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When you love your kids but can't stand their behavior

Defensive Parenting When you consider how babies learn - everything a first experience, each new day a new adventure and every idea a new experiment - it's no wonder so many parents conclude their toddler is probably the best kid in the world. It's also no wonder how that once cute little bundle of joy can become annoying to adults - when the genius in the child discovers how to control mom and dad, how to take over the household and eventually how to take over the classroom.

By James Kraemer

A child's mind is intelligent and can sense a lacking in an adult's parenting skills the first time it happens. And according to Victoria A. Milller, author of the new book, Defensive Parenting for the 21st Century, the child can predict the second time and can cause it every time after that! But equipped parents are fully aware that they (mom and dad) are in charge of their kids and what their kids are allowed to do. These parents are what the rest of us might want as our 21st century neighbors -- their kids mind their parents and demonstrate respectful behavior toward adults and property - the kind of consistent behavior the rest of us would appreciate exhibited from all kids.

Defensive Parenting for the 21st century is 90 pages of easy reading for the parent ready and willing to take charge of their little toddler, their terrible two year old, or their rebellious teen. The author's own experiences, while growing up in a Children's Home, presents in her book a unique understanding of the need in children for positive stimulation. Her book enables adults to become aware of the thought processes and capabilities of children. Miller gives sound, basic parenting advise, ground floor advise you might have missed in your effort to become an adult, only to discover this truth while noticing your child's skillful strategies to sabotage the expectations you give at home, at the store and at school.

Defensive Parenting for the 21st century helps today's fast-paced single parents and parents with skillfully mischievous kids establish appropriate and effective relationships with their children, including:

  • How to learn to think like a child, so as to understand their motivations and elicit the desired behaviors;
  • How to establish an all-important atmosphere of respect between the toddler and parent;
  • How to encourage the building of the child's character through allowing them to do things for themselves;
  • How to circumvent the child's propensity to plead "I'm sorry, I forgot" when avoiding chores;
  • How to appreciate the importance of being a true parent to the child and not just another friend;
  • How to take responsibility for instilling acceptable behavior patterns in the child rather than leaving it up to outside parties, such as the school;
  • How to positively promote the successes of the child rather than accentuating the failures.

If you've come to recognize in yourself a lacking (here and there) in some of your parenting skills, and you want to fill in the gaps before your healthy child conquers and terrorizes the entire neighborhood, then consider Defensive Parenting for the 21st century a must read.

Your comments about this book, Subject: Defensive Parenting.

Safe Schools Note: Defensive Parenting for the 21st Century, by Victoria A. Miller, a new book available soon at most book stores for $14.95 (paperback), or you can order this book through Safe Schools. For more information about this book Click Here

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