About Me

This web page was made to display the characters and stories that make up my campaign in the Domain of Dread.  The character's stats that are on this page are really characters that players in my group are playing.  This webpage wouldn't be here without the parts these pc's play and the stories that the create as they adventure.  It is because of this fact that in this part of my webpage I am honoring  the guys that roleplay under me in addition to telling you about myself.

Louis Teller is, or I should say was, a character played by Bill David Cunagin.  Bill David is twenty two years old, plays Pokemon, and kills Furbies with strobelights.  Louis, his character, is the result of a story Bill David and I worked out.  We both came up with the idea on how to balance the benefits and negatives of the kit and finally arrived at the race you can find on my webpage.  Louis traveled with the group up until the end of an adventure in the Shadow Rift, at which time Bill David could no longer play for awhile.  I worked it out with him to use Louis as an onging npc that is looking for a cure for his vampirism; the group I am currently running is searching for a cure.  If or when they find said cure, Louis will have the chance to become mortal again, at which time Bill David will take him back over, although Louis will be crazy or evil and will be totally human, if the cure doesn't kill him that is..........

Amish Priestly, Bolican Dreadstop, and Dark Brok the Arcane are all characters played by David Vaughn.  David is twenty years old, likes to paint minatures, dm Forgotten Realms®, and play the Nintendo 64, this is of course what time David isn't using to practice his bass for his band. David is the leader of the group most of the time, taking the iniative when it is needed.  He played his character Amish from the time we began to the Shadow Rift adventure, in which poor Amish died.  When this occured Amish turned into a ghost and I was going to give him a chance to come back, using the Requiem rules to run Amish until he did.  Not long after he became a ghost, Dave had a dispute with another player before the other player's pc was introduced and this caused problems at the gaming table.  I can't blame Dave for what he did, but I had to change his character's alignment.  Amish became evil and is still in the Shadow Rift.  After losing Amish, Dave made up two characters, Bolican and Dark Brok.  He is currently adventuring with Bolican and keeping Dark Brok at the mansion for later use. 

Cyrus and Ulderaan Neverseen are characters played by Matthew Cunagin, Bill David's younger brother.    Matthew is fifteen years old and likes to play D and D, goof off, and play with fire.  His characters have gone through the most changes in the game.  Both of his current characters are one's that he has played for a long time.  He played both of them at various times under me when I dm'd stand alone adventures.  Cyrus earned a magic carpet in Har' Akir and Ulderaan had acid thrown in his face on an adventure that neither I or Matt can remember.  Cyrus was the character Matt started with, although with another name because he couldn't think of a good elven name (his name has changed periodically until now, Matt liks Cyrus as a name). Cyrus was the only one he was playing in the campaign until the Nightstalkers got their house and and set up a home base.  It was at this time, while Ulderaan was traveling through Mordentshire so as to get to Souragne that Ulderaan found the group and decided to retire there.  He became the butler and since he didn't object too much, that is what he stayed.  At least until Jonathan Kent and the others left in the group after the Shadow Rift came back to heal.  When it was stated that Cyrus and Hashbrown needed help from a Mental Institution it was agreed to travel to Nova Vassa to talk to Dr. Illhousan and when the group got ready to go, with Boris joining this time, Ulderaan agreed to go.  Dark Brok said he would take care of the place.  Ulderaan has provided for a much needed laugh and humor with his antics and his horrible looks and the illusion he uses to disguise it.  Cyrus is the sword arm of the group, outdoing even Bolican in battle and it because of the assistance two characters the party continues to survive and adventure.

Torman Darkdrift is a character played by Shannon Jewell. Shannon is nineteen years old and likes to play paintball, the Sega Dreamcast, and hanging out in a Country Music Dance Club. Torman is not a native Ravenloft character, being originally from Faerun in Forgotten Realms®. This character hasn't been with my current group long, having came in when the characters were getting ready to go to the Nightmarelands. This isn't the first character that Shannon has played under me in my campaign. He played a Half-Vistani gypsy when I first started the campaign. He played this character up until the Shadow Rift adventure, where he decided to play another character. This character was a half-elf mage. This character actually went on the Shadow Rift adventure and helped the group get out of the place. This character was not played after the adventure however, because Shannon had things to do and couldn't play for a while. When he got back into my campaign he decided to play another character, one he is pretty happy with at the moment. His character is having trouble believing in the undead since he has never seen any. What change this character goes through when he actually comes in contact with the undead and has to accept their presence is left to be seen.

Hashbrown Hagis is a character played by David Jewell. David is eighteen years old and the younger brother of Shannon. He mostly draws in his sketch pad (doing that more than most things) playing his Dreamcast, and reading the Scions of Shannara. Hashbrown is like most of David's characters, being the butt end of jokes and basically providing comedy relief. Granted he sometimes takes it too far, but mostly his humor keeps the spirits up of the rest of the party and improves the experience. Hashbrown is from "Earth", midevil Scotland to be exact. To say that the horrors of Ravenloft have left Hashbrown mad is an understatement. They say however, that from madmen and children comes the greatest wisdom, as is the case with Hashbrown. The group has tried to find David's character mental help but nothing ever comes of it, what with his magical fingers of death, his undead cat and dog, and the delusion that he is the greatest Scotsmen that ever lived. Hopefully someday Hashbrown will get better. Then again, what would the party be like without his off the the wall comedy?

There have been numerous others that have have came in and out of my campaign. These characters have been played by Lance Combs, Travis Hurst, Danny White, and Wes Wagers. These players' characters added to the adventure and atmosphere while they were there and should be noted amongst the more consistent members.

That brings me to myself. My name is Shawn Tankersley. I am eighteen years old and have several current hobbies. I am reading several Stephen King novels (my favorite author), playing Pokemon and the Resident Evil games, and dming Ravenloft® of course. The rest of my time not spent doing these things is taken up by dating my wonderful girlfriend Missy Cornett (who thankfully checks out this site and tells me how it looks, Thanks Baby).

Boris Gustaffe is a npc of mine. He is a very detailed npc who I have played with the group since their second adventure. The only time that I haven't played Boris is when the group went on the Shadow Rift adventure, at which time I ran a mummy of Ezra named Jonathon Kent. Since then Boris has came back into the fold and is adventuring with the group. Boris' obvious strength is not his combat skills but his knowledge about the arcane and supernatural. His skills aren't always needed and sometimes the group feels he is not of any use. But when his skills come in handy, they are glad to have him around. Maybe someday, some dm might want to use Boris for their own use, or any of the characters I have listed on my page. If that is what is wished then please, go right ahead, the players in my group and I totally consent to such use. Hopefully the tales spun with these characters will be as rich and diverse as the ones they are currently making for themselves.

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