The Goddess Diana

My History

I am The Virgin Goddess of the Moon, twin sister of Apollo

The children of Zeus and Leto, Apollo and I were born on the Island of

Delos. We are both associated with the bow. My brother Apollo uses

the curved bow and I use a silver bow. I am one of only three who are

immune to the enchantments of Aphrodite

(the other two are Hestia and Athena)

I am a friend to mortals, and I love to dance through the countryside

giving my divine protection to the wild beasts,

particularly the very young. I ride my silver chariot across the sky

and shoot my arrows of silver Moonlight to the earth below

I, like the other Olympians, have favorites among the mortals but

I could not protect the fine huntsman, Skamandros, from the spear of

Menelaos at the battle for Troy

Unlike my brother Apollo, I am not skilled in warcraft but I can

punish and kill as the will of Zeus (Daddy Dearest) dictates

In The Iliad (24.603), it is told of how my mother, Leto, was

insulted by a woman named Niobe. Niobe boasted that she had

twelve children and Leto only had two. As punishment, Apollo

killed Niobe's six sons and I killed her six daughters

In The Odyssey (15.403), Odysseus was told the story of a wonderful

island, Syria, where hunger and grim old age have no dominion

When the Fates determined that the noble inhabitants of this island

were at the end of their lives, Apollo and I would swoop down and

painlessly kill them with our silver bows.

But now I am involved with a new favorite, and a new adventure

He is an Elf named Greywolf, a warrior poet king

And he struggles against a Villain known as Dark Lord

This villain has taken great liberties in destroying my temples

and killing my druid priestesses in Tir-na-nog.

I travel there to stop him, but it is against my father's wishes

While in Tir-na-nog I am mortal, and susceptible to the frailties

of Humankind. It is here that I meet Greywolf, and learn that

our struggles are the same. We form a reluctant partnership

To learn more of this epic tale, written by Greywolf and your's truly

travel to the Dark Lord site below

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