International Emergency Phone Numbers

The List of Emerg Numbers on the site (in Australia)

Backup Copy of the above item

Worldwide Emergency Numbers at

There was a GSM site that listed cellular emergency numbers (GSM) around the world (?1999)

If anyone has additions or corrections - please send them to me at [email protected] or [email protected] - thanks - Peter S


European Emergency telephone Numbers from the website

Date: Mon, Jan 29, 2001, 3:34pm (EDT-1) 
To: [email protected]
Subject: [fireradio] European Emergency Telephone Numbers 
Reply�to: [email protected] 

The following info is from

Emergency Telephone Numbers of the European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Countries

Belgium *100, 101, 112 Croatia 112, 92, 93, 94 Cyprus 112, 199 Czech Republic 150, 154, 155, 158 (112 planned) Denmark *112 Estonia 001, 01, 112 Finland *112 France *112, 15, 17, 18 Germany *112, 110 Greece *100, 166, 199 (112 under consideration) Hungary 104, 105, 107, 112 (in 1998) Ireland *112 Italy *112, 113, 115, 118 Latvia 01, 02, 03, 04, 112 Malta 196, 199 (112 planned) Moldova 901, 902, 903 Netherlands *0611, 112 Norway110, 112, 113 Poland 112, 997, 998, 999 Portugal *112, 115 Romania 961 Slovak Republic 150, 155, 158 (112 reserved) Slovenia 112, 985 Spain *061, 080, 112 Sweden *112 Switzerland 117, 118, 144, 112, 143 Turkey 110, 112, 155, 156 Ukraine (01, 02, 03, 04 until 1999) United Kingdom *112, 999

Source: European Telecommunications Office, June 2000

The countries marked with an asterisk (*) are members of the European Union, which has standardized on 112 as the 3-digit emergency phone number. However, the Union does not require countries to use 112 exclusively.

911 Page / Numbers Around the World


Please do not depend on the following phone numbers to be accurate


Key -
P = police emergency number
PD = police nonemergency number
Pol or Police = police number - unknown if emergency or not
PS = police station
F = fire emergency number
FD = fire nonemergency number
Fire = fire number - unknown if emergency or not
A = ambulance emergency number
Amb = ambulance number - unknown if emergency or not
Op = Telephone Operator




per Fodor's South America 2000

Puerto Iguazu - F 420 885 - P 421 224 (in Brazil) - A - call hospital direct - page 91

Countrywide - A107 - F1100 (?typo for 100) - P101 - page 116

Patagonia area - A107 - Coast Guard 106 - F100 - Forest Fire 103 - P101 Regional - page 112

Countrywide - Info 110 - International Calls 19 - Int Op 000 - Time 113 - page 119




per 1984/1985 phone book - 115 for Brandweer, Fire Alarm, P Candela, Alarm Centrale, Emergency, Emergencia - 100 for Police, Polis, Politie - 24300 for Hospital (from 1/15/87sheet)




per Lonely Planet's "Middle East" Jan 2000

Bahrain - F/P/A 999 - Motor Vehicle Accident 688 888





from Bangladesh by Lonely Planet 2000

Dhaka - Fire 955 5555 - Dhaka Metro PD 832 2501/2/3 - Gulshan Police Station 988 0234 - Ambulance at ICDDRB Hospital 881 1751/2/3 - Ambulance at Holy Family Hospital 831 1721/2/3

Long Distance Info - Domestic 103 - International 162 - international operators speak English, many others do not




per 1985/1986 phone book - F113 - P112 - A 426-1113 - Amb Service Emergency - St M 426-1113 - Christ Church Branch 428-5132 - St Lucy Branch 439-8232




from 1985/1986 telephone book

Brussels - 900 F + A - 906 P - 901 Gendarmerie








per Fodor South America 2000

La Paz - Emergency 110





per Fodors South America 2000

Rio de Janeiro - F & A 193 - P190 - Int Op 000111 - Info 102 - Long Distance Op 101 - pg 196

Sao Paulo - A192 - F193 - military P190 - Int Op English 000111 - pg 225

Salvador - Emerg 192

The Amazons - A192 in Belen + Manaus - F193 in Belen - F611-5040 in Manaus - P190 in Belen + Manaus - pg272

Countrywide - Directory 102 - Long Distance Directory dial area code + 121 - Int Op 000111 - Int Info 000333 - pg279


per 1983 telephone books (on 3/5/86 sheet)

