King Kong vs. Godzilla

The "Giant Swing" kit was originally produced in vinyl by Paradise. This version is a resin recast (I know "horror of horrors a recast!"). This is the first and, most likely, last recast kit I'll buy. I had to do an awful lot of clean-up work on the kit before I could even start to build it. There were a lot of air bubles to be filled too. An air bubble even obliterated one of Godzilla's spines which I resculpted using Milliput.
I used almost an entire coat hanger as pins to support the model, thankfully Godzilla was cast hollow. One benefit of the resin casting is that it won't sag or bend over time like some vinyl kits can.
The base was mounted on wood. Perma-scene and scenery were used to blend the model base up to the wooden frame. I even used a few rocks from my in-laws driveway. I made the trees out of twigs and model railroad scenery.
I guess all of my hard work paid off because this kit one as second place prize at G-Con '96.

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