Angels in Atlantic City

On Friday July 30th, my new friend Norman & I decided to go to Atlantic City at the spur of the moment. We got the last room at the Ramada, #201 & got a $21 discount also. That evening we were sitting in the Tropicana watching people play the "Money Bags" slot machine. After a few minutes, I glanced upward & was surpised to see many Angels all around "Nickel Heaven" directly above us. It was many months since I last visited the Tropicana & had forgotten how lucky it was. I had won two $5,000 jackpots & a few smaller ones. My father had won a $5,000 jackpot & after an intense dream, I pointed out a slot machine & he immedialtely won another $3,000. My girlfriend won several smaller jackpots consecutively on the same machine we were watching. Later that night at the Ramada, I realized that all of these occurences occurred in the same small area of the huge casino, which was now full of angels. It was as if the angels were always there, even before they were physically put there.

Before going to bed, I finished another chapter of my "Coincidence" book. The last story was about a little girl who was forced to give up her favorite doll when she was a child. Her mother wanted to teach her compassion for others. The little girl was very upset at losing her doll. Fifty-three years later, she found her doll at a garage sale. The name of her doll was "Money Bags". This was a coincidence I couldn't pass up. The next day I returned to the slot machine with the same name.

I decided I would only invest $20. On the very last spin, 3 "Money Bags" appeared on the line paying $300. I was more excited about the synchronicity of the event then the money itself. There were several different symbols that could have appeared or even a combination of symbols paying the same amount. During my journey I have had many signs but this one seemed very specific.

Throughout the trip, my friend Norman was trying to decide whether to live in NY or Boston. When we analyzed the signs, they were overwhelmimg. The week before, he was in Boston for the 1st time. At the same time, I was planning a trip there for the 1st time. Then he met me & I live on Boston Road. We had lunch at Boston Market & the Boston Red Sox beat the Yankees both days we were in Atlantic City. He associated the #88 with Boston because that would be his new address. That day 880 came out in the Daily Lotto in Jersey, while 210 came out in NY. There were many other signs on this trip. By being aware of them, we were able to have a very "Angelic" time.


On Sept 6th, I was attending a show at the Trop with Joan, a friend from my Italy trip. As we were passing through the casino, I pointed out the Angels above the machine that I had won the $300 on. To my surprise the jackpot amount was $1004.44. I mentioned to Joan that I had written about Angels & their number being 444. During the show we shared Angel stories & other synchronicities. As she was getting into her car to go home, she asked me if I was going to play the machine again. I said I would see if I got any signs. As I was walking toward the machine, a lady in a motor cart passed right by me and said the word "Angel". She was talking to her husband but I couldn't hear any other word but "Angel". I invested $10 & decided I would leave after not winning. As I was leaving, I heard someone yelling "Tom, don't go yet!" I turned around & saw an employee with "Tom" on his name tag. His friend was the one yelling to him. I took this as another sign & knew I had to play again. After a few spins, I got exactly the same combination as last time, 3 "Money Bags" for $300. If it wasn't for my Angel friend Joan, I wouldn't have gone back to the machine. Thank God for Angels & friends, who may be one in the same.

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