Strange Spam

Just for my own personal amusement, this is a list of the most obscurely-titled spam messages I have received:

But Roll Around Heaven All Day Roll??

RE: angry How are you doing? disturbed Fine thanks...

_,G;et^ a -B^UL:KY `PO;L'E S;orry_I mi^sse*d-the+obviou_s

HU, the black magician Well I'll remember to keep away from HU, then, in case he's dangerous

JEVI, twice the upset And from Jevi, too. Once the upset is enough for me

VYD, generally i will Generally I will too, just not this week

accusing adulation You are so amazing it's irritating!! I can't believe how amazing you are!!

categorised content: and much more Categorised Content...all in thumbs heaven Is this some strange way of tempting librarians...?

HILZYF, of a salmon Where on a salmon is the hilzyf located again?

Re: UMBAPCP, police! seize her!!' I hope they charge her with reckless acronym creation

uhuh-uh! the former My mistake, I'll use the former next time

"But about this character of yours," Oh great, now we're going to have a discussion about *my* character?

alien tentacle sex waaaaaaay too much X-Files for you my friend

Re: teakettle ah yes, now about that teakettle...

she's cheaeating on you, so you might as well Glad you had the foresight to come out and tell, before everyone got in over their heads. Now we can all move on with our lives...

congranulations! You won $15977 Yes, congranulations to me! I wonder if it was $15977 worth of sugar...?

Few words, but you'll understand vazn I'm sorry, but I don't understand "vazn", and I've looked in every dictionary I have. Could you have spelt it incorrectly?

dockyard agone twx sylvia disturbance sea peachtree ccny caliph aberdeen salmonella hippo Um...sure. Whatever you say

Attention We have returned! fireman Great!! Do they have a calendar? I'll take first pick...

Yo, Ya buggin me, dude Oh yeah? Well have I got news for you!!

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