Brazil Public Safety

Websites in Brazil are in Portugeese - translate at

193 is the emergency telephone number for fires


State of Rio De Janeiro Fire Department Website - has webcam at Fire HQ - bulletins are readable - see fire tax for info - see new layout of Fire Areas and map of cities protected (12May00)

New URL for Rio FD Website - - June 2000

Rio Fire Stations - 34 Total

Reorganization of Rio FD - 1999

17 Firefighters Die in 1954 Explosion

Statewide Map Showing All Cities

Map of Rio Area

Map of Serrano Area

Map of North Area

Map of Baix Area

Map of Regiae Sul

Apparently many changes occurred with the Rio FD in 1997 and 1999. In 1997, a statewide fire tax was started to reinvigorate the FD. In 1999, the FD Areas were realigned and the Civil Defense ?was merged into the Rio FD. (Apparently there were problems with rescue efforts during the 1999 floods and landslides in Rio).


Reply to a question that I posted - Yes for both questions.There is a list of Fireman Stations and Quarteis means stations and quartel means station. This term is used for all military stations. So, you need to find� Quartel do Corpo de Bombeiros or� Quartel do Corpo de Bombeiros Militares, that means Fireman Station or Military Fireman Station.


Hiring Info For Firefighters - June 2000 - includes list of street addresses for fire stations


June 2000 - per Email from a Rio trauma doctor - emergency ambulance service in Rio is provided by the Fire Dept with approximately 1 mobile intensive care unit (MICU) per Fire Station which is staffed by paramedics and doctors - there are also private MICUs and ambulances that are used to transfer patients from hospitals to homes or other medical facilities

Hi: The emergency ambulances in Rio, for trauma or acute care, are managed by the Fire Department, counting with MD and Paramedics inside it. There are an important number of ambulances ( I dont know the real number ), but it is at least one on each of the Fireman Station, and there is a central dispatch center. There are also public and private ambulances including ICU's, for transportation and home care of patients. I hope this answer your question but do not hesitate to contact me if you need complimentary information.


Historical Info on ?Sao Paulo FD - A complete reorganization of the FD and its 1200 firefighters occurred after the Andraus Building Fire in 1972 and the Joelma HighRise Building fire in 1974. It was suggested that 4,000 firefighters in 35 stations were required to cover the whole city and the federal state. A followup study in 1980 showed that 5,000 firefighters were available at 20 fire stations to cover 45 of the 571 districts in the federal state. Sau Paulo FD has 44 meter ladders, snorkels, and a 50 meter Calavar Firebird snorkel (the only 1 in Latin America.)


Federal District FD - has photos of rigs under "Viaturas" - commando = resume of commander - historico = ?history of FD - telefones = telephone numbers (?19 stations) - hino = songs/hymns and poems - "unidades" = stations/rigs/staffing with photos


Sao Paulo FD Website - I dont see any present day info - does have historical info - 1955 got radios and phased out fire boxes - 1978 the fire # became 193 but not many people have phones - 1990 ?got helos - 6th link down is antique rigs with photos

see above also


Created - 13 May 2000 by Peter Szerlag

Updated - 27June00 (Sau Paulo FD website + Rio hiring info + Rio ambo info) - 9Sept00 - historical Sau Paulo info


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