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Book Review

How to Write Songs on Guitar :

A Guitar-Playing and Songwriting Course

by Rikky Rooksby

I found this book at my local library this past June (2001) and loved it so much I "suggested" someone buy it for my birthday (which was only a month away at the time). It's not that I'm cheap, it's just that members of my family LOVE it when I give them gift-giving hints.

Now this book hasn't ANY pictures of stunning Stratocasters or tempting Telecasters, so why the review?

Well, the answer is simple. Lust is a lot more than a visual thing. As much as I love looking at my guitars, my biggest thrill lies in the playing of these guitars.

Making music is an incredible high, and the biggest high for me is making my own music.

Which is where this book comes in. Rikki Rooksky has put together a book that is an invaluable resource to any guitarist looking to compose his/her own music.

For lazy composers like yours truly, the book has tons of chord progressions that serve as instant springboards for song-writing. If one wants to go deeper into theory, and create their own sequences and advanced harmonies, the information is here. There's a chapter about writing lyrics, too.

The best thing about this book is that it is written for the guitar. Everything relates to using the guitar as a composing tool, as the author includes scales, various picking techniques, alternate tunings, and so much more. Best of all, it's written in an easy-to-follow style, which is great for theory-challenged axe-wielders such as myself.

I could go on about this book, but the bottom line is that I loved it so much that I made sure I got a copy for my library. As I wrote above, this is an invaluable tool for the guitarist who wants to make his/her own music.

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