“It is not sufficient that I suceed - all others must fail.”
~ Genghis Khan

Full Name: Dreadnaught DeSade

Nickname(s): Mostly people call me D, Dread, or Dreadnaught.

Name of clan(if applicable): I have no clan, I am the last of my kind.

Title(s) Held:

Supreme Dread Warlord of the Dread Knights
Terror Lord of the Black Lands
Lord of Castle Dreadnaught
Hadian Warmaster
Founder of the Hell Knights clan
Co-founder of the Dark Alliance clan
Co-founder of the Darkstar clan
Advisor to The Dragon Lords clan
Advisor to the Macabre clan
Advisor to the Jordan clan
Advisor to the Free Bards clan
Master of the Black Steel Dragon Apocalypse
Blessed by the Goddess Darkeye's
Bearer of the sentient sword Darkfire, the sword of destruction

Date of Birth: 8th day in the month of festivities, during the year of Tane Mahuta (312 AC).

Class: Dread Warlord

Alignment: I consider myself unalligned - (In D&D terms I'm Chaotic Good, but can vary with mood).

Race or Species: Human Daywalker Vampire (Neo Vampire).

True Form: Human Daywalker (Human in appearance, and can withstand direct sunlight, although will burn if in the sun too long).

Other Form(s): None

Eyes: They change with my mood.  Normally my eyes are Dark Brown, but when angered they change completely Black.

Hair: Short Wavy Brown/Blondish Hair, parted in the middle. Always tidy.

Skin: White

What do you look like:An imposing figure, I stand proudly 5 foot 10" with a semi-muscular build. When not in battle I am dressed in black, red, and gold mystical robes. I wear on my back a black hooded cape with a blood red lining. Black leather war boots. My sword hangs from his left side on a concealed scabbard, while a flaming bullwhip hangs from the right (only flames when in use, and concealed as well). I also have a Vulcan power bow on my back. I wear a black adamantium half plate under my robes.  Although sometimes I like to wear my black anodised body armour as well.  I also wear a magical bone carving around my neck imbued with antimagic properties.

Describe your attitude: Disgusted with the human race I have an apathetic attitude towards their affairs. However, I do sometimes have yearnings to help the downtrodden and fight against injustice. Towards family and friends I am very loyal.

Biggest Character Flaw: My thirst for vengeance and justice.  If I'm not careful my anger will consume me (i.e. Darth Vader).

Favourite Quotes:

“It is not sufficient that I suceed - all others must fail.”
~ Genghis Khan

“The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to drive them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see their cities reduced to ashes, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, and to gather into your bosom their wives and daughters"
~Genghis Khan

"Crush your enemies, see them driven before you,
and hear the lamentations of their women. "
~ Conan the Barbarian (Simplified mongolian version)

"That which does not kill us makes us stronger..."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy."
~ Friedrich Nietzsche

"Kill a man, and you are a murderer.
Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror.
Kill everyone, and you are a god."
~ Jean Rostand

"Cry Havoc !, and let slip the dogs of war..."
~ William Shakespear

Former Wive(s): Was married to Darkeyes, then breifly to Leazell, then married to Lady Blade, and now married to Kiri.

Mistress/Lover: Kiri.

Sirelings: Sati, Lady Darkstar, Blood Moon, Double Trouble, and Vanora.

Guardians: Black Dragon, a loyal Dread Knight. Also X-tabai the Mayan demon succubus is my Guardian, and servant of Darkeyes.

Close Friends (in alphabetical order): All my friends are dead.

Pet(s) and their names: Dog of War.

Favourite Colour(s): In this order are Black, Red, Gold and Silver.

Favourite Animal(s): Female humans, Dragons, and Black Panthers.

Favourite Drink(s): Bloodwine, Bloodrum, Bloodspirits, Mudslide, Black Death, and Twisted Cider.

Favourite Food(s): Steak - Medium rare.

Favourite Weapon(s): My Sentient sword Darkfire - The Sword of Destruction.

Favourite Belonging(s): A magical bone carving worn on my neck with a piece of black cord.

Favourite thing(s) to wear: I like to relax and just wear my black, red, and gold mystical hooded robe.

Favourite Song(s): So many, its hard to choose I enjoy a lot of Techno, Heavy Metal, Classic Rock (70's), Hip Hop, and Pop music.

Things you collect: Heads of slain enemies, cool weapons.

Godesses you worship: None, I'm an atheist.

A Dream or Goal you have: To do something interesting with my life...

Hobbie(s): When not looting and pillaging I like to design new technologies.

Favourite thing(s) to do: The same as most human males, sex.

Something you're good at: Coming up with idea's, solving problems, able to handle extraordinary situations with ease.

Favourite Body Part on/in you: My gleaming white Fangs.  \{^^^^^}/

Favourite Body Part on the opposite sex: Breasts

Any Tattoos or Birthmarks, Where and of what: Nothing

Any piercings, Where: None intentional.

Best place to hang out: Silas Keepers Tavern before it burned down.

What do you sleep in, and where do you sleep: Just my undies.

Important lesson(s) you've learned: For no one, no one in this world can you trust, not men, not women, not beasts, *pause* this you can trust :::looks at his sword:::

Best Advice: Don't just accept things, always question why.

Words and Phrases you over use: Damm, Hmm..., *grins*, Take Care

Most Awesome experience of your life: Cannot remember, life is a blur.

Scariest thing you've ever done: Telling a girl that I didn't love her.

Stupidest thing you ever heard someone say: (Karma saying) Don't worry the bad things they did will return to them.

Funniest Experience: The posessing Witchblades body and LadyDragonEyes lesbian incident.  I cannot explain it, you had to be there  :::perverted laugh::: Muhuwahahaha !



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