Baltimore Light

Baltimore Light

Like my recent trip to Philadelphia, visiting Baltimore was very synchronistic & symbolic. At the B&N cafe overlooking the beautiful twilit harbor, I started reading again The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot. I had purchased the book a few weeks ago, but it just seemed to vanish. A hologram & it's properties seem to explain many of life's mysteries, including my own experiences. I felt like this new information concluded a chapter in my life, & with this knowledge, my journey would take a different direction.

hologram- a three-dimensional picture that is made on a photographic film or plate without the use of a camera, that consists of a pattern of interference produced by a split coherent beam of light, and that for viewing is illuminated with coherent light from behind. (Webster's Dictionary)

The smallest part of a holographic image contains the whole image. Subatomic particles, when separated, seem to display this characteristic also. Experiments have shown that such particles can communicate instantaneously with each other no matter how far apart they are. This seemed to contradict Einstein's theory that no communication can occur faster than the speed of light, which would break the time barrier. Because of this, some physicists have suggested that these particles really aren't separated at all. The following analogy from Talbot's book, attributed to physicist David Bohn, helps explain this:

Imagine a fish swimming in an aquarium. Imagine also that you have never seen a fish or an aquarium before & your only knowledge about them comes from 2 TV cameras, one directed at the aquarium's front & the other at its side. When you look at the 2 TV monitors you might mistakenly assume that the fish on the screen are separate entities... But as you continue to watch you will eventually realize there is a relationship between the 2 fish. When one turns, the other makes a slightly different but corresponding turn... If you are unaware of the full scope of the situation, you may wrongly conclude that the fish are instantaneously communicating with each other... No communication is taking place because at a deeper level of reality, the reality of the aquarium, the 2 fish are one & the same. This, says Bohm, is precisely what is going on between particles...

Because of the "whole in every part" nature of holograms, many of the archetypes & disciplines that I've been aware of during my journey are now viewed in a different light.


After leading ACIM class for 2 years, I have discovered recently that its lessons fit perfectly with the concepts of a hologram. The course states that our separation is only an illusion:

[ACIM] makes a fundamental distinction between the real and the unreal; between knowledge and perception. Knowledge is truth, under one law, the law of love or God. Truth is unalterable, eternal, and unambiguous. It can be unrecognized, but it cannot be changed. It applies to everything that God created, and only what He created is real. It is beyond learning because it is beyond time and process. It has no opposite; no beginning and no end. It merely is.

The world of perception, on the other hand, is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and endings. It is based on interpretation, not on facts. It is the world of birth and death, founded on the belief in scarcity, loss, separation, and death. It is learned rather than given, selective in its perceptual emphases, unstable in its functioning, and inaccurate in its interpretations. ...

[The Holy Spirit's] kindly light shows all things from another point of view, reflecting the thought system that arises from knowledge and making return to God not only possible but inevitable. What was regarded as injustices done to one by someone else, now becomes a call for help and for union. Sin, sickness, and attack are seen as misperceptions calling for remedy through gentleness and love. Defenses are laid down because where there is no attack there is no need for them. Our brothers' needs become our own, because they are taking the journey with us as we go to God. Without us they would lose their way. Without them we could never find our own. (From


These archetypes represent the raising of our consciousness as we go from the world of perception, the finite world, to the world of knowledge, the infinite holographic world. This is what a feather represented in the movie Forrest Gump. A hologram can also help explain why Forrest always seemed to be in the middle of everything. The following examples from D. Scott Rogo's book Psychic Breakthroughs Today, as mentioned in The Holographic Universe , explain this perfectly. Black Elk, a Oglala Sioux medicine man, concluded after a "great vision" that "Anywhere is the center of the world." (Oglala is an unusual word & "Og" just happens to be at the "center" of the word hologram). The Greek philosopher Empedocles said that "God is a circle whose center is everywhere, and its circumference nowhere."


According to the Cayce readings, the Atlanteans used a firestone, a crystal that received light from the sun's rays, to attune themselves with God. (Coincidentally, the readings also mention a very ancient land named Og, another example of the letters in the center of the word hologram).


