AmoRoma: The Awakening

Bellagio Video (Uses Quicktime3. NOT WebTV Compatible!)

At noon on the 18th of March, 1994, I returned home from a trip to the Grand Canyon with a friend. As we were sitting on opposite ends of the couch, I felt a stream of electrical energy enter my body, which appeared to come from him. After my friend left, I immediatley fell asleep on my couch. I awoke at 3pm and figured that I was asleep for 3 hours. I soon realized that I was actually asleep for 27 hours. The first thing I did was walk to my bedroom closet, in a trance-like manner. Under a bunch of clothes I pulled out a shopping bag full of books that a girlfriend had given me a year earlier. She consistently asked me about them, but I had no recollection of receiving them. The bag contained spiritual books, mostly related to Edgar Cayce, the Christian mystic from Virginia Beach, also known as "The Sleeping Prophet". My girlfriend was a life member of the organization created to evaluate and share his "readings", The Association for Research & Enlightenment (A.R.E.). I read every book that was in the bag, as well as every spiritual book I could get my hands on. I noticed that I was gradually developing a close relationship with the Virgin Mary. I also noticed that the # 21, my birthday, followed me around everywhere. I later learned that I was born on the feast of the Presentation of Mary and that numerologically the name Mary (4,1,9,7) adds up to 21. I also discovered that the day my transformation started was Edgar Cayce's birthday and the day it ended, March 19th, was the day Mr. Cayce said Jesus was born. Even the 3 hours from noon to 3pm are said to be the time Jesus was on the cross. Since then I have had amazing synchronicities and the miraculous has become the norm.

This past summer I was taking the editor of "The Open Door", the NY region A.R.E. newsletter, out for a farewell lunch. She was leaving her job, apt. and editorial duties to head to North Carolina to work at HSA, the highly acclaimed charity where volunteers live on the premises taking care of patients. As I was heading back home, I got stuck in a torrential rainstorm. While waiting for 20 minutes under an office building canopy on Park Avenue, I decided to ask the person next to me if he brought his sleeping bag with him. A young man about my age turned around and said "Non parlo Inglese, parlo Italiano". I told him that I was also Italian and that I would teach him some English while we were waiting if he would teach me some Italian. We would point to various objects and made a language lesson out of it. When it stopped raining I invited him to an IMAX film that I was seeing with a friend that happened to be about Ellis Island. He accepted and I soon learned that he was a student visiting from Bologna. Since I had afternoons off, we went to the Bronx Zoo and other places. I was starting to appreciate the language more and more and had a desire to learn more about my culture. He invited me to stay at his house if I ever went to Italy. After 2 weeks he was heading home and we exhanged E-mail addresses. I started teaching myself Italian with a course I bought. The following week I attended a lecture by Charles Thomas and Leslie Cayce and while I was there I saw an ad for the A.R.E. tour to Italy, with only a few seats left. It sounded great but I couldn't really afford to go. That weekend I went to Atlantic City and won just enough money to pay for the trip and have a good time. I won with 3 sevens across on a slot machine (21). This was also the 1st time I had 2 weeks vacation left so late in the year. Soon I was booked and all ready to go.

Lucky 7's

On the day of my trip to Italy, a couple of friends picked me up to take me to the airport. When we got to the Whitestone bridge, I gave my friend a token which she threw in the bin. The gate never went up so a cop who was standing nearby came over and jokingly accused us of having counterfeit tokens. He reached in the bin and gave us a Canadian quarter and a token for a different bridge and told us to proceed. I soon realized that I had brought the wrong tokens. I told my friends that we had just crossed the bridge for free, a true miracle in NY. As soon as I said that, the back wheel snapped and we had to pull over. Luckily we had just gotten over the bridge and there was a space on the side of the road. My friends started to panic because they thought I would miss my plane. I told them that everything would be fine, somehow. As we looked around, there were no stores to be found. We started to walk towards some houses when we realized that there was a phone right in front of the car. A policeman was on the other end and said he would send someone over. After 15 minutes nobody showed up. Finally a limo came gliding across 3 lanes of traffic and stopped right in front of us. He told me that he was going to LaGuardia airport and that I could go with him. I told him that I needed to go to JFK. It was then that I remembered last week, while picking up an A.R.E. executive at JFK, seeing a shuttle between the 2 airports. I accepted and was on my way. The limo charged me $10 and the shuttle was $11 for a total of $21.

Our "Miracles & Angels" tour started in Venice and proceeded to Florence, Assisi and finally Rome. I had many synchronistic events, visions, dreams, memories, etc. In Venice, where I was in room 21, I felt very depressed. The next day I learned how devastating the plague was and that other members felt the same depression. When I looked up my last name in the phone book, there was only 1 listing, with the first name being the same as my Grand Canyon friend. In Florence I felt a great familiarity, including being drawn to an apt. building, only to find my last name on the bell. I also had a dream of a figure I had never known, only to discover the next day when we got to Assisi that it was Saint Francis. While in the convent of St. Clare, I saw 3 members of our tour as nuns there. I also saw my roomate as a Roman soldier. There was such a familiarity with all of us that I really felt that we had all been there before. The most amazing thing happened when a couple of people on the tour told me that my picture was hanging in the lobby of the hotel in Assisi. When I found out the artist, his name was a combination of my mother's and father's last name.

My Twin

What I saw in Italy validated my spiritual experiences, as well as the Cayce readings. The fact that we are celestial beings and the connectedness of the universe was evident in the art as well as the buildings. I saw at least 3 Catholic churches displaying a full zodiac and 1 with a pyramid in it. I saw a giant pine cone symbolizing fertility and the Greek goddess Isis at the Vatican. I couldn't help notice that St. Peter's Basilica did not have one large crucfix, even though everything else was on a grand scale. Where I expected to find a crucifix I saw a dove, which happens to be the A.R.E. symbol. The art seemed to celebrate individual religious experiences and eternal life, unlike the church of today. There was also a great emphasis on the Virgin Mary and the feminine, which seems to be reoccuring today. When we had gotten to our final destination in Rome, we checked into our hotel, whose address just happened to be 21. It was at that time that my luggage disappeared. It contained my life journal, film, souvenirs, notes and other irreplacable things. We searched the bus and everywhere else to no avail. I was told that a bag lost in Rome is as good as gone.

Every day tour members asked me if I got my luggage back and I kept replying "Not yet". Several days passed but I never gave up hope. On the last night in Rome, a young lady told me that she went on her own to see the pope and didn't even have a ticket. She bought me a Franciscan cross which is shaped like the letter "T". The tour guide called me "T" since the beginning of the trip because it's my initial. She also bought me a rosary and it said ROMA on it. Two years ago I had a vision with the letters AMOR. They happened to be the 4 common letters in my name and the name of my Grand Canyon friend. I wore the "T" cross and had everyone on the tour hold the rosary in their hands and that night I prayed with that rosary. In the morning, I placed the one bag I did have in the lobby for collection. When I looked up, I saw a picture of the Virgin Mary looking down over my bag. I knew somehow everything would be ok. On our way to the airport, I couldn't help but notice rows of billboards, all with my birthday on them, advertising some event. When we got off the bus, I collected my single bag and waited for everyone else. When they were all finished, there standing all by itself was my missing bag. It defied all logic and explanation, but to believers no explanation is necessary & to skeptics no explanation is possible. Everyone began to cheer and embrace me. It was soon time to check in for our final destination home. I was assigned line 21, of course. This tour really did have "Angels & Miracles".

My Caesar's Bag Returns

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