Star of David (notice diamond shape in the middle)

Phily and Atlantis

Even though my New Year's resolution for 2001 was to visit a new place every year, I was surprised to find myself in Philadelphia less than 2 months later on President's weekend. I was amazed that it's less than 90 minutes from NYC by train. Like most of my trips to new places, I was unaware of many of the most well-known facts of the city. I seem to go from a state of total unawareness of a place to a sort of super-consciousness when I visit there, with many revelations as a result. It's as if I find a place when I'm ready to find it.

My recent interest in Philadelphia occurred last August, after attending the A.R.E.'s annual Egypt conference in VA beach. Dr. Laura Little gave a fascinating talk about her & John Van Auken's new book "The Lost Hall of Records : Edgar Cayce's Forgotten Record of Human History in the Ancient Yucatan". Many people are aware of the other 2 Hall of Records mentioned by Cayce, located underwater in Bimini & in the left paw of the Sphinx in Egypt. However, not much was known about the records in the Yucatan.

According to a Cayce reading, the Museum of Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania has stones that were excavated in 1933 near the Hall of Records. These records were said to contain information about a power source called a firestone, a crystal in the form of a 6 sided figure, whose emblem was also said to have been found at that time. Dr. Little's research suggests that this area is Piedras Negras in Guatemala. I was interested in visiting this museum to see some of the artifacts & learn anything I could about the firestone.

A couple of years ago I read a very strange book about Atlantis & the Pleiadians. It was a lot of channeled jibberish to me except for a paragraph on a crystal that supposedly is located in the Vatican vault. The very next day I attended a lecture by Dolores Cannon about the Essenes. Even though they are mentioned in the Bible, little was known about them until the Dead Sea Scrolls were found. They are the group that chose & prepared Mary for the coming of Jesus. The word Essene means "expectant". They were also the keepers of sacred records. Dolores Cannon mentioned a crystal that was stolen from the Essenes when they were invaded by the Romans. When asked, she said it was possible that it could be in the vault of the Vatican, since it was the Romans who stole it. Could this be related to the firestone that is mentioned in the Hall of Records & was used in Atlantis?

While waiting for my friend to arrive at the hotel in Philadelphia, I thought it would be a good time to read some of the magazines in my suite about the city. I read several articles, including one about the creator of the "Sixth Sense" & "Unbreakable", both mystical films made in Phily. After 2 hours, I got a strong feeling to check my answering machine, expecting a message explaining why my friend was so late. There wasn't a message but at that exact moment my friend was trying to call me from the lobby. He finally reached me & I went downstairs to meet him. As we were coming up, I realized that 3 times in a row I was standing in front of the "wrong" elevator. Since there were only 2 elevators & I have a great track record for such things, I thought it was a bit unusual. I then realized that I also picked the "wrong" seat on the train, wanting to face forward. A few minutes later we heard someone knocking next door. The bellman meant to knock on our door but made a mistake. My friend told me that the first time he went to the front desk they told him I didn't check in yet, even though it was over an hour since I arrived. Early the next morning I was awakened by a phone call asking to speak to Linda. After I told the caller he had the wrong number, I contacted the front desk to ask why they transferred the call to me. The manager told me that he answered the phone himself & the man asked for a Linda then spelled my unique last name exactly. I asked him if there were any other guests with a similar name to mine & he said "no". Above my bed were 2 identical pictures of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, except that the one on the right was the "negative".

Philadelphia Museum of Art

In the living room, a picture of a row of lighted houses showed their reflection in the water below them.

I was beginning to feel like I was in my own "Sixth Sense" movie. It was as if there were 2 of me in that hotel. Later on I would be able to make some sense out of these symbols. After visiting the Museum of Archaeology at the University of Pennsylvania, which has a star of David at the top of its entrance, I went on a tour of the magnificent Masonic temple next to City Hall.

Univ of PA's Museuem of Archaeology Phily's Masonic Temple

I noticed that there was also a star of David in virtually every room in the Masonic temple. This was supposedly in honor of King Solomon's temple. I was reminded here that the inner shape of this ancient symbol has been referred to as the "philosopher's diamond". Could this be related to the 6 sided firestone? The star of David with its opposite triangles also symbolizes "As above, so below" or "On Earth as it is in Heaven". I was also able to relate this to all the "twin" symbols of this trip: the two "dual" pictures in my suite, George Washington's & my friends birthday (2/22) & an Egyptian exhibit at the Museum of Archaelogy. The Egyptians believed that we had a second self, which was a higher form of our physical self. When our physical self dies, our higher self continues on. That is why their burial chambers are filled with favorite things of the deceased. I don't know what practical use these things had other than to remind us that there is an afterlife, which they were certain of.

When I arrived back in NY, my aunt mentioned that she had just seen a documentary on Abraham Lincoln. I shared some mystical stories about him as we drove to Barnes & Noble. When I got to the bookstore, I opened up a book by Muriel MacFarlane titled "Your Psychic Self" directly to a paragraph on Edgar Cayce. It was immediately followed by a story about Lincoln. "According to his biographer Ward H. Lamon, Lincoln looked in the mirror in 1860 & saw a double image of himself. Lincoln interpreted this to mean that he would be elected to a second term. After the Cleveland newspaper published a story about his interest in the paranormal, he said 'Only half of it [my story] has been told. The article does not begin to tell the wonderful things I have witnessed'".

The firestone was a power source eventually misused by the Atlanteans. Initially they used it to attune themselves with God. A few days after my trip I just happened to pick up a book that seems to combine attunement (Sacred) with the symbols of duality (Mirrors). In the preface to Ken Wilber's "Sacred Mirrors", Allyson & Alex Grey have a shared psychedelic vision:

"It seemed as if the 'real' material world was an illusory veil, now withdrawn, & the energetic scaffolding of causation & creation, the Ultimate Reality, eternal & infinite, was laid before & through us. All polarities were incorporated & transcended without conflict- past & future, microscopic & cosmic, male & female, self & other. Yet there was no extinguishment of awareness. Indeed, we each felt this state to be our purified essence".


The night I finished this article, I watched "Encounters of the Unexplained" on PAX TV. The host suggested that a "power source" was in the hands of the US government in Area 51, possibly being used to power flying disks, which have been seen by many people in the area. Could we have received this new technology in 1953 from other beings after a much written about crash?

On this show, Bob Lazar insists that he worked on a symbiotic engine, which is controlled by thought, in this area. (Currently Princeton University is working on a plane that responds to the thoughts of the pilot.) It was also reported that we were given this technology by beings from the star "Zeta Reticuli", 35 light years away from Earth. Apparently these beings have records of Earth "over 10,000 years old". This would put it in the time frame of the destruction of Atlantis & the age of the Sphinx, according to Cayce. Is there a connection between his Hall Of Records & firestone & these beings? Is this power source so heavily guarded because it can be very destructive if misused, as it was in Atlantis? One of Cayce's more popular quotes is "For mind is the builder & that which we think upon may become crimes or miracles. For thoughts are things" (Reading 906-3).

This power source in Area 51 has been described as antimatter. This reminded me of the "negative" picture & other dual symbols in Phily & may explain why aerial views of this area, including those from a Russian satellite, show no "visible" activity or people. The flying disks also are said to be undetected by radar & at times invisible to the naked eye. All of this suddenly reminded me of something I totally forgot. In 1943, the navy attempted to have one of its ships disappear from radar. It turned out that the ship totally disappeared. When it was brought back, the ship's "matter" was horribly intertwined with the crew. What was this called? "The Philadelphia Experiment".

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