
- Proving you can do more with less)

Sorry if its a bit bare here. But which would you rather do;
* Play with Lego -or-
* Wrestle with LDraw? :-)

My thanks to the recently departed James Jessiman for his LDraw program and all his hard work and effort in making the LDraw program

James Jessiman Memorial page Please visit the James Jessiman Memorial page at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/2244/index.html

If you don't have a copy LDraw, try James Homepage at this link.

Comments? suggestions? Feedback of some sort? Hello! anyone out there? Back to Legoverse Page
Last Update - June 1, 1998
©1997 - Terrell Keller
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws