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The Animorph Plex - © 1998-1999

Animorph Secrets Revealed

35: The Proposal
Cover Morph: Marco to poodle
Narrator: Marco
This is a funny book like #5 the predator, #12 the reactio, #14 the unknown and #24 the suspicion ( I never worked out why it was called that). The Animorphs have discovered that a well known and very popular radio D.J has been turned into a controller and so can tell all his listeners to go to the sharing. Meanwhile Marcos dad has started dating seriously fo the first time in ages and this has marco seriously stressed, infact so stressed that he has started absentmindedly mixing D.N.A and morphing mixed breed animals!!!!!

36: The Mutation
Cover Morph: Jake to an underwater animal
Narrator: Jake
An underwater book where the Animorphs find an underwater city

#37 The Weakness
Cover Morph: Rachel to cheetah
Rachel is put in charge while Jake is away. The yeerks infest a species called Garatrons to work on the AMR

The Yeerk Chronicles
Cover: Visser 1 and Visser 3

K.A Applegate has just finished the outline for Number 41 which has Jake waking up at the age of 25 in a world where the yeerks have won

Number 42 has now been outlined. It is the first ani sequel and sees the return of everyones least favorit over proud, female dominated race of micro midgets. Yes you guesed it the helmecrons are back and this time the animorphs wont only get shrunk, they go into someones body. What will happen to them now. Who knows...

No 38
Narrator: Ax
Cover Morph: Ax to northen harrier
    SUMMARY: (The following is NOT an official summary)
    When the Animorphs first got their powers, they were told eventually an Andalite fleet would come to join in the fight against Visser Three. But when one finally shows up, it's not exactly what they expected. The "fleet" is actually a very small group of Andalites, the only ones that the rest of the Andalites, fighting hard in another part of the galaxy, could spare.

    Ax and the rest of the Animorphs have fought side by side for a long while, but there's one thing that can strain a bond between friends, and that's the acquisition of a boyfriend or girlfriend. So when Ax falls for a female Andalite his own age, the strain begins.

    Unfortunately, it seems that the Andalites have a darker purpose on Earth, one involving an insidious form of biological warfare. With all that is going on, Ax's loyalty is being questioned big time. And the Animorphs aren't sure whose side he'll take....

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