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Greetings to all. I am Shajudeen the creator of this webpages. I am a 15 year old Muslim boy living in Singapore. I am an Afghan by Origin but Indian by race. How is that possible? Well there is something more wierd than that...I am also a Singaporean. So I am 3 in one. Try to catch what I mean by that. My ancestors were from Afghanistan. They migrated to India as "Merchants" and stayed there for a few generations before my Grandad came to Singapore. This is Just to cut it short.

My hometowns are spreaded to all around Middle-East, where my ancestors had stepped on. The villagers still know all of us that left the villages coz we still keep in touch.

To not confuse you guys & gals out there, I call myself a Middle-Eastern. I hope you Aliens got the message.

Anyway my goal for making this page is to let all my fans out there to know more about me. About my past, present and maybe future. What I enjoy. What I crave for, all these and more you will get by just clicking 1 of the 6 pics in the cube. If you don't know about something......let me give you a clue.... you can actually control the movement of the cube there. So have fun. Bye.

This hompage is still under construction. It will be ready by a week or so. So please bookmark it and return as soon as possible.

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