Yahoo! GeoCities Guestbook Join

Name: : ��Greywolf
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��I slipped in the back door ;-)
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Dark Lord
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Diana Sinclair
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Why you of course!
Comments: : ��Greetings Goddess! Looking forward to working on the sequel with you this summer. Let's take the fantasy world by storm again!
Name: : ��The Goddess Diana
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��I OWN it...LOL
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Unfair question...I just wrote one....I can't be impartial ;-)
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Oh no...these questions are going to get me in trouble.
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��hehehe
Comments: : ��So THIS is how the new guest book works. Hmmmm...I like the new blinding color too ;-) Hello there Wolf. I'm looking forward to working on the sequel to Dark Lord as well. Do you have time this summer? See you at the keyboard!
Name: : ��Susan
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Diana
Comments: : ��
Name: : ��Mabel
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��You signed my guestbook
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Stephen King
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Isis
Comments: : ��Ave Godess Diana!!! I just surfed around your temple and I just loved it, you have done a terrific job here, thanks for inviting me to visit. Big smiles, Mabel
Name: : ��axisdc
URL: : ��ArcTrident
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��castles
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��forgot
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Mark Twain
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Isis
Comments: : ��When I was in 2nd grade my friend Barbara asked me to give her a fantasy name. I named her "Diana" the goddess of beauty. She stuck with it. Barbara Alyn Woods "Honey I shrunk the Kids"
Name: : ��Jamilla aka Ja'Krinda
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��You signed my guestbook!
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Lord of the Rings
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Carlos Castenada
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Thor
Comments: : ��You have a lovely site and I wish you luck in the next round for Andromeda's Top Fantasy & Science Fiction Sites competition!
Name: : ��Mary Bishop
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��Researching
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��moon goddess Diana
Comments: : ��I am a very new comer. But I am learning so much from you site. Thank You, MBishop
Name: : ��Claudia
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��Stumbling somewhere between sleep and searching for aspirin
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��hhhmmmm
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Piers Anthony
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Wow, I'm just trying to waste time until I'm tired, and I wasted more than I planned! It's a great site, very interesting, and, in a more simpler term, it's so pretty! LoL!
Name: : ��Spijder
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Through the web spun of countless sites Spijder meandered aimless, pausing here in appreciation of the unique delights and penned this poem to make it clear
Name: : ��janie
URL: : ��lavender
E-Mail: : ��emrild16
How did you find the Temple?: : ��google
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��diana
Who is your favorite author?: : ��?
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��diana
Comments: : ��hi!
Name: : ��Brandi
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��just looking around different web sites
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��none
Who is your favorite author?: : ��none
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��none
Comments: : ��I really don't have a favorite novel, but I really get into pictures of faeries
Name: : ��Nick
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��Link
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Pan, Demeter, Hermes, Athena, and Hestia
Comments: : ��I have just been looking at your site, and I think you have done a wonderful job on it! I would like to invite you to show off your site in a new website competition called Battle of the Ancients ! It is a website competition where you can put your
Name: : ��Sasha
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��IE cache memory :-)
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Hello Diana, It was great to get your mail with awards, thank you! And thank you for your words about my site. I think I'll make it better - 1. I'll put a huge lake applet 2. Comet cursors 3. And 'right click' script. Sorry, it was just poor joke LOL. I
Name: : ��Tannesha
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��
How did you find the Temple?: : ��A Friend toied me
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Jesus and diana
Comments: : ��
Name: : ��Cokera
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��????
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Eyes of the Dragon
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Thoroughly enjoyed my visit. Did a lot of discerning...jumped from one page to the next, I couldn't help myself. Before I knew it, I was past the point of no return. Out of contact with reality, floating in space, where time was endless, and a point was m
Name: : ��Brian
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��searching castles
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Lord of the Rings
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Stephen King
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��prometheus
Comments: : ��On behalf Of Sir Vincent and Lady Jane we bid you welcome. Their story is but a personal diary of the search for fulfilment in the lives of two.. Is your story available in Canada ?
Name: : ��A.A.
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��
How did you find the Temple?: : ��Searching for something else...
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��I dunno
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Marguerite Henry
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��How can I pick a favorite...Ok, maybe Horus...
Comments: : ��Wow
Name: : ��Robert A. Sloan, author of Raven Dance
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��A pilgrimage from Castle Greywolf
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Mercedes Lackey's Herald Mage Series taken as a whole or my upcoming Lochannan Series depending on whether I'm working on maps and art and all that at the time. The next that I write... for the Mariner's been seen again in a little coracle far at sea and
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Robert A. Sloan, without love of the work there's nought to recommend it. Too many to list. Bradbury, Lackey, Ellison, Koontz, King, Dickson for the six painted on my Writer's Block for inspiration.
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Odin the Wanderer
Comments: : ��I enjoyed this brief walk through your celestial realms, Goddess, and am deeply impressed at the beauties I've seen within. Don't go turning me into a stag for it now, I mean no harm! Regina Pounds is a dear friend and a true greatness among authors, I am
Name: : ��grace
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��i was just surfing for info about faeries
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Golden Compass
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Phillip Pullman
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Hera
Comments: : ��This is a very interesting sigt i cant wait to read the books
Name: : ��ELA
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Hello you, you have a beautiful site. I look some quilts from you for my site. Have a nice Day! By ELA from Germany
Name: : ��ELA
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��Hello you, bin auf gegenbesuch hier danke f�r dein G�stbuch eintag.Ich w�nsche dir weiterhin viele Besucher und Eintr�ge. Mfg.ELA from Germany
Name: : ��LaPuce
URL: : ��hrrp://
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��I climbed the Mont Olympus
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Lord of the Rings if I ever get the time read it.
Who is your favorite author?: : ��The guy who wrote Hannibal, forgot his name
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Shiva
Comments: : ��Nice site and work. Actually I applied for one of your award and I wanted to say thank you. I am sending you an email.
Name: : ��Diva Cally
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected],[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��Surfed On In
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��Firebird
Who is your favorite author?: : ��Peter Morewood
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��Diana
Comments: : ��Hi!� I enjoyed my visit here so much, I would like to invite you to visit our website, Divine Divas of the Web .� Feel free to write us with any questions you might have, and perhaps even apply for membership into our organization. Once accepted,
Name: : ��SilverTearz
URL: : ��
E-Mail: : ��[email protected]
How did you find the Temple?: : ��browsing around
What is your favorite Fantasy Novel?: : ��
Who is your favorite author?: : ��
Who is your favorite God or Goddess?: : ��
Comments: : ��hello my name is SilverTearz... very intersting site...very nice..i wanted to invite you to a website competition...Dark Illusions...we are the newest gothic/fantasy website competition on the net...and we would be honored to have you w/ us!...we are cur
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