
The Discworld not being a particularly literate planet, many of the books come from the Counterweight Continent or are concerned with wizardry or science. However, you may voyage through L-Space to find books about the Discworld, written by that "word-meister" [1], Terry Pratchett.

Each of these books has its own page, complete with synopsis (not spoilers), quotes and pictures. And 1,000 Elephants!

The Colour of Magic
The Light Fantastic
Equal Rites
Wyrd Sisters
Guards! Guards!
Moving Pictures
Reaper Man
Witches Abroad
Small Gods
Lords and Ladies
Men At Arms
Soul Music
Interesting Times
Feet Of Clay
The Last Continent
Carpe Jugulam

The Streets of Ankh-Morpork
The Discworld Mapp
A Tourist Guide to Lancre
The Discworld Companion

And if you are sitting at your computer thinking "Gosh, what a lot of books he's written! I wonder what they could all be about?" you need to:
a) visit your library RIGHT NOW and get at least one Pratchett book out and/or
b) (better) visit your bookshop RIGHT NOW and buy at least one Pratchett book and/or
c) follow the links, read the blurb, then do both a and b. This is compulsory - I have done it too!

Copyright � Terry Pratchett from the Discworld (R) Novels. Maintained by Jennie Lees, [email protected] - 1998.

[1] ... to quote Richard Whiteley there...

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