Godzilla Attacks New York

1. A brief Description.
The playset comes with a 7"(or so) missile firing Godzilla figure with three blue atomic breath missles, a 4" Mecha King Ghidora figure (the same one as the 2 packs), four tanks, 19 army men (thats how many I found at the time of this review anyway) and a base which features two spring loaded exploding buildings, one spring loaded bridge, one spring loaded bunker, one sping loaded helicopter and one spring loaded Chrysler Building top. The base itself is cardboard with a colorful backdrop of the city in flames. Many famous N.Y. landmarks are represented on the back drop including the Statue Of Liberty and the Twin Towers. It is available in King of the Monsters packaging for $20-$30.

2. What I like about it.
This is one of my favorite TM G-items. The bright colors and multiple pieces really make this stand out on the shelf. I like the styling of the Godzilla figure and the missile action is nicely realized too.

3. What I don't like about it.
My only complaint is the lack of any true scale. Godzilla is out of scale with the people who are out of scale with the tanks who are out of scale with Mecha Ghidora ect.. This is a very minor complaint though, overall this playset captures all of the fun and excitement of when Godzilla comes to town.

4. Collectors value.
This piece is unique to my collection. I am unaware of any Japanese playsets that are like this one except for a very expensive Ultraman set. G Attacks N.Y. is getting hard to find in my area so if you have been putting off picking one up now is the time to go get one before they disappear.

JCPenny has released an exclusive version of the Missle Blaster set, pictured to the right. The base is about half the size of the original set. It features the same Godzilla figure, one exlpoding building, one exploding bunker, one exploding bridge, the spring loaded helicopter and Chrysler Building top, one tank, and three army men. The background is rendered in a more simplistic style than the regular set. The JCPenny versions seem to be based upon the original prototype of the playset. Perhaps TM had a few of these already in production when the decision was made to beef up the set, and JCPenny grabbed them for their catalog. This version may be even harder to find than the original set.

5. Play value.
This playset is not for small children, the shooting missile and small pieces may present a hazard for very young kids. That aside, I would have loved to have had one of these as a kid (that goes for any G toy). When the missile hits one of spring loaded buildings it explodes sending tanks and men everywhere, great fun! For those of you who have young G collectors at home (or if you are a young G collector yourself) you may want to pick up an extra one as a keepsake because pieces are bound to get lost as Godzilla storms the city. The new power-up figures can work well with this play set since they feature working missiles too.

6. Parting comments.
It does not appear that Trendmasters plans on releasing any other G play sets at this time, which is a shame considering the good job they did with this one. Wouldn't it be great to have other missile sets featuring different monsters? It would be nice if they would release the currently shelved Ice Mountian playset too. One final request, does anyone have this set with the grey Godzilla? The one I have is green but the box pictured a grey one.

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