May the 'S Be With You

On Saturday May 15th, after hosting my "Search for God" study group at my home as I do every other week, I visited Barnes & Noble in Scarsdale. As I was looking over some spiritual books, I noticed a paperback that looked out of place. I opened it up & the first thing I saw was my name Thomas on one of the pages. The title of the book was "The Messengers". I decided to buy it & the following day I started reading it. It is about a man named Nick who gets awakened by Angels at 4:44am. The first time this happens to him he thinks it's a prowler. One by one his friends come to him telling him that they too were awakened at the same time. Each friend has a message to give him from the Angels. They want him to publish a manuscript that explains a previous life he had with Jesus. This manuscript is a fascinating & detailed description of the life of Saint Paul & is included in the second half of the book. At the beginning of my spiritual transformation five years ago, I felt a very strong connection to Saint Paul but didn't understand why. What I was told about him never seemed to agree with what I felt inside. The Saint Paul described in this manuscript resonated very deeply with me and felt so real.

After finishing the second chapter, I went to bed. In the middle of the night I was awakened by a thumping sound on my bedroom window. My eyes immediately went to the clock and it was exactly 4:44am! My reaction was one of pure terror. I wasn't afraid of a prowler and I'm not exactly sure why I was afraid. Maybe it was the responsibility that comes with such experiences, like Nick felt in the book I was reading. Eventually I managed to fall asleep again only to be awaken by a phone call later on. My Godson's mother wanted me to call a local store to see if an order had come in. It was recently my Godson's communion & there weren't enough favors for everyone. His mother ordered eight more & half of them I was going to buy for my study group as gifts. I thought it was very odd that she asked me to call the store, since I didn't know where the store was or who took the order. I agreed anyway and wrote down the phone number. When I called I was told the lady in charge had stepped out. I decided I would call later on at work & copied the number into my daily planner. It was then that I realized the number had three 4's in it also! When I finally did pick up the favors, the lady only had 4 of them ready to give me. They were Angel candle holders.

I realized that something definitely was trying to get my attention. Perhaps the message was to write about my experiences, as in "The Messengers". I have had many synchronistic events and coincidences during my journey but I never associated them with Angels. I never noticed how many Angel figures I had accumulated in my living room, where we hold my "Search for God" meetings. There is a picture of my study group surrounded by an Angel picture frame. There is a large gold Angel, which I received last Christmas, towering over the picture. My cousin made me an Angel out of cloth that I have hanging from a lamp. These are all gifts people gave me without me ever mentioning Angels to them.

The next day, Tuesday, I noticed that 3 of the 7 lotto numbers for the pick 3 & 4 were 4's. These numbers were picked Monday, the same day as my experience. I also realized when I called my mother that our phone number growing up had three 4's in it also. In the book "The Messengers", the friends involved were called the "444 club". I felt like a club was already forming with me also, including my Godson's mother (who is also my cousin), and my mother.

On Wednesday I met my Godmother for lunch & told her what was going on. Around 4:44pm Sunday she was making a major decision in her life. She made a list of things she wanted to accomplish, including "joining" a club. When she told me this I said "Welcome to the club". Before lunch we stopped in a local store & asked them for their phone number. It ended with 444. Going home we were behind a car with 444 on its license plate. We followed it into my Godmother's complex. There were other little signs & coincidences throughout the day. That evening I called my sister & she told me she saw 2 sets of 222 in the hospital. It seems that everyone I know who is expanding their awareness is recognizing numbers more and more. The Bible is filled with symbolic numbers. I have always felt that numbers are the language of God. With the opening of the latest Star Wars movie, I think the Angels are saying "May the 4's be with you".


To read "The 444 Club: UPDATE" Click Here!
To hear all of "Angels Among Us" Click Here!

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