The Akaren Zone
Greetings, kind gentlebeings all. This part of my website is dedicated solely to the Akaren culture. It is my own creation, and as such, does not belong to the Gods on Paramount. Certain concepts do, regrettably, belong to those most jealous and puissant of deities, and I *cough, splutter* acknowledge it here. >:O)

Should you wish, for your own education or enjoyment, wish to print out any of the materials contained on this page, I allow it, provided my name and any disclaimers remain attached. No, I don't know who you are, and I don't know where you live. But the Akaren were once assassins, and I would, good gentles, advise you to remember that should you be so inclined towards petty thievery.

During my travels among the Akaren, I have begun transcribing certain of their legends, folklore, sayings, religious beliefs, and language into Standard for the benefit of those in the Federated worlds who have not had the experience of knowing these remarkable people. Regrettably, the transcription is still incomplete; there is much that the Akaren have not told me, and still more I suspect they never will. As more material becomes available, it will of course be posted here.
Akaren Glossary
Includes insults, as well as more common phrases. Still largely incomplete, as it is rather difficult to get any two Akaren to agree on anything, let alone the meaning of a word.
Akaren Origins
"The Dawn of Our Beginnings"
Almost every humanoid culture has some story of its own origins. The Akaren are no exception. Their view of history runs counter to some of the accepted accounts of the Sundering, and should prove intriguing to the historian as well as the general reader. The assistance of the Rememberer T'Lir in translating some of the more arcane terms is acknowledged with my thanks.
This way to the Intermission Series
This way to the T'Rela Series/Minor Canon
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