Eagle Rose

After writing my last article "Baltimore Light", I discovered an audiobook called "Emissary of Light" by James Twyman. It is a remarkable story about a highly evolved group that was in war-torn Bosnia sending white light out to the universe. They would form a circle of twelve with one person in the middle, meditating for 12 hours at a time. The author was led to them through a series of coincidences & observed that they could make themselves unseen when danger approached. This group did not perceive a violent world. Because of this shift in perception, "our violent world" does not affect them. At the same time, by sending out light they are helping to raise the earth's vibrations & our ability to perceive a peaceful world. Their message can be summed up in three words: Surrender, Trust & Gratitude. They are said to have existed for thousands of years & may be descendants of John the disciple. After listening to the audiobook, I receieved a flyer about Mr. Twyman's visit to the Wainright House in Rye, NY. Coincidentally on the same day, this small town was also hosting an exhibit of the work of Thomas Kinkade, the "Painter of Light", whom I also recently discovered. I attended both events & they continue to have a strong impact on my spiritual journey.

One weekend this summer I went boating in Long Island with a few other ARE volunteers. It was during this trip that I began to see yellow roses everywhere, & at times a red one. This trip concluded with a visit to Port Jefferson, which happened to have a Thomas Kinkade gallery featuring "The Perfect Yellow Rose". After returning home, I turned on the TV & saw Mr. Kinkade himself selling that very same painting on QVC. I placed my order, knowing that eventually the meaning would "blossom" for me.

During this time another symbol emerged & seemed to go hand in hand with the rose. This new symbol was the eagle. I am aware of the book "The Eagle & The Rose" by Rosemary Altea, where she was the Rose(mary) & her spirit guide was Grey Eagle, an American Indian. However, I knew these symbols were different for me. After doing some research, I began to understand their meaning.

I learned that the word "rose" comes from the word "eros", meaning love. I remembered that a rosary, which Mary said was the most powerful weapon of all, is derived form the word "rose" also. Edgar Cayce said that a rose "is the symbol of life that is ever as a sweet essence or incense before Him, guiding, unfolding in the service that thou dost give to thy fellow man". (695-1) The Rosicrucian symbol is a rose on a cross, symbolizing life or resurrection, rather then death.

According to Manly P. Hall's book "The Secret Teachings of All Ages", the zodiacal eagle of Scorpio is really a phoenix, the symbol of "spiritual victory and achievement". The eagle can fly closer to the sun then any other bird. It is a major symbol of the United States and, according to Native Americans, represents the creator.

When I received my copy of "The Perfect Yellow Rose", I hung it on the wall replacing an old 3D picture, which I had forgotten was of an eagle. After hanging on the wall for only a few minutes, it came crashing down, splattering glass everywhere. I realized that this was not the right place for my new picture. I put the eagle back on the wall & looked for another home for the yellow rose. It fit perfectly in my bedroom across from a picture of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. After they were destroyed on September 11, these & other symbols started to have a clearer meaning.

There were several reports of the coincidences involving the number 11, symbolizing twins, in this tragedy. In the Mayan creation story, a virgin gives birth to the Sun & Venus, twins representing the mind & heart. According to the ancients, the two wings of an eagle represent the same thing. Like the eagle unable to fly with 1 wing, we cannot fly to the Sun (raise our minds) without love. The eagle & the rose are like twins that, when "united", can create a new birth. "E.Pluribus Unun", as shown on our flag below, means "from many, one". We have an oppurt"unity" to become one again; one nation under God. By all accounts so far we "rose" to the occasion. While listening to the President speak about this tragedy, I noticed a large eagle on the flag behind him. He was also speaking from the Rose Garden, surrounded by red & yellow roses.

The book of Revelation ends with the Morningstar rising. This represents Mary & also Venus, or love. Mary again "is giving birth" to a redeemer. This is the second coming. Like any birth, it is a painful process (crucifixion) followed by great joy (resurrection); a thousand years of peace.

Like the Eagle or Phoenix, America can rise from the ashes. With love it can blossom like a rose, through "service that thou dost give to thy fellow man".

During the recent interfaith prayer service at Yankee Stadium, Bette Midler sang so appropriately the following verses:

Did you ever know you're my hero?
I can fly higher than an eagle.
You are the wind beneath my wings.
Wasn't she famous for another song. Oh yeah, "The Rose".

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