These novels are available for an agent or publisher to review.
To view sample chapters click hyperlink below cover.

The author would also appreciate comments from interested readers at.
[email protected]


"The Leighton Report"


"Memoirs of an Archaeologist"


In a market survey, carried out over a one year period. Several copies of "The Leighton report" were distributed among editors and buyers of Military Action adventure, for their critiques. Below are few of the comments received from both groups.

A leading Toronto editor stated. "You must be commended upon your mastery of structure. All too often a first novel wanders all over the place, and the reader is bereft and bewildered as to how the story is unfolding. Yours contains a perfectly sensible beginning, middle and end. Moreover, all parts of the novel flowed to its exciting finale. For a first novel this one is brilliant. From the opening chapter, it grips the reader and won't let go."

An editor of Academic publications, with a background in Military intelligence during the Cold War. "I have read many books in this genre, and this one rates among the very best. . . . . I think the sequel is even better."

A buyer and reader of John Le Carre, Frederick Forsyth and Robert Ludlum stated. "It was a privilege to be a part of this survey, which was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. From the first paragraph until the end, I was unable to put it down. I can't wait to see this in print and also read the sequel."

An unsolicited response from another reader stated. "I started reading "The Leighton report" in the early afternoon and managed to get as far as page 324, before I was forced to turn the lights out. Needless to say, I was at it again with my morning coffee, and tuned out the rest of the world until I turned the last page later that day. I am by no means a literary critic, just a mere consumer, but as such I would have to say that this read was as captivating to me as anything put out by my favourite authors, Ludlum and Clancy."


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"One of the friendliest places I know.
Beautiful islands and beautiful people."

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