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Animorph Dictionary

Andalite Animorphs Blue Box Bug Fighter Chee Controller Dracon Beam Ellimist
Galard Gedd Hereth Illint Hork-Bajir Howlers Kafit Bird Kandrona Leerans
Nesk Nothlit Pemalites Sario Rip The Sharing Skrit Na Taxxon Time Matrix
Visser Yeerk Yeerk Pool Z-Space        
An alien that is very dangerous (but mostly to the yeerks and enimies) and is a mix of a deer, human, and scorpion. The Andalites are a race of sentur like creatures. They have high advanced technology. Seerow, and Andalite gave some of the technology to a race called the Yeerks. Andalites have horselike bodies, human chest, a scorpian like tail. They have four eyes. Two eyes are on the stalk of the Andalite's head. It can move around in any direction. Andalites have two more eyes on their head just like a human. Their nose is just two slits on their face. Andalites have no mouths. They eat with their hoves. Andalites just run around in a grassy area smashing the grass. Then the grass gets sucked up by their hoves. The Andalites battle the Yeerks until either one of the species die. Andalite fighters start out as an ariths. Then they become full Andalite. Andalites once did not have a tailblade and were considered defenseless. The Andalites are not born with the morphing ability. All women Andaltes do not have the ability to morph, exept Aldrea. Andalites do not like to be in captivity, but when they have to they stay in homes they call scoops. Andalites gave the power of intergalactic travel to the yeerks (Seerow).
A group of middle school/high school kids with the Andalites’ technology of morphing, given to them by a dying alien named Elfangor. This od group of teens, including one andalite, are the one force against the yeerks. This group includes: Jake, the unofficial leader from the start, Marco, the one who thought up Animorphs, and maker of unfunny jokes, Rachel, the one who’s always ready for a good fight, Cassie, the tree-hugging nature nut who always ends up ending a fight, Tobias, the nothlit, the only one stuck in morph, and Ax, who has no sense of humor but still is funny. This group of kids is earth’s only hope.
Blue Box
Its ture given name is the escafil device. The Andalite device that looks like a small blue box had given the five kids the power to morph. The Blue Box is from the Andalite technology. When you touch the Blue Box you aquire the ability to morph any animal you touch
Bug Fighter
A Small Yeerk Ship, A bug fighter looks like a cochroach with no legs, it has what looks like speers on the sides of it. The bug fighter usually holds one taxxon and one hork-bajir. They are easier to fly than an andalite fighter. It is about the size of a minivan.
A kind of peaceful android creation. Androids are the creation of the Pemalites. Androids can sense morphing patterns. They are also very, very strong. Androids are robots with feelings. The Androids are also trying to save Earth by trying to deafeat the Yeerks. To the human eye, Androids look like humans because they have a holigram around their cyberbionic body. It is like an antidimantial skeleton. A peaceful race destroyed by the Howlers. Without their hologram they look like standing metal dogs. They are very strong but they cannot kill another living thing.
A human with a Yeerk inside their head and has no control over their body. A controller is a person with a yeerk in it’s head. The host itself has no control over it’s body. The yeerk inside the host’s head is watching through the host’s eyes and talking for the host. The yeerk can read it’s host memories like a book, so you’ll never know who’s a yeerk and who’s not.
Dome Ship
An Andalite ship with grass, their odd trees and everything they possibaly need.
Dracon Beam
A powerful lazer with a power knob of 1-10. Taken from the Andalites technology (the shatter ray), the yeerks stole it, making it into there own, customizing it and making it into a even more painful laser, it intensifys the pain 100 times it's original pain, making the yeerks even more feared. andalites technology (the shatter ray). The dracon beam frys all the cells in your body like the shatter ray but it does it more painfully.
An Andalite's fool's story BUT he is all-powerful can stop time and do things that nothing else can. Other species know very little about the Ellimists. They say that Ellimists can do almost everything, though they do not interfere with other species of life, but they can give them clues. Ellimists also fix the past if it should not be the way it should be. Andalites say that the Time Matrix was created by the Ellimists. We know very little about these Ellimists. The Ellimist "helps" different planet’s races from time to time. He/she is more powerful than any race the Animorphs have encountered. He/she can destroy whole planets and stop time whenever he/she wants.
An Alien Language mixed with english and some other language from another galaxy. The intergalactic language spoken by all species (like Latin is to scientists).
A monkey-like creature with poor mouth functions. They were the first host’s of the yeerks, the yeerks find them to be quite clumsy.
Hereth Illint
When you are allergic to a morph you have a Hereth Illint and that makes you morph into a different animal when you are emotional. It’s what happens whens you "burp" the morph/animal that you are allergic to.
