
Paris Emergency Telephone Numbers
Police - 17
Ambulance - 15
Fire - 18


From the 1985 Paris Phone Book - ?inside the front cover - Fire 18 or closest fire station emergency number (each fire station has at least 2 seven digit telephone numbers) - Police 17 - SAMU *1 567 5050 - ?inside pages - Brigade de Sapeurs-Pompiers - quartier general - 1, place Jules Renard (17th) - services administratifs - 39, boulevard Massena (13th [arrondisement]) - service des ambulances - 28 rue de l'Entrepot, 94 Charauton - (1)378.26.26 - all 7 digit telephone numbers in the phone book have (1) in front


From "Lets Go France 1985" - Paris : P17 : F18 : SAMU Amb 567 5050 : Ambulances de l'Assistance Publique 378 2626 : SOS Medicins 337 7777 or 707 7777 : Assoc des Urgences Medicales de Paris 578 6138 (can send a doctor in an emergency) : Police Emergency # is 17 in most cities


Police - per Lets Go "Europe 1984" - dial 17 for police emergencies in Paris


Ambulance Services - 1999

Paris SAMU (Society Aid Medical Urgent) operates ?12 cardiac ambulances staffed by 1 doctor, 1 paramedic, and 1 driver each. The Fire Brigade operates 10 doctor ambulances and 200 basic ambulances. SAMU also operates helicopter ambulances.

Paris SAMU Website

There was an article in the December 1986 issue of Fire Magazine regarding the relationship between French Fire Departments and SAMU. SAMU handles medical calls, and FDs would handle accidental/trauma calls. Confusion exists among the public regarding this division of responsibilities. (SAMU operates under the Health Dept versus the Fire Departments that operate under the Interior Department).(18 is Fire telephone # - 15 is SAMU #)(editors note - info on page 2-18-87)

1997 Princess Diana Crash - here is the chronology of all events with all times listed for all emergency services

2nd source of Princess Diana Info

Concorde Crash - 07August00 issue of Time Magazine - ambulances are small vans - ?50% are all white - ?50% are red with a white roof


Fire Brigade

Paris Fire Brigade Website

Illinois Fire Chief Visits Paris FD - firefighters live near the fire stations with their families - they work 5 days, then are off 1 day


November 1999 Info - The Paris Fire Brigade operates 78 stations, 132 pumpers, and 63 ladder trucks. The ladder trucks carry 2 firefighters and the pumpers carry 5 or 8 firefighters. 55 of the 78 fire stations have 2 pumpers - the rest have 1 pumper each. It is possible that 55 pumpers are smaller units that are staffed by 5 firefighters and also serve as basic ambulances.

The aerial ladder trucks are divided into - 47 EPA + 10 EPSA + 6 EMP. (EPA = Automatic Swiveling Ladder) (EPSA = semi-automatic swiveling ladder) (EMP = ?Mechanical Platform Ladder) (aerial ladders are 25m or 30m or 40m in length) (9/22/99 info + 11/11/99 info)

Some ladder trucks have 4 door cabs - some have 2 door cabs. It seems that most of the old open cab units with 4 wheel steering (and no turntables), have been retired. ((?1988) FD Annual Report)

Other fire vehicles are : "First Helps" which carry 5 firefighters each - "First Helps Revelage" (revelage means to raise / possibly these are cranes or lifting machines) - "Fourgon d'Appui" with 8 firefighters each (this translates to Support Vans)(this might be a regular pumper) - "Ambulance Resuscitation" - "Pickup Desincarcaration" (possibly this is a Rescue Truck") - "Engins-Pompe" is a pumper (this may be a larger pumper) - "sapeurs" are firefighters as are "pompiers" - "echelles" are ladders - "centres de secours" are fire stations as are casernes/barracks/postes de pompiers


The Paris Fire Department is divided into 3 groups of nearly 25 stations/casernes each. Group 1 has 25 barracks. Group 2 has 25 barracks. Group 3 has 29 barracks. Each Group is commanded by a "Coordinator". Groups are divided into Companies. There are 8 companies per group. (There apparently is 3 stations/casernes per Company.)(Possibly there are no battallion chiefs like in the USA - possibly the Company Commander rides in a fire truck)(info from ?Paris FD website or FD literature from ?1988)


1999 Info

Paris Fire Brigade - France - Paris FD website - click on the UK flag for the English version - Paris Fire Brigade operates 200 EMT [?wrong - pS] ambulances and 10 doctor ambulances - there are 7,300 firefighters to protect 6.5 million people in a 760 square kilometer�area - there are 3 groups, 24 companies, and 78 fire stations. (1999 info)


The following segment has 1981 info from "International Concepts in Fire Protection" - published in 12/82

Paris Fire Brigade - 6,360 staff - 9 million pop - 330 fire vehicles - 72 fire deaths in 1981 (25% of the USA rate) - 3 sectors - 7 or 8 companies per sector - 3 to 5 fire stations per company - total of 78 fire stations - minimum of 1 pumper and 1 ladder per fire station - first alarm is 2E + 1L - manning is 3 people per ladder and 5 or 7 people per pumper.