Rio De Janeiro - P190 - F193 - Pronto Socorro 192 + other numbers depending on phone system used

Sao Paulo - P190 - F193 - Pronto Socorro 192





Brunei : P993 : A991 : F995





per "1999 West Africa" by The Rough Guide

Cameroon : P 17 : F 18



Cape Verde Island


per "1999 West Africa" by The Rough Guides

Cape Verde Island : P 132 : A 130 : Int Op 111 : AT+T Op 112





per Fodor South America 2000

Santiago - P133 - F132 - page309

Valparaiso - P133 - F132 - page315

Punta Arenas - P133 - F132 - General Emergency133 - pg337

International Phone Carriers - Transcom 113 - Entel 123 - CTC 188 - Chilesat 171 - BellSouth 181 - page344


per 85/86 phone book on 3/5/86

Santiago - P133 - F132 - A222-4422




per Fodors South America 2000

Bogota - Cruz Roja 132 - P156 - pg363

Medellin - Cruz Roja 125 - P156, or dial 113 local info operator and ask for emergency assistance - pg367

SouthWest - Cruz Roja 132 - P156 or call 113

Providencia Island - Emergency 11

San Andras Island - Red Cross Amb 512-7333 - P dial 113 or 24390

Countrywide - P156 - A125 - pg386 - Local Directory 113 in Spanish - pg389


per 1982 telo phone book (on 3/5/86 sheet)

Bogota - P12 - F19 - A15 - Red Cross A 7 digit - ISS Amb 7 digit



Costa Rica


From Lets Go "Central America" 2000

Costa Rica : 911 Emerg San Jose Area : P117 : P127 Rural : 113 Info

San Jose : Emerg 911 : P 911 or 117 : Red Cross 128 or 233-7033

Heredia : P 911 or 237-0011

Cartago : P 117 : Red Cross 551-0421 : Emerg 911

Orosi : P 911

Liberia : Red Cross 666-0994 or emerg 118 : Police 666-0213 or emerg 911 : Hosp 666-0011 X 325 for emerg

Tilaran : P 117 : PD 695-5001

Monteverde : Red Cross 128 : P 645-5127


per Footprint Mexico + Central America - ?2000

Costa Rica : Emerg : P117 : F118 : P/F/Red Cross with bilingual operators 911


Cote D'Ivorie (RCI) - (Ivory Coast)


per "1999 West Africa" by The Rough Guide

Abidjan : P 170 : F 180 : A 185





per Rough Guide to Cuba May 2000

Havana - Police Emergency 82 01 16 - Police Business 62 44 12 - State Ambulance 40 50 93 or 40 45 51 - Tourist Amb via Assitur 57 13 15

Pinar del Rio - Amb 82/6 23 17 - Hospital 82/6 20 46 - Police Emerg 116 - Police business 082/25 25

Varadero - Amb 5/61 29 50 - Police 116

Mantanzas - Hospital 52/26 29 or 52/33 20

Trinidad - Police 116 - Hospital 41/2 40 17

Sancti Spiritas - Police 116

Cienfuegas - Police 116

Santa Clara - Amb 422/2 22 59 or 39 65 - P 116 - Police business 422/2 69 77 (?72)

Camaguey - P 9 91 92 - PD 332/9 30 28

Holguin - State Amb 24/42 27 48

Guantanamo - Amb 155 - Police Sta 4/24 79 - Clinic 4/21 62

Santiago de Cuba City - Public Amb 185 - P 116 - Private Amb 226/26 57 1 to 57 9

Bayamo - Public Amb 185 - Hospital 23/42 50 12 - P 115

Isla de la Juventuo - Amb 61/2 27 20 or 2 41 70 - P 116 - PD 61/2 26 52





Per Lets Go "Middle East 2000"


