Taken in FL

The 444 Club: UPDATE

No sooner did I finish my Angel story when several more instances occurred. The next day, May 23, my nephew & I were on our way to the movies when we missed our exit twice. I felt there had to be a reason why this happened. As I was talking about Angels, my nephew pointed to a truck that had pulled over to the side of the road. It had "Angels 2" written on its side. When we stopped at Pizza Hut, he noticed our placemat had a question about Angels. There was also a song about Angels playing on the radio. The theme of the movie we saw was "Death Is Only the Beginning".

On the way home I noticed 2 cars with JJ on their license plate, which is my nephew's name. I said out loud, jokingly, that one J was Jesus but I didn't know what the other one stood for. Later that evening, as I was watching "Touched By An Angel", my sister called to inform me that her father-in-law Julius had passed away. Out of curiosity I asked her what his middle name was. She asked his wife & told me that is was Joseph. He had passed away around the same time we saw the JJ sign. My sister kept seeing 222 while visiting him in the hospital. As I tore today's page from my daily calendar to write a note for my sister, I noticed that 222 was written in the corner, meaning that's how many days were left in the year when he died.

Monday, May 24th, I ordered flowers for the funeral home. My discount came to $22.20. For the 2nd time in a week, I was awakened in the middle of the night. This time there wasn't a noise, nor was I afraid. However it was exactly 4:44am again.

Tuesday we drove to the funeral parlor in my nephew's 4x4. A reading from page 222 was picked for the funeral. I gave my sister & her mother-in-law one of the Angel candle holders. This "club" seems to be growing so I ordered another dozen of them. As in the book "The Messengers", 444 has come to symbolize Angels, while in this story 222 also symbolizes my sister's father-in-law. My cousin was reading part I of this story last Saturday & commented that this is only happening to me. I felt that the whole point of the story was how a "club" had formed among all of us. Just then we noticed on her kitchen table an ad for a new book called "Cook 4 Your Type: 4 Blood Types. 4 Diets." Must be another one of those coincidences.

To read "Angels in Atlantic City" Click Here!

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