Paris is divided into municipal administrative districts called "Arrondisements". The Fire Brigade is divided into 3 Groups/Command Areas - 1 ladder per fire barracks - 9/99

The Paris FD also protects 3 adjoining states.

Organization/Structure of the Paris FD

History of the Paris FD


From the Paris FD website - November 1999

Incident/Calls Totals - 495 false calls - 1,430 fires - 2,729 traffic accidents/collisions - 22,505 emergency medical service calls - 1,536 assists to people - 87 animal rescues - 2,024 gas and electrical problem calls - 280 protection of goods/possessions calls - 4 pollution calls - 3,303 reconnais recherches (?inspections) - 1,146 moyen ne journaliere (?minor calls not recorded in a journal)


From the Paris FD Website - Septembre 2000

130 pumpers + 63 ladders + 66 medical units + 71 recon and command vehicles + 135 special vehicles

7 units de reanimation (AR) = ambulance staffed by a doctor

1999 - 51 civilians died in fires - 0 firefighters dies in fires - 236 firefighters were injured in fires - 2,364 victims were aided at fires - 32,633 victims were aided at motor vehicle accidents (154 died and 1,422 suffered serious injuries) - 281,000 other victims were aided

Each of the 3 "Groups" are led by a Colonel or Lieutenant-Colonel, aided by a Etat-Major. Other officers are caporaux, caporaux-chefs, and sous-officiers (?same as the ranks of the French Army?)


Historical Notes -

From the book "Fire Engines of the World" 1981 - Paris FD has 6500 men - also have one 45 meter ladder - from the 1981 Fire Protection Directory - Paris FD - 760 square km - 6 million population - HQ at 1 place Jules-Renard 75823 Paris - 80 fire stations

From the 1979 International Fire Directory - Paris - 760 km squared - 6,287,000 population - 80 fire stations - 6329 men - 1267 trucks - 355 mobile radios - 15 ambulances

From the 1971 Fire International Directory - 760 km sq - 6,287,000 pop - 80 fire stations - 6329 staff (military volunteers) - 1267 trucks - 335 mobile radios - 956 breathing air sets - 576 oxygen (resuscitator) sets - 13,000 fire calls - 98,000 special calls

1978 Fire Directory - 10 ambulances - 15,914 fire calls - 96,744 special calls

February 1984 Firehouse - 3 divisional communications centers + HQ comm center - telephone calls to 18 go to HQ and are relayed to the fire stations via teleprinters - there are 2 radio channels per division - ?7 digit telephone # of nearest fire station goes to ?divisional comm center - 80 fire stations - 122 pumpers - 55 ladder trucks - 6 ambulances (2 per division - staffed by doctor + male nurse + driver) - also private ambulances and governmental ambulances


[April 2000 - the FD Official website is being updated - info and photos of typical vehicles are being added, as are new info segments][the English version is ?gone - Sept 2000]


Photographs from the Paris FD Website - 1999 and 2000

Non copyrighted photo from Paris FD website - October 30, 1999 - car attempts to enter the Chausee d'Antin Metro subway station - 9ieme (9th Arrondisement)

December 11, 1999 - Hirise Apartment Fire - 5 place de Erables a Boissy St Leger - good photo of SCBA Extrication at Bus Accident on A6B Motorway - 23 April 1998

Apartment Fire - Paris IX - 22 June 1998

Fallen Pedestrians - Elysees - 12 July 1998 - Paris XVII

Office Building Fire - Paris VIII - 28 April 1998

Map of Paris Fire Stations/Barracks/Casernes

2 Firefighters on a Nozzle/Jet

Ladder Truck With Ladder Pipe At Large Restraunt Fire

4 March 2000 - Crane Fell on Street - see 2 or 4 door Pumper

Pumper Type 20 (Fourgon d'Appui #20) - 1996 in service - 15 year life span - 250 gallon/1000 litre water tank

Paris Fire Station with Vehicles

FD Ambulance - June 2000

FD Ambulance - June 2000

Paris FD Dispatcher Receiving A Telephone Call - June 2000

Phone Set Used By Paris Fire Dispatchers - June 2000

CAD at Paris Dispatch Center - June 2000


Text in English Concerning Vehicles Plus Photographs - May 2000


By Peter Szerlag - November 11, 1999 - 22Apr00

Updated - 21July00 - IL FC visits - 2Sept00 - 1999 stats + June 2000 photos from FD website - 8Sept00 - 1981 info + 1999 stats + historical info + emerg phone #s



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