About 8 ft. tall and has sharp blades all over its head, ankles, wrists, elbowes and I think knees. Were peaceful creatures only eatig the bark off trees to eat until the Yeerks took over EVERY single one for weapons. The Hork-Bajirs used to be delecate creatures that had sharp blades on their body used for cutting bark. The Hork-Bajir used to be a kind and peaceful race. They wouldn't hurt anyone until the Yeerks got control of the Hork-Bajir. The Andalites had a battle against the Yeerks to save the Hork-Bajirs, but they failed (in a way). Now the Hork-Bajirs are all controllers, but some a lucky enough to escape when the Yeerk is in the Yeerk Pool. Hork-Bajirs look like ferocious creatures with blades in almost every part of their body. They are really fast runners too. The Hork-Bajirs turned into the guards of the Yeerk Empire. The Hork-Bajir were a peaceful race before they were enslaved by the yeerks. They have blades on their arms, heads, tails, and knees, they have beek-like mouths, and dinosaur-like feet. The Hork-Bajir were created by the Arn, to take care of their trees, while they live down below in their underground city. They look like "walking lawnmowers" as Marco calls them.
Not sure but they are Jerks to the Pemalites and were on earth a LONG time ago. The race that killed the permalites. They have a defening howl and are covered with knives. There body resembles, like magma cooling, or cracking, revealing the hot magama inside the cooled shell.
Kafit Bird
A bird with six wings from the andalite home world, almost every asrith has that morph because it is so fun. And is the Andalites somewhat "first practice morph"
A device for the Yeerks so they can live. The Yeerks need it for their yeerk pool. An artificial scource of kadrona rays that come from the yeerks home world.
Telepathic creatures from the Leeran home planet. They have a barrel waste, sucker-like mouths, and squid-like arms.
Highly inteligent ant-like creatures that can take the form of other objects. K.A. says that they might have evolved into what are today called ants!
An Andalite or Animorph that stayed in morph for two hours and is stuck that way (Tobias for example, before the Ellimist's gift).
The creators of the Chee and created the Chee to play. Pemalites are an extinct species. The Pemalites were very peaceful until some other species sent a virus to kill every Pemalite. The Pemalites had very advanced technology, but they never used it for evil. The Pemalites created some robots called Androids. There are many Android everywhere, but you least expect it. Since the Pemalites died off, some Androids think that they were reborn in dogs because they are so playful. The Pemalites created another species called the Androids that still live because they are robots with feelings. Some of the Pemilites were left to die with diseases. The Chee were able to save some of the Permalites by making them wolfs and then the wolves evolved into dogs, so now the Pemalites are wolfs and dogs.
Sario Rip
When a blast is so big it takes you to a different time or a different place, in some cases you have to die in one world and survive in the other, another way is if you make such a huge blast it sends you back where you were in the first place, but the odd thing is, you think of where and when you want to be somewhere, when combined, their can be astonishing affects.
The Sharing
A "front" organization for recruiting new Yeerks, and a meeting place for other Yeerks. It’s like boy scouts or girl scouts, until you become a member.
Skrit Na
A Skrit is like a giant cokcroach and it has a coocoon and hatches into a Na. Everyone claims they see, their ships are little disks with flashing lights and they pick up creatures from other planets and put them in a zoo or do experiments.
Like a centipede that eats anything it smells blood from. And they are pretty dumb. The Taxxons are a group of species that eats almost everything. Though other species think of them as deadly carnivors, they really just eat cause they need to. They always have the urge to eat when the smell of blood is in the air. Taxxons look like long human size worms that have two eyes and a round mouth. Taxxons were volunteer host for the Yeerks because they wanted food, but the Taxxons had no weapons to kill and eat. So they volunteered to be captured by the Yeerks.
Time Matrix
A machine that uses the power of ten solar system suns. And is used for going in the future or past or present. It’s like a time machine. It looks like a giant egg. On the inside there is one panel, but the odd thing is, you place your hand on it and think of where and when you want to be somewhere, when combined, their can be astonishing affects.
The Vissers are highly promoted Yeerks that have done something well and that the Council of 13 approves it. Vissers are right below the Coucil of Thirteen. Their rank can go from Visser 1 to Visser 47, or as the Andalites beleive.
The Yeerks are a group of parasites that takes over a living body and controls it. Yeerks can also read your thoughts, feelings, and your memory. Seerow, an Andalite gave the Yeerks some advanced technology and the Yeerks started to try to control other species. The Yeerks have a special class. The Vissers. The Council of 13 is like the high leader and judge of all Yeerks. The Yeerks travel to other planets and take over the species that live in it. So far, they have took the Hork-Bajirs, Taxxons, Gedds, Some humans, and one Andalite. Yeerks are just yucky gray slugs that crawl to your brain filling all the gaps in it, and taking over your whole body. You can try to resist the Yeerk in your head, but it won't work. The Yeerk will always be able to conquer you if you already have a Yeerk in your head.
Yeerk Pool
A life sourse for the yeerks. Yeerks need special rays to live. They absorb rays from their home planet's sun, but since Yeerks travel to other planets that don't have rays, they have a Yeerk pool. The Yeerk pool gives special rays called Kandrona Rays to the Yeerks. Without the Kandrona Rays, the Yeerks will die. They have one in every planet and they also have a spare Yeerk pool at their mother ship for the high classed Yeerks. A Yeerk has to absorb Kandrona Rays every three days or they will die. While Yeerks are in the Yeerk Pool, they are blind and absolutly helpless unless a living creature accidently falls or soak it's head in a Yeerk pool long enough for a Yeerk to get into it's brain.
Where all the body matter travels to when your morphed. Z-Space is actually anti-space where FASTER than light travel is possible.It is a white blank space that is the opposite to all the laws of physics.

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