This archetype of duality is perhaps the most recoccurring of all, not just in my journey but in many aspects of life. Most myths are based on the battle between good & evil, to some extent. An Edgar Cayce reading suggesting that evil cannot be destroyed but only transformed helped me relate this to a hologram. "Light" transforms darkness by illuminating it. A wonderful book titled The Dark Side of the Light Chasers suggests that if another person irritates us it is because we are seeing a part of ourselves that we don't like & have buried. We must uncover & then "shine light" on this hidden dark part of ourselves & then it will no longer trigger a reaction. For example, if someone who is lazy irritates you, the first thought you should have is "I don't like when I am lazy". Perhaps you were lazy at one time in your life and/or were scolded for being so. When you start to relate other people's "faults" to yourself, the road to oneness & light has begun. Like the fish in the preceding example, we are looking at a reflection of ourselves.

Shakti Gawain, author of Living in the Light, presents several problems along with an example of how these can "mirror" our feelings.

Problem: My boss criticizes any new ideas I have. He seems opposed to innovative ideas.
Mirror: I always doubt any new ideas I have. I tell myself they're not good enough. I'm afraid of change.

Problem: One of my closest friends said she felt I had no time for her & that she was a nuisance to me.
Mirror: I have no time for myself. I have not valued my feelings & needs lately.

Problem: My boss got angry at me for being late several times this week.
Mirror: I have dreaded going into work. I have been angry at myself for contining to work at a job I can't stand.

Many spiritual figures of the past have been portrayed with a halo above them. Enlightenment increases the light around ourselves & in the process illuminates those around us.

Whoever says he is in the light, yet hates his brother, is still in the dark. 1 John 9

Then God said "Let there be light". Gen 1,3

Jesus spoke to them again saying "I am the light of the world". John 8,12

God is Light... John 1,5

An angel named Lucifer or "lightgiver" & his rebels were cast into Hell because of their sin of self-centeredness & became, Cayce says, the "Children of Darkness". It was the mission of the enlightened "Children of the Law of One" to rescue them. They created light centers in various locations & saved many of them, although others chose to remain separated.

This reminded me of a lighthouse, which has always been a powerful symbol for me. It wasn't until my Baltimore trip that I started to understand the symbolism of light. Coincidentally we were on Light Street during our visit there. When I chose the title for this article I had no idea that the lighthouse in Baltimore is actually called "Baltimore Light". The synchronicities have continued at a rapid rate.


Carl Jung coined the word synchronicity to describe a meaningful coincidence. Coincidences are "co" created "incidents". Edgar Cayce said that we are co-creators with God. As we expand our consciousness, we have a greater ability to create. When we have a meaningful coincidence, we have synchronized our world with God's. For that moment, we are one with the light. Like Forrest Gump, we are at the center of the universe.

There is no reality above and beyond that created by the integration of all consciousness, and the holographic universe can potentially be sculpted in virtually limitless ways by the mind. (The Holographic Universe, pg 160)

We human beings consider ourselves to be made up of "solid matter." Actually, the physical body is the end product, so to speak, of the subtle information fields, which mold our physical body as well as all physical matter. These fields are holograms which change in time (and are) outside the reach of our normal senses. This is what clairvoyants perceive as colorful egg-shaped halos or auras surrounding our physical bodies. (Itzhak Bentov- "Stalking the Wild Pendulum")

During my train ride home from Baltimore, I continued reading The Holographic Universe, which included a poem by William Blake on page 50. At that time I decided to take a break & reached into the seat pocket in front of me. I opened up the current issue of Amtrak's Arrive magazine & was astonished to see the exact same poem atop an article about Blake's current exhibit at NY's Met. Also included were a couple of his paintings which are embraced from behind by a very illuminating light.

 To see a world in a grain of sand

 And a heaven in a wild flower,

 Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

 And eternity in an hour.
(from Blake's Auguries of Innocense)

Blake's 'Glad'

Blake's Glad

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