Limassol PD 330 411

Paphus PD 806 060


per Lets Go Greece and Turkey 1998

Nicosia/Lefkosia - capital - Emerg 199 - Police 303 090 - Hospital 451 111

Larnaka - P630 200 - F199 - Hosp 630 300




per Fodors South America 2000

Quito - A131 - F102 - P101 - General Emergency 111 - pg396

Imbabura Province - A131 - F102 - P101 - General Emergency 111 - pg416

Central Highlands - same - pg421

Amazon area - F830119 - P830222 (Lago Agrio) - Hosp 830250 - pg424

Cuenca - A131 - F102 - P101 - Emerg111 - pg431

Galopogos Island - A131 - F102 - P101 - Genl Emerg 111 - pg440

Countrywide - Directory 104 - pg446





Per Lonely Planet 1999

Info 140 : P122 : Tourist P126 : A123 : F125

Ad-dahar : P546 303 : Tourist P (?PD) 546 765 : Amb 546 490



Cairo : Central Police Station 122 : Amb 770230 or 700018 : Railways Help Desk 753 555 : The Hour 15 : Phone Complaints 938 786 : Weather 862 020 : Local Dials 779400-10 : International Calls 777/20-120 : Electricity Emergency 121 : Fire Extinguishing Emergency 125 or 391 0466


Per Lets Go "Middle East" 2000

Cairo - P122 or 303 41 22 or 303 51 22 : F125 or 391 01 15

Port Said P122 : A180

Aswan A123

Luxor P37 23 50 : A123 : Tourist PD 37 66 20

Hurghada PD 54 67 23 : A54 64 90 or 54 67 40

Isma'Ilia A123 : P13

Na'Ama Bay A60 05 54 (?at hospital)

Tanta Emerg 122 : ?Tourist PD 125

Marsa Matrough PD 93 33 76

Alexandria A123 : P122 : Tourist PD 126


El Salvador


per Lets Go "Central America" 2000

San Salvador : P 121 : Red Cross 222-5155

Sonsonarta : P 121 : PD 451-1099 : Hosp Emerg 451-0200

Santa Ana : Emerg 121 or 447-4846

San Miguel : Policia Nacional Civil 661-2033 : Red Cross 661-1771 : Hosp Emerg 661-0822 or 661-0022



F18 : P17 : A15


per Rough Guide to Corsica 2000

Corsica - part of France - 00 International Access Code : A 15 : P 17 : F 18 : Time 3699 : Directory 12 : Int Op USA + Canada 00 33 11 : Int Op Elsewhere 00 33 + Country Code : Int Directory USA + Canada 00 33 11 12 : Int Directory Elsewhere 00 33 12 + Country Code





per Lets Go "Middle East 2000"






per Greece by the Rough Guide 2000 (01Aug00)

Greece : A166 : Fire Brigade Urban 199 : Forest Fire Reporting 191 : Police/Emergency 100 : Tourist Police 171 : ELPA Road Service 104 : Domestic Op 132 : Int Op 161 : Speaking Clock 141


from "Greek Island Hopping" 1999 914.95GRE

Athens : Tourist PD 171 : Police 100 : First Aid 166

many Greek homes do not have phones - Int Op 161

Volos - pop 71K - Port PD 38888

Olympia - ???

Delphi - ???

Naxos - pop 18K - 448km square - Port PD 22300 - PD 22100 - First Aid 23333

Paros - pop 7900 - 194 sq km - Port PD 21240 - PD 21221 - First Aid 22500

Patras - pop 141k - First Aid 150

Thessalonika - pop 406K - Port Police 531504 - Tourist PD 544162 - Police 522589

Rhodes - 1398 km sq - 68K pop - Port PD 28888 - Tourist PD 27433 - PD 7423 - Hospital 22222

Crete (island) - pop 460K - Emergency 100 for most of island

Greek - 1 enas 2 deo 3 tris 4 tesseres 5 pende 6 exi 7 epta 8 okto 9 ennea 10 deka


per Lets Go Greece and Turkey 1998

Athens - 105 Doctors 2PM to 7AM - 166 Ambulance - Poison 779-3777 - Police 100


Continue to Part 2


File Created = 25 April 2000 by Peter Szerlag

Updated - 12June00 (added South America from Fodor 2000) - 01Aug00 (Greece + Nepal) - 03Aug00 Thailand - 28Aug00 (Egypt + Cyprus + Jordan + Lebanon + Syria + Gaza + UAE + West Bank) - 30Aug00 - Greece - Barcelona Spain - South Africa - Turkey - Cypress - Philippines - Tibet - 20Sept00 - file split into 2 parts - 23Sept00 - added link - 14Oct00 - some West African nations - 23Oct00 - Bahrain - 08Dec00 - France/Corsica Island - 10Feb01 - Bangladesh - May 2001 - European Numbers



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