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Katie Dot Com: Agent Pendrell


Yes, sadly, in the wee hours of February 26, 1997, our beloved Agent Pendrell died in an attempt to save his lady love, the enigmatic Dr. Scully. Please join me in throwing "a little too red" rose on the coffin of our fallen soldier. *sniff*

News Flash!

Pendrell in the News - Learn about Brendan Beiser's upcoming roles, and read any recent Pendrell articles that have hit the newstands. (Updated May 5, 2000)

Brendan Beiser's Biography - The man behind the lab coat.

Vancouver Snapshots - Check out my pictures of Pendrell Street, and Scully's apartment, located at 1419 Pendrell Street.

In Memory of Agent Pendrell

Obituary - Read Agent Pendrell's obituary from The Washington Post.

Agent Pendrell Memorial - Add you favourite Pendrell memory here. (Updated August 9, 2000)

Pendrell Watching - A complete list of every Pendrell episode, Pendrellisms, and upcoming Pendrell reruns. (Updated May 5, 2000)


Eternal Hope - Read my one Pendrell poem.


Pendrell Links Galore! - My list of Pendrell links got so long I had to make a whole page for them! If you want Pendrell links, this is the place to look. (Updated April 5, 2000)

Did you know?

The home of Agent Dana Scully as portrayed on "The X-Files" as both 107 E. Cordova and 3170 W. 53 Rd is in fact 1419 Pendrell St., located in downtown Vancouver. Kind of ironic, don't ya think?

And the irony continues! It turns out that not only does Scully live on Pendrell Street, but her apartment building is actually Pendrell Suites itself! To learn more about this famous establishment, check out The Truth About Pendrell Suites.

My Visit to Pendrell Street!

On March 24, 1998, I had an oppurtunity to visit the very road that shares our favourite character's name. Staying in Vancouver for a luncheon, I gleefully discovered that my hotel was located only one block from this great street. With several friends in tow, I trekked out after breakfast to see Scully's apartment, better known to Vancouverites as Pendrell Suites. And there, on the 14th block of Pendrell Street, the house appeared. I didn't recognize it at first (television adds so much weight), but seeing its number, 1419, labeled across the top, I knew I had found it.

Don't worry! I took photos! If you'd like to see them, check out my Vancouver Snapshots. Or if you'd like to see Pendrell Street yourself, check out the X-Tour homepage.


Pendrell Memorial Ring Pendrell Memorial Ring This Agent Pendrell Memorial Ring site is owned by Katie Dot.

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